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Khalid ibn waleed ( The sword of Allah)

Wikipedia info:
Conversion to Islam

A peace agreement of ten years was concluded between the Muslims and Quraysh of Mecca at the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah in 628. It has been recorded that Prophet Muhammad told Khalid's brother, Walid bin Walid, that: "A man like Khalid, can't keep himself away from Islam for long".[12] Walid wrote letters to Khalid persuading him to convert. Khalid, who was not unduly drawn towards the idols of the Kaaba, decided to convert to Islam and is said to have shared this matter with his childhood friend Ikrimah ibn Abi-Jahl who opposed him. Khalid was threatened by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb with dire consequences, but was restrained by Ikrimah who is reported to have said: "Steady, O Abu Sufyan! Your anger may well lead me also to join Muhammad. Khalid is free to follow whatever religion he chooses".[13] Some time in May 629, Khalid set out for Medina. On the way he met 'Amr ibn al-'As and Uthman ibn Talha, who were also going to Medina to convert to Islam. They arrived at Medina on May 31, 629 and went to the house of Muhammad. Khalid was received by his elder brother Walid bin Walid and was first among the three men to enter Islam.[14]

First of all, since when Wiki is considered as a reliable source, we all know that even a 6 years old kid can edit it easily..


Khalid, who was not unduly drawn towards the idols of the Kaaba, decided to convert to Islam

Khalid is free to follow whatever religion he chooses".

Don't you think these lines from ur own quoted paragraph are true answer of ur question..? Come out from the shell of Anti-Islam and try to see the fact with open eyes.. it will help you understanding things :cheers:
Come out from the shell of Anti-Islam and try to see the fact with open eyes.. it will help you understanding things :cheers:

And what makes you think i am anti Islam??Refering to wikipedia does not make me anti islamist.
And what makes you think i am anti Islam??Refering to wikipedia does not make me anti islamist.

First its Pakistan Defense Forums, then its Pakistan Defence & Military Forums, and then we were discussing about a religious figure here without harming any one else, the discussion was going fine and smooth, but suddenly you came in with ur way off topic comments lol

also the way you used words were forcing me to go for such a statement. You are always welcome to raise questions and I was trying to politely answer your question but you negligence of facts forced me to use harsh words, may be because i was frustrated, however i accept i went a bit aggressive so apologies for that :)

PS: i still have doubts about ur intentions for these posts in this peaceful topic.. lol

This is true jihad...not what bookish explanation of one's strive to excel as some try to give .

A faithful may finds it easy to follow the actions and adhere to words the past great caliphs in the context of conflict between muslims and non muslims ,rather than taking upon himself to decipher more egalitarian meaning of the concepts written in Holy Koran.

And We have seen jihad actually being used as as a political tool by opportunists muslim leader who take advantage of examples of historic events and hence misuse religion to achieve personal gains, far too many time .
This is true jihad...not what bookish explanation of one's strive to excel as some try to give .

A faithful may finds it easy to follow the actions and adhere to words the past great caliphs in the context of conflict between muslims and non muslims ,rather than taking upon himself to decipher more egalitarian meaning of the concepts written in Holy Koran.

And We have seen jihad actually being used as as a political tool by opportunists muslim leader who take advantage of examples of historic events and hence misuse religion to achieve personal gains, far too many time .

No, that is not jihad at all, they are just using the word jihad to gain sympathy and support from other muslims, infact they are acting as Anti-Islam by doing severe damage to the repute of Islam and Muslims all over the world..

They are just bunch of retard extremists working for their own cause and benefits, they have nothing to do with Islam or betterment of Muslims.. If they have even 1% love for Islam and Muslims, they wouldn't have killed Muslims by their own hands and bombed Masjids etc..

Even in Jihad, Muslims never attacked women, childrens, old and unarmed ppl, and always respected the holy places of enemies.. But today these nerds don't even care about Muslim Holy Places and Masjid's so how can we say they are doing Jihad..? :what:
A faithful may finds it easy to follow the actions and adhere to words the past great caliphs in the context of conflict between muslims and non muslims ,rather than taking upon himself to decipher more egalitarian meaning of the concepts written in Holy Koran.

what exactly do you mean by this line?
That video was really cool. Where is it from? Commercial? Movie?

If so, I gotta see that movie.

And the quotes are superb.
When Khalid bin Waleed (may Allah be pleased with him) reached Yarmook with his army to fight the Romans, he addressed them saying:

"Oh mujahideen! This is a memorable day. It is the day on which our faith will be tested and tried. Today we should avoid every kind of arrogance, pride and not contend for individual glory or egoistic bragging..

"Oh mujahideen of Islam! Fight only to gain the Goodwill of Allah Almighty. In the Muslim army today there are many great generals: each of them is worthy and can be entrusted with the permanent command of this army. Today you have assigned me this honor of commanding the Muslim army. So I hope that for the honor and victory of Islam, today we will enter the battlefield of Jihad as one. Allah will be our Supporter and Defender?"

Then both the armies confronted each other at Yarmook. The Roman general, Mahan, scornful addressed his counterpart, Khalid bin Waleed (may Allah be pleased with him) and said:

"It looks as if poverty, nakedness and starvation has compelled you to come here. If you wish I am willing to give each of you ten dinars, expensive clothing and good food. You can take these things and leave. Next year too I can send you these things; you do not have to take the trouble to come here?"

Khalid bin Waleed (may Allah be pleased with him) was enraged on hearing these scornful and arrogant words, and to break this arrogance, he answered:

"Mahan listen to me very carefully! You are mistaken about the reason why we are here. We are people who drink the blood of our opponents. We have heard that Roman blood is very delicious, and we have come here to enjoy it."

From Commanders of The Muslim Army By Mahmood Ahmad Ghandanfar
This thread is NOT for the hindus so they can kindly keep their holes shut. I am sure you don't want us to discuss your idols and then start teaching you about your religion or its figures.

---------- Post added at 09:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ----------

Hey thanks guru8904 for the link :)
This thread is NOT for the hindus so they can kindly keep their holes shut. I am sure you don't want us to discuss your idols and then start teaching you about your religion or its figures.

---------- Post added at 09:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ----------

Hey thanks guru8904 for the link :)

And who the hell are you to say this.
I am a Muslim and a Muslim who is passionate about the blessed figures of Islam. Now kindly if you have some self respect then don't come and bark here when you don't know zilch about anything relating to the topic. Else every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
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