Yes, of course, I completely take your point, but it seems that these people wantot bring all their possessions and they possess the land as well, to jan se pyara Pakistan - How might the Indian peoples, after all they are not just one peoples, react to this eventuality? Will they accept the will of the captive Kashmiri and jihadi terrorists and their puppets and friends and pets or will they go into honor and shame mode, making a mockery of "hum hindustani"?
Yes, it's a terrible situation, but if you will get past the way it has been framed - and it is essentially framed realistically, you will find that the problem is indeed very deep and painful - it does not do to say "Jihadi" and imagine that the problem has changed -- and really, I think India will remain "caged" if you will, if it does not resolve this problem to the satisfaction of the captive Kashmiri -- indulge me, let me give you a example close by, Pakistan Duh! Pakistan appears to be unable to help itself, we all know what must be done, we all know this, and yet look at the way it is is being done -- similarly, I think everybody in India know what has to happen, but they have not really internalized the situation and it's solution, and therefore suffer..."outrageous fortune", because all the time they know what must be done and are dithering - won't you agree?