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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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The RAW has been known to hire people to make threats that give bad name to Islam and Pakistan. This could be another RAW plot.
If Sikhs can be relocated to Punjab from J & K why cant Kashmir Valley Muslim protestors sent to Pakistan?
The party which looses is GOI, We had the support of Sikh Community there as they did not want any partition from India, the Hindu Pandits showed the same attitude, and there fate are the same, Getting Kiked Out of Kashmir, the only one getting Benefited are The Militants there, for which they are kicking Out anyone who does not support them.... Its a Periodic process for them to Nurture Only those who belong there religion and Others are Just Enemies of theirs...

You are making a lot of assumptions here and one of them is that sikh community in kashmir is predominantly pro -india . Even if someone agrees with your assumption the moot point is that in demographic terms sikhs are less than 1% of valleys population . They can influence niether political discourse(vis a vis Kashmirs accession to india ) nor a plebicite in kashmir valley .
Kashmiris as a whole do not want freedom, only Muslims there are brain washed by these terrorists .. Now If Sikhs are also Kicked away, there will be Pure Islamic Rule and Make another afghanistan out of Kashmir

This part of your post reflects your hatred for muslims and you can't hide that by accusing us kashmiri muslims as bieng brain washed . Anyone who reads this will understand who is brainwashed and who is not .
You are making a lot of assumptions here and one of them is that sikh community in kashmir is predominantly pro -india . Even if someone agrees with your assumption the moot point is that in demographic terms sikhs are less than 1% of valleys population . They can influence neither political discourse(vis a vis Kashmirs accession to india ) nor a plebicite in kashmir valley .

This part of your post reflects your hatred for muslims and you can't hide that by accusing us Kashmiri Muslims as being brain washed . Anyone who reads this will understand who is brainwashed and who is not .

Because some one is in minority they should be prosecuted. Thank You for your effort to prove your point.
You are making a lot of assumptions here and one of them is that sikh community in kashmir is predominantly pro -india . Even if someone agrees with your assumption the moot point is that in demographic terms sikhs are less than 1% of valleys population . They can influence niether political discourse(vis a vis Kashmirs accession to india ) nor a plebicite in kashmir valley .
I hate to jump in other's discussion but need to show you mirror here.
Sikh community (except 1% pro-khalistani) are always pro-India and what they will get if another islamic nation will be created. Hence his point is not imagination but fact. To check the same you need to go there.

Very conveniently you came on your hidden agenda. This was the reason Kashmiri Pundits were ethnically cleansed from that area and now you are talking the same for Sikhs. I just saw Gilani's subordinate video. It is more over religious than nationalistic.

This part of your post reflects your hatred for muslims and you can't hide that by accusing us kashmiri muslims as bieng brain washed . Anyone who reads this will understand who is brainwashed and who is not .

If you think he is wrong then show me any uprising in Jammu and Laddakh region which is predominantly Hindu and Buddhist. This is you who is looking from your religious glasses and not vice versa. Have you ever come up something that we should bring back Kashmiri Pundits and then talk about independance.. Nopes and you will never do the same... Reason is simple.. Hypocrisy..
There is no doubt that all that is happening in Kashmir is purely driven by religion. Kashmir has best deal with India Article 376 etc and till 1989 there was no Indian forces issue as well. The whole struggle started only by religious fanatics, it is clearly visible when first thing they did was kick out Kashmiri Hindus. Till date not even a single Kashmiri replied as to why they kicked Hindus out?
Because some one is in minority they should be prosecuted. Thank You for your effort to prove your point.

Which part of my post did say that if some one is in minority they should be prosecuted. My point was that sikh prescence in valley is not something that can influence politics of kashmir vis a vis India . From indian POV the political value of sikh community is marginal and the propaganda value of persecuted sikhs in valley is great . Your post reflects the lack of comprehension and nothing more .
There is no doubt that all that is happening in Kashmir is purely driven by religion. Kashmir has best deal with India Article 376 etc and till 1989 there was no Indian forces issue as well. The whole struggle started only by religious fanatics, it is clearly visible when first thing they did was kick out Kashmiri Hindus. Till date not even a single Kashmiri replied as to why they kicked Hindus out?

Bro, If they will not make it religious for outlook then How will GoP show their countrymen and OIC that Muslims are oppressed by Zionists whether it is Palestine by Jews or Kashmiris by Hindus.. :tdown:
Which part of my post did say that if some one is in minority they should be prosecuted. My point was that sikh prescence in valley is not something that can influence politics of kashmir vis a vis India . From indian POV the political value of sikh community is marginal and the propaganda value of persecuted sikhs in valley is great . Your post reflects the lack of comprehension and nothing more .

According by your logic, the % of separatists are very less in comparison to whole population of J&K why dont we pack their bag and send them to some "Azad" country?
I hate to jump in other's discussion but need to show you mirror here.
Sikh community (except 1% pro-khalistani) are always pro-India and what they will get if another islamic nation will be created. Hence his point is not imagination but fact. To check the same you need to go there.
I have already said that the sikh community in kashmir is pro india is an assumption which may or may not be true . Further i have said even if we concede that they are pro India thier utility to GOI to severly constrainted by thier demographic wieght in valley . if you have any problem with this assertion we can discuss that . And BTW Im in srinagar right now .

Very conveniently you came on your hidden agenda. This was the reason Kashmiri Pundits were ethnically cleansed from that area and now you are talking the same for Sikhs. I just saw Gilani's subordinate video. It is more over religious than nationalistic.

It is as much as religous as Gandhis Ramrajya

If you think he is wrong then show me any uprising in Jammu and Laddakh region which is predominantly Hindu and Buddhist. This is you who is looking from your religious glasses and not vice versa. Have you ever come up something that we should bring back Kashmiri Pundits and then talk about independance.. Nopes and you will never do the same... Reason is simple.. Hypocrisy..

It is the movement of valley for freedom , whether jammu and laddakh are happy with status quo it is for them to decide . The diffrence between jammu , laddakh and kashmir is not predominantly religous as you are implicitly saying .There are 55% and 40% muslim population in Laddakh and Jammu respectively . The more substantial diffrences are ethnic and linguistic .So who is seeing this conflict from a religous POV ? you or me ?

As far as return of kashmiri pandits is concerned every pro freedom leader has appealed then to return .But pundits want kashmiri muslims to give up thier demand of freedom before returning .
See the video here in which aditya koul says he will return when kashmirs give up there dream of freedom .
So who is bieng hypocrite ?
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@civfanatic if you are from Indian Kashmir. I have few questions for you. Hope you don't run away.
1) Why Kashmiri's started stone pelting on Amarnath land issue? Do you think talk was not the way?
2) Why you guys start pelting stone instead of talking.
3) Why did you kicked out Hindus? I do not need a reply they can come back.
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