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Lebanon blasts near Iran's embassy in Beirut

Hezbollah are real civilized arabs who don't target people with car bombs in front of the qatari or saudi embassies, just because they fight against them.

Why Al Qaeda anti-Islam sect are so quick to target the embassies of the people who resist Israel and never target the israelis embassies during Intifadas, Jenine, Cast Lead...?

This just shows that Al Qaeda are the dogs of the JEWS and that it's them behind the car bombs in Lebanon
okey this is the last update :

2 iranians were martyred , the rest of the previously announced 6 were lebenese body gaurds

rip to all of 'em
I often think that Hosseini, haman10 and SALMAN AL-FARSI are sent here by CIA, Mossad and KSA in order to totally destroy the reputation of Persians as smart nation.

says the person who is allies with Alqaeda...
No I am not. And good that u dont argue about ur regimes being the main supporter of suicide terrorism.
don't throw stones if you live in a glass house... I like how you try to ignore facts and hide the truth... nice try kid...
August 2013 Beirut bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what? HizbAlShaitan were behind a bigger bomb and before that bomb in August they were behind other assassinations of Sunnis. Does the murder of Rafiq Hariri tell you anything?

Anyway HizbAlShaitan must be destroyed like they are getting destroyed in Syria. It is a little cult that targets Muslims and we know that their masters are Mullahistan.

They will see their end just like the Child-Murderer you love so dearly.:lol:

Keep barking, not going to read you reply or that of your troll friends.

I often think that Hosseini, haman10 and SALMAN AL-FARSI are sent here by CIA, Mossad and KSA in order to totally destroy the reputation of Persians as smart nation.

No I am not. And good that u dont argue about ur regimes being the main supporter of suicide terrorism.

:lol: We have nothing to do with those. Maybe Kazakhstan has?
Six Iranians killed in Beirut bombings: Embassy

Iran’s Embassy in Lebanon has announced that six Iranian nationals lost their lives in the twin bombings outside the embassy building in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

According to embassy’s press release, Iranian Cultural Attaché to Beirut Hojjatoleslam Ebrahim Ansari, the wife of an Iranian diplomat and four security guards at the embassy lost their lives in the terrorist attacks on Tuesday.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said later in the day that Ansari had been severely wounded in the bombings and taken to a hospital, but he later succumbed to his injuries.

The two blasts outside Iran's diplomatic mission in the southern neighborhood of Janah in Beirut left at least 23 people dead. The death toll is expected to rise, as many of the wounded are in critical condition.

Over 140 others were also injured in the terrorist attacks.

According to Press TV sources, the first explosion took place when a bomber blew his explosives near the gate of the embassy, and the second blast happened just meters away when a car bomb went off.

An al-Qaeda-linked group, Abdullah Azzam Brigades, has claimed responsibility for the twin bombings.

In a phone conversation with his Lebanese counterpart Michel Suleiman on Tuesday, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani called for the immediate identification of the perpetrators behind the attack.

The Iranian president also condoled with Suleiman and the Lebanese nation over the deaths and injuries of a number of people in the bombings.

Suleiman, for his part, condemned the terrorist attacks and said the Lebanese government would do its utmost to identify and bring to justice those behind the bombings.

PressTV - Six Iranians killed in Beirut bombings: Embassy

Reap what you sow....... :)
coward terrorists... they are losing badly in Syria, all they can do now is suicide bombing...

this is exactly right. chemical bandar and nutty yahoo need to be assasinated before their terror squads kill more innocents in their genocidal war criminal ethnic cleansing campaign against anyone not an israeli jew of a saudi wahabist terrorist...

Reap what you sow....... :)

so when did Iran bomb the israeli or saudi embassy? looks to me that the ones who should be worrying about reaping the coming whirlwind should be the saudi wahabist terrorist slave master despots and the zionazis.....but thats just my opinion.....

I'm not the one applauding international terrorism but given that this is against hezbollah and its backers and in light of such events...Bulgaria: Hezbollah behind Burgas attack...all i can say is :Bu hu hu,cry me a river !
Hezbollah wasnt involved in any Bulgarian attack...it was your israeli and saudi false flaggers.....but any excuse you can find to justify terrorism and the killing of innocent civilians....
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Reap what you sow....... :)
talking about 9/11 ?? nahh it was vahabistan who was responsible :agree:

haman10 are sent here by CIA, Mossad and KSA in order to totally destroy the reputation of Persians as smart nation.

didnt have enough ovary to mention me ? :omghaha::omghaha:

i sometimes embarrass people with Schistosoma_mansoni-like iq and all they come up with is blah this blah that :smart:

come up with discussion , stop wasting my time . zionist

p.s all around the world calling someone zionist is like cursing him/her !! :laughcry:

youre this much hated :kiss3:
this is exactly true....zionists and gulf arabs have become international pariahs....they dont have o e single friend that isnt bought and paid for.....not one.......the only people who even pretend to care about them are people they have bribed or threatened with terrorism.....their days are numbered....their bosses in america are self destructing......pretty soon there will be no one to protect them from the worlds wrath..........all those suicide bombers.....all those bombs.....all those civilians killed will be repaid tenfold......I hope we kill every last one of those wahabi and zionist nazis when the time comes to finally clean out all the retrograte stone age garbage from this world.......

talking about 9/11 ?? nahh it was vahabistan who was responsible :agree:

didnt have enough ovary to mention me ? :omghaha::omghaha:

i sometimes embarrass people with Schistosoma_mansoni-like iq and all they come up with is blah this blah that :smart:

come up with discussion , stop wasting my time . zionist

p.s all around the world calling someone zionist is like cursing him/her !! :laughcry:

youre this much hated :kiss3:
talking about 9/11 ?? nahh it was vahabistan who was responsible :agree:

didnt have enough ovary to mention me ? :omghaha::omghaha:

i sometimes embarrass people with Schistosoma_mansoni-like iq and all they come up with is blah this blah that :smart:

come up with discussion , stop wasting my time . zionist

p.s all around the world calling someone zionist is like cursing him/her !! :laughcry:

youre this much hated :kiss3:
Dont be jealous, here I mention u: haman10
this is exactly true....zionists and gulf arabs have become international pariahs....they dont have o e single friend that isnt bought and paid for.....not one.......the only people who even pretend to care about them are people they have bribed or threatened with terrorism.....their days are numbered....their bosses in america are self destructing......pretty soon there will be no one to protect them from the worlds wrath..........all those suicide bombers.....all those bombs.....all those civilians killed will be repaid tenfold......I hope we kill every last one of those wahabi and zionist nazis when the time comes to finally clean out all the retrograte stone age garbage from this world.......

First of all,international relations are defined by economic,strategic,etc,interests not love.

Second,international pariahs ? No.Let's be honest,they have the cash right now,even if Obummers policies are eratic,the europeans are rubbing their hands to take advantage and step in.Why do you think that France opposed a deal with Iran? Cash hungry Europe will love the gulfies like they're their long lost sons a long time from now on,lol. :lol:
First of all,international relations are defined by economic,strategic,etc,interests not love.

Second,international pariahs ? No.Let's be honest,they have the cash right now,even if Obummers policies are eratic,the europeans are rubbing their hands to take advantage and step in.Why do you think that France opposed a deal with Iran? Cash hungry Europe will love the gulfies like they're their long lost sons a long time from now on,lol. :lol:
since 67 France transformed to a pro Arab in appearances policy but as you say for business matter
see the relations between Hariri mafia with French political personalities (still some affairs here)
but there is an important difference between "persons": someone like Fabius hates Iran for exemple
he said it and doesn't hide for it
France having huge economical problems and is not able to solve the problems, like did the UK , Germans and some other countries. France doesn't want right now to make an evolution, it sticks to the system of cast and relations ,and doesn't make the work as the reason of success of people: lot of officers (national companies or "semi nationals" as they say), lot of taxes against workers, business, very bad behavior against the people who win money like it is something dirty.
well France needs a huge transformation but is not able to do it with these politics. So they try their best to take money where it is ...
Further more my friend never forget another important point : politics take benefits from contracts of weapons: part of the money is used for financing the political partis or individuals.
Are you serious? The same people who intervened Syria, hunt to kill and the very same worshippers of Nassrallat in the South cheering for it yet you say not funny? Wake up Hazzy! Yes, they are happy. I'm seeing those 'excited' tweets from the Lebanese, their Facebook pages and the mujaheddin. Simply because they hate Hezboshaitan. Read my #25 again and see where the blame goes to and where the chaos will head to.

Mossh Moosh
The word "Al Qaeda affiliated" mentioned by the West is an excuse not to send weapons to FSA and to distance away from the conflict for an obvious reason. I think the Lebanese in Tripoli was behind this embassy attack, not sure akh but check this out. Tripoli celebration for the Beirut bombing :haha:


MooshMoosh, Looks like your Family business is booming do these guys get group discounts or all have to pay at the same time for entry? I suppose meals are provided while they wait? :astagh:
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