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Kurdish militants kill seven Iranian troops

Stop writing nonsense Central Asian nomad. Let me remind you of the real facts once again since you don't seem to get it.

Baluch claim ancestry from Aleppo. Hardly Iran, LOL. I doubt any Baloch were mentioned at that time. Besides you occupy their lands and most Baluch are very anti-Iranian and have a very different culture from you. Baluch members told that many times here. Most are Sunnis too.

Baloch people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Look keep it strong and short when you argue and don't copu from blabla-blog.dk

Baluch claim history from aleppo, pashtuns are from lost jewish tribles blabla. Look stop fairytales and study history from a scientific point of view.

Both Baluch and Pashtuns are Iranian peoples of Indo-Iranian branch and that's it. And yes we are central asian/eurasia (ancient homeland of indo-europeans even might be from here).

But ancient land of yours is probably from africa.
There is no agreement on when and where this Urheimat existed, though the language is generally believed to have originated somewhere in the area between the Eastern Sahara and the Horn of Africa, including Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan.
Don't write nonsense anymore sudani bro.:bounce:
Tell that to the Pashtuns and Baluch who are supposedly inventing their own fairytales and attaching themselves to us Semitic people native to the Middle East.

Baluch are still not the same and different people whose culture/language/sect is different too.

Yes, ok Kazakh or Eskimo.:bounce:
Nobody know our origins Pashtuns or baluch.. these are all bs stories .. jewish tribes,etc.. because there is no recorded history... only the fact tht we have been living in these lands for as long as we can remember.. ordinary guy hardly gives a f... abt these theories.. we are just proud of who we are..

Who said that we should deny or oppres them? İ'm for equal rights for any ethnicity or religion.
There's a difference between caring for fundamental rights for the Kurds and attacking the integrity of a country (which you're doing).

May İ ask you this simple question, why do you believe that Kurds have a right to their own country? On what base? Do you know if the idea of seperatism among Kurds have a majority support in Turkey or İran? Do pro-seperatism Kurds have the right to drag loyalist Kurds with them in a seperate country? What happened to the rights of Kurds who care for the integrity of their country (iran-Turkey) ?

I never said that any should oppress them or deny them anything. I said that they HAVE been oppressed. By us Arabs, persians and Turks. Some more than others.

If they can get a country then why should they not if the Palestinians can get it? Don't they have a right to their own homeland? I am talking about the areas that are inhabited by Kurds. Not disputed areas.

How many Kurds are there in Turkey? 15-20 million? Out of a population of 75 million? How can they possibly be ignored? We both know that 99,9% of all Kurds want their own country and are very nationalistic.

What is your solution? Be realistic.
Tell that to the Pashtuns and Baluch who are supposedly inventing their own fairytales and attaching themselves with us Semitic people native to the Middle East.

Baluch are still not the same and different people whose culture/language/sect is different too.

Yes, ok Kazakh or Eskimo.:bounce:
My afro-asiatic Sudanese friend.

What you say are invented stories like the fake seyyeds trying to give themselves a "prophetic past", so some came with this nonsense stories as in past they tried to glorify themselves by inventing tales about being close to a prophet or being part of prophets army blabla.

The only baluch that are not originally Iranic are the originally dravidian speaking Brahui. Rest of baluch and pashtuns are for greatest part Iranic.

And for Indo-europeans origin: either Anatolia or Around Caspian sea. This is already accepted.
I never said that any should oppress them or deny them anything. I said that they HAVE been oppressed. By us Arabs, persians and Turks. Some more than others.

If they can get a country then why should they not if the Palestinians can get it? Don't they have a right to their own homeland? I am talking about the areas that are inhabited by Kurds. Not disputed areas.

How many Kurds are there in Turkey? 15-20 million? Out of a population of 75 million? How can they possibly be ignored? We both know that 99,9% of all Kurds want their own country and are very nationalistic.

What is your solution? Be realistic.

This shows enough of your knowledge of this issue. You're just "assuming" that 99,9% wants their own country. You don't have anything to back this up now. Do you?

While for my claims İ can prove that this is not TRUE!!! (at least for Turkey's part).

İ will post a poll from respected institutions here to prove my claim. Give me some time.
This shows enough of your knowledge of this issue. You're just "assuming" that 99,9% wants their own country. You don't have anything to back this up now. Do you?

While for my claims İ can prove that this is not TRUE!!! (at least for Turkey's part).

İ will post a poll from respected institutions here to prove my claim. Give me some time.

LOL, I am just saying 99,9% as in vast majority/most. I don't have any statistics since Kurds in Turkey is not my issues. Kurds don't live in the Arab world aside from a TINY part of Syria and Iraqi Kurdistan which is not that big either.

Also you did not answer my questions. It does not matter if "only" let us say 60% of Kurds support a sovereign Kurdish state. That's still a huge number. Kurds in Iraq, Syria, Turkey and iran cooperate together. Might have differences but they all want a Kurdish homeland or most of them at least.

I don't see how that can be ignored on the long run. All I am saying. Whether autonomy is a solution is difficult to say.
LOL, I am just saying 99,9% as in vast majority/most. I don't have any statistics since Kurds in Turkey is not my issues. Kurds don't live in the Arab world aside from a TINY part of Syria and Iraqi Kurdistan which is not that big either.

Also you did not answer my questions. It does not matter if "only" let us say 60% of Kurds support a sovereign Kurdish state. That's still a huge number. Kurds in Iraq, Syria, Turkey and iran cooperate together. Might have differences but they all want a Kurdish homeland or most of them at least.

I don't see how that can be ignored on the long run. All I am saying. Whether autonomy is a solution is difficult to say.

Because the figures you put in your question it self is baseless. Again you're just assuming that 60% does want their own country and again you have no facts to back it up.

Here are two polls for you.

İŞTE EZBER BOZACAK TÜRK-KÜRT ANKETİ! resimleri - Güncel - Foto Galeri | Sayfa 22

?Kürtlerin ?stedi?i Özerklik De?ilmi?...?

Both of the numbers come up with, that around one third of the Kurds want any kind of autonomy , own country and stuff.

Did you ever bother to look at the last election results before you come up with conclusions?
2011 Genel seçim sonuçlar?
My afro-asiatic Sudanese friend.

What you say are invented stories like the fake seyyeds trying to give themselves a "prophetic past", so some came with this nonsense stories as in past they tried to glorify themselves by inventing tales about being close to a prophet or being part of prophets army blabla.

The only baluch that are not originally Iranic are the originally dravidian speaking Brahui. Rest of baluch and pashtuns are for greatest part Iranic.

And for Indo-europeans origin: either Anatolia or Around Caspian sea. This is already accepted.

stop being a racist guy :cheesy:
Because the figures you put in your question it self is baseless. Again you're just assuming that 60% does want their own country and again you have no facts to back it up.

Here are two polls for you.

İŞTE EZBER BOZACAK TÜRK-KÜRT ANKETİ! resimleri - Güncel - Foto Galeri | Sayfa 22

?Kürtlerin ?stedi?i Özerklik De?ilmi?...?

Both of the numbers come up with, that around one third of the Kurds want any kind of autonomy , own country and stuff.

Did you ever bother to look at the last election results before you come up with conclusions?
2011 Genel seçim sonuçlar?

What kind of sources are that? How reliable are Turkish sources in this matter? Where all Kurds asked? Do you really believe that the majority of Turkish Kurds don't want their own autonomy or country? Really?


Not a fact because we Semites and Arabs are NATIVE to the Middle East more precisely the Arabian Peninsula/Levant region. Not Africa. While you Persians are from Central Asia originally. Current day Kazakh Steppe. Andronovo.

You guys have been terrorize by Kurdish militias for decades, I don't blame you for talking toughly against them though.


You're currently walking on thin ice.
Just to p!ss off İranians, you're willing to p!ss of many other nations. İf you really care that much for Kurds, you can give any separatist kurds some land from KSA.

This way they will be happy, by getting their own oil rich land.
You will be happy because Kurds got their own country.
Turkey, İraq, İran and Syria can be happy, that they got rid of the separatist terrorism problem.

By the way, r.i.p for the İranian soldiers.
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This is all iraqs fault they ain't doing sht and harbouring terrorists.

I support Iran against terrorism. Pjak and pkk are both terrorists with pkk being their main branch.
Iran Iraq Turkey should all carpet bomb their gypsy mountains with chemicals and the most dangerous explosives, and napalm it from the air
This is all iraqs fault they ain't doing sht and harbouring terrorists.

I support Iran against terrorism. Pjak and pkk are both terrorists with pkk being their main branch.

Kurdistan region of Iraq is harbouring them, and when Iraq wants to take action daddy Erdogan jumps to defend Tarazani, this week CHP leader visits Iraq to renew relations.
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