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Kuwait Times: Israel is not our enemy

Jews don't destroy everyone who isn't our buddy. Just because we aren't on the best of terms right now doesn't mean we're plotting your conquest or annihilation. If you doubt this, ask the Arabs.


You need some help with Quran study. The term "al-Aqsa" in that context is literal and does not specifically refer to a monument built on top of a Christian church and given its appellation long after the guy was dead.

3: Are you retarded? Supporters of the congress of which was almost all Hindu were responsible for attacks on Sikhs - i suggest that you actually read the link i provided.

4: These were Zionist militias responsible for emptying thousands of Arab villages which resulted in the Arab revolt. I suggest you read them before replying.
Haganah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fosh (Haganah unit) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Irgun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm not going to get into a tit-for-tat about Islamic vs kaffir violence. Suffice to say, political Islam is historically much more reliant on mob violence than political Judaism or Hindu/Sikhism, and political outcomes in India and Israel alike reflect this. There is no Islamic equivalent to the kibbutz or Gandhi.

5: See, this is where I see how blind you are - first off, Palestinians are not arabs and never were; its like saying Egyptians and Sudanese are arabs. Although they adopted Arab languages, name and culture they are not ethnically Arabs.

Everything about the modern political history of the Arabs, from flags, names of countries, Arab League membership, political and military alliances, genocides against Africans and Copts, etc, proves otherwise.

6: Thinking predominates Islamic world...? Just showing me more and more how much of an idiot you are - The Islamic world and pre-islamic east has always been more prosperous in economics, military, culture and education than the west; Europe was very backward compared to the Islamic world, by the time Muslims were inventing things like algebra, Paris's inhabitants were still living in huts and shitting outside just like India is today. Also, how do we envy India? I've been to both countries and let me tell you this, India would be the last country i would envy as it is a shit country compared to Pakistan and even Bangladesh. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Brunei, Turkey, are all prospering - no need to envy the west. Remember if the west never got involved in Iraq there would have never been ISIS or 9/11 - at that time Iraq was on the road to becoming one of the most prosperous countries with a GDP growth rate of 59% the highest in the world, at that pace Iraq could have left behind in the world within a decade or two. Islamic dominance only became to lag behind in the 1750s-1800s because of Janissaries who refused to accept any reforms.

7: My mom is American and i study in Orlando; and trust me, the amount of biased shit they feed is beyond emphasizable.
9: Their failed culture was able to give birth to modern day's western culture. For a thousand years it was Europeans who were bring their failed culture into the Islamic world.
8 Great Modern Innovations We Can Thank Muslims For
Muslim inventions that shaped the modern world - CNN.com

Which is why you live in Orlando and not the West you hate...right?

8: Islamic myth...? :hitwall: :crazy: You are so brainwashed.... Wikipedia and hundreds of other sources are not Islamic myths.
I SUGGEST YOU READ THIS: History of the Jews under Muslim rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Haha, now you bring up Jizya, a common tactic used by people like you to show how "Mowzlums mistreated good christian and jewish folks" Non-Muslims had to pay taxes because it would be fair for Muslims who also had to pay taxes that non-Muslims were exempt from. Non-Muslims had to pay Jizya which would go to the state and Muslims had to pay Zakat which would go to Charity in many cases Zakat was more than Jizya.


1. Jews do not swear "by the Torah"
2. Jews believe oaths made under duress have no validity, while those made freely before Gentiles are always valid (which is the opposite of what Muslims believe)

This is a made-up Islamic story at odds with what Jews believe. It's also irrelevant because that's no longer the status quo. It's no longer the 15th century.

What this thread is really all about is the inability of Muslims to look critically at their own history. They would do well to follow the example of the Jews who ask themselves, "Were the Maccabees and Zealots really heroes, or were they terrorists? Did Masada fall because of the Romans or because of our own bad choices? What should we believe today?"
Sure israel is not kuwait's enemy ... Why it would be... Israel is Allah's enemy... Enemy of a true muslim... So if there is a muslim state not interested in implementing rule of Allah.. Not bothered about muslims quran and sunnah they will not have any problem to that country... So go and make relations with Allah's enemy after all this is the only life and economy is the only thing that matters... Fool were Umar, Usman and Ali who lost their life for Allah ... Fools are palestenian who will be provided assylum in any muslim country but are living their for Allah... I think rules should be passed thier should be no moral laws in the world and might is always right ... Do remember that Allah is witness to all our deed and Allah is greatest ... Time to open your eyes ...
Jews are righteous and god fearing people, zionists are greedy, trigger happy, genocidal, racist land grabbers. Massive difference.
Israel is owned by zionist and not by Jews,,, so if you talk about Israel as a state then it means you are talking about Zionist ..

I'm not going to get into a tit-for-tat about Islamic vs kaffir violence. Suffice to say, political Islam is historically much more reliant on mob violence than political Judaism or Hindu/Sikhism, and political outcomes in India and Israel alike reflect this. There is no Islamic equivalent to the kibbutz or Gandhi.
f Islam is all about violence then what do you say about Moses (AS) preaching isrealities to attach Jerusalem to claim the land which was conquered by Israelities after violent attack after 40 years,,, thats what old tastement teaches us,, so will you accept Mosses teachings were wrong ? Difference is you have forgotten Mosses teaching,, to which Muhammad (SAW) is a cousin brother but we haven't forgotten ... Please read history completely ...
Israel is owned by zionist and not by Jews,,, so if you talk about Israel as a state then it means you are talking about Zionist ..

Mizrahi exile proves this is not the case.

f Islam is all about violence then what do you say about Moses (AS) preaching isrealities to attach Jerusalem to claim the land which was conquered by Israelities after violent attack after 40 years,,, thats what old tastement teaches us,, so will you accept Mosses teachings were wrong ? Difference is you have forgotten Mosses teaching,, to which Muhammad (SAW) is a cousin brother but we haven't forgotten ... Please read history completely ...

Moses' claims were exclusive to Eretz Israel. The Torah also promises Ishmael, father of the Arabs, "a great nation". The logical conclusion is that it says that we should have our country and they should have their much bigger country, and each should not begrudge the other.

Is that somehow unfair?
Moses' claims were exclusive to Eretz Israel. The Torah also promises Ishmael, father of the Arabs, "a great nation". The logical conclusion is that it says that we should have our country and they should have their much bigger country, and each should not begrudge the other.

Is that somehow unfair?
Well this is not land of Ismail or Ishaaq,,, this is land of one and only Lord,,, and we are doing what the lord has commanded us,,, there is no difference between your God and Allah,,, both are same and one,,, its all for implementing his commandments,,, which recent world powers totally challenging,,, for example interest is now in roots of all nations and governments.. it was prohibited by mosses (A.S.) as well as Mohammad (SAW) but only some Muslims are fighting against it but not jews ... so if both muslims and jews truly follow the scriptures and holy books we are brothers but otherwise we will confront as moto of a true muslim is to implement law of God (Allah)...
Well this is not land of Ismail or Ishaaq,,, this is land of one and only Lord,,, and we are doing what the lord has commanded us,,, there is no difference between your God and Allah,,, both are same and one,,, its all for implementing his commandments,,, which recent world powers totally challenging,,, for example interest is now in roots of all nations and governments.. it was prohibited by mosses (A.S.) as well as Mohammad (SAW) but only some Muslims are fighting against it but not jews ... so if both muslims and jews truly follow the scriptures and holy books we are brothers but otherwise we will confront as moto of a true muslim is to implement law of God (Allah)...
Furthermore, a true muslim is not only against Israel but also against its own muslims government which are blindly following satanic rules against the law ... now don't you say that ISIS is representative of Islam,,, it is surely not Islam never preaches this way of implementing Islam,,, Islam commands for arm conflicted only against oppressors and not against common people ... Infact islam instruct to protect non-muslims as well as their holy sites subject to some restrictions ....
How do you know you aren't succumbing to conspiracy right now?
You are not that naive are you? You know what the right wing is doing in Israel. Let me share something with you and Zionist agenda is no conspiracy.

You are not that naive are you? You know what the right wing is doing in Israel. Let me share something with you and Zionist agenda is no conspiracy.

Lol, sharing some video really shows the nature of Israel right? let's talk about arab countries burning Israeli flags, calling them nazis and call of death and destruction for all the Israelies.
Unlike arab world, our arab population inside of Israel is 20%, and as an Israeli I served with Druze arabs , I drove in a bus with arabs, I talked with arabs and I got no hate for those who don't hate me, be it muslim or christian or gay or w/e.
I want to see a jew walking with a kippa in almost any arab capital around the world without being stoned to death in the main square
Of course Israel was never an enemy of the Arabs, Israelites are actually their intelligent cousins........... now with that out of the way, all of them combined are a cancer to the peaceful existence of this world. A breeding ground for intolerance and bigotry. 99% of the holy Prophets were sent to this region..... last count 124,000+...........they all failed miserably......... so the question becomes, if they couldn't fix them in the last three millennia, who can fix them in the future? No one!
Of course Israel was never an enemy of the Arabs, Israelites are actually their intelligent cousins........... now with that out of the way, all of them combined are a cancer to the peaceful existence of this world. A breeding ground for intolerance and bigotry. 99% of the holy Prophets were sent to this region, if they couldn't fix them in the last three millennia, no one can fix them in the future either.
Looking forward for co existance with love and respect for each other.
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