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Land Mafia wants their control in Karachi

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And whosoever say that Pakistan was a blunder to make the least Pakistan should do is revoke his citizenship, cause he does not agree with the existence of Pakistan and so it is only a fair thing to do as his wishes will be fulfilled.

Long live Pakistan. Pakistan Zindabad

Unfrotunately he is not a pakistani citizaen anymore he is a british national and yet he controls pakistani politics.....sad very sad....


P.S. batman,pak marine,hasnain...would love to hear what you have to say after such a strong case against MQM....
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please remember i don't want it to be a personal attack in anyway but this is one of the strongest and to the point debate we have had on MQM and land mafia....
[QUOTE=ahsan.warsi;368815]LAND MAFIA IN KARACHI IS CREATING RIOTS? Well, the article below illustrates something which was not done so far back. This article was published on May 5, 2008. This article elaborates my point of the hypocrisy of MQM. MQM is the only party which has attacked an Army Personnel by the name of Major Kaleem. May Allah rest his soul. Ameen.

Gilani cancels illegal allotments

Monday, May 05, 2008

By Rauf Klasra

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has cancelled with immediate effect 3,281 eligibility certificates issued by outgoing MQM housing minister Syed Safwanullah for government properties and accommodations in Karachi estimated to be worth Rs 450 billion.

In cases where certificates were issued to the government servants, no care was taken to certify whether those occupants had either been allotted any plots by federal employees housing foundation or they had their own residential accommodation at Karachi.

your first para is irrelevant however i will still anwer you firstly If MQM has attacked major Kaleem , why is no one convicted? Now will say mqm is in the judiciary !? I have heard it approx 10-15 years ago , my question is why are the culprits not convicted yet? is there ever a judgment passed ever? or i dont know but may be the the army was involved it self , is this cause they are quiet? The blame goes on and on ....Look the history is full of such incidences !! You are winging about major Kaleem, and bringing in irrelevant stuff let me bring up FALL OF DHAKA ....about Bangladesh dont know about you,but i am and other Pakistanis are embarased till this day about what happened there ? We lost half of the country ! 71000 soldiers laid down there arms ! 71K soldiers ! if the leadership was really a leadership and if they were not wrong 71000 would have put up a big time fight, its a Sham!! i think thats enough now lets talk about the pathan Mafia.

The above article is blaming an indivisual minister , Please read this again ,as the certificates they are talking about these properties are already possesed by the ex - Govt employes ( one can guess who they are ! most of them...!) , Where and how do you fit land mafia in here! Let me define land mafia for you and what they do , with all respect seems like you and most of us here dont have any idea who they are and what do they do!! ::: A land seized pieces of land by
gunmen, plots are developed and rented to tenants who could be evicted at will

with all due respect if all you have is this article in argument than its not good at all . On the other hand since you have been following so curiously ... Where are the buyers what happned to them exactly? did mqm killed them all ? i am surprised at this authors approach ..... 450Billion is appx 5Billl USD well referesh your memory our countrys exchequer and pm and others were begging IMF and others for a payment of 3 billion usd ...! For that kind of money they will wipe out mqm , infact mqm will pack their bags and go holidays ! just why exactly would they stay here ...! i must say this is the most bizzare thing i have ever read.
a very strong govt in the center & in the provincess is required to decide & deliver, in karachi !
it is open fact that, in the country's shortest history afghans were the basic root of the crimes, in all over pakistan, & also in karachi.
our pashtoons feel guilty just,because they think !that most of the afghans are from thier race & therfore its thier responsibilty to defend them & thier actions even if it is a crime?
on the other hand AFGHAN drug mafia, has kept it feet moving all around pakistan, & specially in karachi , where its eazy to get status with power of money!
i would like to beg a request here , to our pashtoons that plz for god sake stop supporting these thugs & plz start cleaning this mess from your homeland, even you like or not ,MQM!
but plz dont support , parties like JI, peoples like BAIT-ULLAHA- MEHSUD , mulla FM.SUPPORT who ever you like but , plz stop supporting talibans?
ok brother i no ur intent is good but let me tell u something first of all its good u said ur beliefs but let me tell u in NWFP every1 hates the afghans i dont no why u ppl give them special power outside of peshawar we hate the trouble makers but there are good afghans and bad but no pashtoon suppourts the taliban we have suffered the most and if u had of done some research u would have known we are taking the most hits so y on earth would we suppourt the taliban. if an afghan is doing something bad we as pashtoons feel ashamed not protective of them. hope this clears some misunderstandings:cheers:
Its a well known fact, that Karachi contains a large number of Land Mafias. The land Mafia has its influence on multiple areas inside the city as well as the exit areas of Karachi.
Land mafia is involved in drugs, illegal weapons, kidnaping for ransom, bank roberies and many other crimes. This land mafia group has maked the city a living hell for common citizen.
Today when i was near gulshan chowrangi, i came to know that rangers have started an operation against these drug dealers and land mafia situated at Al-Asif and Ajmer nagri, a thought came to my mind that its not for the first time, and last time when it happened, we witnessed a blood shed in Karachi and now the same situation. Last time my bike was burnt, and i simply can't afford it once again, so i tried my best to reach home safely. I faced many problems and saw many people who look like afghanis, they all were heavily armed and were ready to destroy anything which comes to their way. My 3 colleagues have lost their bikes today, The Gangs and Mafia burnt their bikes in front of their eyes. The same pain and hatred i m feeling today what i felt on december 2008.
What happened today, was it for the interest of the people of Karachi, or was it a pre-planned setup to allow these Land mafia gangs to once again show their power, i have no doubts that they have the support of ANP (a hypocrite), JI (an Extrmisits) and Imran Khan (Anti Karachi).
These all are the real culprits behind these bloodsheds, they have their stake in all this scenario, and they are the one who gain their political advantages by creating such situations in this economic hub of Pakistan.
I, as a common citizen, knows that these terrorists have a very strong network in Karachi, and if one group is effected, the other comes into the action, but our govt. does'nt know such things, they just started the operation against them in 2 areas, without keeping any security arrangements in other sensitive areas of the City, and the time when the operation started, all the gangs of land mafia came on to the streets and started their activities, they burnt many cars, shooted many citizens, attacked homes, mis behaved Ladies and looted houses and shops.
Once again the people of Karachi are victimized by these elements and there is no one to stop or counter them.
May Allah save this City, AMEEN

you could of saved ur time and just wrote MQM zindabad u troll. u wrote only ur view u sed u have no doubt that anp and imran khan suppourts them :crazy: u think imran suppourts this violence could u please provide a link and u think ANP suppourts the death of 55 odd pashtuns :crazy: wat fabricated news provide a link for ur trolling and a credible one its obvoius ur just another troll like hasnain noone will suppourt ur racism on this forum and u dont need me to show u this
Most of them were pashtuns bcoz they were fighting against police!! Police has done millitary operation!!

oh god would u stop with ur crap provide an authentic link i dont know why the MODs have let u off for so long with ur trolling ur speculating that ANP has a land mafia while the whole forum knows the working of the MQM and another thing did u tell some of ur friends to join in on ur trolling seeing as how theyre all freshies
Ok you are telling me IMRAN has any power in KARACHI LAND MAFIA....??? and yes i say BRING ANP TO JUSTICE and bring MQM to justice.....and you are telling me MQM is in government and all this is happening without MQM consent...and i don't understand why does every karachi boy come here and say my brother bike got burnt and his mobile got stolen....let me also make up stories like this...my CAR GOT BURNT...and my COW was stolen.....please land mafia is only and only PPP and MQM...in KARACHI....

i suppourt u completely do an independent investigation and lets see what happened investigate every allegation against ANP and also against MQM and lets see the results of that investigation
Lines area is not MQM area, and its peaceful area, show me some news which shows terrorism in lines area!!
Other wise i will say you are liar!! I can show u dozens of news which says that people have started terrorism in sohrab goth, do u know police started operation against them before one month, but someone leaked the news, but still they killed dozens of terrorists and 9 policemen were also killed!!
And main head quarter of MQM is nine zero!! And its the best area of karachi, for law and order!!

What deshat??





Bcoz they dont live in thier own area, they are migrating to karachi!!
But MQM people only live in karachi, they dont ***** with any other!!

i replied to these out of context pictures a few men holding guns well judging by the way pathans are treated by MQM i dont blame them and in the other pic u can clearly see people taking cover so its obvoius they had the guns for a reason also there is no ANP militia like MQMs. everyone disagrees with u why do u still troll
Zardari and Altaf Hussain discuss internal situation
By M.Ziauddin
Monday, 04 May, 2009

LONDON: The MQM Chief Altaf Hussain talking to the media here after his meeting with President Asif Ali Zardari late Sunday evening said that the two discussed in detail a comprehensive strategy to root out the Taliban from the country.

Mr. Hussain had called on the President at his hotel in central London and remained with him for nearly four hours, the last two hours being an exclusive one-on-one meeting. :azn:

In the first session Interior Minister Rehman Malik and Pakistan High Commissioner in the UK Wajid Shamsul Hasan aided the President while a couple of members of the rabita committee of the MQM led by Saleem Shahzad assisted Altaf Hussain.

Repeating his allegation that the Taliban were using the drug and land mafia as well as criminals as their front in Karachi and were planning to take over the city by force Altaf Hussain said that President Zardari had promised to look into the affairs of Karachi city on his return from his US visit.;)

Answering a question he said he would very much like the PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif to join the forces arrayed against the Taliban. :woot:

He said he and the President pledged to fight the spread of Talibanisation jointly and appealed to the country’s other political parties to join in their efforts.

The MQM Chief expressed satisfaction on his discussions with the President and said the people of Pakistan were moderate, liberal and democrat and did not accept the kind of Islam being imposed upon them by the Taliban and their style of governance.:smokin:
Altaf Hussain said Pakistan was passing through a difficult period and faced with both internal and external dangers which required the whole nation to stand united and face these challenges.:)

u just embarassed all the trolls who sed ANP is in control of the land mafia because even altaf sed apparantly the taliban are using them so wats the story kids whos behind it make up ur minds
I am no symphitiser to any political party nor i give a monkey about them i just care about my country & thats it ... the argument here is Mafia taking control of khi and i have witnesed it personally so did most of the karachiettes , thats why there are hues and cries ,mqm is countering this mafia how they think is right!? If they have killed those guys and if they are innocent then they have done a extremly bad thing ........i do not deny the fact that they have their own benefits they might have ! but i know forsure right now those benefits are in Pakistans favour, We do not want to have any more problems then we already have......... The problem is Taliban and whoever is helping them.

Ok my friend pak marine....if you read what A/W posted you might have been able to read that LAND MAFIA IS MQM....so the benefits of land mafia go directly to MQM...please go and read what he posted please do before commenting....
ZOB i have replied to A/W , surprised at the approach and vision our nation has one needs a open mind on these forums , please do me a favour kindly read that article again ......... and read my replies at the bottom , It has not relevent to land mafia , refer to my replies if you wish to know more i have enlightened with the defination of land mafia.

you said you are sure currently MQM is in favour of PAKISTAN...hmmm you are sure... ok let me put up this video...

yWAj7Awj2ks[/media] - Altaf Hussain calls creation of Pakistan the Biggest Mistake

In reply to the video:: I said i will "give one to mqm "this time" as they stood up against this evil talibans ...... i dont
He is indeed saying partition a mistake , he is talking about some blame on Mohajirs and saying this in retailiation,Look i am not saying its the right thing to say in India , but I would keep and open mind here and certainly would like to see the full clip and understand out of what context he is saying that ... as this is a small clip , it doesnt really show the whole speech.

are you still sure....ofcourse you are "NEUTRAL" right and you are ofcourse going to say PAKISTAN FIRST....like me and most of us here...

Pakistan is always first for me and most of the karachietes,please read above notes

Karachis borders now look like tribal areas and we are not comfortable.

FYI i dont know about the rest of 18mill ppl in khi we have , but in my family there are roughly 18 youths and every one has been a victim of mobile snatching

[SIZE="2"]Ok mobile snatching....hmmm...common line of most of the MQM boys here....sound likes MQM boy to me but ok you are "neutral"....so they stole your mobile in LINES AREA?? or SHORAB GOTH....?? because ofcourse karachi MQM kaa hai except the "EVIL BARBARIC TALIBAN" in SHORAB GOTH....and non urdu speaking...who are they balochi,punjabi,sindhi,pathan,sarayki....??? [/SIZE]

Sorry but i have to say "i think you are very sad and so is your post" ! what mqm boy and neutral u are talking about !? you dont have much to say ! do you ?? infact i think you have no idea what more to say you are running out of reasons ? lol , If you wish to blame me then go on man say it on my face what you want to say be honest for once !!
p.s:: a suggetion on a personal note be upfront it will help you.

Altaf hussain was too clever and he left before it started. Dont ask me the conspiracy theory behind but mqm has the unity of command

ofcourse no one ever stood up against HITLER...until ofcourse he was already losing in EUROPE....so unity of command...even KIM JOUNG IL has it....unless ofcourse you want PAKISTAN to be NORTH KOREA or CUBA or worse NAZI GERMANY...

what is your point ? ?

Posting such articles make you look like a propaganda guy who have nothin to say but they keep coming with these silly stuff. I am a resident of Karachi teling you my expericence why dont u tell me yours and talk to me instead of posting these articles ,

aahhhh my friend PAK MARINE....i think his article clearly shows how MQM is bad....so i think he is putting up facts not some propaganda....?? ofcourse you are "neutral" you would understand that wouldn't you?? ok and as for expereince well i told you my cow got stolen and my egg got fried as that experience worth sharing...??

lol....what!! ? man You have lost the plot buddy..... , all you are doing here is "mqm boy" , "neutral boy", talking about your "cow" and your "eggs" , this is not for you.

i would prefer brother if you can come up with some facts of your own as to why i should forgive MQM for sins...and why i should forgive ALTAF for saying pakistan was a mistake...because after all we are "neutral"

Zob my friend with no offence to you i dont thnk you have any idea what m i saying ! i am hoping that you will come with a some fresh beter argument instead of this.
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ok brother i no ur intent is good but let me tell u something first of all its good u said ur beliefs but let me tell u in NWFP every1 hates the afghans i dont no why u ppl give them special power outside of peshawar we hate the trouble makers but there are good afghans and bad but no pashtoon suppourts the taliban we have suffered the most and if u had of done some research u would have known we are taking the most hits so y on earth would we suppourt the taliban. if an afghan is doing something bad we as pashtoons feel ashamed not protective of them. hope this clears some misunderstandings:cheers:

Well said brother !!.... here in pak none is racist nor we have any ethinic hatred inside us, speacially in khi "mohajirs, pathans , pujabis ,sindhis and baluch are affiliated, living side by side. We have also welcome afghans ,
the problem starts where this perticular group of mix races is trying to become a night mare for khi, nwfp is already in trouble, may God help them!!!?
parties like JI, peoples like BAIT-ULLAHA- MEHSUD , mulla FM.SUPPORT who ever you like but , plz stop supporting talibans?

BATMAN...i don't think a single pathan on this forum supports taliban....because pathans know one thing that if taliban come down to whipping and beheading they would be beheaded....no PATHAN supports taliban PERIOD....however pointing fingers at punjabis or pathans don't solve your problems..i don't think they like MQM simple because of a million reasons that alot of people have put up on this forum....

and please also explain what does a leader mean when he says buy guns to protect yourself....and what does he mean when he says no one can check what ammunation is kept with MQM....first go check NWFP....MQM needs to stop pointing fingers at everyone and point at themselves first....

this is why i like this forum because 90% are level headed people. guys use some common sense why would pashtoon suppourt taliban. they raped our secular culture our women have been leaders they killed our tribal leaders, they made us look like barbarians in front of the whole world, they twisted our secular pashtoonwali traditions and did watever they wanted and called it pashtoonwali. they blow themselves up which is considered cowardly in our culture. they indiscriminately blow themselves up and the first place they will take is peshawar and who on earth would wanna live under their barbaric laws
Well said brother !!.... here in pak none is racist nor we have any ethinic hatred inside us, speacially in khi "mohajirs, pathans , pujabis ,sindhis and baluch are affiliated, living side by side. We have also welcome afghans ,
the problem starts where this perticular group of mix races is trying to become a night mare for khi, nwfp is already in trouble, may God help them!!!?

NWFP is in trouble because of these taliban. but i agree we are able to live side by side because were are pakistani :cheers: but i think the problem is always in karachi and the root of it has always been the MQM militia mistreated people. In peshawar there is also problems with the afghans but we dont judge all of them the ones who are making the trouble are not considered afghans , the afghans are a proud and honorable race its usually these farsi speaking population in peshawar who causes the trouble
NWFP is in trouble because of these taliban. but i agree we are able to live side by side because were are pakistani :cheers: but i think the problem is always in karachi and the root of it has always been the MQM militia mistreated people. In peshawar there is also problems with the afghans but we dont judge all of them the ones who are making the trouble are not considered afghans , the afghans are a proud and honorable race its usually these farsi speaking population in peshawar who causes the trouble

How many khietes u see living in nwfp ?, if we in their place & act like the way they are in khi , they wont tolerate us ....let me enlighten you here, in khi there are appx 2 million ppl just from nwfp.

They have been there since ages they are a part of our life ! we cant do business without them & they can sustain a minute without us. Lets look at geographical loctions of both the places , nwfp is the prime source of all the menace we have , The weapons hoods like DARA , Herion and all lethal drugs are openly sold every body knows that ,Karcachi was a peacefull place untill 1980's ,Hell broke loose when this mess was brought to khi , Where were all the wisemen from pushtoon community , you say you condemn them , looking at swat and other areas its seems to one that they are fighting side by side with Taliban against our Army. The leading party has enforced nizam-e-adal , Why did the elders or who ever is in control (if there is any!?) didnt stood up against the trade of this poison named : Herion) do you have any idea how many lives it has distroyed. Khi has its problems i m not denying that nor i am calling mqm saints but in the circumstances they are the one who have the guts to speak out against this Taliban style shariat! even the women who got the sympathy vote were scared to walk out. You know why because Taliban is a great threat and one needs ....lls to stood up. Only Army and the mqm has the guts rest all keept their quiet.

mqm are right in speaking out against taliban ...... the action has to be taken now before the nusence start.... if you think ppl will sit back and watch this show the answer is no!! .... we in all our powers wil not let khi become a mess like nwfp , This ANP led land mafia are organised thugs who are playing hipocrats by denying talibans. Now by accepting and surrendering to these whackos they have proven they cant fight.
this is why i like this forum because 90% are level headed people. guys use some common sense why would pashtoon suppourt taliban. they raped our secular culture our women have been leaders they killed our tribal leaders, they made us look like barbarians in front of the whole world, they twisted our secular pashtoonwali traditions and did watever they wanted and called it pashtoonwali. they blow themselves up which is considered cowardly in our culture. they indiscriminately blow themselves up and the first place they will take is peshawar and who on earth would wanna live under their barbaric laws

You should ask this question to your elders just what exactly were they doing when these barbarains were infiltrating into your province and cities in thousands ..... what took them so long to wake up and find out your house has been introded ,your culture have been hijacked, MQM is retaliating against the same thugs , and i am surprised to see all this fuss , they are no saints lets not get into that but here they are right!!!!!!!!!!!
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