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Legendary General Vo Nguyen Giap dies, aged 102

No. Communism caused that loss. The day the South Vietnamese government collapsed and the communist government took over, which literally included everything from resources to institutions, all blames rests solely on the possessor. Debt to foreigners often caused hardships. Communist take-overs often involved cancellation of foreign debts, for example. If a government can claim the right to take credit for successes under its rule, then it should have the honesty to concede to responsibility for failures as well.
communism sucks...in economics, but their leaders are all patriots and achieved that Vietnam repelled the invaders and became united.
Cu chi is only 60km from Sai Gon, and US-South VN still couldnt uproot VC there, so how could poor trained and low morale South VN army attack to Ha Noi ??

If South VN army fought alone without US force like NVA then it would be crushed in few days ,not 20 years
The US left ground combat by 1972 and the NVA still failed to defeat the South Vietnamese Army. In fact, the NVA was defeated in what the Americans called The Easter Offensive. And did the NVA really fought alone? Where did all those arms came from?
I hope your country keep those words and not make alliance to target us because we are very wary of you.
At least we have no will to attack a country wt poor resouces, barren land, polluted, full of hungry and angry people plus having an unimportant location like China

We are not Manchu, Mongol or Japan where their lands are even more barren than China :pop:
communism sucks...in economics, but their leaders are all patriots and achieved that Vietnam repelled the invaders and became united.
Who were those 'invaders'?
But it did broke US's will in Tet offensive and US started reducing its support to South VN govt after that shock.

Then do u have the guts to fight wt Mike Tyson when u know he can knock you out in one hit ?? pls note that even China dare not face wt US navy to take back TW until now
You are funny. Everyone that understands the Vietnam War and within the Western analysis circle know you can't beat the US without China/Soviet support. The fact that you have home-turf advantage really help. China, to this day, is the only country that fought the US in foreign soil to a stalemate. And this was a time was we are just 1/10 of the strength of the US's technological power. It is even more impressive that it wasn't just the US but the whole UN. I say our war with the US over in Korea is more impressive given the equal turf.
The US left ground combat by 1972 and the NVA still failed to defeat the South Vietnamese Army. In fact, the NVA was defeated in what the Americans called The Easter Offensive. And did the NVA really fought alone? Where did all those arms came from?
US could come back at any time she want, so NVA needed to make sure that US wont come back first

Most of South VN officials like Nguyen Van Thieu, Nguyen Cao Ky ,cao Van Vien etc were trained by French, so how could they be better than French troops ??

Who were those 'invaders'?
French troop and those traitors following France like Nguyen Van Thieu, Nguyen Cao Ky ,cao Van Vien etc

US, South Korean troops were the next.
You need to ask why Khmer Rouge started to attack you. It's all started with you cuddle up with the Soviet and help them gaining influence in Southeast Asia when the rest of Southeast Asia was terrifying of Soviet influence in the region. Luckily, we got the ball to test the Soviet by launching attack on you and stop the Soviet movement toward Southeast Asia. Otherwise, Southeast Asia would be a satellite, puppet states of the Soviet in the 1980s. Funny how everything turns out for the good. Vietnam was pressure to free Cambodia and Soviet collapsed.
The Khmer Rouge regime was one the most terribles in the world history. Its leader Pol Pot wanted a new Cambodia with new citizens, so he decided to kill the existing polulation. It was the first time in history that a country commited suicide. Pol Pot dreamed of the old Khmer Empire. He launched attacks on us because he received support from you. That is the fact.

As for the Soviets, they made the mistake to invade Afghanistan in 1979, instead of China.
I hope your country keep those words and not make alliance to target us because we are very wary of you.
as long as you don´t provoke and threaten us because of sea dispute. Your military build-up is very worrisome.
You are funny. Everyone that understands the Vietnam War and within the Western analysis circle know you can't beat the US without China/Soviet support. The fact that you have home-turf advantage really help. China, to this day, is the only country that fought the US in foreign soil to a stalemate. And this was a time was we are just 1/10 of the strength of the US's technological power. It is even more impressive that it wasn't just the US but the whole UN. I say our war with the US over in Korea is more impressive given the equal turf.

then US couldnt set foot on VN's soil VN without Thailand-South Korea-NATO-Aussie-Traitors in South VN's support too.

US didn't blow u up just because Soviet air force protected China troops over sky. I dont think China air force were good enough to face wt USAF that time.
Were you forced to fight Tyson?

As long as partition was off the table for North Viet Nam, then no one forced NVN to fight SVN. The war was truly optional. One side was already willing to live with partition so peace was always available. It is easy for today's people -- YOU -- who did not lived through that era to toss off those heavy losses. I lived through that era. I survived the 1968 Tet Offensive. I dodged bullets and choked on smoke on the streets of Sai Gon before all the Viets on this forum were even borned. It is only armchair generals who never had the burden of death on their conscience would call such victories 'sweet'.

Yes I did not live through that era but my parents were there as well as Cambodia during the war. They tell of Americans indiscriminately strafing civilians, killing neighbors and the wooden block shelters they used for cover from american attacks.
You talk of the war being "optional"? Then what were the Americans and French doing in Indochina? Did they have to be there?
As usual the the Imperialists kill without conscience in a continent on the other side of the world.
Giap was fighting a Vietnamese war, between north and South. Americans as usual just had to stick their noses in.
If your neighbour was fighting, do you butt your nose in? Kick in their door, beat up the wife and kill the husband?
you can slap the truth into some people but still their thick head would still not accept it, I will just leave these here...

Vietnamese were fighting the French, the Vietnamese lacked experience in large scale combat and General Wei Guoqing from China had played a key role in guiding the fighting at Dien Bien Phu, the Vietnamese had wanted to retreat, but Wei Guoqing refused. Air defenses in the northern part of Vietnam too, were manned by Chinese fighters

In October 1953, Wei reportedly personally gave Ho Chi Minh a copy of the French Navarre plan.[6] In response, the Viet Minh pushed on to Lai Chau and toward northern Laos, rather than the Red River Delta. Some months later, in 1954, Wei is said to have advised General Vo Nguyen Giap to surround and attack General Navarre at Dien Bien Phu, a strategy that eventually led to complete French withdrawal from Indochina.
But with the existence of a Red Chinese sanctuary for the Viet Minh forces, that became militarily impossible. By October 1950, 23 regular Viet Minh battalions, equipped with excellent American artillery coming from Chinese Nationalist stocks left on the mainland, smashed the French defense lines along the Chinese border and inflicted on France its biggest colonial defeat since Montcalm died before Quebec in 1759

Insufficient logistics: The French needed at least 200 tons of supplies a day, Normally only half that amount could be provided. Additionally, after the first 24 hours of battle, artillery fire closed the airfield to landings, so all supplies had to come in via parachute. The Viets, on the other hand, had the advantage of 1,000 Soviet and captured American 2 ½ ton trucks on a robust 450 kilometer supply line from China that effectively provided all the logistics needed for 5+ divisions.

Richard Nixon, in No More Vietnam, wrote: "While nationalist groups refused to cooperate with the French, the communist Viet Minh chose to collaborate with the French. Ho signed the so-called March 6 agreement that brought the French army back into Northern Vietnam. His greetings were effused 'I love France and French solders. You are welcome. You are heroes.' Some say Ho compromised with the French to force the Nationalist Chinese to withdraw. But one week earlier, China had pledged to remove its army in a separate agreement with France. As to the real motivation of the communists, Ho's right-hand man, Le Duan, later said it was to 'wipe out the reactionaries.' For the Viet Minh, this included all nationalists."

If Mao Tse Tung had not taken over China in 1949, Ho Chi Minh would have been responsible for turning Vietnam over to France. Since 1949, communist China armed and trained Viet Minh. This led to the Viet Minh victory at the China-Vietnam Border Battle. Later, it was the Chinese artillery that helped Viet Minh to defeat the French at Dien Bien Phu

in the period immediately after WWII the Soviets did not care about Asia. their primary focus was on Europe so the Viets would still have been slaves if it wasn't for Chinese, their ungratefulness is just plain disgusting
'One million in Peking rally over War'
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Peking rally supports Vietnamese people's just struggle against U.S aggression

the reactionary ngo dinh diem clique in southern viet nam has intensified its sanguinary suppression of the buddhists, students, intellectuals and the mass of the people in the southern part of viet nam. The chinese people feel the deepest indignation at this monstrous crime of the ngo dinh diem clique and vehemently condemn it. President ho chi minh has issued a statement strongly protesting against the criminal acts of the u.s.-ngo dinh diem clique. We, the chinese people, warmly support the statement of president ho chi minh.

U.s. Imperialism and its lackey ngo dinh diem have been pursuing a policy of turning southern viet nam into a u.s. Colony, of unleashing counterrevolutionary war and of reinforcing the fascist, dictatorial rule. This has compelled the people of various strata in southern viet nam to unite on a wide scale and wage a resolute struggle against the u.s.-ngo dinh diem clique.

Setting itself against ail the people of southern viet nam, the u.s.-ngo dinh diem clique now finds itself besieged by them. No matter what inhuman weapons u.s. Imperialism may use or what ruthless means of suppression the ngo dinh diem clique may employ, the ngo dinh diem regime cannot escape its end in total isolation and disintegration and u.s. Imperialism will finally have to get out of southern viet nam.

Ngo dinh diem is a faithful lackey of u.s. Imperialism. However, once a lackey has outlived his usefulness, and is becoming an encumbrance to the carrying out of the u.s. Imperialist policy of aggression, the u.s. Imperialists will not hesitate to replace him with another lackey. The downfall of syngman rhee of south korea is a case in point. A flunkey who servilely allows himself to be led by the nose by u.s. Imperialism will only end up as a sacrifice and be buried along with it.

U.s. Imperialism has violated the agreements reached at the first geneva conference by obstructing the unification of viet nam, openly carrying out armed aggression against southern viet nam and engaging in so-called special warfare for many years. It has also violated the agreements of the second geneva conference by its flagrant intervention in laos in an attempt to rekindle the civil war there. Apart from those who are deliberately deceiving the people or are utterly naive, no one will believe that a treaty will make u.s. Imperialism lay down its butcher’s knife and suddenly become a buddha, or behave itself a little belter.

The oppressed people and oppressed nations must not entrust their liberation to the “wisdom” of imperialism and its lackeys. Only by strengthening unity and persevering in their struggle will they triumph. This is what the people of southern viet nam have been doing.

The people of southern viet nam have won important victories both politically and militarily in their just, patriotic struggle against the u.s.-ngo dinh diem clique. We, the chinese people, firmly support their just struggle.

I am convinced that through this struggle they will certainly attain the goal of liberating the southern part of viet nam and contribute to the peaceful unification of their fatherland.

It is my hope that the working class, the revolutionary people and progressives all over the world will all stand by the people of southern viet nam and, in response to the call of president ho chi minh, support the just struggle of the heroic people of the southern part of viet nam and oppose aggression and oppression by the counter-revolutionary u.s.-ngo dinh diem clique, so as to save the people there from slaughter; so that they will achieve their complete liberation.
In current standard, Khmer Rouge is much more terrible than Syrian govt ( if once they use chemical weapon ),
could compete Hitler in humanity criminals, actually Khmer Rouge leaders brought to courthouse for that.

Khmer Rouge once was Communist, same as Hitler's, but time after time under Maoist affection, it turn to be a bad nut to be cleared.

Surprise, UN, UK, US, CN at that time, still officially support for its representative position in UN until 199x.

We never feel sorry to wipe out Khmer Rouge, CN, UN, UK, US, TH ... must to say sorry for your support of Khmer Rouge

The Khmer Rouge regime was one the most terribles in the world history. Its leader Pol Pot wanted a new Cambodia with new citizens, so he decided to kill the existing polulation. It was the first time in history that a country commited suicide. Pol Pot dreamed of the old Khmer Empire. He launched attacks on us because he received support from you. That is the fact.

As for the Soviets, they made the mistake to invade Afghanistan in 1979, instead of China.

as long as you don´t provoke and threaten us because of sea dispute. Your military build-up is very worrisome.

this is why I hate Viets, they are themselves evil imperialist intent on expanding the territory, if it wasn't for France stopping these dark skin Viets I don't think there is a country called Cambodia today, they are a evil Yuon race, Pol Pot was the hero of Cambodia protecting the legitimacy of the Khmer people to not be wiped out from Viets attacks.
then US couldnt set foot on VN's soil VN without Thailand-South Korea-NATO-Aussie-Traitors in South VN's support too.

US didn't blow u up just because Soviet air force protected China troops over sky. I dont think China air force were good enough to face wt USAF that time.

No the Soviet air force did not provide cover for the PVA in Korea. They patrolled their own border only which is why the Chinese Marshal Lin Biao 'called in sick' and handed command of the PVA over to Peng Dehuai.
The PVA had to fight without an air force in a guerrilla and massed assault combination. Soviet losses in Korea were negligible because they did so little.
No the Soviet air force did not provide cover for the PVA in Korea. They patrolled their own border only which is why the Chinese Marshal Lin Biao 'called in sick' and handed command of the PVA over to Peng Dehuai.
The PVA had to fight without an air force in a guerrilla and massed assault combination. Soviet losses in Korea were negligible because they did so little.
if PLA fought so well like what u said, then why your "human wave" tactic didnt work in battle of Dien Bien Phu 1954 against French colony and why PLA also were pushed back by quite easily after few weeks by VN border guards and women militias in 1979 ??

Pls note that even VN regular armed forces also couldn't defeat US in Tet full offesive 1986.
You're sucked for calling Pol Pot is the hero ...
As I checked, until now, China never accept the fact that Khmer Rouge is the regime must be destroyed or they are war criminals.

this is why I hate Viets, they are themselves evil imperialist intent on expanding the territory, if it wasn't for France stopping these dark skin Viets I don't think there is a country called Cambodia today, they are a evil Yuon race, Pol Pot was the hero of Cambodia protecting the legitimacy of the Khmer people to not be wiped out from Viets attacks.
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