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Kashmir solution will make Pakistan ‘normal’: US expert


If anyone on our side of the border feels particularly affectionate towards their brethren across the border, they are free to cross over. The sad part is, its the Indian authorities who have to welcome and assimilate legitimate border hopping kashmiris into J&K. For some weird reason, no one wants to live in pakistani occupied part of kashmir. As for the terrorists, they usually die.Some make it across, but most of them get found anyhow.

There is no question however, of handing over territory to anyone. About the right of pakistanis, Its your problem. Not ours. We are perfectly fine with status quo if that's how you want to play.

India and Pakistan have absolutely no claim over Kashmir. Make your borders in your own countries, both sides lost the right to decide anything for the Kashmiris when they started mistreating them. Kashmir is and NEVER will be a part of India or Pakistan.
Lets explore the resolution:


1. Independent Kashmir: Neither India nor Pakistan wants it...
2. p-Ok regain by India: Possible only if Pakistan loose another war with 90,000 POWs.
3. Indian Kashmir (including Jammu and Laddak) capture by Pakistan: Can happen only when India loose war.
4. Kashmir Vally goes to p-Ok and Jammu and Laddak will remain with India : Not acceptable to terrorists, Terroists will f*** pakistan, if such thing happen.

So there is no solution for K. Pakistan neither live with K, nor live without it// :P
India and Pakistan have absolutely no claim over Kashmir. Make your borders in your own countries, both sides lost the right to decide anything for the Kashmiris when they started mistreating them. Kashmir is and NEVER will be a part of India or Pakistan.

Janab, Its already a part of India. If you pakistanis mistreated kashmiris, its not our problem. The thing about guilty conscience is, you get to deal with it on your own. Our border is already within our territory. If you want to give back the remaining Indian territory occupied by your forces, we will welcome it. If you wont back off, we are still perfectly fine with status quo.....it has been the Indian stance for decades now.

Honestly, it would solve a lot maybe not for india or pakistan, but it certainly would for the Kashmiris. We always think about what's best for india or what's best for pakistan but while we spend so much time thinking that the only people suffering are the Kashmiris under oppression from both sides.

I do agree that Kashmir is a problem.....But the OP says Kashmir solution will make pakistan normal........ Which i fail to understand....... What kashmir has to do with Baluchistan...... What kashmir has to do with Shia killings.... What kashmir has to do with TTP.... What kashmir has to do with other factions of taliban which operates from pakistan.....

Kashmir solution wont wont make pakistan normal.......period.....
Janab, Its already a part of India. If you pakistanis mistreated kashmiris, its not our problem. The thing about guilty conscience is, you get to deal with it on your own. Our border is already within our territory. If you want to give back the remaining Indian territory occupied by your forces, we will welcome it. If you wont back off, we are still perfectly fine with status quo.....it has been the Indian stance for decades now.


Don't even try to pull that. I am Kashmiri and my family is from both the Pakistani side and the Indian side and BOTH sides are EQUALLY bad. Both of you guys are equally responsible for making Kashmir the hell hole it is. You know one thing both India and Pakistan are good at is blaming each other, maybe if you took that energy you put into blaming each other and actually did something productive with it, both of these countries wouldn't be starving. Just the way you cared to ignore what the Kashmiris want, no Kashmiri in his/her right mind would care about what india and pakistan is fine with. Screw the status quo, it's going to change anyways as we are allowed to vote by the UN

I do agree that Kashmir is a problem.....But the OP says Kashmir solution will make pakistan normal........ Which i fail to understand....... What kashmir has to do with Baluchistan...... What kashmir has to do with Shia killings.... What kashmir has to do with TTP.... What kashmir has to do with other factions of taliban which operates from pakistan.....

Kashmir solution wont wont make pakistan normal.......period.....

Dude, I completely agree with you. I just dislike the way Indians and Pakistanis speak about Kashmir with absolutely no respect for the territory and its people. They act lie it's an object they are fighting for and at times it can really get annoying. But you're right Kashmir can not solve Pakistan's problems.
Don't even try to pull that. I am Kashmiri and my family is from both the Pakistani side and the Indian side and BOTH sides are EQUALLY bad. Both of you guys are equally responsible for making Kashmir the hell hole it is. You know one thing both India and Pakistan are good at is blaming each other, maybe if you took that energy you put into blaming each other and actually did something productive with it, both of these countries wouldn't be starving. Just the way you cared to ignore what the Kashmiris want, no Kashmiri in his/her right mind would care about what india and pakistan is fine with. Screw the status quo, it's going to change anyways as we are allowed to vote by the UN

Dude, I completely agree with you. I just dislike the way Indians and Pakistanis speak about Kashmir with absolutely no respect for the territory and its people. They act lie it's an object they are fighting for and at times it can really get annoying. But you're right Kashmir can not solve Pakistan's problems.

Sorry... in internet debate..u r as much a Kashmiri as i am a balochi...

Rite now..to India..it is not about ego..Kashmir is matter of survival...the fate of 1 billion people will be at risk if Kashmir is taken from us...so India will never let go of Kashmir..as long as this world exists..we will hold on to it...
Don't even try to pull that. I am Kashmiri and my family is from both the Pakistani side and the Indian side and BOTH sides are EQUALLY bad. Both of you guys are equally responsible for making Kashmir the hell hole it is. You know one thing both India and Pakistan are good at is blaming each other, maybe if you took that energy you put into blaming each other and actually did something productive with it, both of these countries wouldn't be starving. Just the way you cared to ignore what the Kashmiris want, no Kashmiri in his/her right mind would care about what india and pakistan is fine with. Screw the status quo, it's going to change anyways as we are allowed to vote by the UN

Dude, I completely agree with you. I just dislike the way Indians and Pakistanis speak about Kashmir with absolutely no respect for the territory and its people. They act lie it's an object they are fighting for and at times it can really get annoying. But you're right Kashmir can not solve Pakistan's problems.

Hey man, you can be a goddamn martian for all I care. Kashmir isn't a hell hole at all....I'm surprised you said that. Sure there is violence here and there, but it is by no means a "hellhole"----No, its now our responsibility if pakistani occupied part of kashmir is a hellhole. Indian controlled territory have access to a secure job infrastructure, telecom facilities, banking facilities, food distribution; railways...the works.

Wherever Indian administration is in effect, is our territory. There are only two ways to change status quo:
1. End Pakistani occupation and return Indian territory
2. Accept LoC as international border.
Sorry... in internet debate..u r as much a Kashmiri as i am a balochi...

Rite now..to India..it is not about ego..Kashmir is matter of survival...the fate of 1 billion people will be at risk if Kashmir is taken from us...so India will never let go of Kashmir..as long as this world exists..we will hold on to it...

I respect your view on that!
Well then India and Pakistan are going to have to do a better job of holding on because it's slipping.
i think kashmir resolution will not make pak normal, becuase of its DNA.
I respect your view on that!
Well then India and Pakistan are going to have to do a better job of holding on because it's slipping.


Get a grip on yourself. If there is anything slipping, its the sand under pakistan.
Hey man, you can be a goddamn martian for all I care. Kashmir isn't a hell hole at all....I'm surprised you said that. Sure there is violence here and there, but it is by no means a "hellhole"----No, its now our responsibility if pakistani occupied part of kashmir is a hellhole. Indian controlled territory have access to a secure job infrastructure, telecom facilities, banking facilities, food distribution; railways...the works.

Wherever Indian administration is in effect, is our territory. There are only two ways to change status quo:
1. End Pakistani occupation and return Indian territory
2. Accept LoC as international border.

It's certainly not to people like you who only visit during the summer for two months and then return.
You know what honestly, this is quite pointless.
Goodluck holding on to Kashmir! It's true, it will lead to the demise of both India and Pakistan if this continues.
But you are entitled to your own views and that's cool with me even though I disagree.

p.s. im not a man LOLOLOLOLOLOL i swear everyone on this thread thinks im a boy, this is hilarious lololol


Get a grip on yourself. If there is anything slipping, its the sand under pakistan.

I disagree. I am sure Pakistan will be just fine.
I am more concerned with the fate of Kashmir than Indian and Pakistani animosity!
It's certainly not to people like you who only visit during the summer for two months and then return.
You know what honestly, this is quite pointless.
Goodluck holding on to Kashmir! It's true, it will lead to the demise of both India and Pakistan if this continues.
But you are entitled to your own views and that's cool with me even though I disagree.

p.s. im not a man LOLOLOLOLOLOL i swear everyone on this thread thinks im a boy, this is hilarious lololol
It doesn't matter to anyone here what your sexual orientation is. The objective is to discuss pointless issues and waste time. The luxury of anonymity ensures that everyone on this platform are perceived equally.

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I respect your view on that!
Well then India and Pakistan are going to have to do a better job of holding on because it's slipping.

well that again depends on ur view point...I believe India is in a very much better position vis-a-vis Kashmir than it was in 1989 and 1990's. In 1990's, we were economically weak(near bankrupt), militarily not so strong, we just came out of Khalistan conflict, our strongest ally Soviet had broken up, we were completely alone in International arena with even US not on our side. compare that situation with now. We are 1.5 trillion $ economy. Militarily in a far superior position, economically we can fight any conflict for a much longer time, US, Russia and France our major allies and supporters. even China is looking for friendship and not conflict. We have commanding respect among arab countries. Very strong lobbying in world's major capitals..So we are ok with Kashmir situation it is now..It is for Kashmiris to decide what they want.Conflict or development..Because India is ready for anything.
well that again depends on ur view point...I believe India is in a very much better position vis-a-vis Kashmir than it was in 1989 and 1990's. In 1990's, we were economically weak(near bankrupt), militarily not so strong, we just came out of Khalistan conflict, our strongest ally Soviet had broken up, we were completely alone in International arena with even US not on our side. compare that situation with now. We are 1.5 trillion $ economy. Militarily in a far superior position, economically we can fight any conflict for a much longer time, US, Russia and France our major allies and supporters. even China is looking for friendship and not conflict. We have commanding respect among arab countries. Very strong lobbying in world's major capitals..So we are ok with Kashmir situation it is now..It is for Kashmiris to decide what they want.Conflict or development..Because India is ready for anything.

They want independence. That's all, is India ready for that too?
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