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Legendary General Vo Nguyen Giap dies, aged 102

hey, you should be Sino-Khmer Rouge. :smokin:
no, I am the Viet-Nazi
:police: <---- that is me, your Viets future ruler under police state
can Chinese members on PDF do the same?
At the end All Asians needed to be united as one if we Asians wanted peace in the region.

If Russian did send troop invite am, the WORLD is going to end in 6 months

US military are forbade to enter the north the entire time because of the risk of killing soviet advisor
If, let say that it does, soviet sildier were to become an active fighting force, it will turn into WW3 and believe me the soviet don't want that happen as much as we did, that is why they did not cross the 17th either
what? that f*king evil man died? congratulation to Vietnamese! Congratulation to the world :chilli: will celebrate big party :yahoo:

This bastard insult to a man was respected by almost everyone in this thread and in the world, his troll and flame post was not a first time, you should ban him and his mouth forever, PDF Staff.
If you say China did not help you for free, please tell me how much money vn have paid China back???

What type of free stuff does China get from vn???

Does China have ask vn to give her ports to station fleets???

Does China ask you to repay the money, resources, weapons and etc China sent to vn with other type of stuff vn produces, e.g. seafood, gold, coal and etc???

We never deny that PRC helped Vietnam so much in the War. We also know nobody help the other for free. But many of you just keep saying like we're ungraceful, betrayer, ...etc.
LOL, Look at history, you want the best path for yourself, but we saw the other way for us, so we didn't follow you.


Don't say like you are God, you're not.

You supported NK because you want to do that for yourself, so you must face with result from this action, right !?
Please let the Great General rest IN PEACE !!!

You understand ?

MOVE our discussion to another topic

Condolences over General Giap

The Cuban people will always keep the image of General Giap in their mind with admiration and deep respect, and the Cuban revolutionary armed forces will respect the General’s valuable contributions to Cuban military theory, he said in his message.

The Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China also sent a message of condolences, which wrote “General Vo Nguyen Giap devoted all his life to the national liberation and socialism building cause of the Vietnamese people with great accomplishments. He used to directly take part in China’s revolutionary struggle and was a close comrade of the Chinese people and military.”

The message also praised General Giap’s efforts to improve and develop the Vietnam-China relations, especially the ties between the two armies, making contribution to the development of ties between the two countries and armed forces.

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and Venezuelan people, President Nicolas Maduro extended deep sympathies to the Vietnamese government and people over the loss of a hero in the world modern history.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in his message that the Palestinian people will forever remember the consistent support and solidarity the General gave to the Palestine’s just struggle to end occupation and achieve freedom and independence.

Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika described General Giap’s death as a great loss not only to the Vietnamese but also Algerian people.

“The General’s great merits to the country’s independence and unification are the valuable asset which all Vietnamese generations need to preserve,” President Abdelaziz Bouteflika wrote in his message.

The Dominica United left-wing Movement emphasised that the General’s contributions will always be a source of encouragement to those who are pursuing the path of fighting for national freedom, happiness and peace.

The Cyprus’ Progressive Party of the Working People expressed the belief that General Giap’s life and contributions will live forever in efforts to build a peaceful and prosperous Vietnam.

Thai Ambassador to Vietnam Anuson Chnvanno wrote in his message of condolences that the death of the Vietnamese national hero is a great loss to all of us.

Uruguayan President Jose Mujica Cordano said in his message that the Uruguayan people stand side by side with the Vietnamese people to honour General Giap, a brilliant strategist and an inspirer of freedom in the world.

Argentinean Ambassador to Vietnam Claudio Gutierrez wrote, “We will always remember him as an example of not only a military genius but also of heroism, patience and patriotism in the struggle for national independence, sovereignty and dignity”.
The overview of the burial site for late Vo, Vung Chua-Yen Island





Officials from the Defense Ministry examine the progress of construction at the burial location
Here is the REAL truth on how France returned to Viet Nam

Man, u r so old to admit the Truth already :pop:

BS ?? read the history again, the truth that HCM dimissed communist party in 1946, and US still support France to invade Vn again
Like I said, you are a brainwashed fool.

If the US wanted France to return to Indochina, then why did the Allies assigned China the task of keeping order? Why not France?

I have explained this to you before. Others have seen the logic of it. But not you.

For the readers...At the end of WW II, the Allies gave orders to all Japanese garrisons to keep their arms and to maintain authority until a representative arrives to relieve the garrison of its mission. This is common sense since Imperial Japan, regardless of origin of the war, was keeper of peace and order wherever they have troops. That means if a captain, US or British or from any Allied member, arrived at a Japanese garrison, even if that garrison was commanded by a general, the entire garrison was supposed to surrender to that Allied officer.

So if the US wanted France to return to Indochina, then why appointed China to relieve the Japanese? If the deal between China and France was so secured, then why did France bothered to deal with the Viet Minh anyway? Jean Sainteny could just simply told Ho: 'Sorry, bro, but Chiang Kai-shek turned you guys over to us. Have a nice trip home on first class and I will see you soon.' France at that time knew that the Viet Minh was not representative of Viet Nam. The entire nationalist movement was in fractions with only a vocal minority willing for a French return on France's side. The rest was outright hostile with many hostile to both France and the Viet Minh. The Viet Minh needed the other nationalists removed at any mean and France provided that opportunity.


Look at the date: Dec 1945.

Chiang Kai-shek made it clear that he intended to withdraw from Indochina no matter what, time undetermined because of the need to have a replacement to take over peacekeeping duties. Any deal with France to speed up the return of his troops to China to fight Mao would be beneficial. What this also mean is that the Vietnamese would not be dealing with China any time soon precisely because of the animosity between Chiang Kai-shek and Mao. The Chinese civil war would require as many troops from both sides as possible. None to spare for any peacekeeping duties in Indochina and to keep Viet Nam as subject to China.

For France, if Chiang Kai-shek could be enticed to leave Indochina sooner, what would be those enticements? How about French interests in mainland China? They are small compare to the entirety of Viet Nam with all that sea coast. Indochina was the greater prize.

For Ho, he could use France's greed to his advantage. He knew that the Vietnamese would fight the French. The issue is when and more importantly -- under what banner. The British already controlled and effectively pacified southern Viet Nam. France will return no matter what. France certainly do not need the Viet's permission to return. It is better to have France temporarily at the Viet Minh's side to rid the other nationalists then turn against France later. Slaughter the other nationalists, the evil of being a French colony will override any anger of communist Viets killing non-communist Viets.
Like I said, you are a brainwashed fool.

If the US wanted France to return to Indochina, then why did the Allies assigned China the task of keeping order? Why not France?

I have explained this to you before. Others have seen the logic of it. But not you.

For the readers...At the end of WW II, the Allies gave orders to all Japanese garrisons to keep their arms and to maintain authority until a representative arrives to relieve the garrison of its mission. This is common sense since Imperial Japan, regardless of origin of the war, was keeper of peace and order wherever they have troops. That means if a captain, US or British or from any Allied member, arrived at a Japanese garrison, even if that garrison was commanded by a general, the entire garrison was supposed to surrender to that Allied officer.

So if the US wanted France to return to Indochina, then why appointed China to relieve the Japanese? If the deal between China and France was so secured, then why did France bothered to deal with the Viet Minh anyway? Jean Sainteny could just simply told Ho: 'Sorry, bro, but Chiang Kai-shek turned you guys over to us. Have a nice trip home on first class and I will see you soon.' France at that time knew that the Viet Minh was not representative of Viet Nam. The entire nationalist movement was in fractions with only a vocal minority willing for a French return on France's side. The rest was outright hostile with many hostile to both France and the Viet Minh. The Viet Minh needed the other nationalists removed at any mean and France provided that opportunity.


Look at the date: Dec 1945.
The allies included Soviet. VN had communist party, of course Soviet would not allow France to return to Indochina.
gambit said:
Chiang Kai-shek made it clear that he intended to withdraw from Indochina no matter what, time undetermined because of the need to have a replacement to take over peacekeeping duties. Any deal with France to speed up the return of his troops to China to fight Mao would be beneficial. What this also mean is that the Vietnamese would not be dealing with China any time soon precisely because of the animosity between Chiang Kai-shek and Mao. The Chinese civil war would require as many troops from both sides as possible. None to spare for any peacekeeping duties in Indochina and to keep Viet Nam as subject to China.

For France, if Chiang Kai-shek could be enticed to leave Indochina sooner, what would be those enticements? How about French interests in mainland China? They are small compare to the entirety of Viet Nam with all that sea coast. Indochina was the greater prize.

For Ho, he could use France's greed to his advantage. He knew that the Vietnamese would fight the French. The issue is when and more importantly -- under what banner. The British already controlled and effectively pacified southern Viet Nam. France will return no matter what. France certainly do not need the Viet's permission to return. It is better to have France temporarily at the Viet Minh's side to rid the other nationalists then turn against France later. Slaughter the other nationalists, the evil of being a French colony will override any anger of communist Viets killing non-communist Viets
U r brainwashed fool, not me. Do u see Taiwan troop withdraw from Itu-aba in Spratly isls of VietNam yet ??
U r brainwashed fool, not me. Do u see Taiwan troop withdraw from Itu-aba in Spratly isls of VietNam yet ??
Communism truly make people stupid.

If Ho was so afraid of China making a permanent presence in Viet Nam at the end of WW II, then why did he invite China back in to the point that the Chinese advised him at Dien Bien Phu?

Not only that...

Following Ho Chi Minh: The Memoirs of a North Vietnamese Colonel: Bui Tin, Do Van, Judy Stowe: 9780824822330: Amazon.com: Books

Bui wrote of how Ho was so afraid of the Chinese that he could not even stand up for his own people when the Chinese would abuse and even kill any Viet on a whim.

No. Ho wanted the French back in to help him get rid of the non-communist nationalists and he got his wish.
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