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Kuwait Times: Israel is not our enemy

This is a false interpretation on three counts. First off, no, Miuhammed never visited Jerusalem, that is a historical fact and I defy you to prove otherwise. The myth that "the furthest mosque" means Jerusalem is a false interpretation of the Quran made up by GODLESS COMMUNISTS who founded the PFLP/PLO. Nothing could be more wrong than taking instruction on the Quran from Communists.

Sir I'm not interested in Arab nationlists, or communists, or capitalist, or secularists. I don't need you to tell me about my religion; Masjid-Al Aqsa mentioned in the Quran in chapter 'Bani Israeil
This is referred to by Zionists as "the map that lies": link. There's no justification to keep using it, save to promote blood-libel fantasies. Therefore anyone who knowingly does so, or uses it and doesn't apologize and stop using it after learning better, is an antisemite.
Unfortunately , who ever talks about Palastinian land is " antisemite." . From Clinton to Obama. Feel sorry for Yitzhak Rabin.
Second, it's also factually wrong to call the "furthest mosque" Jerusalem on the basis of sheer geography. The furthest mosque would by definition be in Pakistan or Morocco. The factual illogic of such a claim strongly suggests it was invented by Communists. No?

No, we know without ANY doubt the Al-Aqsa is the our Masjid which Allah talks about and Nabi as'salaathu was'salaam travelled too. Mufasireen and muhaditheen are in total agreement.

Finally, the Quran says that the chosen people of Islam are the Arabs and that Israel must always belong to the Israelites. Since by definition no Israelite could be an Arab because the condition is premised on the covenant made with Jacob - Islam and Judaism agree here - then doesn't that mean that the claim is made by those who deny the Quran?

Now you sound like your part of the Hasbara department. I have debated this matter before. See above for a brief answer and it suffices for now.

But let's back up again...if we establish that Jews do honor their free oaths, and that the enmity based on a false interpretation of the Quran was invented by Communists...then doesn't that mean Israel and Kuwait and the rest of the Ummah don't have to be enemies? Right?

We are talking about HISTORICAL context back when the Jews broke the covenant with Allah. Please refraim from mixing the current situation with the past.

The Arabs are free to recognise whoever they want. I'm speaking as a Pakistani and I know my people, they will NEVER recognise the Zionist Occupied Palestine. We have lived apart for 70 years and neither of us need each other and so lets leave it there.
Was Benjamin Ze'ev Herzl alive in the times of Nabi Musa as'salaam. His vile movement started in 1895. There is no Islamic bigotry against your people. If you don't like what you see, don't break the mirror.

You've already been given the hard counter to this: the Mizrahi Jewish exile. The Mizrahi were punished because the issue was not political Zionism but the Jews ceasing to be a conquered people.

Unfortunately , who ever talks about Palastinian land is " antisemite." . From Clinton to Obama. Feel sorry for Yitzhak Rabin.

Clinton blamed Arafat for the failure of the peace talks.

The real tragedy of Rabin's death is not that his death changed everything but that it changed nothing. If he had lived, the conflict would almost certainly not have ended, for the reason that the Arabs will settle for nothing less than dismantling Israel as a Jewish state. Or do you disagree?

I want PDF to look at how he describes the Nabi as'salaathu was'salaam. This is their TRUE face, they have rancor and hatred for us. Twisting what you are onto us is what zionists do best and, what your sages have written speaks volumes about how to treat Goyam.

Then why did we not exterminate you all when we had the chance after winning the '67 and '73 wars? Why does Israel support its Arab populations rather than just cutting off the food and electricity and letting them die behind the walls? Why does Israel treat the Arabs under its rule with far more humanity than their own governments?

Could it be that, because you resent the Jews as a people who rejected Islam, you must invent lies about them to justify your own hatred - to claim that, given the chance, they would do the same as you wish to do?

Thank you for your bedtime reading list; I suggest you read how we gave your people sanctuary when Andalusia fell to Christendom and they were slaughtering Jews and Muslim and your people took refuge throughout the Muslim world. I know Zionists have a short memory and like playing the victim card.

Andalusia was Christian until the Moorish invasion. The Jews had the misfortune to be caught up in all this. What matters to us today is not that it happened but how it is perceived by you - that you think that Islamic invaders in someone else's country are righteous victims when the natives repel the invasion.

Tell me something...do you think Spain still rightfully belongs to the nation of Islam?

The treaty with Prophet Muhammed as'salaathu was'salaam was made freely and willingly in Madina. Jews were the inhabitants and the Muslim Al-Muhjiroon went their. The Ansar of Madina took them in, With respect to your distortion of history, you people came and willing accepted the treaty and yet broke it in reference to Banu Qurayzah and Banu Qaynuqa. These are one of the treacherous amongst the sons of Adam as'salaam...

It your people who are envious of Islam when your nation was put on pedestal and Allah had chosen them above all others. It is your nations that the Prophets as'salaathu was'salaamu alayhum came from and yet because of your continued transgressions and broke covenant with Allah, Allah took away his favors and Prophethood. And yet accuse us of being jealous! We are Allah chosen people now! Sir, having debated Zionists before and I say this as I said to them, get over it and move on! Our rank in the next life is already settled; insha'Allah our time is coming in this world.

I think it is very clear that even you know the truth is the exact opposite.

Debates about who's prophet or promise from G-d is superior are a total waste of time. What is relevant is what our respective faiths mean to us today. Back to the OP... Kuwait and the rest of the Arab world insists on seeing Israel as an enemy it is not because they resent everything Israel represents to Islam.

I like that scene from Bruce Lee's "Enter the Dragon."

Monk: What are your thoughts when facing an opponent?
Bruce Lee: There is no opponent.
Monk: And why is that?
Bruce Lee: Because the word "I" does not exist.

Once the Islamic world grasps the truth of this bit of Chinese wisdom, they will move past the silly Israel nonsense and achieve their dreams.
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Unfortunately , who ever talks about Palastinian land is " antisemite."
HAIDER provides an excellent example of someone caught in a fib who then tries to shield himself behind worthy others. In my nice neighborhood the police flush the occasional robber out of the bushes he's hiding in. Why should you be treated any different?
No, we know without ANY doubt the Al-Aqsa is the our Masjid which Allah talks about and Nabi as'salaathu was'salaam travelled too. Mufasireen and muhaditheen are in total agreement.

Again... do you have historical proof of this?

Now you sound like your part of the Hasbara department. I have debated this matter before. See above for a brief answer and it suffices for now.

Some Christians say the same thing about the Jews and Jesus as you do about the Jews and Muhammed. They also believe that you Muslims will burn in hell for following Muhammed. I doubt you find that claim very persuasive.

There is no way forward for anyone without accepting the principle of religious universalism.
HAIDER provides an excellent example of someone caught in a fib who then tries to shield himself behind worthy others. In my nice neighborhood the police flush the occasional robber out of the bushes he's hiding in. Why should you be treated any different?
Well, its question and matter of personal perception . Muslims condemn Hitler for the killing of innocent people....fib ?

You've already been given the hard counter to this: the Mizrahi Jewish exile. The Mizrahi were punished because the issue was not political Zionism but the Jews ceasing to be a conquered people.

Then why did we not exterminate you all when we had the chance after winning the '67 and '73 wars? Why does Israel support its Arab populations rather than just cutting off the food and electricity and letting them die behind the walls? Why does Israel treat the Arabs under its rule with far more humanity than their own governments?

Could it be that, because you resent the Jews as a people who rejected Islam, you must invent lies about them to justify your own hatred - to claim that, given the chance, they would do the same as you wish to do?

Andalusia was Christian until the Moorish invasion. The Jews had the misfortune to be caught up in all this. What matters to us today is not that it happened but how it is perceived by you - that you think that Islamic invaders in someone else's country are righteous victims when the natives repel the invasion.

Tell me something...do you think Spain still rightfully belongs to the nation of Islam?

I think it is very clear that even you know the truth is the exact opposite.

Debates about who's prophet or promise from G-d is superior are a total waste of time. What is relevant is what our respective faiths mean to us today. Back to the OP... Kuwait and the rest of the Arab world insists on seeing Israel as an enemy it is not because they resent everything Israel represents to Islam.

I like that scene from Bruce Lee's "Enter the Dragon."

Monk: What are your thoughts when facing an opponent?
Bruce Lee: There is no opponent.
Monk: And why is that?
Bruce Lee: Because the word "I" does not exist.

Once the Islamic world grasps the truth of this bit of Chinese wisdom, they will move past the silly Israel nonsense and achieve their dreams.

Clinton blamed Arafat for the failure of the peace talks.

The real tragedy of Rabin's death is not that his death changed everything but that it changed nothing. If he had lived, the conflict would almost certainly not have ended, for the reason that the Arabs will settle for nothing less than dismantling Israel as a Jewish state. Or do you disagree?

Can not contest what individual think about Rabin. But he is been seen as hero in " moderate Muslim world " .
Can not contest what individual think about Rabin. But he is been seen as hero in " moderate Muslim world " .

Even you put "moderate Muslims" in quotes as if you're talking about a nonentity...a perception shared by most in the West.

Those same "moderates" also are favorably inclined towards the radical leftists who they think will open the gates of Rome from the inside. The real losers are the Muslims themselves who prefer useful idiots to real credibility in the mainstream world.
Well, its question and matter of personal perception -
"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion - but not their own facts."

- remark attributed to Senator & Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Even you put "moderate Muslims" in quotes as if you're talking about a nonentity...a perception shared by most in the West.

Those same "moderates" also are favorably inclined towards the radical leftists who they think will open the gates of Rome from the inside. The real losers are the Muslims themselves who prefer useful idiots to real credibility in the mainstream world.
Stated the fact and personally read his life history. A pragmatic person, who's peace vision been shelved by his own comrades.
Stated the fact and personally read his life history. A pragmatic person, who's peace vision been shelved by his own comrades.

How was Rabin's vision different from the deal Barak offered at Camp David in 2000?
Then why did we not exterminate you all when we had the chance after winning the '67 and '73 wars? Why does Israel support its Arab populations rather than just cutting off the food and electricity and letting them die behind the walls? Why does Israel treat the Arabs under its rule with far more humanity than their own governments?

Even though you may have wanted to but you were not able to. When the time is right what is coming to descendents of Ismael as'salaam is and yet to pass. When your mashiach comes your lies will be undone and your true intentions of what you said you ''could'' have done will be before all to see.

Could it be that, because you resent the Jews as a people who rejected Islam, you must invent lies about them to justify your own hatred - to claim that, given the chance, they would do the same as you wish to do?

You know very well this has nothing to do with Jews not have accepted Islam. Who are we to ask you to accept us when your people transgressed with nabi Musa as'salaam. Who are we to ask when you transgressed with nabi Sulaiman as'salaam. Who are we when you transgressed with nabi Ya'qub as'salaam. Who are we to ask when you killed some of the prophets as'salaamu alayhum unjustly. Who are we to ask when you transgressed with nabi Dawoud as'salaam. Who are we to ask when miracles were seen before your eyes and yet turned back in disbelief....etc, etc

Continue to lie to yourself and what is to come in the next life will be apparent.
Even though you may have wanted to but you were not able to. When the time is right what is coming to descendents of Ismael as'salaam is and yet to pass. When your mashiach comes your lies will be undone and your true intentions of what you said you ''could'' have done will be before all to see.

Muslims are despised in the West because they mistake honor for weakness.

You know very well this has nothing to do with Jews not have accepted Islam. Who are we to ask you to accept us when your people transgressed with nabi Musa as'salaam. Who are we to ask when you transgressed with nabi Sulaiman as'salaam. Who are we when you transgressed with nabi Ya'qub as'salaam. Who are we to ask when you killed some of the prophets as'salaamu alayhum unjustly. Who are we to ask when you transgressed with nabi Dawoud as'salaam. Who are we to ask when miracles were seen before your eyes and yet turned back in disbelief....etc, etc Continue to lie to yourself and what is to come in the next life will be apparent.

Christians say the same thing about Muslims and Jews. We got over it. Hopefully you will too.
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