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Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

Look, it's very simple. India has interests and policy. Those policies do not change, those basic interests do not change.

I'm sure some people in India don't care about Pakistan, whether it's there or not. Others do, and would like to see it gone or merged. There's people in the Indian government who think that way too.

Yes that is right but still its too early to start blaming anyone
Mark -imagine ( god forbids ) but if you lost your son -21 yr old. on street who have done no harm to anybody. he was just doing his reagular bits of day.
And some alien shoot him because - somebody else didn't let this aliien demolish a school because girl were studying there.

Dude things are diffrent here - these - animals who killed innocent are not human . these guys who died were not soldeirs they are innocent people.
They didnt go to some other country to take revenge.
Its a bad case - I think pakistani need to understand -
AND it calms down pakistani people?????
wtf -Wake up - this is just a propegenda by govt. to blind people . to take their eyes away from - their lapse in security.
us ? israel ? afghan ? ltte ? bangla ? india ? or just the -so called : NON STATE ACTORS OF PAKISTAN ?
I bet govt will again get away w ith it - ITS their fault - they must save pakistan from their enemies .

All can be behind this except BD. Non state actors also getting foreign support.
The people who are doing it are not animals they have been brainwashed by their leaders who claim that they are fighting in th name of Allah.
The people who are doing it are not animals they have been brainwashed by their leaders who claim that they are fighting in th name of Allah.

OXYMORON !!! Well if they are human ??

what differentiate a human from animal is ability of their brain.

If they use their brain they wont let other make them- kill innocent.

Will you kill some kid on the street - because i tell you - that allah said : thou shalt kill thee kid on the street??
Pakistan was faced with a lot of Qs after the 3/3 and after the intial sumphaty and support they were faced with lot of questions. The investigation led to nowhere even after almost a month. And now a similar number of gunmen are it at again and wow this time they managed to capture one terrorist alive.

Im surprised, looked like a drama renacted with a much better script this time to get the 'victim tag '.
OXYMORON !!! Well if they are human ??

what differentiate a human from animal is ability of their brain.

If they use their brain they wont let other make them- kill innocent.

Will you kill some kid on the street - because i tell you - that allah said : thou shalt kill thee kid on the street??

You're reading of the situation is too simplistic.
I have repeated my views so often that I am sounding like a gramaphone record even to myself, but when the country that I love is falling apart at seams, what is there to do?

Two attacks on the beautiful city of Lahore, in one month! Attack during Friday prayers in Jamrud. Anti state elements in whatever guise, are running amok; challenging the writ of Pakistan state with impunity and getting away with it.!

Apologists will again try to justify these attacks as revenge for US drones or GOP economic policies etc. What economic policies have got to do with attack on Sri Lankan team or on the police training centre? This is a deliberate attempt to undermine the very existence of Pakistan and to prove to the world that state of Pakistan is either incapable or incompetent to do any thing about it.

Army training centre had already been attacked in NWFP following the All Masjid affair, so it must have been known that all training centers are at risk. This is a police centre and near the Indian border therefore there must having been strong security.

How these people manage to get inside? I conclude that there have to be some inside elements who provided info to the terrorists about the lapse of security. In addition, these people must have been around the area for some time to reconnoiter the surroundings, there have to be elements that provided safe houses, food and transportation etc.

I am from a village therefore used to thinking in simple terms, anyone whether he be a gov't official, member of the security forces, or of the media or of civil society who directly or indirectly provides succor to these anti state elements is a Traitor and must be weeded out.

All those who simply shrug their shoulders and put the blame on foreign elements, I ask, no doubt our enemies want to destroy us, but why don’t we destroy the apparatus and the people who actually pull the trigger. If we find that India is involved, let us break diplomatic relations with India, if CIA or Zionists are involved, let us break our ties with the US. On the other hand if it turns out that Islamic extremists are involved, close all the madrassas and arrest all the leaders suspected of supporting these elements. Either way, we have to send a strong message to all involved no matter whom.

Please don’t justify this act as response to Drone attacks, why hell they don’t they attack US forces in Afghanistan instead of attacking police training centre in Lahore.

I also blame the media and the diehard extremist supporters. I have seen the coverage of Lal Masjid siege with my own eyes. The way Hamid Mir supported the elements who were challenging the writ of Pakistan state and how he criticized the brave jawans who were trying to enforce it; provided a justification and glorified anti sate elements. Number of suicide attacks have increased tenfold since then is a proof that Hamid Mir / Geo TV have damaged interests of Pakistan and are indirectly responsible for the killing of scores of innocent Pakistanis.

IMO since state of Pakistan herself is at stake, any one found to have any links whatsoever with anti sate elements should be tried for treason.

I 100% agree with your assessment Niaz, no use in blaming here and there before cleaning our house first.
Our general masses need to be educated on the threat posed by these rogue organizations which are abusing the name of religion and trying to throw dirt in our eyes.

Point to ponder...You all would know about Riaz Basra (founder of Laskhar-e-Jhangvi) who was killed in an encounter. Having killed 100s of innocent Shias Muslim brethren i would have thought that nobody considering himself a Muslim would attend his funeral. After all he was a cold blooded killer of innocents...right?
Guess again...
i was shocked to see clips of his funeral attended by thousands of people....this one single incident opened my eyes to the level of stupidity and ignorance our people were driven to by a mass orchestrated propaganda of such militant outfits portraying themselves as holy warriors!!!
Our forefathers would be sad if they were alive to see how stupid we have become.

I say we are fighting the WAR for Islam and not these militants because these militants are the biggest threat against Islam since they are abusing it and twisting everything beautiful about Islam.

Niaz, even if you repeat it 1000 times i will still feel it as a useful action on your part since the propaganda machine of these bloody rascals are always repeating the same none sense again and again to the people over whom they have established control (via terror and extreme brainwashing).

It is time we start our own information/propaganda war to save Pakistan and Islam from these thugs.
OXYMORON !!! Well if they are human ??

what differentiate a human from animal is ability of their brain.

If they use their brain they wont let other make them- kill innocent.

Will you kill some kid on the street - because i tell you - that allah said : thou shalt kill thee kid on the street??

Listen most of these people in the jihadi groups are uneducated they don't even know hoe to read even the leader of taliban is a school dropout they are told the teachings of the quran by others who convey a very wrong message to them and they beleive them they think that if they do suicide attacks they will go to heaven when in reality suicide id haram in Islam,so i think it will make sense to you now they thinki that they are fighting in he name of Allah they think that they are heroes aand they don't even stop to think that this is all wrong.
Pakistan was faced with a lot of Qs after the 3/3 and after the intial sumphaty and support they were faced with lot of questions. The investigation led to nowhere even after almost a month. And now a similar number of gunmen are it at again and wow this time they managed to capture one terrorist alive.

Im surprised, looked like a drama renacted with a much better script this time to get the 'victim tag '.

lmao bull. I like your conspiracy theories that it's all an act.

The report of the Sri Lankan attacks has been given to Sri Lankan authorities. It blames a foreign hand. So there must be evidence.
Pakistan was faced with a lot of Qs after the 3/3 and after the intial sumphaty and support they were faced with lot of questions. The investigation led to nowhere even after almost a month. And now a similar number of gunmen are it at again and wow this time they managed to capture one terrorist alive.

Im surprised, looked like a drama renacted with a much better script this time to get the 'victim tag '.

For the love of GOD "Bull", add the word "S**T" with your nickname as well.

Do you REALLY think that this is an orchestration? If you seriously believe that then I seriously wonder what you've been doing on this forum. Haven't you learned ANYTHING about Pakistan from this forum? How does this help our situation? What EXACTLY are we going to gain by orchestrating such a HIGH level terrorist attack on our own police academy? If you weigh the pros and cons of this incident you'd EASILY understand where I'm coming from.

Please, keep your imbecilic point of views to yourself. This isn't the right time for you to flame bait on such a sensitive thread.
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I wish people stop sympathysing these animals -
or forgive them because they are brain washed.

i THINK THE situation is simple - its not complicated - if you want you can make it complicated.
Nobody can - make me kill some kid on street by their lies. its as simple as that ! If they are sucessful in doing so - means i am just a dumb f and deserve to be shot down. like a mad dog.
I wish people stop sympathysing these animals -
or forgive them because they are brain washed.

i THINK THE situation is simple - its not complicated - if you want you can make it complicated.
Nobody can - make me kill some kid on street by their lies. its as simple as that ! If they are sucessful in doing so - means i am just a dumb f and deserve to be shot down. like a mad dog.

I'm not sympathizing with anyone.i'm just tellin what i think is making them do such horrible things
You mean "Lionheart Lahorian" cought him! :smokin:

Punjabi are crazy people - crazy (Brave) in good sense ,I saw on television how - all the coppers were - hiding here and there and this one Punjabi guy was standing in front of gate - shouting - oye ethey - ethey !!!!! pointing finger - where the terrorist is going. loool
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