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Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

^^ and is the guy in the guy in plain clothes brandishing the AK a local Lahori trying to get in the arrested guy's face?
^His face omg - what a waste of a life - look at the hopelessness in his eyes...


I believe the Academy siege is over.

Total casualties not yet confirmed, expected to be 25 plus.

No confirmed reports on the terrorists either. So far reports have suggested:

4 terrorists killed.

3 blew themselves up.

4 captured.
4 captured? I'm pretty sure I heard that all of them are either killed or blew themselves up. Except for that SOB with the grenades.
Is Rehman Malik Blaming ISI for Lahore Attacks?
March 30, 2009

Time to cut off rail, air, and road links with India, including denying Indian airlines the right to use Pakistan airspace and denying Indian overland trade to Central Asia pending the investigations and a review by Pakistan of Indian activities inside and around Pakistan.

Ahmed Quraishi

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—A second Mumbai-style attack in Lahore in less than a month, both targeting Lahore, a city that has traditionally bore the brunt of Indian-inspired terrorism inside Pakistan.

The level of training of these people and the choice of targets leaves little doubt that someone is trying to teach Pakistan a lesson. It is baffling to see Interior Advisor Rehman Malik so eager to quickly pin the blame on groups such as Lashkar Tayyeba or Lashkar Jhangvi that were active in the Kashmir freedom struggle in the past and are dormant now. Accusing these groups is an indirect swipe at the Pakistani security and intelligence agencies that implemented State policy in the past of supporting the freedom fighters inside the disputed territory with India.

Why is Mr. Malik not willing to consider the possibilty of Indian involvement? Is he afraid of upsetting the Brits or the Americans? He knows more than anyone else that we have conclusive evidence of Indian involvement in terrorism in Balochistan and the tribal belt. Unfortunately, Pakistani media projection is not as strong as the propaganda of the American and the British media that supresses these facts. Pakistan has shared this information at the highest levels with the Americans, who continue to protect the Indians in Afghanistan because of long term strategic interest.

Additionally, where are those local agents of Indian intelligence that were arrested from various Pakistani cities in the past few weeks and months near both the Indian and the Afghan borders? Why are we scared of bringing these people out? Please cut through the thick propaganda smokescreen of the biased Anglo-American media and let the world and the peaceful Indian public opinion also know about the activities of their security agencies.

There is no question that terrorists involved in the attack will eventually turn out to be Pakistanis. No foreign-induced covert terrorist operation can succeed without local elements. The only country other than the United States that has an elaborate, Pakistan-focused intelligence setup in Afghanistan is India. The Indians are actively using the chaos in Afghanistan to create a wedge between the U.S. and Pakistan by indirectly supporting terrorist elements. This is one level of the covert war in the region. The second element is the suspicion that the U.S. is supporting the insurgencies inside Pakistan either directly or through the Indians and possibly other players.

Since we are unable to make our concerns heard throughout the world because of the bias and the choking grip of the American and British media, the only other way to highlight the nefarious and terrorism-abetting activities of Indian security and intelligence agencies is by cutting off rail, air, and road links with India, including denying Indian airlines the right to use Pakistan airspace and denying Indian overland trade to Central Asia pending the investigations and a review by Pakistan of Indian activities inside and around Pakistan.

This is also the time to neutralize elements in the Pakistani government such as President Zardari and Mr. Rehman Malik whose assets, lives and apparently loyalties lie outside Pakistan. Democracy cannot be allowed to become a trojan horse for foreign powers to meddle in Pakistan.

Take action on India, Mr. Malik.

Is Rehman Malik Blaming ISI For Lahore Attack? Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz

" This is also the time to neutralize elements in the Pakistani government such as President Zardari and Mr. Rehman Malik whose assets, lives and apparently loyalties lie outside Pakistan. Democracy cannot be allowed to become a trojan horse for foreign powers to meddle in Pakistan. "

wow,Ahmed Quraishi is asking to kill ur President & interior minister.Any takers??

And this guys budding security expert of pakistan,man his weird accent sure makes even Zaid Hamid fall off his chair laughing..

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