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Lal Shabaaz urs: Scorching heat claims 34 lives

Sect? i don't believe in any sect.. I am neither brelvi not wahabi or deobundi.. I am Muslim who try to follow Islam to the best of my understanding. I don't follow any sect or Mulalh blindly ..I don't divide mosques and maullahs that this mosques/Imam is for brevli ..this one is for deobundi..If some deobundi take litreal interpretation of jihad and kill innocent in the name of jihad i speak against them. If some braevli practice jahalut and dont offer fard prayers but go to mazaar ask pir baba to give them wordly things then i also speak against them

Bola ha..have some patience and read my reply :D
You sound like a deoband so here goes nothing; We don't believe to ask Pirs for anything, we ask Allah SWT only for he is Encompasses all and I personally don't believe Auliya Allah are Alive like the Shaheeds or the Prophets and about visiting their graves, they can hear us when we go there. need proof
The Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h.) said, "Everyone who dies - then his actions are sealed except for the one guarding the border in the way of Allah - his actions continue to increase for him until the Day of Resurrection and he is saved from the trials of the Grave." (Sahih: Abu Dawud, at Tirmidhi, al Haakim from Fadaalah Ibn Ubaid & Ahmad from Uqbah ibn Aamir.)

The Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h.) said, "When a human being is laid in his grave and his companions return and he even hears their footsteps(Sahih: Al Bukhari (2/422), Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Dawud, an-Nasaa'ee from Anas.)
thank you :D

@GreenFalcon @Proudpakistaniguy cut it out you both! Everyone has their own way of thinking...just ask ALLAH for guidance and pass your msg...No need to enforce it coz we are not enforcers of a law we are only to deliver the msg! ALLAH guides whom he pleases!
I am not going to imposing or enforce anything. How can i? I am just asking for understanding purpose to get the logic behind getting die in urs in such great numbers
thank you :D

@GreenFalcon @Proudpakistaniguy cut it out you both! Everyone has their own way of thinking...just ask ALLAH for guidance and pass your msg...No need to enforce it coz we are not enforcers of a law we are only to deliver the msg! ALLAH guides whom he pleases!
Hey I told him that I don't want to discuss it but he is forcing me to
The Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h.) said, "Everyone who dies - then his actions are sealed except for the one guarding the border in the way of Allah - his actions continue to increase for him until the Day of Resurrection and he is saved from the trials of the Grave." (Sahih: Abu Dawud, at Tirmidhi, al Haakim from Fadaalah Ibn Ubaid & Ahmad from Uqbah ibn Aamir.)
This is talking about actions..sadqah-e-jariah like if you open an orphanage, or a school...something that goes on after the death!
I am not going to imposing or enforce anything. How can i? I am just asking for understanding purpose to get the logic behind getting die in urs in such great numbers
These people didn't ask for your permission before they went there, Allah SWT had written their death there!!!! So stop it
Hey I told him that I don't want to discuss it but he is forcing me to
Actually you quoted me...Not sure if he read it...Tell him the same...use soft words like the Prophet did...We have enough shit in our lives we dont need to create new headaches for ourselves ... at least not within our own :enjoy:

These people didn't ask for your permission before they went there, Allah SWT had written their death there!!!! So stop it
that's one way to say it...

@Proudpakistaniguy not everyone wants to discuss certain topics for this all we can do is either read it ourselves or ask others... :enjoy:
This is talking about actions..sadqah-e-jariah like if you open an orphanage, or a school...something that goes on after the death!
or people coming to their grave and Reciting the Quran for them!

Actually you quoted me...Not sure if he read it...Tell him the same...use soft words like the Prophet did...We have enough shit in our lives we dont need to create new headaches for ourselves ... at least not within our own :enjoy:

that's one way to say it...

@Proudpakistaniguy not everyone wants to discuss certain topics for this all we can do is either read it ourselves or ask others... :enjoy:
Some people just love imposing their beliefs on others, these people didn't ask him to go and die in the scorching heat so why care?
You sound like a deoband so here goes nothing; We don't believe to ask Pirs for anything, we ask Allah SWT only for he is Encompasses all and I personally don't believe Auliya Allah are Alive like the Shaheeds or the Prophets and about visiting their graves, they can hear us when we go there. need proof
The Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h.) said, "Everyone who dies - then his actions are sealed except for the one guarding the border in the way of Allah - his actions continue to increase for him until the Day of Resurrection and he is saved from the trials of the Grave." (Sahih: Abu Dawud, at Tirmidhi, al Haakim from Fadaalah Ibn Ubaid & Ahmad from Uqbah ibn Aamir.)

The Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h.) said, "When a human being is laid in his grave and his companions return and he even hears their footsteps(Sahih: Al Bukhari (2/422), Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Dawud, an-Nasaa'ee from Anas.)

I am not deobundi .Its habit of you guys to label people with sect as soon as they ask something. I said before i don't affiliate myself blindly with any sect . I came from a family who were brealvi and had their own pir golra sharif and i have seen villagers who never offered fard prayers but visit mazaar and pirs regularly for worldy benefits like need job,kid, husband is abusive etc ...secondly I asked before... Is it necessary to visits the graves of aulia/Pirs in order for them to hear us? They hear us only when you stand close to their graves? they cannot hear you from distance or when you send them darood from your home?

You are also confuse because you say you personally dont belive that Auliah Allah are alive in their garves then how come they hear us when you talk to them after visiting their graves?

Some people just love imposing their beliefs on others, these people didn't ask him to go and die in the scorching heat so why care?
Did i stopped you going there? :D

Why you are crying. I just wanted to get the logic behind so many deaths in urs

@Proudpakistaniguy not everyone wants to discuss certain topics for this all we can do is either read it ourselves or ask others... :enjoy:
I know what you mean but you know certain people do certain things because of ignorance which cost them lives
I am not deobundi .Its habit of you guys to label people with sect as soon as they ask something. I said before i don't affiliate myself blindly with any sect . I came from a family who were brealvi and had their own pir golra sharif and i have seen villagers who never offered fard prayers but visit mazaar and pirs regularly for worldy benefits like need job,kid, husband is abusive etc ...secondly I asked before... Is it necessary to visits the graves of aulia/Pirs in order for them to hear us? They hear us only when you stand close to their graves? they cannot hear you from distance or when you send them darood from your home?

You are also confuse because you say you personally dont belive that Auliah Allah are alive in their garves then how come they hear us when you talk to them after visiting their graves?
There is difference as I said before you won't understand, Shaheeds/Prophets are alive physically and Rest SOULS/rooh are alive, did you know that your soul from the day it was created until Yaum ul Qiyamah and beyond has never slept?
There is difference as I said before you won't understand, Shaheeds/Prophets are alive physically and Rest SOULS/rooh are alive, did you know that your soul from the day it was created until Yaum ul Qiyamah and beyond has never slept?
Prophets are alive physically and rest soul/rooh is alive for Aualias? Its not that i am not understanding but you cannot explain it and just playing with words :D

What is death? What is physically alive? Can you be called a dead man when you are alive physically? What is this rooh/soul alive thing? Its actually soul who kept body alive..if you take soul out from a body then its dead body who cannot feel/sense/taste/breathe etc..
I am not deobundi .Its habit of you guys to label people with sect as soon as they ask something. I said before i don't affiliate myself blindly with any sect . I came from a family who were brealvi and had their own pir golra sharif and i have seen villagers who never offered fard prayers but visit mazaar and pirs regularly for worldy benefits like need job,kid, husband is abusive etc ...secondly I asked before... Is it necessary to visits the graves of aulia/Pirs in order for them to hear us? They hear us only when you stand close to their graves? they cannot hear you from distance or when you send them darood from your home?

You are also confuse because you say you personally dont belive that Auliah Allah are alive in their garves then how come they hear us when you talk to them after visiting their graves?

Did i stopped you going there? :D

Why you are crying. I just wanted to get the logic behind so many deaths in urs

I know what you mean but you know certain people do certain things because of ignorance which cost them lives
Why do you care for their lives or their deen? You will alone on the day of Judgement and you are doing shirk right now by taking things into your own hands

Prophers are alive physically and rest soul/rooh are alive for Aualias? Its not that i am not understanding but you cannot explain it and just playing with words :D

What is death? What is physically alive? Can you be called a dead man when you are alive physically? What is this rooh/soul alive thing? Its actually soul who kept body alive..if you take soul out from a body then its dead body who cannot feel/sense/taste/breathe etc..
Have you even read the Quran in your life?
"And do not say of those who are slain in the way of Allah that they are dead. Instead, they are alive, but you perceive not."(2:154)
or people coming to their grave and Reciting the Quran for them!
true :agree:

Some people just love imposing their beliefs on others, these people didn't ask him to go and die in the scorching heat so why care?
shhh...if he did a wrong ALLAH saw it but if you add on to that ALLAH didnt miss that either...

There is nice hadith which was something like this (my own words)

When a guy did a wrong and was offered if he wanted to take revenge he was asked to take the same nothing more for if he did more he would be the transgressor...

A similar play by William Shakespeare called the merchant of Venice ...read it ...Awesome stuff!

The Merchant of Venice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In this play...

Bassanio is a noble rank who wishes to marry Portia but is short on money so he goes to his friend (Antonio) for money and the friend doesnt have enough so he says go find a lender and Antonio will give the guarantee...Bassanio finds a money lender (Shylock) who had suffered because Antonio always loaned without interest while Shylock had high interest but because Antonio gave money on low interest Shylock suffered and he didnt want to loan at first but later agreed to lend without interest upon one condition: if Antonio is unable to repay it at the specified date, Shylock may take a pound of Antonio's flesh.

Bassanio does not want Antonio to accept such a risky condition; Antonio is surprised by what he sees as the moneylender's generosity (no "usance" – interest – is asked for), and he signs the contract.

Bassanio gets the money and marries Portia..

However Antonio cant pay back coz his ships are lost at sea and so Shylock comes to claim and brings Antonio to court and demands his pound of flesh! Bassanio tries to return the money but Shylock refuses as he wants his pound of flesh...

In the end the court turns in favour of Antonio when the lawyer points out that the contract only allows Shylock to remove the flesh, not the "blood", of Antonio (see quibble). Thus, if Shylock were to shed any drop of Antonio's blood, his "lands and goods" would be forfeited under Venetian laws. Further damning Shylock's case, she tells him that he must cut precisely one pound of flesh, no more, no less; she advises him that "if the scale do turn, But in the estimation of a hair, Thou diest and all thy goods are confiscate."

This last bit was the advice given by our prophet too :agree:
true :agree:

shhh...if he did a wrong ALLAH saw it but if you add on to that ALLAH didnt miss that either...

There is nice hadith which was something like this (my own words)

When a guy did a wrong and was offered if he wanted to take revenge he was asked to take the same nothing more for if he did more he would be the transgressor...

A similar play by William Shakespeare called the merchant of Venice ...read it ...Awesome stuff!

The Merchant of Venice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In this play...

Bassanio is a noble rank who wishes to marry Portia but is short on money so he goes to his friend (Antonio) for money and the friend doesnt have enough so he says go find a lender and Antonio will give the guarantee...Bassanio finds a money lender (Shylock) who had suffered because Antonio always loaned without interest while Shylock had high interest but because Antonio gave money on low interest Shylock suffered and he didnt want to loan at first but later agreed to lend without interest upon one condition: if Antonio is unable to repay it at the specified date, Shylock may take a pound of Antonio's flesh.

Bassanio does not want Antonio to accept such a risky condition; Antonio is surprised by what he sees as the moneylender's generosity (no "usance" – interest – is asked for), and he signs the contract.

Bassanio gets the money and marries Portia..

However Antonio cant pay back coz his ships are lost at sea and so Shylock comes to claim and brings Antonio to court and demands his pound of flesh! Bassanio tries to return the money but Shylock refuses as he wants his pound of flesh...

In the end the court turns in favour of Antonio when the lawyer points out that the contract only allows Shylock to remove the flesh, not the "blood", of Antonio (see quibble). Thus, if Shylock were to shed any drop of Antonio's blood, his "lands and goods" would be forfeited under Venetian laws. Further damning Shylock's case, she tells him that he must cut precisely one pound of flesh, no more, no less; she advises him that "if the scale do turn, But in the estimation of a hair, Thou diest and all thy goods are confiscate."

This last bit was the advice given by our prophet too :agree:
then discuss with kind words or ignore by saying La kum deenu kum walee yadein! to be your deen (understanding) and to me mine!
You know i was thinking about that then I thought to myself its part of Surah Al KAFIROON and he might get offended and think I'm calling him a Kafir
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