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While the civilian deaths should be avoided, do you realize these are not intentional? These deaths are collateral and we regret it. Remember the militants in Iraq were hiding among the civilians

In a war, as much as we want to avoid civilian casualties, it is not totally preventable.

My Indian friends: Do we have a actual count of civilians killed in Kashmir where there are no war going unlike Iraq?


While the civilian deaths should be avoided, do you realize these are not intentional? These deaths are collateral and we regret it. Remember the militants in Kashmir are hiding among the civilians

In a long-running insurgency (which is often aided by our neighbour), as much as we want to avoid civilian casualties, it is not totally preventable.

What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

While the civilian deaths should be avoided, do you realize these are not intentional? These deaths are collateral and we regret it. Remember the militants in Iraq were hiding among the civilians

In a war, as much as we want to avoid civilian casualties, it is not totally preventable.

My Indian friends: Do we have a actual count of civilians killed in Kashmir where there are no war going unlike Iraq?

The question is?? Why is this war being imposed at first place..there is no question of targetting kill or collatoral damage in an unjust war of occuptation. Everything in this war is logically collatoral damage..

Poor iraqis should die to quench the thirst (energy demands) of American. Just like poor Irish should die to row and the warships of Britain. And poor India should die to fight the survival war of british crown. Even those deaths were termed as collatoral. The japanese still claim chinese death as natural cause!! anything can be claimed or proved doesnt mean it is right.. Colonialism is everywhere! And the world is waiting for Saddams WMD??

Its very easy for americans to advocate democracy, human rights, freedom blah blah..as long the version of democracy anywhere means an american pupper government.
Are you at WAR in Kashmir? If so with whom? People of Kashmir?


While the civilian deaths should be avoided, do you realize these are not intentional? These deaths are collateral and we regret it. Remember the militants in Kashmir are hiding among the civilians

In a long-running insurgency (which is often aided by our neighbour), as much as we want to avoid civilian casualties, it is not totally preventable.

What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Did we not eliminate one of the most cruel dictators of the 20th century? Did we not give the gift of freedom to Iraq citizens? Do you know how many of our own solders who gave their life to give this gift?

Who has the balls to help people in the world today like we do? There is no one except us. Who is leading this effort this in Afgan?

isn't easy to point fingers?.

The question is?? Why is this war being imposed at first place..there is no question of targetting kill or collatoral damage in an unjust war of occuptation. Everything in this war is logically collatoral damage..
Are you at WAR in Kashmir? If so with whom? People of Kashmir?

Are you at WAR in Iraq? If so with whom? People of Iraq?

Because as far as I know, the 'real' war in Iraq was with Saddam Hussein and it ended with his capture.

The word you're looking for is 'insurgency' and in fact let's just say we are in an even tougher position than you're in since the insurgency we face and have been facing for the past 20+ years has been largely stoked by an 'external' element.

Now don't say yours is WAR and ours is not...we have been at this 'PROXY WAR' for the last 20+ years now.
Are you at WAR in Kashmir? If so with whom? People of Kashmir?

Consider this:

Till the late 1980s, Kashmir was among the most peaceful places in India. Let alone terrorism and insurgency, it was almost crime free. I went to Kashmir in early 1989, just before insurgency began to rear its ugly head. Srinagar was a place where one could take a walk at midnight without fear of being accosted or mugged. Note this: already 30+ years with India, and not a sign of any problem.

Then our neighbour to the West began the game of 'bleeding India by a thousand cuts' and introduced guns and bombs into the picture. A few bombs exploded in marketplaces and the Indian troops were called in. The bombs increased in number, and so did the troops.

Now, when the troop concentration increases to high levels, what happens is predictable, in any part of the world. The Indian army is not a police force and they are not trained to do detective work and flush out criminals. In Kashmir, they were faced with a situation where every Kashmiri looked like a potential militant, and no means to distinguish. And any place with a huge concentration of military begins to see excesses and human rights violations. The strain of fighting an insurgency with a barely-visible and barely-identifiable enemy does that to you.

Finally, after almost a decade, the violent movement subsided. So yes, we were certainly at war in Kashmir - limited war. Not with all Kashmiris, but I hope you get the picture.
Who has the balls to help people in the world today like we do? There is no one except us. Who is leading this effort this in Afgan?

Though I respect the US for many things, I really laugh at your statements of the US having great "balls". It does not take "balls" to wage war against a country thousands of miles away, thousand times weaker and one that has no power to retaliate. It is like India bombing Somalia or Yemen and bragging about our "balls" after that.

When it actually comes to taking on a country like Russia, or even China, or even India, the US will stay well away. That is a fact.
Did we not eliminate one of the most cruel dictators of the 20th century? Did we not give the gift of freedom to Iraq citizens? Do you know how many of our own solders who gave their life to give this gift?

Who has the balls to help people in the world today like we do? There is no one except us. Who is leading this effort this in Afgan?

isn't easy to point fingers?.

LOL... what are you a muppet?
Though I respect the US for many things, I really laugh at your statements of the US having great "balls". It does not take "balls" to wage war against a country thousands of miles away, thousand times weaker and one that has no power to retaliate. It is like India bombing Somalia or Yemen and bragging about our "balls" after that.

When it actually comes to taking on a country like Russia, or even China, or even India, the US will stay well away. That is a fact.

You forgot to mention Pakistan dude!!!
No Nobel Prize for Wikileaks or it's founder? No indictments of US policy makers at the International court of justice?

Moral authority of the West indeed?
Yes I also suspect wikileaks might be US puppy.Otherwise taking it down ain't a problem for US Cyber Branch.IT could be taken down in few minutes if US Military wanted with the kind of computer power they have they can fry it's server with huge ddos or simply take out the domain from ICAAN For violating policy etc.

If this is the case then why there are numerous anti-America jihadi sites still on?
Did we not eliminate one of the most cruel dictators of the 20th century? Did we not give the gift of freedom to Iraq citizens? Do you know how many of our own solders who gave their life to give this gift?

Who has the balls to help people in the world today like we do? There is no one except us. Who is leading this effort this in Afgan?

isn't easy to point fingers?.

Respected sir
remember one and only one thing.Your country is not fighting for American people,freedom and liberty of world but for protection of Israel and for one world govt.whose king will be a person from the blood line of david.
for example
u first destroy iraq in order to protect Israel.Iraq made a long range gun that can target Israel.
2) gulf war happens so that world will not face another "oil crisis" like 71.
3) u claim we are in Afghanistan for alqaida.but you are fighting with afghans(talibans).and supporting anti Pakistan elements so that there will be no nuclear threat to Israel.
and please if you are 1% sincere to know the world politics(made system your subject) then read this document

While the civilian deaths should be avoided, do you realize these are not intentional? These deaths are collateral and we regret it. Remember the militants in Iraq were hiding among the civilians
In a war, as much as we want to avoid civilian casualties, it is not totally preventable.

My dear friend, I totally agree with you and appreciate your personal views & intentions on civilian deaths.
Yes we may realize the thousands of Iraqi's murderd unintentionally as automatic weapons were being used, which may open fire to shoot the opponents with out soldier's intention:coffee: We can have detail discussion on it later.

But rightnow the subjected topic highlighted is: "wiki Leaks".
Do you agree that Wiki, Leaks the 'weaks' of the war ???
It will be highly appreciated if you may please guide us about; WikiLeaks is true or a trap?
My dear friend, I totally agree with you and appreciate your personal views & intentions on civilian deaths.
Yes we may realize the thousands of Iraqi's murderd unintentionally as automatic weapons were being used, which may open fire to shoot the opponents with out soldier's intention:coffee: We can have detail discussion on it later.

But rightnow the subjected topic highlighted is: "wiki Leaks".
Do you agree that Wiki, Leaks the 'weaks' of the war ???
It will be highly appreciated if you may please guide us about; WikiLeaks is true or a trap?

Of course it is true... Wikileaks has not given us anything new as in the fact that we already know about the many atrocities of the US in the Iraq war...

But I refuse to believe that they managed to get so many documents without some inside help...

wikileaks or not... Americans dont have much of a good image left in the world...
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