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Leaked photos show Chinese brutality in Tibet

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And here is how the Indians treat Tibetans:

Wall Street Journal - Pictures of the Day

Are u for real???????????

1. In India we are detaining Tibetans who want to gate crash in chinese embassy.

Its all to save chinese embassy and chinese official. :angel:

2. On the other hand chinese troops are arresting humble Tibetan monks that too in their own country Tibet. :sick::angry::tdown:
If the Monks were violently protesting, yes they should be arrested.
However, they do not seem to be violently protesting the chinese, thus they should not have been handled by the military
Leaked photos show Chinese brutality in Tibet









DHARAMSHALA December 4: Photos depicting China’s brutality in Tibet and the Chinese security official’s high-handed and vulgar display of power over Tibetan monks and commoners have been leaked out of Tibet.

A Chinese website based in US - boxun.com, on Friday released eight photographs of Tibetans with their hands tied at their backs, being paraded publicly in military vehicles, escorted by security officials, and kneeling on the ground.

Placards with their names and their “crimes” such as “separatist” are seen hung from their necks.

Other photos also show large contingents of People's Armed Police and Special Branch of People's Armed Police carrying automatic rifles, manning the streets.

Speaking to Phayul, a monk at the exile base of the Kirti Monastery in Dharamshala, Kanyag Tsering identified that four of the photos were from Ngaba in eastern Tibet.

“The ground where hundreds of Chinese armed security personnel are sitting is a public basketball ground in Ngaba Kriti town” Tsering told Phayul.

“The photo taken from inside a car is also in Kriti as you can visibly see the Kriti monastery stupa at the back with Chinese security officials manning the intersection with automatic rifles right at the front,” added Tsering.

“The photograph showing Chinese security forces in green and blue uniform is taken near the Ngaba town court,” said Tsering.

The Kirti monastery in Ngaba and its surrounding regions have been facing growing restrictions since March this year after Phuntsog, a young Kirti monk self immolated protesting China’s occupation of Tibet and calling for the Dalai Lama’s return from exile.

Since then, eleven more Tibetans, including monks, nuns, and lay people have set their bodies on fire, the latest being Tenzin Phuntsok who set himself ablaze in Chamdo on December 1.

In the only on-ground report from Ngaba since March this year by foreign journalists, Robert Saiget, an AFP reporter in October said that “police, many carrying riot shields and armed with clubs and iron, lined the streets of the town”.

“Large groups of soldiers in camouflage carried automatic rifles, metal rods with spiked tips and fire extinguishers, while police buses, trucks and armoured personnel carriers blocked the streets,” AFP had reported in accord with the recently leaked photographs.

Writing on Facebook, the Beijing based award-winning Tibetan blogger and activist Woeser said that she was shocked to see the pictures.

“These photos clearly show the suppression of the truth of the Tibetans,” Woeser said.

Leaked photos show Chinese brutality in Tibet - www.phayul.com

OP- where is the brutality?- I dont see any brutality?-
Don't really see any brutality ? Might be trying to keep the extremists from burning themselves.
Actually security has stepped up in Tibet area due to all the self immolation's and attempted ones so is isn't any surprise, again no brutality just security trying to stop extremists from killing themselves.
LOL.. An Indian posts pictures of Chinese action in Tibet and a Pakistani responds by posting pictures of Indian actions in kashmir

What was that about shah se jyad.... etc etc.. ??
OP you want to see brutality?-

Indian Brutality-


Amrican Brutality-

Shame on you for spreading fake crocodile tears for others when you yourself has oppressed Kashmiries since 47-
well there is no brutality or blood sheed in Tibet because the Monks do not throw stones at the ARMY, where as in INdia when a protest happens some miscrients throw stones at the Army and turn the peacefull rally into a voilent one.
Thus the kanes are required to contain protest in our land of the world where as the Chinese are gifted that the monks do not believe in violance.
If they had a thought of going into a armed strugle such as in Kashmir, i am sure that the Chinese Army will cause more casuality than any other country in the world.

And please the last photo is not from India but from Iraq or Afgan.
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