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Legend Indian Muslim artist doesnt trust India

Regardless of what Hinduism or Islam, allows or doesn't allow, what is happening with M.F.Hussain is unacceptable. Freedom of expression is at stake here. Creativity can't be measured by the narrowness of religion.

I fully agree with you. We talk about secularism and freedom of expression, but in this case what we are doing is exactly opposite. That is shameful.

But we have to also keep it in mind that our post-colonial society is just 62 years old and we cannot expect everything to become perfect in haste. Many of us still have the colonial scars. Every society takes time to mature and education plays a very important role. I am not losing hope on our society and when I talk to people of my generation I see a future which is much less conservative and much more flexible to accept these things.

Anyway, this thread had the potential for some intelligent thought provoking debate, but OP had other ideas. And she is getting what she wanted. That's sad.

Yes the thread title says it all about the motive behind the thread---"Indian muslims----discrimination---":blah::blah:

A clarification ... Goddesses - Lakshmi, Sarasawathi or anyone in their extended family - are never sculpted in nude as far as I am aware. If you've come across any, do please let me know.


I agree with the artistic freedom part. But which side do you think Jana would be if there is a discussion on Danish Cartoons? :)

Anyways, getting back to the topic, MFH staying abroad is a bad mark on the country. Yes, what he had done did hurt the religious sensibilities of the population. And some fellas decided to send him a threat which scared him.
If this is how it is to express ones opinion, then whats the diference between us and them?
You are repeating the same question again and again.

Have you not really not seen so many replies to you every time you raise this question. Maybe I will try again by putting my answer in bold this tim (I hope it helps):

The nude sculptures in the temples are not Godesses!
You will not see anyone praying nude sculptures .period.
MFH had painted Hindu Godesses as nude which if you could understand (atleast by now after the answer being repeated so many times already), is NOT the norm.
I havent got anything against artistic freedom, but well, some folks may not equate artistic freedom with their Gods being painted nude.
Would you?

And i also have posted that there are such sculptures of god and godesses. You have to check few museums too. In dehli you can find the nude sculptures of godess of fertility.
Regardless of what Hinduism or Islam, allows or doesn't allow, what is happening with M.F.Hussain is unacceptable. Freedom of expression is at stake here. Creativity can't be measured by the narrowness of religion.

Anyway, this thread had the potential for some intelligent thought provoking debate, but OP had other ideas. And she is getting what she wanted. That's sad.

I do not agree with freedom of expression that crosses the line and hurts the sentiments of anyone be it Hindus or Muslims, Christians or anyone.

Freedom comes with responsibility.
@ jaunty - Agreed

@ KSRaj - Agreed and you already know the answer. Lets not stoop to that level.

I do not agree with freedom of expression that crosses the line and hurts the sentiments of anyone be it Hindus or Muslims, Christians or anyone.

Freedom comes with responsibility.
Yet it is the same freedom that gives one the right to protest and then, when one threatens the lives of those, who one perceives to be abhorrent, one conveniently forgets this 'responsibility' part.

Apparently, only artists have to be 'responsible'. Protesters don't.
MF Huassain is an Idiot Painter nobody doubts his skills but he likes to paint nude Gods since he cannot paint his gods he paints other Gods as Nude.

A clarification ... Goddesses - Lakshmi, Sarasawathi or anyone in their extended family - are never sculpted in nude as far as I am aware. If you've come across any, do please let me know.

I have no doubt with that, btw pal, did any of my posts seem that i have mentioned it?
no 1) painting anything living by muslims is a sin since it is idolatory and hence not allowed.

link to support that:WikiAnswers - Why did Muslim paintings rarely show people or animals

link 2: Islamic art - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

no 2) he has no right to ridicule or draw paintngs or other religions. Saraswathi is regarded as Goddess and all goddesses are called "Maa" (mother) by the people. what would you do if someone painted ur mother in the nude? be "secular"?

no 3) maybe he can paint every religious dieties in the nude, lets start with the prophet! if even a cartoon on him can spark such an outrage (where did freedom of expression go here? in the dumps??). If its something against Islam, you would nt tolerate an ounce.
MF Huassain is an Idiot Painter nobody doubts his skills but he likes to paint nude Gods since he cannot paint his gods he paints other Gods as Nude.

He can not paint his God but because we do not have idols as our gods.

Anyway its such a hypocracy when hindus do have such sculptures and now making fuss of something because the painter is a Muslim.

Your post has proved it
no 1) painting anything living by muslims is a sin since it is idolatory and hence not allowed.

link to support that:WikiAnswers - Why did Muslim paintings rarely show people or animals

link 2: Islamic art - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

no 2) he has no right to ridicule or draw paintngs or other religions. Saraswathi is regarded as Goddess and all goddesses are called "Maa" (mother) by the people. what would you do if someone painted ur mother in the nude? be "secular"?

no 3) maybe he can paint every religious dieties in the nude, lets start with the prophet! if even a cartoon on him can spark such an outrage (where did freedom of expression go here? in the dumps??). If its something against Islam, you would nt tolerate an ounce.

The question is not of freedom of expression. The question is that hinduism has already have nude sculptures of even dieties so this criticism is not fair.
He can not paint his God but because we do not have idols as our gods.

Anyway its such a hypocracy when hindus do have such sculptures and now making fuss of something because the painter is a Muslim.

Your post has proved it

Do not bluff I had seen painting from Iran published in this forum.
Do you understand other religions have feelings too.

Hypocracy my foot, Don't care if Muslim paints it or a Hindu.
Regardless of what Hinduism or Islam, allows or doesn't allow, what is happening with M.F.Hussain is unacceptable. Freedom of expression is at stake here. Creativity can't be measured by the narrowness of religion.

Anyway, this thread had the potential for some intelligent thought provoking debate, but OP had other ideas. And she is getting what she wanted. That's sad.

No one has right to hurt religious sentiments of others the name of freedom of expression...it wont be acceptable in any society.

This matter could've been solved had M.F.Hussain apologized for drawing these paintings...he choose to leave india only after cases were filed aganist him.
No one has right to hurt religious sentiments of others the name of freedom of expression...it wont be acceptable in any society.

This matter could've been solved had M.F.Hussain apologized for drawing these paintings...he choose to leave india only after cases were filed aganist him.

We all agree with you that no one should be allowed to hurt the sentiment of any religion in the name of freedom of expression and i said it before too several times.

The only point here is when you have such nude sculptures then he was doing nothing new.

As far as MF Hussain's apology then my dear you need to check he did appologise for that already still many Hindu entities in India supported his bheading or chopping off his hands.
The question is not of freedom of expression. The question is that hinduism has already have nude sculptures of even dieties so this criticism is not fair.

Who told you that ???. We don't have "nude sculptures of even dieties ." Besides we guys are willing to have him in India only if people don't object to Salman Rushdie being in India. Afterall Salman is a muslim and has written about muslims. He is not a hindu or for that matter from any other religion. How can people than advocate for someone to come to India who has done work on another religion if muslims aren't liberal enough to have someone who is one of them ???. This is hipocracy and pakistan and its muslims have nothing to do with it.

Just because Hindus are liberal doesn't mean that it should be used to bully them. Tomorrow if a hindu even paint the prophet like the Danish cartoon artist did there will be all these fatwas and if a hindu potrayed prophet in nude you guys will also cry and call for his/her blood. This is nothing but hypocracy. Hindus are ready to welcome if only when Salman will be welcomed with garlands and not guns. Afterall Salman is more famous and has great penmenship compared to a 94 year old painter.
The question is not of freedom of expression. The question is that hinduism has already have nude sculptures of even dieties so this criticism is not fair.

he is not qualified to paint or sculpt hindu gods/goddesses. all paintings/ sculptures at temples that u have seen are 1) not gods and goddesses 2) not sculpted/painted by non hindus.

by painting living things, he has violated even islamic rules so he is a sinner according to islam (approx 20% of indian population)

by painting hindu gods in nude and hurting hindu sentiments, he has sinned according to hindu religious rules (approx 80% of population)

by painting things that have potential to incite communal riots, he has sinned according to indian constitution (followed by 100% of indians)

so he better feel "insecure" in India - he has to feel as insecure as any person who has committed a crime.
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