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Kashmir solution will make Pakistan ‘normal’: US expert

Who is USA to interfere? No first tell me that. USA should mind its business. Neither India nor Pakistan is interested in such comments. Neither India or Pakistan will go in war for USA.
I don't care for your sh!tty statistics from weird websites like Kashmir watch.

Do you want me to post links of SATP.org where there is entire history of LeT and JeM like terrorists groups killed Kashmiris ?

You don't have to quote me or reply to me. You always propagate false information. Tell me what was the reason behind Parliament attack, why Mumbai serial bomb blasts in local trains, serial bomb blasts in my city, 26/11.

So don't quote em again. You can keep on ranting.

For Your So called Mumbai serial attack
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And who suffers if Pakistan remains an 'abnormal' state? Indians..yes, but the effect is minimal.

Pakistan themselves are the biggest victims of their ab-normalcy...they need to find it in their hearts to let Kashmir go and be content with the country they have.

As for Kashmir being a nuclear flash point, how long can Pakistan hope to blackmail the world by holding a gun to its head? Atleast in India no body is buying this ruse anymore.
1st listen his accent then his words lol shanatii parshan =)) prshinka parivar atankwad julam humare ko jina .... and it goes on and on lol when he asked for when u reached mumbai at that time he bluffed bcz his master didnt told him the date when he reached
How Dumb You guys are if they are Pakistani then why their accent was indian and they used hindi words , then ajmal kasab said baghwan mujhe maaf karee ga and if 60000 are killed then why still Want to Part of Pakistan , and why they still say Kashmir bane ga Pakistan i hope this gives you your answer

Human Rights Watch, Patricia Gossman. “India's secret army in Kashmir : new patterns of abuse emerge in the conflict “, 1996
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Nah, it's not Kashmir. The core problem is the refusal of the Hindu mind to accept division of Akhand Bharat. India has never reconciled to the idea of a separate Muslim nation - now two. Even if Kashmir issue were solved, the intransigence of India will not wane.
Serbs and other Christians killed Muslims in millions. Iran-Iraq war, hundreds of thousands of Muslims killed by Muslims. In East Pakistan , millions of Muslims were killed by Muslims, in Iraq war and after the terrorism that sprouted has claimed millions of Muslims lives, in Africa, Christians are killed in thousands.

Pakistani terrorists killed thousands of Muslims in Kashmir and now in their own country. Taliban Muslims doing the same.

In Cambodia, in Rwanda, genocides after genocides.

In India, over 65 years, 810 million Hindus live with 150 million Muslims with relatively very less people killed on both sides in riots.

Get all the statistics and then come and talk to us.

Watch this documentary on what is Genocide.

Genocide: Worse Than War | Full-length documentary | PBS - YouTube
Nah, it's not Kashmir. The core problem is the refusal of the Hindu mind to accept division of Akhand Bharat. India has never reconciled to the idea of a separate Muslim nation - now two. Even if Kashmir issue were solved, the intransigence of India will not wane.

So your logic being "Pakistan remains an abnormal state" because of the 'Hindu mindset' of Indians..that's one hell of a mind job, Indians have done on Pakistanis.
New Delhi - A resolution of the outstanding Kashmir issue would make Pakistan a "more normal state" and reduce its preoccupation with India, said a former CIA officer, who was one of the architects of US President Barack Obama's Af-Pak policy in his first term.

In his latest book Avoiding Armageddon: America, India, and Pakistan to the Brink and Back, Bruce Riedel said by eliminating Pakistan's desire to wage asymmetric warfare against India, it would also discourage Pakistan from making alliances with the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba and al Qaeda.

Riedel and late Richard Holbrooke were the architects of Obama's Af-Pak policy. He is currently a research scholar at the prestigious Brookings Institute.

"The resolution of the Kashmir issue would go a long way toward making Pakistan a more normal state and reducing its preoccupation with India," he wrote.

He said it would also remove a major rationale for the army's disproportionate role in Pakistani national security affairs that in turn would help to ensure the survival of genuine civilian democratic rule in the country.

"Former ambassador William Milam, a seasoned South Asia hand, has rightly stressed that the ‘India-Centricity of the Pakistani mindset is the most important factor and variable’ in the future of the country. Such an agreement would not resolve all the tensions between the two neighbours. However, their disputes on issues other than Kashmir are comparatively trivial," he wrote.

"A Kashmir deal would set the stage for a different era in the subcontinent and for more productive interaction between the international community and Pakistan. It could set the stage for a genuine rapprochement between India and Pakistan and nurture trade and economic interaction, which could transform the subcontinent for the better," Riedel said.

He said "it is also in India's interest" to find a solution to the conflict, which had gone on far too long.

"Since the Kargil war in 1999, the Indians have been more open to an American role in Kashmir because they sense that Washington is fundamentally in favour of a resolution to maintain the status quo, which India can accept," he claimed.

"The key to Indian cooperation will be whether the United States can make clear to Pakistan that some red lines regarding terrorism are real, especially a red line on Lashkar-e-Tayyba. If [Congress President] Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister [Manmohan] Singh can point to real evidence that LeT is being broken up and dismantled in Pakistan, then they will have the political clout to advance the back-channel talks to secure a peace breakthrough," Riedel wrote.

"It is clearly in the American interest to try to defuse a lingering conflict that has generated global terrorism and repeatedly threatened to create a full-scale military confrontation on the subcontinent," he wrote.

Kashmir solution will make Pakistan

Technically speaking the assessment by these fellow American is true to some extent....If Kashmir issue is resolved and only when this is resolved with the favorable to position by Pakistan, then there is a possibility that people in Pakistan who really want to make peace with India rather than fundamentalist people would gain an upper hand and at least show case something to prove to their domestic audience...But the problem is that assuming that hypothetically Kashmir issue is resolved and Pakistan got the kashmir what they demanded with US help, then USA will get more foothold in the micro level affair in Pakistan. Because then US can present itself as a friend of Pakistan who would like to go with him...

But this will create more blowback from India itself...I am not sure if any political party of India will take up any kind of position where J&K sovernity is compromised....In case this happens...that will be a political suicide for the specific political party who will accept it, for rest of the histroy of politics in India.

So in a nutshell, in my personal opinion J&K needs peace...This should get sorted out as soon as possible....and the best possible thing is India should follow China policy about how they handled the affair in Tibet.....1st and foremost...India has to change the demography of the Kashmir valley how China changed the demography of Tibet....Then only Kashmir issue can be remain in peace....Untill that point...unfortunately Army and Kashmir police will reign in on the valley.Although it is not desirable and inhuman...but this is reality...
"The resolution of the Kashmir issue would go a long way toward making Pakistan a more normal state and reducing its preoccupation with India," he wrote.

He said it would also remove a major rationale for the army's disproportionate role in Pakistani national security affairs that in turn would help to ensure the survival of genuine civilian democratic rule in the country................

Kashmir solution will make Pakistan

What a naive statement!

Pak Army will remain central to not only all security matters, Kashmir or no Kashmir, but it will also remain the real hub of power in the country, democracy or no democracy. This may have worked in the early years of independence, but after decades of international neglect, the Kashmir issue is no longer a central rationale for the central role now being played by the Pak Army.
Nah, it's not Kashmir. The core problem is the refusal of the Hindu mind to accept division of Akhand Bharat. India has never reconciled to the idea of a separate Muslim nation - now two. Even if Kashmir issue were solved, the intransigence of India will not wane.

Just stop this hindu muslim nonsense, even after birth of your nation you still believe in this ?
c'mon these are islamist violence is in their blood .their next mission will be Delhi.

you mean if India give up Kashmir , al-kayada , lashkar , IM , taliban will go to sleep ....:lol:

only thing which hold Pakistan as a united nation is india/kashmir , the day majority Pakistani will realize India is not their enemy Pakistan will start falling in 3-4 parts. some of them will be taliban states which will create more trouble for india

I don't think INDIA/Kashmir hold much importance for the new generation of Pakistani. They are just trying to survive from day to day grind and their future does not depend on Kashmir. It's the old folk and extremists, we have to watch out.

Once the Nato and US leave from Afghanistan, then these war hardened terrorists may find a target in India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. We have to be more vigilant and prepared for any eventuality.

There is this notion that Pakistan will become normal once the Kashmir is solved. But the dynamic has changed and only thing these terrorists want is to usurp power. So, it is going to be a tug of war between the army and these extremists.
Nah, it's not Kashmir. The core problem is the refusal of the Hindu mind to accept division of Akhand Bharat. India has never reconciled to the idea of a separate Muslim nation - now two. Even if Kashmir issue were solved, the intransigence of India will not wane.

We are both nuclear powers.....so, the question of Akhand Bharat does not arise. So, is there anything that we want from Pakistan???... and the answer is a big NO. Our extreme attitude is because we cannot trust you to abandon your obsession with Kashmir. Aren't you guys still training, funding, and sending terrorists across the Indian border??

What other intransigence of India are you talking about? I can only think of only water, trade and culture...
@haviZsultan I don't care your so called 30 reports. You are doing propaganda against India and Indian army. I agree there has been cases of war crimes. War crimes do happen especially if the conflict goes on for decades. I admit that.

As for majority of Muslims killed, majority of Kashmiris are Muslims. They made Kashmiri Pundits leave the state. You never talk about it.

Your so called Mujaheedins killed people not only in Kashmir but also all over country.

Its people like you I hate the most. When dozens of people were killed in Serial bomb blasts in my city, just because of your obsession with Kashmir, your so called freedom fight.

Have you ever thought why Kashmir was called heaven on earth and tourism was on full swing until you all came into picture with your rabid dogs from your terrorist camps.

You are reaping what you sowed against India. The same extremism you raised is now killing your own people. Still your thick head is not penetrated with the truth.

I agree on the points you make Krait, but not the name calling. Unexpected of you. I hold you in high standards that you would even in anger, post normally without calling the other person this or that.
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