If you are looking for a big pay packet, and a wealthy lifestyle, Australia is your best bet. All the Malayalees have jumped ship to Australia. Simple reason is because they have more money. However, there is more competition there too.
New Zealand's natural beauty is comparable to Kashmir
Racism is everywhere, the question is the degree of racism. I feel, after having lived here for almost 10 years, it is very low. New Zealanders are laid back, easy going and I was never made to feel like an outsider.
Lifestyle is well, if you are looking for an exciting nightlife, things to do, in all honesty, Australia is the way to go.
But I feel the lifestyle is so laid back here.
I cruised through High School, and I am cruising through University with no tension
There is a reason why New Zealand is in the top 5 in terms of the happiest nations in the world
I was curious as to what @
seiko though of my response.
Is there a reason you asked bro?