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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Nearly 2,600 bodies have been discovered in single, unmarked graves and in mass graves throughout mountainous Indian-controlled Kashmir. The International People's Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice (IPTHJ), an Indian Kashmir-based human rights organization, claimed that they found the graves in 55 villages during a three-year survey that concluded in November. Out of the 2,600 graves discovered by IPTHJ, they claim that 177 graves held more than one body. This report is one of the most damning pieces of evidence of the ‘crime against humanity’ perpetrated by the Indian armed forces in their occupation of the disputed territory of Kashmir.
The Muslim-dominated region of Kashmir has been a disputed territory right from the independence of India and Pakistan in 1947 and has been the source of conflict for more than half a century. While both countries claim the region, it is the civilian population of Kashmir that has paid the price of the conflict. In contested claims, more than 68,000 people have lost their lives in Indian-occupied Kashmir in the past two decades alone and have witnessed three conventional wars.
The latest report, if accurate, only goes to prove the brutalities encountered by the Kashmiris at the hands of the Indian armed forces. The Indian occupation of Kashmir casts a dark shadow over India’s shining image as the largest democracy in the world. Indian democracy prides itself on freedom of speech and expression and the right of its people to dissent. But the manner in which the dissent of the Kashmiri population has been crushed illustrates that India still has a long way to go to be a real functional democracy. Over the past couple of decades, it has been alleged by various human rights groups that the Indian military has killed a large number of Kashmiri youth in "fake encounters", dubbing them "Pakistani terrorists". In April, 2008, Amnesty International appealed to the Indian government to investigate hundreds of unidentified graves — believed to contain victims of unlawful killings, enforced disappearances, torture and other abuses — to no avail.
The starkest feature of these recent findings is that there was no coverage of the report by the Indian media. Having stumbled upon this shocking report in the New York Times when sitting in the U.S., I sought the perspective of the Indian media. To my disbelief and horror, there was not even a single mention about this report in all the leading Indian dailies and news channels, while all of the major international media groups had covered the story.
So what does this tell about Indian democracy? The truth of brutalities in Kashmir have always been kept a secret to the nation. The Indian state has, for decades, been suppressing the largely non-violent dissent of Kashmiri people against the militarization of Kashmir. The Indian state has used the divisive propaganda of militancy and religion as tools to suppress any kind of dissent against its forced occupation of the region. The Indian state has tried to keep not only the international community in the dark about its hostilities toward Kashmiris but also the local Indian population, by controlling media reports of the real situation on the ground in Indian occupied Kashmir.
A democracy which suppresses dissent by means of violence is the most vulgar form of democracy, if at all it can be called ‘democracy’. The successful attempt by the Indian state to keep the Indian populace in the dark about such damning reports questions the validity of its claim to be the largest functional, pluralistic democracy.
Kashmir is not the only place where the Indian government has responded with violence in the wake of dissent. The rising tide of the left-wing Indian Maoists group (termed "Naxalites"), predominant in East India, have constantly faced violent retaliations for their dissent against the capitalist regime of the Indian state. The people of neglected regions of northeastern India have been the subject of torture by the Indian military forces for decades for their demand of more autonomy for the region.
Unfortunately, the resort to violence against any kind of dissent is not a new phenomenon for the Indian state, either. The princely states of Junagadh and Hyderabad were annexed by the Indian state by use of force when these states declined to be part of the newly formed independent Indian state.
But India's use of violence to vitiate dissent has long been kept under the wraps of propagandist theories of a functional pluralistic democracy. India has projected itself, not only to the international community, but also to its citizens, as being a soft, liberal state. But events, past and present, prove otherwise.

The Harvard Law Record - India buries dissent in Kashmir

Buddy thanx..actually all these days i was thinking where were the bodies of thousands of Hindu Pandits who were systematically massacred by the terrorists aftre which millions fled the valley..
Has that idiotic IPTHJ proved that the bodies were of Muslims killed by the Indian Army..? -NO-
So we think that they r the bodies of Hindu Pandits killed by Terrrorits.Death to those terrorists for killing innocent Hindus.
Yes.. Obviously a Pakistani whose country got split in two will not call 1971 as spectacular.
The Indians with some reality check called it, "the second liberation of India". Ever wondered why. :azn:
So make up your mind.. What is the cause of Pakistan promoting terrorism in Kashmir.. UNSC resolution of 1948 or 1971?
Let me spoon feed you, standing by an oppressed nation against an habitual offender on moral ground is different to what India has indulged in the past and is presently involved in by supporting the terrorist activities against the State of Pakistan.
Pakistan needs to create consensus on Kashmir: Mirwaiz- Hindustan Times

In what may be indicative of a new approach of Kashmiri separatists toward Pakistan, All Parties Hurriyat Conference chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq on Wednesday asked Pakistan to create a “consensus on Kashmir” before offering any solution on the over six decade old issue between India and Pakistan.

Mirwaiz, who was a relentless cheerleader of former Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf’s four-point formula; irrelevant borders, demilitarization from both sides of Line of Control, self-governance and joint mechanism, wanted the current Pakistani government to work out a consensus on Kashmir issue before putting forward any solution.

“Pakistan needs to create a consensus on Kashmir within. The current government should take everyone on board there before offering any solution,” Mirwaiz told Hindustan Times in an exclusive interview on phone on Wednesday, a day after Indian and Pakistani foreign ministers spoke on phone and decided to meet in Islamabad on July 15.

This is a shift in the stand of the separatist leader who has been talking to both India and Pakistan since 2004, and who during the Musharraf era was recognized as the head of the Hurriyat Conference, shunning hardcore Syed Ali Shah Geelani.

“Other day I heard that Pakistani Foreign minister saying that Pakistan will go back to its original policy on Kashmir (read right to self determination under the UN resolutions on Kashmir), Musharraf had proposed an out of box solution (four-point formula), but others were not on board, so it did not move anywhere.”

“After Musharaf proposed his Kashmir solution, I met with Benazir Bhutto in Dubai and Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharief in Jeddah, and both of them told me that they were not against any out of box solution on Kashmir,but Musharraf had not taken them into confidence.”

Mirwaiz has made this doclosure for the first time.
Musharraf should have taken them into confidence, the Mirwaiz said. “Now, I believe same applies to the current Pakistani government there.”

“We will convey this point to Pakistan in a foreceful manner, as we would soon plan a visit to Pakistan. There is a standing invitation to us,” the separatist leader said.

Appreciating the resumption of talks between India and Pakistan, Mirwaiz, however said that “this should not be repeat of the old story of talks taking off, then getting grounded. Unless there is a sustained dialogue, results would not be visible.”

Mirwaiz said that India should stop using the approach of rushing to separatists whenever there is a crisis and taking a U-turn when the crisis subsides. “Leave aside Kashmir resolution, India is not even serious on confidence building measures.”

He also chastised Chief Minister Omar Abdullah for charging separatists with playing with bloodshed .

“Omar Abdullah should know that a conflict is on in Kashmir, and 100,000 people have been killed. There is a conflict going on for the past two decades, perhaps, he was not here during that time, that’s why he doesn’t know that all cannot talk about development. They are children of conflict who want to bring Kashmir issue in focus.”
This point will derail the thread, so I will not answer this though I will simply state that I disagree with your point... let us agree to disagree and leave at at that regarding the highlighted point of yours...

What part do you disagree with?

A leader of the Congress Party at the time, Khem Lata Wukhloo, recalls: "I remember that there was a massive rigging in 1987 elections. The losing candidates were declared winners. It shook the ordinary people's faith in the elections and the democratic process."
Many believe that these elections were a turning point in the history of Kashmir.
Key figures in militant groups fighting against Indian rule - took part in the 1987 polls.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Kashmir's flawed elections

From the news it does not seem to be so... more terorrists are being killed than the number of Army men being killed (may their souls rest in peace)

The armed wing of the freedom struggle has been switched on again and after a bit of time you will see the figures increase for indian army deaths......give it a bit of time.

and I object the remarks you make about uniformed men who are fighting on the direct order of a democratic government... please refrain from doing so... they are not proxies... they are uniformed men...

Which remark have i made to you about the indian army that you took offence to?

Nope I am refering to pakistans strategy w.r.to india...the armed struggle through proxies has not given any results for decades so why bother to continue

Well the same can be said to the indians.....after spending all that money and taking indian army deaths why continue in the same manner......what results have you got? the kashmiris still dont want to be part of india.

why not drop this armed struggle and engage in dialogue only... ?

I agree......tell the indian army to stop there armed attacks on the kashmiris and engage in dialogue.

See first of all if anybody has got a decent job and decent livelihood he will not bother taking arms... this is true world over... and I am not talking about just "read and write" ... truely developed is what I am talking about...

So if doctors,engineers,teachers ect take up arms whic they have done in kashmir what is the excuse then?

and this armed struggle is going nowhere ... for so many decades no gain has been made... so what is the point ? you are fighting against a conventional force with terrorists... and besides what do you think the strength of these terrorists will be 10000 at the max ? and 10000 people with such a big army + CRPF ? it stands no chance at all...
this has been tried for so long... don't they think about results... ?
isn't there an alternative plan at all... what kind of people are they ? who are not even able to see this simple evident thing ?

Again i agree.....the indian occupation of kashmir is going nowhere after decades,you guys need to give the kashmiris there right of self determination........after all if the kashmiris love india so much you guys will the vote and thats the end of the problem........what are you guys scared off?
What part do you disagree with?

A leader of the Congress Party at the time, Khem Lata Wukhloo, recalls: "I remember that there was a massive rigging in 1987 elections. The losing candidates were declared winners. It shook the ordinary people's faith in the elections and the democratic process."
Many believe that these elections were a turning point in the history of Kashmir.
Key figures in militant groups fighting against Indian rule - took part in the 1987 polls.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Kashmir's flawed elections
hmmm... I have already told you that I disagree with your viewpoints ... and will not continue debating on legitimacy of Kashmir being with India or with Pakistan or as a seperate country... no point in discussing that... don't you think so... no thread went into these lines ever came to a conclusion... only mud slinging will ensue and some people will get banned... so let us not discuss the legitimacy of Kashmir being with India or with Pakistan or as a seperate country... and I discourage anybody to say that the reporter of the report you mentioned (Altaf Hussain) was a pakistani politician... and your own country and sentenced him for 27 years in army major kidnapping case by special terrorist court.... this will become a waste of time if we go down that path... and let us stick to the feasibility and morality of you supporting your so called freedom fighters...

The armed wing of the freedom struggle has been switched on again and after a bit of time you will see the figures increase for indian army deaths......give it a bit of time.
What is this switched on again after a bit of time... so till then you will simply send your own country men on a suicide mission ?

I find this reasoning to be insane... don't you think so ?

Well the same can be said to the indians.....after spending all that money and taking indian army deaths why continue in the same manner......
Whenever a countries integral part is attacked it will send its army or CRPF or BSF (it's equivalent in other other countries), that is what the army is for...

Think about your so called freedom fighters ? what happens to their family after they die ? will they be given any decoration by your government (which it is obliged to do for exceptionary service if any at all).. or will your government give them a pension ... or will your government give them quotas or reservations for any of their family members in their educational institutes... no NONE... isn't this morally bankrupt ? nobody cares about them ... they are simply like used bullets ... aren't they ?

If you disagree with the above points give links where in your government has considered the dead terrorist if at all he has served well according to your countries standard given any award... or that dead terrorist's family treated as same as that of a martyred uniformed men...

what results have you got?
hmm... don't you know the results ? Kashmir for most part is with India and will be with India...

the kashmiris still dont want to be part of india.
See dude, let us not talk about reasons/who wants to be with who... we have seen enough of reasons from both sides and none of the threads really had a conclusion about whether Kashmiris wanted to be with India or with Pakistan or seperately... No body was able to convince other person... so I am telling you again... let us leave this in this thread... and only discuss about the feasibility of your infiltration giving any results...

I agree......tell the indian army to stop there armed attacks on the kashmiris and engage in dialogue.

Whenever a countries integral part is attacked it will send its army or CRPF or BSF (it's equivalent in other other countries), that is what their duty is ... they are doing their duty and if any hardships there are well placed framework to address them ...

So if doctors,engineers,teachers ect take up arms whic they have done in kashmir what is the excuse then?

really ? doctors, engineers, teachers (don't count religious teachers of any religion) have taken arms and are crossing border for doing terrorism ? come on... how many of them do so... and if at all, give some links atleast please...

and this time I encourage you to give a credible link ... not a report written by a defamed Pakistani politician... or a person sentenced of terrorism.... a credible link is welcome...

Again i agree.....the indian occupation of kashmir is going nowhere after decades,you guys need to give the kashmiris there right of self determination........after all if the kashmiris love india so much you guys will the vote and thats the end of the problem........what are you guys scared off?

again, let us not talk about reasons/who wants to be with who... we have seen enough of reasons from both sides and none of the threads really had a conclusion about whether Kashmiris wanted to be with India or with Pakistan or seperately... No body was able to convince other person... so I am telling you again... let us leave this in this thread... and only discuss about the feasibility of your infiltration giving any results...
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Rising Kashmir - China offered guns, Sheikh chose peace: Omar

Abid Bashir
Srinagar, May 13: In a significant revelation, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah Thursday said soon after India’s partition Sheikh Abdullah, then most popular leader, had declined Chinese offer to supply arms for espousing the cause of independence.

Addressing a one-day Maha Gram Sabha Convention at TRC ground, Omar said he wanted youth to hold pens and job orders in their hands not guns and stones. “One of the top Chinese leaders offered guns to Sheikh Sahib and told him to use gun in Kashmir. But he rejected the offer saying he can’t give gun to his son Farooq Abdullah and neither to any other Kashmiri. I am his grandson and I will never allow gun culture to flourish again in Kashmir.” Omar further said Sheikh preferred exile rather than holding guns in the hands of Kashmiris.
Launching a scathing attack on separatist leaders, Omar said, there are some political parties who don’t want resolution of Kashmir issue. “If they would work for the solution of Kashmir issue, their identity will be lost forever. These people play politics on the blood of innocent youth and make them hold stones in their hands. We believe in politics of development and peace,” he said.
Terming 1960 Indus-Water treaty (IWT) as ‘injustice’ with people of State, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah Wednesday said had National Conference patriarch Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah not been in prison, the accord would not have taken place.
He accused separatist leaders of playing politics over the blood of youth by holding stones in their hands.
India and Pakistan committed a big mistake by dividing the rivers of Jammu and Kashmir. “Three rivers of State flow into Pakistan. According to IWT we can’t use water of our own rivers, which is grave injustice with us. The IWT is a complete injustice with people of the State,” he said.
“NC founder Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah was in jail when IWT was signed by India and Pakistan. Had he not been in prison, I believe the accord would not have taken place,” the chief minister said.
He said whenever he visits New Delhi, he raises the issue with Government of India. “I seek compensation for the losses incurred by the State due to IWT,” he said.
Referring to PDP, Omar said when the party raised IWT issue in the State Legislative Assembly and tried to blame NC founder for it, Mufti Sayeed told her daughter to remain silent. “He told her that Sheikh Abdullah was in jail at the time of signing of treaty,” he said.
Taking a dig at PDP, he said the party has developed a habit of taking undue credit for things they never do. “These people fly to Delhi to see what is happening and on their return claim credit for everything. The party even claimed credit for resumption of India-Pakistan talks,” he said.
The chief minister said he doesn’t believe in drum beating. “PDP has this habit and let them continue with it,” he said.
The Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy Farooq Abdullah in a veiled reference to PDP said IWT was signed by Jawahar Lal Nehru and Mufti Muhammad Sayeed was part of Congress then. “They blame NC for selling water resources to GoI but reality is that they (PDP) sold it. My father was in jail at the time of signing of IWT accord,” he said.
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so much violence on Indian side of Kashmir. Yet when you go to Pakistan's side of Kashmiri there is PEACE.

Hmmm, has India ever thought about this. They need to back their bags and leave.

Daily protests in Indian occupied Kashmir, daily rape of women in Indian occupied Kashmir.

This is the so called "peaceful and loving" India.
Girls’ students protest in H-Kashmir against Indian atrocities

SRINAGAR: Students of different colleges and schools took to streets to lodge their protest against the killing of two women, including a student, after their rape by Indian troops in Shopian in held Kashmir on May 30.

Chairman of the Hurriyat Conference (HC) Syed Ali Shah Geelani had appealed to the students to protest the incident in the afternoon.

Students took to streets and marched on different streets. The students of other educational institutions also took similar processions.

Raising pro-freedom slogans, the students were demanding immediate arrest of those involved in the incident.

A report from Baramulla said students of degree colleges and other educational institutions also led processions in the town, raising slogans against the authorities for failing to take any action against people involved in the Shopian incident.

Girls’ students protest in H-Kashmir against Indian atrocities - GEO.tv
Indian experts exhume Kashmir rape victims’ bodies

SHOPIAN: Indian forensic experts exhumed the bodies of two slain Kashmiri women Monday in an investigation aimed at defusing the latest tensions plaguing this bloody Himalayan region.

Many in Muslim-majority Kashmir accuse Indian security forces of raping and murdering the women and say justice will only be served when the troops leave.

'India has militarized every facet of Kashmir. These kinds of incidents are bound to happen as long as this occupation continues,' said school teacher Fayaz Ahmed.

Underscoring the ongoing violence in the region, claimed by both India and Pakistan and a perennial flashpoint between the rival nations, three suspected militants and a civilian woman were killed Monday in a shootout with security forces in the village of Tral in southern Kashmir, said Col. K. Umamaheswar, an army spokesman. Two paramilitary soldiers were wounded, he said.

The attacks on 22-year-old Neelofar Jan and her 17-year-old sister-in-law Asiya Jan dramatically rekindled anti-India sentiments in the territory, where militant groups have been fighting for independence since 1989 but where violence has been waning over the past few years.

The two disappeared in May as they walked home from their family's apple orchard. Local authorities first said the women had drowned when they found their bodies a kilometer apart in a shallow stream on May 30. But police later declared the two had been raped and murdered.

Authorities, however, failed to make any arrests and called in national investigators after weeks of violent protests by residents. The national investigators, and the security forces, have declined to comment.

The deaths led to 50 days of violent protests that shut down Shopian as protesters chanted 'We want freedom,' hurled rocks at security forces and ransacked government offices. Troops responded with gunfire and tear gas.

At least two people were killed and 400 injured in the clashes that spread across the Kashmir valley.

On Monday, police and paramilitary forces with rifles and flak jackets closed the main roads leading to Shopian. The paths to the Muslim cemetery where the two women were buried were sealed with razor wire, and a tent shielded the grave sites from view.

A team of Indian doctors and forensic experts in the tent exhumed the bodies and conducted autopsies on the bodies throughout the day Monday, a local official who witnessed the process told The Associated Press.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media while the investigation was ongoing.

The mood in Shopian was somber Monday, despite deep skepticism that the investigation will lead to arrests. Businesses were closed, and the streets were empty of vehicles as residents shut down the town, 35 miles south of Srinagar, the main city of Indian-controlled Kashmir.

'We have decided to fully cooperate so that they don't have any excuse to say that locals disrupted the exhumation process,' said Javaid Ahmed, a local activist.

The Shopian protests reflect the deep-seated skepticism in Indian-controlled Kashmir that India's security forces would be held to account. Human rights groups have long accused the troops here of brutality and using rape to intimidate residents.

'The government and its institutions have no credibility in Kashmir. People say, from experience, that these probes are conducted to camouflage reality,' said Sheikh Shokat, a law professor at the University of Kashmir in Srinagar. He said only an international investigation would satisfy the public.

Four police officers arrested on charges of suppressing and destroying evidence in the case were freed earlier this month, further stoking skepticism.

Throughout Shopian, black flags in memory of the women hang from shops and buildings. Dozens of women, some wailing with grief, gathered at the homes of the victims' families near the graveyard Monday.

'This fear will remain with us forever,' Neelofar Jan's mother, Ayesha, said as she sobbed. 'We are exhausted now. What can we do with this pain?'

When the investigators left the cemetery in the evening, hundreds of residents ran inside, shouting, 'We want justice,' and 'We are ashamed, sisters, that your killers are still alive.'

'All one can do is wait to see what the investigators can do,' said resident Abdul Ahad, an apple farmer from Shopian. 'But frankly speaking, no one expects the state to indict itself.' -AP

DAWN.COM | World | Indian experts exhume Kashmir rape victims? bodies
DAWN.COM | World | Indian experts exhume Kashmir rape victims? bodies

Story from Monday, 28 Sep, 2009 Posted on 15 May 2010. What's with the Rip Van Winkles on this thread ?
DAWN.COM | World | Indian experts exhume Kashmir rape victims? bodies

Story from Monday, 28 Sep, 2009 Posted on 15 May 2010. What's with the Rip Van Winkles on this thread ?

Oh so now the dead are now Van Winkles?

I guess the same mentality comes from the Indian soilders who commit these crimes against humanity.

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