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Leopard 2A7+ for Saudi Arabia

Why Saudis just dont replace M1 gas turbine with MB833 power pack? It should not be too complicated.
before it be good for SA it will be good for Spain and Germany industries, they will earn their 5 year money with this project :)
i can't see the tank image, is it this?


but i think it was better that SA waited for some years(5-6) so SA would by new tanks because i think in next decade these tanks will be out of service , but it's their choice... and if they want that these tank work good they must learn to upgrade it themselve
Why Saudis just dont replace M1 gas turbine with MB833 power pack? It should not be too complicated.

Another question. Why Israel has modernized his “Merkava III Tank” to new standard “Merkava IV Tank” instead of just replace by the new “M1A2 Abrams”? Of course, we all know the answer. To preserve fully its military strategic freedom.

We want now our own military strategic total freedom. And now, we will do everything what to for this.
before it be good for SA it will be good for Spain and Germany industries, they will earn their 5 year money with this project :)
i can't see the tank image, is it this?


but i think it was better that SA waited for some years(5-6) so SA would by new tanks because i think in next decade these tanks will be out of service , but it's their choice... and if they want that these tank work good they must learn to upgrade it themselve

Theres no major improvement in tank development that requires waiting a few more years for the next generation of tanks. The Leo 2 has been upgraded many times to keep up with the competition and just by adding active protection system would keep it ahead in foreseeable future.
before it be good for SA it will be good for Spain and Germany industries, they will earn their 5 year money with this project :)


but i think it was better that SA waited for some years(5-6) so SA would by new tanks because i think in next decade these tanks will be out of service , but it's their choice... and if they want that these tank work good they must learn to upgrade it themselve

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I repeat specially for you.

The “Leopard 2A7” was specially selected by KSA for in the future directly interact with the technological industrial defense of his ally Turkey. From whom (Turkey), KSA will be customer of “Altay Tank” and subsequently just after industrial partner when will be fully completed.

See all links :




i meant upgrades for anti chemical, anti neutron radations etc... i don't think that leopard have these? i am just asking , and i'm sure in the next decade the whole guidance systems of tanks will change, but we need to wait for 10 years...

sorry i can't see the links, are they youtube? it's filtered in iran :)
I am not usually a war monger but I would love to see saudies in a war with anyone. And some of these weapons used in anger. Buying expensive weapons does not necessarily mean much if you dont have the perssonel to use them. I have a english person who works for me and in the eighties he used to work for marconi and gec and he used to go as a trainer/teacher for the radars installed in saudies and he stated that saudies did not make good students. I wander if they have changed much today.

Don't be so blinded by your hatered for anyone that is friendly with the US. the Saudi's fought extremely well during the battle of of Khafji in the Gulf War.

Battle of khafji - 1991 gulf war (desert storm) - YouTube
i meant upgrades for anti chemical, anti neutron radations etc... i don't think that leopard have these?

Yes, all the latest generation of Leopard tanks (including Leopard 2A7 and Leopard 2NG-Next Generation) possess the protections against Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) threats, as the Leopard 2 is equipped with a NBC over pressurization system which provides up to 4 mbar (0.004 kp/cm2) over-pressure inside the vehicle.

See link:
Main Battle Tank - Leopard 2

i am just asking , and i'm sure in the next decade the whole guidance systems of tanks will change, but we need to wait for 10 years...

No problem, our ally Turkey has already done all the updates on the “Leopard 2A4 Tank” to new standard “Leopard 2NG” (Next Generation). They have all the necessary expertise and will continue without difficulties to make those updates.

Leopard 2A4 Tank Modernization by Aselsan (Turkey)
Leopard 2NG-Next Generation (Left), Leopard 2A4 (Right)

See links :


Why are the Saudis diversifying their Tank forces?

Won't it be harder for them to maintain 3 different tanks and also training the crews how to use and maintain these tanks and developing a battle doctrine around these tanks.

They have the American Abrams Tank, the Russian T-90 and now the German Leopard Tank.

What is the Saudi thinking behind this?
Another question. Why Israel has modernized his “Merkava III Tank” to new standard “Merkava IV Tank” instead of just replace by the new “M1A2 Abrams”? Of course, we all know the answer. To preserve fully its military strategic freedom.

We want now our own military strategic total freedom. And now, we will do everything what to for this.
You only prove my point: better to modernise the existing tank in inventory, then buying something new.

Overall Abrams is better platform than Leo.

what is the differences between the models? like for example the difference between leopard 2a4 and 2a7?
Leopard 2A5:
- add on turret front armor.
- new gun with improved braking system that allows firing DM53 rounds.
- new sight for commander with independent thermal device.
- gunners sight is moved to turret roof.
- GPS navigation.

Leopard 2A6:
- L/55 gun instead of L/44.

Leopard 2A6EX
- add on front hull armor.
- Battle management system.

Leopard 2A7
- add on turret side and hull side armor.
- add on mine protection.
- RCWS machine gun.
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