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Kenya discovers oil reserves


Mar 1, 2012
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BBC News - Kenya oil discovery after Tullow Oil drilling

Oil has been discovered in Kenya after exploratory drilling by Anglo-Irish firm Tullow Oil, President Mwai Kibaki has said.

The discovery was made in the country's north-western Turkana region.

Mr Kibaki said it was "the first time Kenya has made such a discovery" and called it a "major breakthrough".

Kenya is a regional business and tourist hub with the largest economy in East Africa, although its relative wealth is not based on mineral riches.

The Kenyan president said Tullow would drill more wells to establish the commercial viability of the oil.

"It is... the beginning of a long journey to make our country an oil producer, which typically takes in excess of three years. We shall be giving the nation more information as the oil exploration process continues," he said.

Tullow Oil, which also struck oil in neighbouring Uganda, said the Kenyan find had exceeded their expectations.

"This is an excellent start to our major exploration campaign in the East African rift basins of Kenya and Ethiopia," said Angus McCoss, the company's exploration director.

He added: "To make a good oil discovery in our first well is beyond our expectations and bodes well for the material programme ahead of us."

Tullow has found oil in, or off the coast of, a number of African countries, including Ghana and Sierra Leone.

Uh oh, I think the Kenyan regime is harboring weapons of mass destruction. Thankfully, USA will be ready to liberate them and give them democracy.
I think China will take advantage and buy this oil field and put Kenyan workers slave pay, while sending in thousands of its on people to Kenya too.
Yes, Coingrats Kenya.
Watch out kenya,

either america will invade you militarily or China will invade you economically

LOL, finding oil in your own country is worst thing to happen. Because few people get billions of dollars, while rest of people will get killed by gunfighting. OR some other country will make you economical colony.
Owning oil is bad and dangerous in Africa. The danger does not come from outside, rather from within. Now all so called leaders in Kenya are planing ways to get rich and perhaps illuminate some of the rivals.
I got Kenyan roots i hope the country prospers but its election time soon in Kenya and last time there was very bad riots i hope it does not happen again.
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