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Legend Indian Muslim artist doesnt trust India

We do not allow nudity in any form. Whereas you can see such sculptures in Khajuraho, Konark Sun Temple in India etc

The same is true for entire South Asia.
As you pointed the talk is specifically about Gods.
We do not allow nudity in any form. Whereas you can see such sculptures in Khajuraho, Konark Sun Temple in India etc

You are forgetting a fact that the sculptures in Khajuraho are of medieval period. So do you expect us to destroy those as your "good talibans" did with the Budha statue to prove that we in India too do not allow public nudity.

Secondly it is pointless to talk when your intentions of this thread is pretty clear from the thread title itself. Afaik the common norm here is not to alter the original article title. Bloody good display of senior membership :no:
The same is true for entire South Asia.
As you pointed the talk is specifically about Gods.

I am in no way supporting painting any Hindu god/ess in nude.

All i am asking you if nudity and hude sculptures of Hindu gods and godesses were already there without objection in Hinduism than why to object in case of MF Hussain?

@Raug: we being Muslims do not allow any kind of image or idols so your argument about Pakistan is not relevent.

Whereas in Hinduism these things are part of your religion.

Its not about protesting its all about when something is present in your religion then how come you are uneasy with it ?
We do not allow nudity in any form. Whereas you can see such sculptures in Khajuraho, Konark Sun Temple in India etc

And here we have another person trying to generalize Hinduism.

A) Those temples were built centuries ago. Even hell has changed since.
B) There are several denominations in Hinduism and the difference between these denominations is clearly visible.
C) And most importantly, Khajuraho has such sculptures but these are not the sculptures of Hindu Gods. Konark was built in 13th-century when common people themselves were not adequately covered. And even in Konark, the sculptures of the Sun God are never nude.
And here we have another person trying to generalize Hinduism.

A) Those temples were built centuries ago. Even hell has changed since.
B) There are several denominations in Hinduism and the difference between these denominations is clearly visible.
C) And most importantly, Khajuraho has such sculptures but these are not the sculptures of Hindu Gods. Konark was built in 13th-century when common people themselves were not adequately covered. And even in Konark, the sculptures of the Sun God are never nude.

Ruag, ignorance is bliss. As Jana proves it everytime.
Isn't it kind of hypocratic of these people - When hindu people are protesting against dubious pictures by a muslim artist they are called fundamentalists.
When the same muslim people protest Danish cartoons they are protesting to protect Islam.

I believe there should full freedom expression wheather of Muslims / Hindus / Christians etc.

If someone wants to show prophets Danish cartoons - go ahead and show it.
If some other people want to show bharat mata as nude - show it.

Why are people paranoid about religion - Showing those images will it change any thing - Nothing , above mentioned religons are very stong they need not be worried about these kind of images and similar silly stuff
You are forgetting a fact that the sculptures in Khajuraho are of medieval period. So do you expect us to destroy those as your "good talibans" did with the Budha statue to prove that we in India too do not allow public nudity.

Oh dear you are disowning now your history of Hinduism by calling it medieval period.

Come on i am not terming those images as something to be ashamed of. All i am saying that such nude images of Hindu gods and godesses were there too and without any objection.

Someone here said that those were not of gods and godesses. But if you have some time to read then you will find metal images during the years of the Pallava, Pandya, Chola and Chera Kingdoms depict nude images of hindu gods and goddesses.

Secondly it is pointless to talk when your intentions of this thread is pretty clear from the thread title itself. Afaik the common norm here is not to alter the original article title. Bloody good display of senior membership :no:

Not a SINGLE word has been altered in the origional article.
Its not about protesting its all about when something is present in your religion then how come you are uneasy with it ?

As i said Nudity is NOT present in any Religious ::

  • Books
  • Mandirs
  • Text
  • Preachings

Of Hindus ( or Muslims. ).

Uneasieness..?? Its Obvious Isnt it.
Leave aside the talk of reality ,if someone even morphs my sister's pic wont i be uneasy even though i know its fake ?
My sister will be a part of my own family , so no outsider will really care.

But Religion ? Millions will be offended. Including you n me.
Can uneasiness of Millions be ignored.
Someone here said that those were not of gods and godesses. But if you have some time to read then you will find metal images during the years of the Pallava, Pandya, Chola and Chera Kingdoms depict nude images of hindu gods and goddesses.

Plz note that all that you mention is Limited to History Books, if at all they exist, perhaps a thousands of them ONLY. ( I still doubt your statement though that they were Gods' Paintings )

They have no place in RELIGIOUS books like Geeta & Ramayana the base of Hinduism.
SO Its quite unreal to correlate that a few kings changed the religion the wat it was.
Morals change over time. What may have been acceptable to people once may not necessarily be acceptable to people in other times. Similarly people from different cultures may not share your views. Influences from the Muslim world and later Victorian Britian have made our society more conservative over time.

In my opinion, tasteful depiction of the human body is not offensive. This is my heritage. I am proud of it.

We should all be ashamed that M F Hussain had to leave the country. The people responsible for this are no different from the Taliban who think that using force to enforce their brand of morality is ok.
Oh dear you are disowning now your history of Hinduism by calling it medieval period.
Where has the disowning come from. Yes I got it. The use of the term "medieval" sometimes do mean old-fashioned but the literal meaning of medieval is "Middle ages", which is afaik approximately 6th to 15th century. The sculptors of Khajuraho are indeed from medieval time period. Where is the disownment ?

Come on i am not terming those images as something to be ashamed of. All i am saying that such nude images of Hindu gods and godesses were there too and without any objection.

Many here have already pointed out that those sculptors are not of gods/goddesses. Why are you hell bent on your original perception.

Someone here said that those were not of gods and godesses. But if you have some time to read then you will find metal images during the years of the Pallava, Pandya, Chola and Chera Kingdoms depict nude images of hindu gods and goddesses.

I agree I have not gone through those history much. But I would love to have your source of ascertainment, rather than blazing statements.

Not a SINGLE word has been altered in the origional article.

lol..check the thread title ---"Legend Indian Muslim" blah blah blah...
As i said Nudity is NOT present in any Religious ::

  • Books
  • Mandirs
  • Text
  • Preachings

Of Hindus ( or Muslims. ).

Uneasieness..?? Its Obvious Isnt it.
Leave aside the talk of reality ,if someone even morphs my sister's pic wont i be uneasy even though i know its fake ?
My sister will be a part of my own family , so no outsider will really care.

But Religion ? Millions will be offended. Including you n me.
Can uneasiness of Millions be ignored.

Indeed not. And indeed i agree with you 100%.

It is unfortunate that your movie industry is depicting it the other way round and some mod elite Indian class is following that as much as we can see the same in my own country here.

I am not questioning annoying by you guys here in this case.

All i am saying that as far as the history of hinduism goes or to say the thousands of years old rich culture there had been and still the old sculptures show the same. I am asking a simple question do you object to that or not ??
Regardless of what Hinduism or Islam, allows or doesn't allow, what is happening with M.F.Hussain is unacceptable. Freedom of expression is at stake here. Creativity can't be measured by the narrowness of religion.

Anyway, this thread had the potential for some intelligent thought provoking debate, but OP had other ideas. And she is getting what she wanted. That's sad.
Indeed not. And indeed i agree with you 100%.

It is unfortunate that your movie industry is depicting it the other way round and some mod elite Indian class is following that as much as we can see the same in my own country here.

I am not questioning annoying by you guys here in this case.

All i am saying that as far as the history of hinduism goes or to say the thousands of years old rich culture there had been and still the old sculptures show the same. I am asking a simple question do you object to that or not ??

No doubt they Exist. and I cannot Object to the fact that they exist.
Nude Sculptures :Yes
Nude Gods: No
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All i am saying that as far as the history of hinduism goes or to say the thousands of years old rich culture there had been and still the old sculptures show the same. I am asking a simple question do you object to that or not ??

You are repeating the same question again and again.

Have you not really not seen so many replies to you every time you raise this question. Maybe I will try again by putting my answer in bold this tim (I hope it helps):

The nude sculptures in the temples are not Godesses!
You will not see anyone praying nude sculptures .period.
MFH had painted Hindu Godesses as nude which if you could understand (atleast by now after the answer being repeated so many times already), is NOT the norm.
I havent got anything against artistic freedom, but well, some folks may not equate artistic freedom with their Gods being painted nude.
Would you?
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