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Poll-bound Bangladesh is at an inflection point (An untold story of BDR mutiny)

Mr Delwar also said a very true words about Bangladeshi Muslims, and that is , most of them might not be practicing Muslims, or occasional jumma prayer Muslims, ( some even lesser ; only pray in 2 Eid!) but if the rabid dog ( Hindustan) send troops , these Muslims ( practicing, occasionally practicing Muslim, and even most non practicing Muslims) will join to protest India alongside military!

He also said that if india want to defeat Bangladesh successfully , they have to empty their Pakistan and Chinese border to gather 30 division troops to reach to Dhaka after defeating our 10 division, by this time Pakistan and China won't seat hand on hand , they have their tergated areas inside India. So by this time the rebels of seven sister and other areas will have their upper hand on Hindustan, and that will eventually led to the balkanization of India!

We can dream for our real freedom , we now can truly be freed from Hindustan hegemony!

Now bhai , let's hope for best ,but also prepare for the worst! It's war and anything can happens.

The only people who dream of India invading Bangladesh are: Hinduvta and Jamati turds.

No sane people thinks it is even remotely plausible.

It would be as stupid as Russia invading Afghanistan or Ukraine. And USA invading Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan.

And remember, both USA and Russia are actual super powers who are financially healthy.

A country that can barely feed and clothe its people - cannot wage war against a neighbour even if it is significantly smaller.

India is on a mission to build toilets for all by 2050 - not to annex Bangladesh by 2025.
India thinks of Bangladesh as their backyard, it will be difficult for the Bangladeshi people to get rid of Indian influence in their economic and policy decisions. Dont forget India sent their army to Bangladesh to break Pakistan in 1971, they won't give up easily. Bangladesh on the other hand doesn't have much options, AML is pro India, BNP the biggest opposition party will have similar policy, they certainly wouldn't want to face isolation and end up harming the economy which will cost them in the next elections.
India thinks of Bangladesh as their backyard, it will be difficult for the Bangladeshi people to get rid of Indian influence in their economic and policy decisions.
As far as economic cooperation is concerned, India is inconsequential to Bangladesh.
The only people who dream of India invading Bangladesh are: Hinduvta and Jamati turds.

No sane people thinks it is even remotely plausible.

It would be as stupid as Russia invading Afghanistan or Ukraine. And USA invading Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan.

And remember, both USA and Russia are actual super powers who are financially healthy.

A country that can barely feed and clothe its people - cannot wage war against a neighbour even if it is significantly smaller.

India is on a mission to build toilets for all by 2050 - not to annex Bangladesh by 2025.

Only people denying Indian interference in Bangladeshi internal political matters are the "dalals" like you.
The only people who dream of India invading Bangladesh are: Hinduvta and Jamati turds.
You are wrong. Delwar and Pinaky said that India is unable to do this ; she is just barking, and a barking dog seldom bites! Both of them are so called jamatis according to you ( BAL, BCL, pseudo intellectuals, pseudo feminist whores , are too vocal when their kind even complain falsely , but when Hasan Mahmud speak very insulting comment to BNP female leaders , the pseudo feminist whores remains deadly silent, as if BNP's women folks aren't women!

On the other hand BAL , BCL, pseudo feminist whores , pseudo intellectuals , the sons & daughters of whores always believe that India could really successfully invade Bangladesh to save Hasina's as.s !

That's why they recently visited India and returned empty handed!

That's what major Delwar explained that neither modi nor amit shah visited their concubines ( BAL forces )this time , because USA is on the field , and they are too much afraid of America!

So according to your statement , either BAL is the pure jamati ( which is impossible) , or they are Hindutva, because only they believe that India can save their as.s by successfully invading Bangladesh!

However as per razakar, I would like to introduce a great Razakar to you and he is the daughter of Tajuddin Ahmed ( named sharmin Ahmed) who wrote in her book that her her Mujib kaku didn't declare independence , rather he called Pakistan army to take control of East Pakistan to save it from Indian stooges!

And according to BAL , who speaks ahaoi Mujib and Hasina or perhaps against any of their family members are Razakars!

So I'm wondering was our war of independence fought under a Razakar family (Tajuddin family) , if yes then it actually cancel the freedom war,hence cancel the chetona business of BAL!

But if there is a true freedom fight , then according to Tajuddin's daughter , Sheikh family has no involvement in it!

So it's a double edged sword dear @BananaRepublicUK aka @IndianLite !

So which one is truth? Be careful both cancels the role of Sheikh family in our freedom fight ,both cancels the contribution of so called father of nation in freedom fight!

However indeed Sheikh Mujibur Rahman has many good works prior to independence for Bengali people ( of Pakistan) , but during freedom war and post freedom war?

Well read the book of Rajazar daughter (!?) sharmin Ahmed !

Unfortunately BAL is silent on this double edged sword , because it will only slice BAL and Sheikh family , not others!

Now decide who is Razakar or Hindutva among these both families!

It would be as stupid as Russia invading Afghanistan or Ukraine. And USA invading Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan.

And remember, both USA and Russia are actual super powers who are financially healthy.
Yes India can't actually invade , bit the barking dog always threatened!

A country that can barely feed and clothe its people - cannot wage war against a neighbour even if it is significantly smaller.
Finally something quite rich is coming from a BCL teenager , it's a good sign though! Thanks for your understanding!

(However they have huge political and cultural influences, because since our independence , Indian stooges ( pseudo feminists concubines as well) are over active , and media is under control of India, fifth columnists are very much active , and from 2009 it became vicious! But before fall , a tree stands too high! I hope this is the time to fall of anti Bangladeshi ruling class and their lackeys! )

Only if @UKBengali the super idiot understand the reality on India, he wouldn't rant about how and why India is necessary for Bangladesh!
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India thinks of Bangladesh as their backyard, it will be difficult for the Bangladeshi people to get rid of Indian influence in their economic and policy decisions. Dont forget India sent their army to Bangladesh to break Pakistan in 1971, they won't give up easily. Bangladesh on the other hand doesn't have much options, AML is pro India, BNP the biggest opposition party will have similar policy, they certainly wouldn't want to face isolation and end up harming the economy which will cost them in the next elections.
America is on field now and it's now proven that America no longer see Bangladesh through Indian lense!

Hence I think we will be freed from Indian influence by taking American side or protection whatever you call it!

Cade is different in Bangladesh than Pakistan!

Imran Khan is immensely popular in Pakistan, and Hasina is hugely unpopular in Bangladesh!

That's why although Pakistanis nowadays don't like America for overthrowing Imran Khan ( who is a noble politician) , for the same reason ( for ousting Hasina) Bangladeshi will remain grateful to America I believe!

So yes under USA influence, Bangladesh will be freed from Indian influence!

And USA influence is far better than the satanist Hindustani influence , who is not only deadly for Muslims, but also deadly for their own hindu people!

So inshallah we will be freed from satanist Hindustan!
As far as economic cooperation is concerned, India is inconsequential to Bangladesh.

That is true. Indian Govt. leeches off the Bangladesh economy to the tune of about $50 Billion a year.

They are dependent on trade with us, not the other way round. We can change trading partners, they can't.

They are liable to lose that trade as well as any future trade for good if they mess with our sovereignty.

Bangladesh is no Nepal or Bhutan.

By the way two US congressmen were in Dhaka today to have discussions with Bangladeshi Political parties on the upcoming elections.

Momen is in self-defense mode.

Hasina's fate is more or less sealed.

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We will take revenge by annexing the North-East of India with the help of China.

Well annexing may be too far-off a step, I'd leave that to the Chinese brothers.

But they should free themselves from Indian hegemony for sure. That is the first step into improving their economic state of affairs and their development with symbiotic trade with Bangladesh.
Momen is in self-defense mode.

Hasina's fate is more or less sealed.
Without massive vote rigging Hasina cannot return back to power. That's for sure!

Well annexing may be too far-off a step, I'd leave that to the Chinese brothers.
If they can free themselves from India, they will be totally dependent on Bangladesh for their survival. So, annexing them should not be a problem if China gives a helping hand.:cheers:
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