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Khaleda involved in BDR mutiny: Hasina

Whatever the case is, do not ever tell who told you
this stuffs, it's not because of you but for the
persons safety who quoted that, in this case
your relative.

The max I can tell is that some of the brightest
chaps were blacklisted because they had the possibility
to climb up the ladder quite fast then the existing ones.
Many masterminds were involved, you'd be amazed if you knew.

Same, I have heard a lot of stories from acting brigadiers, colonels and even air commanders on this....but its all hush hush.
Ooops! And the BD posters here insisted all along that RAW was responsible for that bloodbath!! So, it looks like Khaleda and the RAW are in cahoots! Strange are the ways of the world! :fie: :P
WHOLE BLOODY MUTINY WAS PLANNED BY NOT ONE BUT A BIG GROUP OF SOLDERS and not the NSI, DGFI, CIA or FBI knew about it....come on, give me a break!

BDR troops had many grievances like salry scale, education facilities of their kids, treatment by the officers' wives, appointment of army officers above them, promotion of BDR troops to officer ranks and some others. Their group leaders went to meet both AL and BNP leaders when still it was the caretaker govt.

AL (probably) hatched a killing conspiracy by using these grievances after it won the 2008 election. BDR troops were not given orders by their leaders to kill before the carnage started. However, once the killing started they thought it was the order of the day. Since there was no single leader above them it was almost impossible to stop the carnage.

Killing started with the killing of Gen. Shakil. It was done by a group of people (were they not Awami League employed civilian killers?) waiting behind a white microbus in front of the main door of the Darbar Hall. They fired at and killed Gen. Shakil and a few others, but left the venue immediately when the real BDR troops captured arms from the store house and started killing other officers.

The big question is who were those killers who entered through the main Pilkhana gate and were waiting in front of the main door of Darbar Hall. If these killers are identified, then the mastermind behind them can also be unfurled. However, govt is suppressing the proof of the presence of this batch of killers, who immediately left the place after initiating the killings.
I heard Ghaddar Moeen is dying in some hospital in USA. He got some kind of cancer. I wish this bastard live for few more years until Awami leave office. This midget will spit out the truth. La-Hasina will have to step down soon or later, the real truth behind mutiny will then be exposed and all cults shall be hang in day light.
I heard Ghaddar Moeen is dying in some hospital in USA. He got some kind of cancer. I wish this bastard live for few more years until Awami leave office. This midget will spit out the truth. La-Hasina will have to step down soon or later, the real truth behind mutiny will then be exposed and all cults shall be hang in day light.

No man, Moin U ahmed is still fit as a fiddle, the oppurtinist slimebag goes for a walk everyday in fold club road, atleast i saw this september and saw his pictures in his niece's wedding couple of days ago. Moin U ahmed will leave the country the day before BNP comes to power, also one of his really close brothers. All top BNP officials are very very pissed off at this moron.
gen moeen u ahmed was the biggest curse inflicted on the Bangladesh army & the country on the fateful night of 1/11

the most accurate title to describe him will have to be that of "mir jafar"
This Khalida sounds like second Zardari.
Right after massacre of 53 Bangladesh army officers, Hasina was faced with questions from army officers who were in BDR HQ and in Dhaka was asked to do nothing. Hasina could not answer her and Awami League regime actions during the massacre. One has to listen to these audio records to understand how Hasina and her regime was thickly involved in the Peelkahana massacre.

(part 1)
Open Secrets of BDR mutiny - Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina meets Bangladesh Army officers ( Part 01 ) - YouTube

(part 2)
Open Secrets of BDR mutiny - Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina meets Bangladesh Army officers ( Part 02 ) - YouTube

(part 3)
Open Secrets of BDR mutiny - Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina meets Bangladesh Army officers ( Part 03 ) - YouTube

(part 4)
Open Secrets of BDR mutiny - Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina meets Bangladesh Army officers ( Part 04 ) - YouTube

BDR jawan shouting AL's slogan
BDR jawan shouting AL's slogan - YouTube
gen moeen u ahmed was the biggest curse inflicted on the Bangladesh army & the country on the fateful night of 1/11

the most accurate title to describe him will have to be that of "mir jafar"

Why do you think MUA is a gaddar and not a savior of the country? Is it because you are a supporter of BNP, that won only 32 seats in the last election? It proved generally good that he came forward and took over from the two bickering women. Well-wisher citizens of the country wanted a longer military rule. You see, what the situation is now in the country? History will see him as a savior.
Dhaka approached Delhi during mutiny

Sun, Mar 27th, 2011 11:45 pm BdST

Dhaka, Mar 27 (bdnews24.com) — Prime minister Sheikh Hasina had made phone calls to India's external affairs minister Pranab Mukherjee during the 2009 BDR mutiny, seeking assistance from the international community.

"The Bangladesh prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, had telephoned external affairs minister Pranab Mukherjee during the mutiny to ask for assistance from the international community, but had not been specific about the kind of help she needed," says an article carried by The Hindu in its March 27 issue.

"Mr Mukherjee had offered 'to be responsive' if needed," reads the article based on the US diplomatic cables accessed by the Indian newspaper via Wikileaks.

A month after the BDR mutiny, India continued to be worried about the after-effects of the mutiny, says The Hindu report.

Indian foreign secretary Shivshankar Menon revealed that the Indian government had also approached London, Beijing and Tokyo, says The Hindu quoting the Wikileaks.

It maintained, "India had two concerns. One, it feared that the Jamaat-e-Islami would exploit the instability resulting from the rebellion to 'fish in troubled waters'."

And second, India was worried that the mutiny could affect the civilian government's relations with the military.

Menon, who described the mutiny as 'long in the planning', did not blame Jamaat directly for it, but said the party was disappointed by the Dec 2008 election results and the anti-extremism steps taken by the new government.

US Embassy Charge d'Affaires Steven White was surprised when he was called in for a meeting with foreign secretary Shivshankar Menon on the last weekend of Feb 2009.

"That 'unusual Saturday meeting' was to discuss the mutiny by troopers of the Bangladesh Rifles a couple of days earlier, and the worry in the Indian government about its implications for the newly elected government of Sheikh Hasina, perceived as a friend of India," says the report.

"Menon expressed concern about the likely effect of the violence on the Army, which had lost several officers while quelling the mutiny. The foreign secretary indicated this might lead to trouble for the Hasina government with the Army."

The newspaper further says, "He no0ted that the mutineers had thrown the bodies of military officials into sewers. But he was encouraged that the army chief was working closely with the government to stabilise the situation."

"Menon appreciated the US statement on the violence and stressed the importance of close coordination and consultation between the US and India as the situation developed."

The US official cabled that the Indian foreign secretary also warned that while the initial violence was over, it would take several days before it was clear what would happen next and if further trouble was possible.

On March 26, 2009, the US Embassy in Delhi cabled (198952: confidential) that India's main concern was to stabilise prime minister Hasina's government.

The ministry of external affairs deputy secretary told embassy officials that India was concerned about the possible involvement of 'radical forces'.

He related that many of the known culprits in the massacre were recruited under the previous Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) government and had Jamaat-e-Islami links.

India's concerns appear to have cast a shadow on the Indian foreign secretary's visit to Dhaka on April 13 and 14 that year.

A day later, he shared with US ambassador Peter Burleigh his assessment that the situation in Bangladesh was 'fragile' following the mutiny.

According to a cable sent on Apr 16, 2009 from New Delhi (202615:confidential) reporting the meeting, Shivshankar expressed the Indian government's worry that the current environment would allow extremist groups in Bangladesh to destabilise the democratic government and provide them with a 'freer hand' to launch attacks in India, The Hindu reports.

"Pressed by the ambassador to identify which groups India was concerned about, Mr Menon said that India's worries extended from political parties like the Jamaat-e-Islami to extremist groups like the Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, Bangadesh (HUJI,B)," the embassy cabled.

The Indian official told the US ambassador that even though petty issues often consumed politics in Bangladesh, he was surprised that despite the instability created by the mutiny, 'politicians were focused on matters such as opposition leader Begum Zia's housing'.

"India was concerned about a sense of drift in the government and [Menon] judged that the government was not functioning in a normal fashion," says the cable quoted by The Hindu.

WIKILEAKS EXPOS: BangladeshDhaka approached Delhi during mutiny | wikileaks | bdnews24.com
So it is the master india make false propaganda and puppet Hasina singing indian tune. Read the wiki leaks report to see, in order to coverup indo awami involvement in Bangladesh army officers massacre, Indian master and their Awami puppet regime has been singing in the same propaganda tune. But everyone in the world know stench coming out of Indo-Awami propaganda. That is why US Ambassador pressed indian foreign secretary to spell out their propaganda tune.

Hasina calls ----> Indian foreign minister for help -----> indian Foreign minister say YES and spread propaganda to rest of the world.

One important thing to notice here - Awami regime has outsourced Bangladesh Foreign ministry and foreign policy. This Wiki leak cables throughly proves it.

Dhaka approached Delhi during mutiny

The ministry of external affairs deputy secretary told embassy officials that India was concerned about the possible involvement of 'radical forces'.

He related that many of the known culprits in the massacre were recruited under the previous Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) government and had Jamaat-e-Islami links.

According to a cable sent on Apr 16, 2009 from New Delhi (202615:confidential) reporting the meeting, Shivshankar expressed the Indian government's worry that the current environment would allow extremist groups in Bangladesh to destabilise the democratic government and provide them with a 'freer hand' to launch attacks in India, The Hindu reports.

"Pressed by the ambassador to identify which groups India was concerned about, Mr Menon said that India's worries extended from political parties like the Jamaat-e-Islami to extremist groups like the Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, Bangadesh (HUJI,B)," the embassy cabled.

WIKILEAKS EXPOS: BangladeshDhaka approached Delhi during mutiny | wikileaks | bdnews24.com
Right after massacre of 53 Bangladesh army officers, Hasina was faced with questions from army officers who were in BDR HQ and in Dhaka was asked to do nothing. Hasina could not answer her and Awami League regime actions during the massacre. One has to listen to these audio records to understand how Hasina and her regime was thickly involved in the Peelkahana massacre.

(part 1)
Open Secrets of BDR mutiny - Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina meets Bangladesh Army officers ( Part 01 ) - YouTube

(part 2)
Open Secrets of BDR mutiny - Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina meets Bangladesh Army officers ( Part 02 ) - YouTube

(part 3)
Open Secrets of BDR mutiny - Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina meets Bangladesh Army officers ( Part 03 ) - YouTube

(part 4)
Open Secrets of BDR mutiny - Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina meets Bangladesh Army officers ( Part 04 ) - YouTube

BDR jawan shouting AL's slogan
BDR jawan shouting AL's slogan - YouTube

Who released these records or are they public record?
Who released these records or are they public record?

What is your point? If it is public record or not is rather irrelevent argument and does not matter. What matter is the content and involvement of Awami regime.
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