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Kherson is Russian land! The first day of school in Kherson sees students waving the Russia flag happily.

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You don't need supply bridges. Use Mi-26 to ferry.

Supply depots all blown up lmao.
Also you really think Mi-26 can cost effectively and quickly bring in supplies when compared to trucks or trains?

Ukraine can get all the tanks in the world. But without air support those will be taken out. At this point in the war Ukraine doesn't have any hope of regaining any lost territories.
All Ukaine is doing is getting its young killed on the whim of a comedian.
An APS will guarantee the safety of a tank.
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If Jews are very smart, why would they be deported for thousands of years and unable to build a country on their own?
Why did the Jews never build a strong Empire?
Why are those Jews who have achieved success all German? Shouldn't this be due to the excellent German education?
Empires fall. Jews slowly built themselves and rooted themselves everywhere it is important.

Successful Jews are all Ashkenazi Jews,not just Germans, highest average IQ ethnicity in the world. University is not a replacement of intellect.

Ukrainians were able to supply Mariupol with a few Mi-8. Mi-26 are sufficient for supplying Kherson.
And Mariupol fell because they ran out of ammunition.

Is it only Jews that go to universities or the rest too?
I thought you were going to either give me some historical examples of Jewish genius in statecraft or go the genetics way and prove that Jewish genes are different and superior to everyone else's.
So go on prove your inferiority to the Jewish genius.
Just search Ashkenazi Jews average IQ.

Einstein's achievements came from his education and knowledge from Germany, Switzerland and the USA, not from his Jewish origin.

If you want to prove how good Jews are, you should use the Jews in Africa as an example.
Jews in European universities fared way better than Europeans in their own universities.

Jews were always smarter than their surroundings, whether in Africa or in Europe. Obviously education and other environmental aspects have an impact on one's absolute intellect, but not on the relative intellect, in equal settings Jews are always smarter.
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The fact is just the opposite of what he said. Both protrusions of the Ukrainian army have been eliminated by the Russian army. The Russian army used aerial bombs to deal a great blow to the Ukrainian army. The Ukrainian army has retreated after leaving many bodies and about 200 tanks and armored vehicles. However, the Ukrainian army is continuing to mobilize troops from the northern line to Kherson, and there should be a new round of counter offensive in September.

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First of all, if anyone tell you they have eliminate 200 tanks and 3000 soldier in 4 days, you probably need to treat this news with a serious grain of salt. This is NOT world war 2. If Ukraine did lose 200 tanks and 3000 soldiers in just 4 days, Russian should have, and would have counter attacked and taken more Ukrainian land considering the entire offensive probably would not have 500 tanks and 20,000 soldier with 5 to 6 Brigade, Russia should be at Mykolaiv by now if the Ukrainian had taken those loss.

Second of all, it does not really take a military genius to see Ukraine is playing the long game, and from a Trained Military Officer perspective, the way Ukrainian attack along the line of Russian Ground Line of Communication (The Bridges, The Ammo dumps and HQ/Communication), it shows Ukraine DO NOT want a frontal attack on Kherson, instead the Ukrainian wanted to cut off Russian line of retreat and threaten Russian rear, not saying the Ukrainian will be able to do that or not, that's depends on whether or not the Ukrainian can take E58 and cut off Russian Position in Kherson from Crimea, if they can do that, then it's game over or Russia, but that did show Ukraine is not going to have a fixed assault on a static front, which mean the 200 tanks and 3000 soldiers loss highly likely a myth.

Thirdly, Russian media themselves had admitted that they had lose several positions, albeit they said they loss those position in exchange with the aforementioned Ukrainian Casualty. Amongst those Russian admitted losing are 2 very important cities are Tomyna Balka and Velyka Kostromka, both are essential for Russia to hold Kherson. Tomyna Balka overlook T-1501 highway, it basically the entrant of Kherson City from the West, losing Tomyna Balka means they have lost the front door and the next step on Ukrainian agenda would be Bilozerka, which literally on the outskirt of Kherson City. Losing Velyka Kostromka means losing access to P47 Highway, which basically serve 2 purposes for Ukraine. 1. It gives them a clear run to Nova Karkova, where the hydroelectric dam was and where it feed Crimea fresh water. 2. It P47 continue with M14, which is the other axis of Ukrainian advance, IF the Ukrainian can come down from P47 and E58 and link up with M14, that basically serve as Blocking Position to Kherson. Which mean Russia access to the rear will be blocked off.

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Stingers cannot hit low flying helicopters which fly 3 meters off the surface.

Not gonna happen. The US is too weak to fight a war. There goes that NATO possibility. Germany don't want a basket case. There goes that EU possibility.

USA too weak ?? Putin and Xi beg to differ

Ukrainians were able to supply Mariupol with a few Mi-8. Mi-26 are sufficient for supplying Kherson.

Nobody has APS.

Mi-26 are not reliable. A single sortie of 20 metric tons is going to cut it. Plus Ukraine will be waiting for them
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US is not weak but wise not to fight the war with their soldiers.

US is happy to fund and equip Europeans to fight amonst themselves while enjoying the show from a safe distance in North America.
you assume Putin and Xi want to fight USA either

do you as an AMerican see the Ukraine war as a makeup war for the lost war in Afghanistan?

Cuz what you're describing is EXACTLY what US military did in Afghanistan.u projecting B.

Did USA start Ukraine war ? Did USA start the Afghan war ?

It is not America's problem that every village idiot in charge of country draws the wrong conclusions with respect to USA interests, capabilities and limitations
you assume Putin and Xi want to fight USA either

US ignited the war in Ukraine and doing the same in Taiwan.

Russia and China do not have a choice but to get into a war in their backyard.

Come back to me when Russia or China have started a war in the US backyard.

US is wise while Europeans and Asians are idiots.
US ignited the war in Ukraine and doing the same in Taiwan.

Russia and China do not have a choice but to get into a war in their backyard.

Come back to me when Russia or China have started a war in the US backyard.

US is wise while Europeans and Asians are idiots.

Ukraine is independent state. A lot of Ukraine citizens want to join the EU and in some cases NATO
There is nothing you can do

if Russia and China can start a war in America's backyard they would have done it by now
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