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Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

Omar and Babur, i really respect ur love for the country, and eagerness to get us rid of problems we face today

but in the process plz, dont get carried away, we are in problem not becz of Afghans, it is beceuase of people behind them, they are poor and they will do it for the money, as today we see brotehrs killing brother for a poiece of land. that does not mean we get too emotional that we let our grip off the reality.

Aghans are our brothers and will remain so, it is Indian, Amercians who want to play a little chess here, and we are the king they are after. rest are piadas-Afghani who are being used mercilesly for few dollars.

Plz try to understand this approach will only lead us to further divide, we are strong when we stand unit, there r no afghanis, but consider them as pakistani then u will have little problem to understand the situation.

we face problem due to unstable Afghanistan, and u talk about building a wall on border, i know u guys might be aware of, but the ditance is of 2600Km going through difficult terrains, mountains, ground, this is not that easy.

i respect ur emotions, let them lose on indians and Americans who are the real root cause, we had Afghani beofre the war, but never had such a problem. they are brotehrs and muslims and will remain so, n we should never take a coward act of kicking them out

Sorry to disappont you but Muslim brotherhood doesn't exist today. Every Muslim country just cares for its own interst and the safety of their own people. Its only Pakistan thats obsessed about the Muslim world and the Muslim brotherhood and look where it got us today.

As you saw yesterday, "Muslim brothers" can turn out to be your worst enemy.
It appears it was your Brothers who stormed over the walls of Lahore's Police Academy armed to the teeth with grenades and automatic weapons, firing indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd. Your Brother who rode that motorcycle and blew himself and others up outside the Lahore High Court (LHC). Another of your two Brothers have attacked the Pakistan Naval War College, and smashed explosive laden trucks into the Federal Investigation Agency, and a Private Advertising firm. They have also set off bombs near the service hospital, in the shops, the arts festival, and the theatres... all within the past year.

And that's only in Lahore.

I trust there are those in power who will be operating with a much clearer perspective.

Look my blood is as bowling as urs and some of the others, and i respect that coz we are patriotic, but why afghans? they are not themselves in this scenario, they are not doing it and will not do it, at least this is my understanding

my emphasises is, the people behind them, why dont u see this? who are giving them training, finances, weapons, and helping them plan on such a perfect executaions?
these questions might help u answeing some of the deep lying implications which are not that difficult to see. u might diagnose it but are not curing it my brother.

terririost are to be seen as terririost, with respect to their motives , irrespective of their nationalities. Most of the people who are undertaking these activities belongs to FATA, supported by RAW and CIA mainly, but they still are pakistani, and they must be punished accordingly or to be left in piecies. but what u say then so by that we shold also get rid of FATA initially , probably NWFP afterwards, and then Bulochistan, punjab might be in the queu on exit list.

this how we solve problem, identification of problem(extremisim, not Afghans), understadning of it(religious, and belives), root causing it(India and RAW why they are doing it, could be different to various people), and devising the solution(Response and whatever found in root cause)

i repeat, Afghans are not the root cause, they are being used, but who are using them is our job to find out and punish them.
Sorry to disappont you but Muslim brotherhood doesn't exist today. Every Muslim country just cares for its own interst and the safety of their own people. Its only Pakistan thats obsessed about the Muslim world and the Muslim brotherhood and look where it got us today.

As you saw yesterday, "Muslim brothers" can turn out to be your worst enemy.

Leader dont follow others my brother :disagree:, they r stubborn on their vision :agree:

they have charisma, and people look at them when in trouble, we may be in tough situations but we will see through it,

call it a test but dont derail urself. behold brothers, we will pass the test INSHALLAH

but tell u what the way My mother(shaheeds mother cried on TV) dont let her emotions and sacred blood of shaheeds go wate, come to senses and salute along with me to our mothers who gave birth to such lucky sons of Pakistan (salute sign MODs plz)

:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan: God Bless pakistan and Inshallah he will
Leader dont follow others my brother :disagree:, they r stubborn on their vision :agree:

they have charisma, and people look at them when in trouble, we may be in tough situations but we will see through it,

call it a test but dont derail urself. behold brothers, we will pass the test INSHALLAH

but tell u what the way My mother(shaheeds mother cried on TV) dont let her emotions and sacred blood of shaheeds go wate, come to senses and salute along with me to our mothers who gave birth to such lucky sons of Pakistan (salute sign MODs plz)

:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan: God Bless pakistan and Inshallah he will

Pakistan is a nation of over 172 million people. As a nation, we have to put our people's safety first that is our duty.

If there are trouble-makers inside Pakistan who come from different countries, deport them/punish them like any other sovereign nation does.

Do you know how many Pakistanis and Middle Easterns have been deported since 9/11? Do you know how many Muslim families in US had the FBI coming to their house asking them questions.

Every sovereign nation cares for the safety of their people, why cant Pakistan do the same. More strict anti-terrorism laws needs to be set in Pakistan and Pakistani security authorities shouldn't be afraid to question suspicious people even when most of the suspicious people happen to be Afghani refugees, and if they cause trouble for Pakistan deport them..but still thats a lot of work for Pakistani authorities because many Afghan refugees hate Pakistan and commit all sort of crimes in Pakistan..it'll be in Pakistan's best interst to tell the world sorry we tried keeping Afghanis as guests in our country but our nation's interst comes first and our people's safety comes first so we cant take care of them and all of them need to go back to their country.
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So i guess this was a declaration of war by India towards Pakistan, i guess they want to fight a proxy warr. hmmmmmm
Most of the people who are undertaking these activities belongs to FATA, supported by RAW and CIA mainly.

Why blame CIA and RAW ? There is not even the remotest evidence for their involvement. CIA at least is solidly on Pak's side (atleast until Afghan issue is solved).

Mehsud behind attack - Pak Govt.
Mehsud behind strike: Malik | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

$5 Mn reward for Mehsud - US govt.
FOXNews.com - State Department Offers $5M Reward for Taliban Leader - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

India too would be unlikely to support Mehsud since they are against the current democratically elected central govt of Afghanistan which India supports.
I think you need to get your facts right my friend, India will practically support anyone who are against Pakistan. These consulates in India are funding these terrorists with generous donations, just to see Pakistan weakened. I am glad that Pakistan's government is changing its stance and is starting to point its finger towards India. Looks to me that India wants to fight a proxy war, lets see where all this goes.
Omar i know ur upset about the attacks, but u can not blame all of them just cuz a few are bad.

Just take the mumbai attacks, there was a pakistani in them, does that mean we are to be blamed for those attacks?

i think we all know the answer to that! dont we!
Every attack by islamist terrorists in pakistan is met by the "excuse" of India or RAW or CIA or Mossad -- Who is fashioning these responses? Why?

It is clear that these responses are fashioned by those who seek to divert attention from themselves and to create a confusion in the minds of ordinary people, with regard to who their enemy is, and equally as impostant, how to respond to this enemy.

The enemy is the Islamist terrorist, whether he call himself, Lashkar of this or that, Jaish of this or that, Taliban of there or there or Al Qaida.

You will notice that there will be no real arrests in this case - indeed, you mayh have noticed that there have been no real arrests in the Sri Lanka cricket team attack -- similarly you will notice the degree to which an attempt will be made to made such attacks hostage to events in India, thereby robbing the Pakistani people of justice, yet again.

How should Pakistanis respond to this -- Well, obviously, when someone beats you or your sister or brother, what do you do?? Of course, you NEGOTIATE -- No?? Just watch.
Dudes, we took in afghans in 1978( 3 million of them) That was our religious duty. If after all this that we have done for them they want to bark at us, let them.
We know that if there is still an Afghanistan , that is solely due to the generosity & sacrifices of the Muslims of Pakistan. Dont indulge in a war of words with them. They never liked us to begin with( since 1947).

We fulfilled our duty towards them as muslims. Our reward is our deed & will be paid in full !:victory:

Every attack by islamist terrorists in pakistan is met by the "excuse" of India or RAW or CIA or Mossad -- Who is fashioning these responses? Why?

It is clear that these responses are fashioned by those who seek to divert attention from themselves and to create a confusion in the minds of ordinary people, with regard to who their enemy is, and equally as impostant, how to respond to this enemy.

The enemy is the Islamist terrorist, whether he call himself, Lashkar of this or that, Jaish of this or that, Taliban of there or there or Al Qaida.

You will notice that there will be no real arrests in this case - indeed, you mayh have noticed that there have been no real arrests in the Sri Lanka cricket team attack -- similarly you will notice the degree to which an attempt will be made to made such attacks hostage to events in India, thereby robbing the Pakistani people of justice, yet again.

How should Pakistanis respond to this -- Well, obviously, when someone beats you or your sister or brother, what do you do?? Of course, you NEGOTIATE -- No?? Just watch.

Before I used to think that CIA and RAW were behind the attacks in Pakistan but yesterday I realized that theres a real threat of terrorism inside Pakistan.

On 2001, hardly any Pakistani supported the War against Terror but because of yesterday's attacks more Pakistanis feel its in Pakistan's best interst to fight this war on terror, but the only place is not FATA, now they have come into our eastern provinces causing their terrorist acts in major cities like Lahore and Karachi. We need troops in Lahore now and we need to secure all the borders of Pakistan. The border with Afghanistan is the biggest threat to Pakistan.
Before I used to think that CIA and RAW were behind the attacks in Pakistan but yesterday I realized that theres a real threat of terrorism inside Pakistan.

On 2001, hardly any Pakistani supported the War against Terror but because of yesterday's attacks more Pakistanis feel its in Pakistan's best interst to fight this war on terror, but the only place is not FATA, now they have come into our eastern provinces causing their terrorist acts in major cities like Lahore and Karachi. We need troops in Lahore now and we need to secure all the borders of Pakistan. The border with Afghanistan is the biggest threat to Pakistan.

I think you need to get your facts right my friend, India will practically support anyone who are against Pakistan. These consulates in India are funding these terrorists with generous donations, just to see Pakistan weakened. I am glad that Pakistan's government is changing its stance and is starting to point its finger towards India. Looks to me that India wants to fight a proxy war, lets see where all this goes.

I can't see the logic. India is a democracy and its policies represent the opinion of its people. I can't see anyone here who supports making a deal with the devil for any purpose.

Right now the biggest thing on Indian minds is the economy (which while holding up, is not all that great) and elections. India has consulates in Afghanistan, but no one has EVER found a terror training camp or Indians supporting Taleban. They do what they do, talk, build roads, give aid, spy and collect intelligence (possibly) -not fund terror.

You should be sad that Pak govt. is pointing fingers towards India (as of now, it is not) because that way you divert the attention from the real culprits that you should be punishing. There are terrorists in your midst and they are bend on killing democracy and your country - get them and please don't divert your aim.

What makes you think India is supporting them ? Not a rhetorical question, just wondering what makes you blame India for Taleban - Indian viewpoint is exact opposite, we hate them as much as you do.
i think we all know the answer to that! dont we!

Actually you should not be blamed for Mumbai, atleast not all of you. Pranab Mukherjee specifically said that India does not blame people of Pakistan for this and that it is annoyed with the Pak govt. but trusts Zardari.

The blame should be only on the terrorists and those who support them.

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