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Did we not eliminate one of the most cruel dictators of the 20th century? Did we not give the gift of freedom to Iraq citizens? Do you know how many of our own solders who gave their life to give this gift?

Dont you know that YOU firstly installed the world most cruel dictator in place?? Seriously who invitied america to liberate Iraq?? nobody did..playin the sympathy card of american soldier death will not help here..at best they died a pigs death! unwanted gift of freedom at the expense of thousands innocent death. Stop anyone at the streets of baghdad and ask if this is the freedom they envisioned? Ohh and dont you know America and its shareholders will be paid in black gold for all this looting..build a nice memorial to your soldiers when war ends in baghdad!

Who has the balls to help people in the world today like we do? There is no one except us. Who is leading this effort this in Afgan?
WHo has the balls to lie, cheap, decieve, loot and grab around the world today? True colonial theives!

isn't easy to point fingers?.
Especially with evidence.
Consider this:

Till the late 1980s, Kashmir was among the most peaceful places in India. Let alone terrorism and insurgency, it was almost crime free. I went to Kashmir in early 1989, just before insurgency began to rear its ugly head. Srinagar was a place where one could take a walk at midnight without fear of being accosted or mugged. Note this: already 30+ years with India, and not a sign of any problem.
As the population grew, so did the resistance especially with fresh stock of youth. Kashmir went through a boom of population growth before resistance became a major force in politcs.

Then our neighbour to the West began the game of 'bleeding
India by a thousand cuts' and introduced guns and bombs into the picture. A few bombs exploded in marketplaces and the Indian troops were called in. The bombs increased in number, and so did the troops.
Bleeding india by thousand cuts was an amateurish comments by Bhutto as typical of his "quotes war". Another one being eating grass for grass for building nukes. Insurgency started in early late 80's to early 90's not only in Kashmir but various parts of India. Large blame of this is to be placed on failed policies of Indra. She desperately seeked overseas war as a quick fix to divert public attention from the dire economic straits of India.

Now, when the troop concentration increases to high levels, what happens is predictable, in any part of the world. The Indian army is not a police force and they are not trained to do detective work and flush out criminals. In Kashmir, they were faced with a situation where every Kashmiri looked like a potential militant, and no means to distinguish. And any place with a huge concentration of military begins to see excesses and human rights violations. The strain of fighting an insurgency with a barely-visible and barely-identifiable enemy does that to you.
Which ever excuse you color it with, this is called occupation and resistance of people.

Finally, after almost a decade, the violent movement subsided. So yes, we were certainly at war in Kashmir - limited war. Not with all Kashmiris, but I hope you get the picture.
Yep, the Hindus are the patriotic indians and rest all are sunni rebels, muslims sepratists, etc etc!
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