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Kashmiri girl quits band after fatwa !!

Fair enough.

there is another side to the entire story.

The debate on FB started and the opposition to the band has more to do with its performance at a function organised by Indian CRPF which is involved in killing of hundreds of Kashmiris.

That was claimed by most of the Indians ;) on this very forum sometimes back.

anyway my point was Kashmir was never a religious area they had been liberal

Thats what i said. it is more like a publicity tour. the fatwa done them favour enough that now even Indians know who they are :)

Exactly ... and BTW my post was a joke :azn:
Sir slavery was banned 1400 years ago in fact it existed in most of Euorpe in early 20th century and to some extent in USA till 1960s until the famous Martin Luther rose and ended the suffering if African Americans or black people

A must read for you.

Zanj Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Use google and do some research before vomiting more of your BS.We already treat Marital rape as a punishable offence unlike your country which don't even recognize it.
Mr I have done research Sir I have done lot of research on Islam and Islam related topics

Could not find it Mr Muse? Maybe U can post a link for that thread here for others to see?
Many thanks

But My friend , my point is Why do U guys want others to convert ?? Or does it says in your Holy Quran if U convert others U will get Paradise or somthing?
That gives the indirect message , Your God isnt the Truth ony Allah is Real God !!

No Sir it is our duty to spread the message of Islam the message of truth and right path and if we will not do it than we will have to answer to ALLAH
Mr I have done research Sir I have done lot of research on Islam and Islam related topics

That's the problem,You don't know anything other than that.
That's the problem,You don't know anything other than that.
Sir I also do research on those things other than Islam a lot of research I like to read books and also do research through different means
Sir I also do research on those things other than Islam a lot of research I like to read books and also do research through different means

I usually do not jump into these kinds of topics, so forgive my interference. But it interests me that you have an avatar of the, might I add violent, game 'Mafia' (of which the orchestral score is as beautiful as any I've heard btw). So video games are not haraam, correct? But music is? Where do you draw the line, sir? Ghazal and qawwali, all the forms of devotional sufi music, the poetry of derveshes. All these are haraam for you? I guess you, sir, disapprove of Rumi, Shams-e-Tabriz, and all the enlightened souls of the subcontinent in the past?

May I just say, from what little I know of Islam and respect most, though admittedly learnt mainly through writings of Baba Bulleh Shah, translations of Shah Latif and others, isn't the message of God taught to us by Muhammad Sahib and the prophets before him to love your fellow human being, hadh-e-intehaa se zyaada, as all our souls and existence belong only to God? To have the humility to consider ourself completely and utterly at the service of our fellow beings who are but extensions of God's love, rather than to judge them, as no one may judge a human except our Rabb? I know we are all imperfect and fall astray from their teachings, but each human's relationship with the One above is intensely personal, beyond any mortal's interference, so perhaps we ought to introspect before being the judge, jury and executioner in His name.

I have seen your posts in the past where kufr and non-kufr is your benchmark for everything, whereas the world is fortunately beyond all of that. The laws of physics and science discovered, their applications, many innovations that I'm sure you use in everyday life, were thought up or invented by non-muslims. But you will say it is okay I am only using it. Then any muslim brother or sister using the language of the soul in an innocent, non threatening, peaceful way should not be the subject of your scorn. One rule for yourself, and a separate one for others does not work, dear sir. Be the change. But hopefully you will not, and eventually grow into embracing the world as an open, vibrant and beautiful expression of our shared humanism.

By the way I write this as a concerned brother, and not judging or meaning any offence. Please forgive me if it comes off as such. But if you could explain this dichotomy in your stance, it would be much appreciated.
I usually do not jump into these kinds of topics, so forgive my interference. But it interests me that you have an avatar of the, might I add violent, game 'Mafia' (of which the orchestral score is as beautiful as any I've heard btw). So video games are not haraam, correct? But music is? Where do you draw the line, sir? Ghazal and qawwali, all the forms of devotional sufi music, the poetry of derveshes. All these are haraam for you? I guess you, sir, disapprove of Rumi, Shams-e-Tabriz, and all the enlightened souls of the subcontinent in the past?

May I just say, from what little I know of Islam and respect most, though admittedly learnt mainly through writings of Baba Bulleh Shah, translations of Shah Latif and others, isn't the message of God taught to us by Muhammad Sahib and the prophets before him to love your fellow human being, hadh-e-intehaa se zyaada, as all our souls and existence belong only to God? To have the humility to consider ourself completely and utterly at the service of our fellow beings who are but extensions of God's love, rather than to judge them, as no one may judge a human except our Rabb? I know we are all imperfect and fall astray from their teachings, but each human's relationship with the One above is intensely personal, beyond any mortal's interference, so perhaps we ought to introspect before being the judge, jury and executioner in His name.

I have seen your posts in the past where kufr and non-kufr is your benchmark for everything, whereas the world is fortunately beyond all of that. The laws of physics and science discovered, their applications, many innovations that I'm sure you use in everyday life, were thought up or invented by non-muslims. But you will say it is okay I am only using it. Then any muslim brother or sister using the language of the soul in an innocent, non threatening, peaceful way should not be the subject of your scorn. One rule for yourself, and a separate one for others does not work, dear sir. Be the change. But hopefully you will not, and eventually grow into embracing the world as an open, vibrant and beautiful expression of our shared humanism.

By the way I write this as a concerned brother, and not judging or meaning any offence. Please forgive me if it comes off as such. But if you could explain this dichotomy in your stance, it would be much appreciated.

Sorry Sir authority is ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW and Sahabas as a whole Sir and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW have clearly forbidden music Sir even if some sufi uses it even than it doesn't make it halal Sir it is haram and will remain Haram
It shame, security people should take strict action against these mullahs.

In India, women should also have freedom to chose their carrier as men do.
The time for the Han solution for Kashmir is fast approaching.

I for one would like to kick some serious mulla butt.

A-holes have raped a beautiful biker paradise with their ****** way of living.

Have not seen a dirtier town in India than Drass.

We need to wield a broad broom and clean out the crap.
The time for the Han solution for Kashmir is fast approaching.

I for one would like to kick some serious mulla butt.

A-holes have raped a beautiful biker paradise with their ****** way of living.

Have not seen a dirtier town in India than Drass.

We need to wield a broad broom and clean out the crap.

Srinagar itself is really ******. It is one of the worst cities in India. Jammu is expanding and growing at a very fast pace while Srinagar is totally static. It is getting worse.
If Kashmir is the obstacle between her and her dreams , they should leave Kashmir...

If Islam is obstacle between her and her dreams, they should leave Islam..

After all, every one is converted, whats wrong in re-converting or revering???
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