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Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

Interesting solution but how would you find guys who are living in other parts of Pakistan. It's going to be a nightmare for the GOP's agencies. This could lead to even more suicide bombings or more of these kind of attacks.

Well, at least the situation will be contained and the remnants finished off. It will be a hard fought battle, but at least we will have the assurance that terrorists aren't regrouping or crossing over from the other end of the border. By building the fence we can also shut the Yanks and NATO forever up. These people have been accusing Pakistan for not controlling the porous border. If we don't address the root cause of this problem which indeed is the porous border with Afghanistan we will never see any stability.
Spot on brother. I'm just up to my stomach with these Afghans. They have deteriorated the security situation in the once peaceful NWFP. NWFP was the peaceful heaven of Pakistan. We need to restore the peaceful era. An absolute must! Security situation can only be improved if we build a fence and mine the most vulnerable parts of the border. In addition, we need UCAVs for surveillance etc. This terror is most certainly being imported from the other side of the border. The refugees need to be repatriated immediately. I'm just sick and tired of the phony brotherhood BS. I'm a Pukhtoon too, but I've just had enough of these Afghans. All these lame excuses aren't helping the cause either. It's time to take some solid action. You either take drastic measures to reinstall law and order or face such heinous terror.

The logic I'm seeing here, and in related posts, is beyond absurd.

1) Afghan national is allegedly captured, what about the Siraiki contingent? Do we deport all Siraiki speakers from Pakistan now?

The policemen rescued out of the premises informed that the terrorists were young and speaking Saraiki language.
4 Terrorists Arrested: Lahore Police School Attack

2) I've heard about how people have been wronged by Afghan refugees, and i've no doubts the instances relayed are true. But so what? It's not like crime would not be rampant without the refugees.

3) They're refugees. They act like refugees act, or any impoverished group. As usual it's an easy target to blame society's ills, when the problem is more within the indigenous society.

4) I don't think you can blame the bomb attacks mainly on the refugees. The impression I'm getting is most of them are carried out by Pakistanis, who are exploited as tools by foreign countries.
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And if India cares so much about Afghanis, why doesn't your country host millions of them?

They are sequrity concern for your country, no question about it. India already have enough trouble with illegal migrants and they dont want more foreign people India and then loose track of them. It will be huge security problem. Solution is for Afganies to go back and all of the countries in this region, including India, Iran and Pakistan, should build a coalition to settle them back in Afganistan properly.
The logic I'm seeing here, and in related posts, is beyond absurd.

1) Afghan national is allegedly captured, what about the Siraiki contingent? Do we deport all Siraiki speakers from Pakistan now?

The policemen rescued out of the premises informed that the terrorists were young and speaking Saraiki language.
4 Terrorists Arrested: Lahore Police School Attack

2) I've heard about how people have been wronged by Afghan refugees, and i've no doubts the instances relayed are true. But so what? It's not like crime would not be rampant without the refugees.

3) They're refugees. They act like refugees act, or any impoverished group. As usual it's an easy target to blame society's ills, when the problem is more within the indigenous society.

The man who was caught with grenades and was trying to attack a Pakistani police helicopter is an Afghan national its confirmed. Theres no point arguing about his nationality its confirmed he's an Afghan national who had fake ID on him, another major problem thats going on in Pakistan is that Afghani refugees have made fake IDs for themselves and pretend to be Pakistani citizens.

As for Saraiki speakers, yea most Saraiki speaking people belong to Pakistan (there's also a few Saraiki speakers in India), but right now we have a lot in our plate and we'll have less in our plate when Afghani refugees return back to their country. Only then we can focus on the major problems facing Pakistan today because most of the problems in Pakistan are coming from Afghanistan.
The logic I'm seeing here, and in related posts, is beyond absurd.

1) Afghan national is allegedly captured, what about the Siraiki contingent? Do we deport all Siraiki speakers from Pakistan now?

The policemen rescued out of the premises informed that the terrorists were young and speaking Saraiki language.
4 Terrorists Arrested: Lahore Police School Attack

2) I've heard about how people have been wronged by Afghan refugees, and i've no doubts the instances relayed are true. But so what? It's not like crime would not be rampant without the refugees.

3) They're refugees. They act like refugees act, or any impoverished group. As usual it's an easy target to blame society's ills, when the problem is more within the indigenous society.

I understand your annoyance at our reactions. However, the current situation requires that we undertake some drastic and bold steps. Of course, the war refugees need to be repatriated to their home land regardless of the law and order situation within NWFP. The fact that their presence has only exacerbated the volatile security situation should serve as a reminder. We should deal with all local extreme elements. We cannot deport them because they are our responsibility and we cannot run or hide from that.

It's an undeniable fact that ever since the war refugees arrived from Afghanistan we have seen a considerable deterioration in the stability of many Pakistani cities. We have seen how the norms and values conflict. We have also seen that the gun culture all across Pakistan has increased exponentially. This is unacceptable and I don't want the tribal areas to be turned into Wild Wild West.

Well, we could pretend that all is fine. However, I've already mentioned that we have witnessed an upward trend in violence all across Pakistan. Whether the refugees are involved or responsible is something everyone can figure out for themselves. We know that the millions of refugees cannot stay forever. Sooner or later they will have to be repatriated to their homeland. There is no harm in speeding up the process.
The man who was caught with grenades and was trying to attack a Pakistani police helicopter is an Afghan national its confirmed. Theres no point arguing about his nationality its confirmed he's an Afghan national who had fake ID on him, another major problem thats going on in Pakistan is that Afghani refugees have made fake IDs for themselves and pretend to be Pakistani citizens.

As for Saraiki speakers, yea most Saraiki speaking people belong to Pakistan (there's also a few Saraiki speakers in India), but right now we have a lot in our plate and we'll have less in our plate when Afghani refugees return back to their country. Only then we can focus on the major problems facing Pakistan today because most of the problems in Pakistan are coming from Afghanistan.

^^That made little sense.

If he was carrying fake id, it's not possible to say anything concretely.

I suppose all the Muslim refugees living in non Muslim countries could be deported to, based on the WoT. That's not a valid argument.

The core of the problem may very well come from Afghanistan due to the foreign activity there, however, the suggestion Pakistanis are not the ones carrying out these attacks is simply burying your heads in the ground.
I understand your annoyance at our reactions. However, the current situation requires that we undertake some drastic and bold steps. Of course, the war refugees need to be repatriated to their home land regardless of the law and order situation within NWFP. The fact that their presence has only exacerbated the volatile security situation should serve as a reminder. We should deal with all local extreme elements. We cannot deport them because they are our responsibility and we cannot run or hide from that.

It's an undeniable fact that ever since the war refugees arrived from Afghanistan we have seen a considerable deterioration in the stability of many Pakistani cities. We have seen how the norms and values conflict. We have also seen that the gun culture all across Pakistan has increased exponentially. This is unacceptable and I don't want the tribal areas to be turned into Wild Wild West.

Well, we could pretend that all is fine. However, I've already mentioned that we have witnessed an upward trend in violence all across Pakistan. Whether the refugees are involved or responsible is something everyone can figure out for themselves. We know that the millions of refugees cannot stay forever. Sooner or later they will have to be repatriated to their homeland. There is no harm in speeding up the process.

Afghan refugees started arriving from the times of the Soviet invasion. The numbers were always around 3 or 4 million. They were not the ones who looted the entire country to virtually default status, and were not holding Pakistan back from growing strongly under Musharraf.

The gun culture has always existed in Pakistan's western border along FATA. Deporting the Afghans is not going to stop the gun culture. You're in a world of denial if you believe it will.

btw, I'm all for deportation of the Afghans, or voluntary repatriation as I call it, once the WoT is over, and Afghanistan is deemed safe.
^^That made little sense.

If he was carrying fake id, it's not possible to say anything concretely.

I suppose all the Muslim refugees living in non Muslim countries could be deported to, based on the WoT. That's not a valid argument.

The core of the problem may very well come from Afghanistan due to the foreign activity there, however, the suggestion Pakistanis are not the ones carrying out these attacks is simply burying your heads in the ground.

Muslim or non-Muslim refugees for that matter living in Western countries get a temporary stay and leave whenever the security situation improves in their homeland.

No one is denying that some locals are involved. We realize the local threat. However, we shouldn't be oblivious of the Afghan problem.
^^That made little sense.

If he was carrying fake id, it's not possible to say anything concretely.

I suppose all the Muslim refugees living in non Muslim countries could be deported to, based on the WoT. That's not a valid argument.

The core of the problem may very well come from Afghanistan due to the foreign activity there, however, the suggestion Pakistanis are not the ones carrying out these attacks is simply burying your heads in the ground.

Turn on Geo news or any other news channel in Pakistan, they confirmed that the man caught trying to attack Pakistani police helicopter is an Afghan national. Its very easy to tell if an ID is fake, and the police probably got information from him and came to the conclusion that he's an Afghan national.

This news of his identity is all over the news, why would anyone lie about it?

Pakistan has own laws concerning refugees, we dont need to follow the laws of other countries.
Muslim or non-Muslim refugees for that matter living in Western countries get a temporary stay and leave whenever the security situation improves in their homeland.

Usually they are given citizenship though it depends on a case by case basis. Having studied this in school I should know. If Pakistan is to start clearing up its messes, it should start utilizing an organized and disciplined approach via social institutions and civil mechanisms. Deporting people won't solve a thing unless there is a process followed. Some may deserve deportation, others may not.
Muslim or non-Muslim refugees for that matter living in Western countries get a temporary stay and leave whenever the security situation improves in their homeland.

The situation in Afghanistan is not safe. There is a war on. Would you favour the return of Muslim refugees in western countries to war zones?

No one is denying that some locals are involved. We realize the local threat. However, we shouldn't be oblivious of the Afghan problem.

The locals have their own sets of grievances, and those need to be addressed. The mess will clear up one day, and they will be less exploitable. This is a weaker time simply because of the situation next door in Afghanistan. It needs to be ridden out tactfully. Not in a mind blowingly brash manner. Peace needs to prevail.
Afghan refugees started arriving from the times of the Soviet invasion. The numbers were always around 3 or 4 million. They were not the ones who looted the entire country to virtually default status, and were not holding Pakistan back from growing strongly under Musharraf.

The gun culture has always existed in Pakistan's western border along FATA. Deprting the Afghans is not going to stop the gun culture. You're in a world of denial if you believe it will.


Afghans on our side of the border are living on UN aid and are in pretty bad shape. It will make no difference if their refugee camps are on the Afghan side of the border.

Call it a disaster relief camp on the Afghan side instead of Refugee camp but it has to be on the other side.

Terrorists are taking advantage of these refugee camps and are using these camps to carry out their activities.

Lets move them out with or without UN approbval and very quickly!

This will be a good lesson for the Americans as well.
Afghan refugees started arriving from the times of the Soviet invasion. The numbers were always around 3 or 4 million. They were not the ones who looted the entire country to virtually default status, and were not holding Pakistan back from growing strongly under Musharraf.

The gun culture has always existed in Pakistan's western border along FATA. Deprting the Afghans is not going to stop the gun culture. You're in a world of denial if you believe it will.

Please, understand the point I'm trying to make here. I don't blame the refugees for corruption committed by thieves in the government. I don't blame the refugees for the default status either. However, I do notice a trend of insecurity tat has taken hold ever since the refugees started arriving in Pakistan. We have seen how the gun culture started spreading rapidly all over Pakistan. It was never as bad as this before. NWFP has become the Wild Wild West. We can at least lessen the crime rate and decrease the gun culture in NWFP if we deport the Afghans and build a fence. To you I may sound like a bigot, but a quarter of my family lives across the border. I don't hold any ill feelings against Afghans. Still, I won't deny the crux of the problem which quite clearly lies in the porous border that we share with Afghanistan. The Afghan refugee camps have also become a hotbed of instability. The last thing we need at this time is any external bad influence. We already have enough of it within our own borders.
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Guys don't start blaming the afghans, pakistan is at fault as much as Afghanistan is.
Afghan refugees started arriving from the times of the Soviet invasion. The numbers were always around 3 or 4 million. They were not the ones who looted the entire country to virtually default status, and were not holding Pakistan back from growing strongly under Musharraf.

The gun culture has always existed in Pakistan's western border along FATA. Deporting the Afghans is not going to stop the gun culture. You're in a world of denial if you believe it will.

btw, I'm all for deportation of the Afghans, or voluntary repatriation as I call it, once the WoT is over, and Afghanistan is deemed safe.

Read the posts from previous pages, a brother from Karachi said that Afghan refugees kill and threaten innocent Pakistanis in Karachi, its a fact that Afghani refugees are also causing ethnic tensions in Karachi, the economic hub of Pakistan.

Its also a fact that Pakistan has lost billions because of the war in Afghanistan and hosting millions of Afghani refugees.

Its also a fact that Afghani refugees are involved in drug trafficking.

Its also a fact the man caught today with grenades and was trying to attack a Pakistani police helicopter is an Afghan national.

No point in helping "the Muslim brothers" anymore, they are the ill-wishers of Pakistan and only want chaos and destruction for Pakistan.

Pakistan has been generous enough and needs to only think about Pakistan and Pakistanis now.

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