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Kurdish militants kill seven Iranian troops

This is most probably another PJAK propaganda, they have a weird habit of multiplying the number of enemy casualties, the same as PKK. We don't even know if the story itself is true or not since its only souce is from the terrorist organization.
in 2011 raids in Kurdistan, 20 Iranian soldiers and 180 PJAK militants were killed. But PJAK claimed they have killed 300 Iranian soldiers while losing only 16 militants. Can't get any more ridiculous, can it? The irony is that they accepted to leave Iranian soil and return to Iraq and agreed to all Iranian terms after their 'decisive victory'.

As long as there are braindead people who buy that crap like our friend @Keyuxraw or whatever his name is, they can even get more ridiculous..Those cave monkeys have no shame and honor ( i am talking about terrorists)
This is most probably another PJAK propaganda, they have a weird habit of multiplying the number of enemy casualties, the same as PKK. We don't even know if the story itself is true or not since its only souce is from the terrorist organization.
in 2011 raids in Kurdistan, 20 Iranian soldiers and 180 PJAK militants were killed. But PJAK claimed they have killed 300 Iranian soldiers while losing only 16 militants. Can't get any more ridiculous, can it? The irony is that they accepted to leave Iranian soil and return to Iraq and agreed to all Iranian terms after their 'decisive victory'.

Its not uncommon for terrorist scumbags to speak fake propoganda and hiding their own casualities... few years back my when my father was commanding FC... one of our posts in a remote area was attacked at night by around 50 talibastards high in drugs(we found used injections etc) ... the post had 4 soldiers manning it... although the soldiers didnt have NVGs ... they managed to kill around 15 scumbags... the rest escaped with their arses ...ed... while one of our soldier was martyred by a hit from an RPG... and from the talis we caught later in another opertion we had learnt tht they were pushing bs stories like they had blown the post n how they had a quarrel among themselves in which they suffered a few casualities.. all in all BS propoganda...

I dnt know if i should post a picture or not.. but here it goes... My father inspecting the post attacked by talibastards:

Its not uncommon for terrorist scumbags to speak fake propoganda and hiding their own casualities... few years back my when my father was commanding FC... one of our posts in a remote area was attacked at night by around 50 talibastards high in drugs(we found used injections etc) ... the post had 4 soldiers manning it... although the soldiers didnt have NVGs ... they managed to kill around 15 scumbags... the rest escaped with their arses ...ed... while one of our soldier was martyred by a hit from an RPG... and from the talis we caught later in another opertion we had learnt tht they were pushing bs stories like they had blown the post n how they had a quarrel among themselves in which they suffered a few casualities.. all in all BS propoganda...

I dnt know if i should post a picture or not.. but here it goes... My father inspecting the post attacked by talibastards:


Desert Fighter:

I am surprsied that you rush to the defense of the terror state and drug- and crime infected dictatorship that is the fake Wannabe Arab farsi Mullah land.

Have you forgotten that they occupy Baluch land and how they treat your fellow Baluch's?

The Kurds have a legitimate claim to a homeland and they have been oppressed by all their neighbors for centuries.

I say that despite Kurds having land in two Arab countries (Iraq and Syria).
Desert Fighter:

I am surprsied that you rush to the defense of the terror state and drug- and crime infected dictatorship that is the fake Wannabe Arab farsi Mullah land.

Have you forgotten that they occupy Baluch land and how they treat your fellow Baluch's?

The Kurds have a legitimate claim to a homeland and they have been oppressed by all their neighbors for centuries.

I say that despite Kurds having land in two Arab countries (Iraq and Syria).

Homeland is not the problem, its them wanting more land and disputing areas, therefor we can pretty much say, Iraqi army and Peshmerga could get into war with each other anytime soon or in the future, Syria will have war with them too.
Desert Fighter:

I am surprsied that you rush to the defense of the terror state and drug- and crime infected dictatorship that is the fake Wannabe Arab farsi Mullah land.

Im not defending anything... but mocking dead soldiers who died for their country.... doesnt fit the bill for me.. thts inhumane....also i dnt support terrorism... not in my country... not in urs not anywhere... violence is not the answer... i have seen tht in my country.... as for dictatorship n mullahs .. bro u also have ur share... while we have ours.
Desert Fighter:

I am surprsied that you rush to the defense of the terror state and drug- and crime infected dictatorship that is the fake Wannabe Arab farsi Mullah land.

Have you forgotten that they occupy Baluch land and how they treat your fellow Baluch's?

The Kurds have a legitimate claim to a homeland and they have been oppressed by all their neighbors for centuries.

I say that despite Kurds having land in two Arab countries (Iraq and Syria).
Lool, this is the problem when an afro-asiatic arab who originates from congo (8000 BC) tries to make trouble in the region.
Baluch are mentioned in Shahnameh as an brave Iranian nation defending Iran. They are Iranian as you can get. All these modern troubles and conflicts will disappear when people get more educated and poverty disappears from those regions.

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Lool, this is the problem when an afro-asiatic arab who originates from congo (8000 BC) tries to make trouble in the region.
Baluch are mentioned in Shahnameh as an brave Iranian nation defending Iran. They are Iranian as you can get. All these modern troubles and conflicts will disappear when people get more educated and poverty disappears from those regions.

Stop writing nonsense Central Asian nomad. Let me remind you of the real facts once again since you don't seem to get it.

Stop writing nonsense and wasting my time. You are just trolling. You can't look past history, genetics etc. just because you can't take the fact that you are from the Central Asian Steppe (if you are a Persian) and not us Arabs or Semites who are native to the beautiful and ancient Middle East. There is nothing more to add. I provided genetic and historical evidence already. This is all widely known and I am not inventing the wheel.

Arabs nor Semites are or were Africans unless 50.000 + years ago like anyone else in the region. Including you.

Stop your obsession with Blacks. Were you beat up by one? I am not Black nor are Arabs or Semites that. Short your issues out with actual Africans or people from Congo that you seem to have a problem with. Nothing more to add.

Also you don't understand the difference between actual genetics and ancestry and linguistics. Two different things. Approximately 66% of all Arabs belong to the Haplogroup J which is NATIVE to the Middle East and is nearly 50.000 years old. Remaining haplogroups are not African either.

An interesting observation is that the "Arab" cluster is slightly more distant to all African clusters than the European/W Asian cluster is. This might seem perplexing as geography might dictate that it should be closer to the African clusters.


Indeed I suspect that a Congolese black man beat you up in the Netherlands or something worse, LOL.:laughcry: Hilarious.

Baluch claim ancestry from Aleppo. Hardly Iran, LOL. I doubt any Baloch were mentioned at that time. Besides you occupy their lands and most Baluch are very anti-Iranian and have a very different culture from you. Baluch members told that many times here. Most are Sunnis too.

Like other Muslim ethnic groups in the region, the Baloch claim Arabian extraction, asserting that they are descendant of Amir Hamza, a paternal uncle of Islamic Prophet Muhammad. They consistently place their first settlement in Aleppo, where they remained until, siding the sons of Ali and taking part in the Battle of Karbala, they were expelled by Yazid, the second of the Umayyad Caliphs, in 680 A.D. Thence they first went to Kerman, and eventually to Sistan where they were hospitably received by Shams-ud-Din, ruler of that country. According to Dames there was a Shams-ud-Din, independent Malik of Sistan, who claimed descent from the Saffarids of Persia who died in 1164 A.D. (559 A.H.) or nearly 500 years after the Baloch migration from Aleppo. Badr-ud-Din appears to be unknown to history. His successor, Badr-ud-Din, demanded, according to eastern usage, a bride from each of the 44 bolaks or clans of the Baloch. But the Baloch race had never yet been tribute in this form to any ruler, and they sent therefore 44 boys dressed in girls' clothes and fled before the deception could be discovered. Badr-ud-Din sent the boys back but pursued the Baloch, who had fled south-eastwards, into Kech-Makran where he was defeated at their hands. At this period Mir Jalal Khan, son of Mir Jiand the first, was the ruler of all the Baloch. He left four sons, Rind, Lashar, Hooth, and Korai, and a daughter Jato, who married his nephew Murad. These five are the eponymous founders of the five great divisions of the tribe, the Rinds, Lasharis, Hooths, Korais, and Jatois.[11]

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Homeland is not the problem, its them wanting more land and disputing areas, therefor we can pretty much say, Iraqi army and Peshmerga could get into war with each other anytime soon or in the future, Syria will have war with them too.

Of course the Kurds should not take land that is not theirs. For example Kirkuk or Arbil that is ancient Semitic land historically inhabited by Assyrians and later Arabs. Nor most of the Sinjar plains.

The problem is denying the Kurds altogether. Arabs, Turks or iranians cannot do it today in this age and time. Kurds number about 30 million people. Impossible to ignore now. Besides many Kurds in Iraq and Syria are mixed with Arabs and Assyrians. We both know this.

Im not defending anything... but mocking dead soldiers who died for their country.... doesnt fit the bill for me.. thts inhumane....also i dnt support terrorism... not in my country... not in urs not anywhere... violence is not the answer... i have seen tht in my country.... as for dictatorship n mullahs .. bro u also have ur share... while we have ours.

Who is mocking anybody? They are occupiers and serve a terror state. Tell that to your fellow Baluch who fight for Baluch independence in Iran. Are they "terrorists" too for wanting their own country and for fighting oppression?

A terrorist depends on the one looking at it.

You can say much about the Arab world or the rulers but we are not ruled by Mullah's. Nor people who falsely claim to be infallible.
Of course the Kurds should not take land that is not theirs. For example Kirkuk or Arbil that is ancient Semitic land historically inhabited by Assyrians and later Arabs. Nor most of the Sinjar plains.

The problem is denying the Kurds altogether. Arabs, Turks or iranians cannot do it today in this age and time. Kurds number about 30 million people. Impossible to ignore now. Besides many Kurds in Iraq and Syria are mixed with Arabs and Assyrians. We both know this.

Who is mocking anybody? They are occupiers and serve a terror state. Tell that to your fellow Baluch who fight for Baluch independence in Iran. Are they "terrorists" too for wanting their own country and for fighting oppression?

A terrorist depends on the one looking at it.

You can say much about the Arab world or the rulers but we are not ruled by Mullah's. Nor people who falsely claim to be infallible.

You know about Iraq aswell, the only province that would qualify as Kurdish would be Suleymaniyah, the other 2 provinces they control really arent Kurdish, but it has been Kurdified, their leader is a nationalist and a dictator that wants more. Words and historical proof will not mean anything, at least Iraq will receive a lot of heavy weaponry from next year to keep them from expanding and taking back the non KRG lands in their hands.
Not that I want war, but I think it will lead to war.
Desert Fighter:

I am surprsied that you rush to the defense of the terror state and drug- and crime infected dictatorship that is the fake Wannabe Arab farsi Mullah land.

Have you forgotten that they occupy Baluch land and how they treat your fellow Baluch's?

The Kurds have a legitimate claim to a homeland and they have been oppressed by all their neighbors for centuries.

I say that despite Kurds having land in two Arab countries (Iraq and Syria).

Next time, don't come whining about 'meddling in Arab affairs' for us.
If you want any lands for Baluchs or Kurds, come and get it, we are always here waiting for you.
Stop writing nonsense Central Asian nomad. Let me remind you of the real facts once again since you don't seem to get it.

Baluch claim ancestry from Aleppo. Hardly Iran, LOL. I doubt any Baloch were mentioned at that time. Besides you occupy their lands and most Baluch are very anti-Iranian and have a very different culture from you. Baluch members told that many times here. Most are Sunnis too.

Baloch people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

True but hes right we did fight for persian empires..

Of course the Kurds should not take land that is not theirs. For example Kirkuk or Arbil that is ancient Semitic land historically inhabited by Assyrians and later Arabs. Nor most of the Sinjar plains.

The problem is denying the Kurds altogether. Arabs, Turks or iranians cannot do it today in this age and time. Kurds number about 30 million people. Impossible to ignore now. Besides many Kurds in Iraq and Syria are mixed with Arabs and Assyrians. We both know this.

Who is mocking anybody? They are occupiers and serve a terror state. Tell that to your fellow Baluch who fight for Baluch independence in Iran. Are they "terrorists" too for wanting their own country and for fighting oppression?

A terrorist depends on the one looking at it.

You can say much about the Arab world or the rulers but we are not ruled by Mullah's. Nor people who falsely claim to be infallible.

Just wish there was peace... world is full of sh!t.

You're currently walking on thin ice.
Just to p!ss off İranians, you're willing to p!ss of many other nations. İf you really care that much for Kurds, you can give any separatist kurds some land from KSA.

This way they will be happy, by getting their own oil rich land.
You will be happy because Kurds got their own country.
Turkey, İraq, İran and Syria can be happy, that they got rid of the separatist terrorism problem.

By the way, r.i.p for the İranian soldiers.
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You know about Iraq aswell, the only province that would qualify as Kurdish would be Suleymaniyah, the other 2 provinces they control really arent Kurdish, but it has been Kurdified, their leader is a nationalist and a dictator that wants more. Words and historical proof will not mean anything, at least Iraq will receive a lot of heavy weaponry from next year to keep them from expanding and taking back the non KRG lands in their hands.
Not that I want war, but I think it will lead to war.

Indeed. The most hilarious thing is that he is an Iranian Kurd. Not even born in Iraqi Kurdistan. They have Kurdified Semitic Assyrians but mostly without success.

War is the last thing that is needed but if they are stealing Iraqi Arab land or Assyrian land then this is the only option. Areas where they are a vast majority and where they have always lived you cannot do anything about. Disputed areas should not be given without a "fight" in my opinion.

Next time, don't come whining about 'meddling in Arab affairs' for us.
If you want any lands for Baluchs or Kurds, come and get it, we are always here waiting for you.

Since when are Kurds or Baluch your matters? Then you should not meddle in Jewish affairs since they are Semites too. Do you know how stupid that sounds?

You are just angry because I just happened to tell the truth. You stole Baluch land and some Baluch fight against that to this very day.


You're currently walking on thin ice.
Just to p!ss off İranians, you're willing to p!ss of many other nations. İf you really care that much for Kurds, you can give any separatist kurds some land from KSA.

This way they will be happy, by getting their own oil rich land.
You will be happy because Kurds got their own country.
Turkey, İraq, İran and Syria can be happy, that they got rid of the separatist terrorism problem.

By the way, r.i.p for the İranian soldiers.

I never said that I am a big proponent of Kurds or taking their side. All I am saying is that you cannot deny them anymore. There are 30 million of them. They are not going anywhere. That they have been oppressed is also a fact. Nothing to do with us or you.

Well, Kurds are not native to the Arab world so why should we give them land? In my opinion they should go back to Iran but that is not realistic.

They are causing some problems in Syria and Iraq which are Arab countries.
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I never said that I am a big proponent of Kurds or taking their side. All I am saying is that you cannot deny them anymore. There are 30 million of them. They are not going anywhere. That they have been oppressed is also a fact. Nothing to do with us or you.

Well, Kurds are not native to the Arab world so why should we give them land? In my opinion, they should go back to Iran but that is not realistic.

Who said that we should deny or oppres them? İ'm for equal rights for any ethnicity or religion.
There's a difference between caring for fundamental rights for the Kurds and attacking the integrity of a country (which you're doing).

May İ ask you this simple question, why do you believe that Kurds have a right to their own country? On what base? Do you know if the idea of seperatism among Kurds have a majority support in Turkey or İran? Do pro-seperatism Kurds have the right to drag loyalist Kurds with them in a seperate country? What happened to the rights of Kurds who care for the integrity of their country (iran-Turkey) ?
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