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Kashmiri girl quits band after fatwa !!


Oct 25, 2011
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Kashmiri girl quits band after fatwa


SRINAGAR: An all-girl teenage rock
band from Indian-administered
Kashmir has decided to split after
the region’s top Muslim cleric
declared their music to be “un-
Islamic”, their manager said
Pragaash, a three-piece group
whose members are still in high
school, had been the target of an
online hate campaign ever since
winning a “Battle of the Bands”
contest in December.
But after initially insisting they
would continue making music, they
have now called it quits after the
Grand Mufti of Jammu and
Kashmir, Bashiruddin Ahmad,
branded them as “indecent” and
issued a fatwa calling for them to
“After the fatwa the girls decided
to quit and disband,” Adnan
Mattoo, the band’s manager, said
in brief comments to AFP.
The mother of one of the girls
confirmed that her daughter had
decided to leave the band, saying
she was staying with relatives
outside Kashmir until the fuss died
“My daughter had been depressed
and irritable so we decided to send
her away to another city for some
time,” said the mother, who did
not want to give her name.
The comments by the grand mufti
have been widely criticised with
the state’s Chief Minister Omar
Abdullah among those calling on
the band not to be intimidated
into giving up on music.
Kashmir is India’s only Muslim-
majority state and hardline
Islamists have a reputation for
trying to impose Islamic law,
forcing the closure of cinemas and
liquor stores with the onset of an
anti-India insurgency in 1990.

Kashmir girl band quits after fatwa | Entertainment | DAWN.COM
yeh one more victory for Mullahs......we cannot allow girl to sing and be happy......Coz we forbid them from being Happy as we are thekedaar of Islam......
those guitar in there hand are weapons which will destroy humanity.....

And special thanks to the mullah who issued this fatwa...atlast u done something worthy after being born....:yahoo:

now to redirect them to the real peace effort ..for the betterment of humanity


drop the guitar .....pick up the Ak-47 ...the world needs u :guns:


These Fatwa Mongers need to be sent back to the society they idolize . They have no place amongst us .

yeh one more victory for Mullahs......we cannot allow girl to sing and be happy......Coz our we forbid them from being Happy......those guitar in there hand are weapons which will destroy humanity.....

And special thanks to the mullah who issued this fatwa...atlast u done something worthy after being born....:yahoo:

now to redirect them to the real peace effort ..for the betterment of humanity

drop the guitar .....pick up the Ak-47 ...the world needs u :guns:

Please don't post these kind of images . Many Thanks .


These Fatwa Mongers need to be sent back to the society they idolize . They have no place amongst us .

Please don't post these kind of images . Many Thanks .

why shouldn't i .....i just want to know how many fatwas were issued against this little girl..or is it ok to hold a gun but only holding guitar by a girl is haram in islam

today i m proud of my Indian muslim brothers ..... who can cry river for palestine ,iraq..but can't defend there own sisters in there backyard:angry:

PS:- i can't stand for BS..i not afraid of a stupid infarct or a Ban for showing them a mirror:coffee:
I dont blame the girl for the decision at this crucial time when the media was giving full support to her but i blame the common man of Srinagar .
If New Delhi can do it why cant the youth of Sri nagar :hitwall:
what is chief minister of j&k doing making empty statements and tweeting in twitter instead of arresting these morons.social media support is meant for people who has no power to enforce something for a cause,so they given moral support, courage , and make sure that the voice is heard, chief minister has all the power available with him, yet what he did was tweet.
You should have seen the comments by extremist mullah's on FB page of these girls.

Damn! those low life's were even threatening to rape them with all sort vulgar language.
You should have seen the comments by extremist mullah's on FB page of these girls.

Damn! those low life's were even threatening to rape them with all sort vulgar language.
they shld complain to IT wing of Police dept and register Case of threating to kill and cause grevious hurt

police can trace ip the user .....jail those low life creature..use there post as evidence ..give them to police remand custody ...that will get the radical islamic kida out of them

update:- its done

i was thinking why we people need these kind of maulvis,muftis and babas in our society in first place????

are we soo dumb that we can't read our holy text and understand it????
or these muftis and babas are sent by god with some extra special knowledge.

f**k these bastards and f**k them those who follow them blindly rather then reading the holy texts themselves.
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