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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Another bs thread started to start tensions between each other man give it a rest grow up talk about peace and friendship for once.

We are way off topic here.. The topic is a specific situation, and not the ideological one..
And the intention behind these words? If its saying that it was NOT tribal invaders from NWFP who went berseck in looting and killing rather local Kashmiris then I'm flabbergasted.

not my problem....Kashmir unrest and resistance is a purely Kashmiri (local) phenomenon

And highness,who decides which transactions are democratic or un-democratic ?

do you REALLY care? ;)

UN resolutions lost their relevance once Op.Gibralter,Shimla Agreement took place and 10 years of cross-border infiltration took place.The final nail in the coffin was Kargil.

such movements have been going on for centuries; no big deal

as for militancy, well, again, purely Kashmiri phenomenon; ask yourself why they are resisting

You wanted to say Might is Right through those incidents.Now its our turn


That was the the first mistake in a long series of mistakes Pakistan did/doing on Kashmir - allowing the Pathan tribals to invade Kashmir.Proved to be blessing in disguise for us.

the real blessing in disguise is when you install puppet govts. and claim they are representative of the people

(and by people I mean PEOPLE......the Kashmiris, not the guys sitting dilly dallying in navi delhi :lol:

Dont they say "no use in crying over the spilt milk"...;)

who is crying

The only mistake we did regarding Kashmir.Fortunately Pakistan itself by intiating armed struggle and thereby violating the ceasefire helped us on that issue.

which provided a smokescreen for indian occupation forces to "armed struggle" against mostly unarmed, but un-corruptible subjects :blink:

Sometimes nervous laughter causes much more damage to the enemy than ordinary ones. :azn:

oh??? :azn:
I am trying to give an estimate of the people in India who are a stakeholder of JnK in India, those who own property and land in the state. The immigrants to P0K and Pandits in Pakistan do not hold properties in JnK. Considering them the percentage will definitely be closer to 40% as @mattoo suggested.

How do you know Kashmiris who migrated to Azad Kashmir and Pakistan from Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir dont hold properties and land in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, they've been living in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir for generations, just like your Pandits...its their homeland.

If you count the Kashmiri Pandits living in India then Kashmiris living in Pakistan should also be counted. And add to that the Muslim population of Azad Kashmir, which is almost 100%. If you put Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Azad Kashmir together, the Muslim population is more than 80% and non-muslim population is less than 20%.

Administered by Area----------- Population % Muslim % Hindu % Buddhist % Other
India----------- Kashmir Valley ~4 million----- 95%----- 4%* – –
-------------------------Jammu ~3 million----- 30%----- 66% –----------------- 4%
--------------------------Ladakh ~0.25 million 50%------------ – 46%----------- 3%
Pakistan ---------Azad Kashmir ~2.6 million--- 100% – – –
-------------------Northern Areas ~1 million----- 99%

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J&K Police achieved a major breakthrough on Monday as they arrested most-wanted hardline Hurriyat leader Masarat Alam during a raid at his hideout in Telbal on Srinagar’s outskirts.

“Yes, we have arrested him,” inspector general of police(Kashmir range) Shiv Murari Sahai said.

Police were hunting for Masarat for the past four months and had reportedly announced a Rs10-lakh reward for information leading to his arrest.

Masarat kept eluding police even when he was reaching out to the masses with the help of supporters in the Valley. He even addressed a press meet under the nose of police and distributed CDs with a recorded speech among the media.

The 39-year-old general secretary of the Syed Ali Shah Geelani-led Hurriyat Conference had become a cult figure who announced the ‘Quit Jammu and Kashmir’ programme when Geelani was in jail.

Police say he was the man behind the agitation, protest calendars and stone-pelting cartels that claimed 110 lives, most of them in firing by security forces, since June 11 in Kashmir. Masarat had been on the run since he announced the ‘Quit Jammu and Kashmir’ programme.

Brain behind Kashmir Valley’s stone-pelters Masarat Alam held in Srinagar - India - DNA
Another bs thread started to start tensions between each other man give it a rest grow up talk about peace and friendship for once.


We are being asked to discuss an option which is never going to happen and is completely unacceptable to India !
Why can't we have an assassination program for such enemies of the state? We need to seriously think about neutralizing such enemies of the state.
Matoo did raise interesting questions. I wonder how our across-the-border brethren are going to answer these, especially those knowledgeable ones who bring in all sorts of sources and what nots to question the accord of accession, calling for a plebiscite in the vain hope that Kashmiris would join Pakistan.

Except for Zaki's attempt at trying to answer the questions, most of the answers are hollow and superficial. Especially the one talking about Prince Aga Khan. Apparently the member doesnt know that Aga Khanis (Ismailis) consider themselves as followers of progressive Islam. The very fact that Prince Aga Khan was mentioned to point out support for non-Muslims speaks volumes about the general point of view.

Zaki bhai, your attempt at answering the questions seems to be very honest (I love your posts and there is an aura of innocence about them) but I would 'blame' that innocence for coming up with such sugary utopian answers. Alas the reality is quite different.
Excellent news. Now to find out what, and who, was behind this scumbag.
Spontaneous protests indeed.
@ Gubbi: Could you please answer the question I posted above?
@ Gubbi: Could you please answer the question I posted above?

For argument's sake Matoo's questions are valid. Many here cry themselves hoarse that Kashmir should be a part of Pakistan. The semi-official view of Pakistan is that "Kashmir should have been ours"!

So being a Kashmiri pundit (the original instigators of Kashmiri 'struggle'), Matoo asked valid questions wanting to know what can Pakistan offer better than what India is presently doing.
Answer - Nothing. Zilch!

Matoo's post/questions was a smack across those mischief mongers' bewildered faces!
How do you know Kashmiris who migrated to Azad Kashmir and Pakistan from Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir dont hold properties and land in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, they've been living in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir for generations, just like your Pandits...its their homeland.

If you count the Kashmiri Pandits living in India then Kashmiris living in Pakistan should also be counted. And add to that the Muslim population of Azad Kashmir, which is almost 100%. If you put Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Azad Kashmir together, the Muslim population is more than 80% and non-muslim population is less than 20%.

Fair enough with your argument when you consider a plebiscite case for all the parties involved in the conflict, but the topic in question warrants the people who will be involved in case of 'handing over the keys' as the thread starter pointed out.

In this case GoP will have to consider dealing with the Pandits as well (as is pointed out in option/point 2), hence I still believe there will be 40% non-muslims whose opinions need to be considered.
Another Interesting Point is(provided this is a Hypothetical Scenario), How can Hindus and Sikhs (of Indian State of Jammu&Kashmir)Align with a Enemy Country, Especially a islamic republic?provided their territory is forcefully acceded?Mass Murdering, Forced Conversion are Waiting for them in Such a Situation.They Will Treat Non-muslims as Animals.That's What the least from these can be expected.

India must work to neutralize(and wait for the Correct time) the Radical Elements to Disappear...if it takes 50 or 100 Years to Recapture it's Rightful Possessions from Pakistan- P0K and China.
@iRobot and @Camdor... I think the thread starter has already put this disclaimer that this is just a hypothetical situation and is not going to happen during the lifetime of most of us discussing this situation... nevertheless the topic is an interesting reflection of the options beyond the current situation and reality.

What Kind of Hypothetical situation,
every one knows there will be riots and genocide. Whats so special??? Forgot displacement of 3,00,000 Kashmiri Pandits??
If India cannot hold Kashmir then its already understood that we cannot help any one.
Kashmir is a modal, If we let it go then every third person will ask for its separate state.
I only demand the answer to one question from anyone who cares to answer.

What is your plan if I cut-off:

your hand?

your leg?

your kidney?

your testicles?

something else?:azn:

Pray, please do answer me...

the answer is simple,
you will find people with


cut or burnt or out in open.

That happens when a country spilts.

and If we gain northern Areas, then u know our government is secular.
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