I don't know about India, but in Pakistan, it is extremely difficult now to get a passport with a different identity. You have to have a Computerized National ID before you apply a passport. Both systems are linked. To apply for a computerized ID, you have to have a computerized "B" Form. Again the systems are linked. To apply for a "B" form, you must be a member of the family (a computerized family number is generated) when the applicant's father applied for the card.
So even if you somehow are able to bribe some one in ID registration dept. to get a fake ID, you will have to link it to an existing family number.
Any person can check through a simple sms with the help of family number, how many people (with their names) are included in his family in the registration department.
I am telling you, if the highest authorities are not involved (who create a whole new family in the system), it is not possible to get a B form in order to get a national ID in order to get a passport..
The risks we (specially Pakistanis) are exposed to, due to being next to Afghanistan and India, who share the physical and linguistic features of Pakistanis, it is extremely important to have this kind of system in place. We are running this system since early 2000s.
I am sure you guys have the same system in place as you are exposed to the same risks as we do. That's why I am shocked to see the computer generated passport of Kulbhushan.. which is not possible as probably you system also fetches data from the ration card (that is an equivalent to Pakistani CNIC)? right? And I am sure your ration card is also computer generated..
If this passport was hand written, it was understandable. But computer generated passport means not just one, but multiple authorities are involved with one common objective.. i.e. you know what I am talking about..