but brother Government doesn't mean only One guys! I'm sure Zardari also doesn't want everyone to steal heheh im sure he say only me but being serious if today's government is bad, it's because the entire politicians are bad! Talk about Musharraf era, Poor guy had to go around the world to keep bringing investments making deals with china for jf program tech etc things come down to this, Did he steal money? answer is nothing is proven or even close to! we came up with only one story of chak zhazad scandal of electricity! and he also came clean on that! Poor guy still went around the world to make Pakistan's image better and earned some money from it! he went from CNN to BBC and from there to Russia to India.... When our so called democratic government was sitting like babies during 26/11 and indian sergical stricks! it was him who went to india and replied as being only Pakistani power players! it was him who threaten Bush for not bring american army into Pakistan for that America will regret! and surly the message was loud and clear and american hype and wish to go into Pakistani soil went down the drain feb08..... list will go on and on.... During earthquake none sharif family or bb provided help to Pakistani people but! during his exile he is the only one who started this new thing for Pakistani power players to empty their pockets and reach out to poor and help! after his donation sharif brothers did and then zardari did and finaly Malik Riaz also did! we have so much respect for edhi guy and even he support Musharraf after all the disagreements! for simple fact Pakistan First!