Not really..the Arabs dont even compare to a finger nail of Persian culture and offence Arab brothers but the conflict somewhat started like this.
In the begining, the Persians had the Culture, Knowledge, Civilization and wealth and the same was repeated by the Jews on Caucus Mediterrarian..While Arabs squeezed in the middle had none, they were camel ridding Bedouins raged with generations of infighting. EVen the Arabic language is mixture of Hebrew vocabulary and Persian script. Most of the Arabic culture, cuisine, names and even customs are direct lift from Persian and Semitic civilizations.
Islamic history about the arab world is taught somewhat like before the advent of Islam, arabs were drowing in the pool of backwardnes aka the "Jahilya period" whereas anyone with a sane mind could argue how on earth is that possible when the Arabian peninsula was flanked on one side by the Persians, the Romans & Egyptians on other and the Jews on the mediterrians. All of whom had a very robust social fabric, sciences, culture and economy.
infact the Prophet Mohammed himself came from a Jewish tribe of Arabized semitics and the history of those days clearly differenciated between the Semitic Arabs known for their arts, culture and weaponary and the nomadic arabs known for their backwardness and arrogance.