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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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SHRC flays civilian killings Lastupdate:- Thu, 8 Jul 2010 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com


Srinagar, July 7: The Chairman of State Human Rights Commission on Wednesday expressed strong resentment over the killing of four persons including a woman in police and paramilitary CRPF in Srinagar city on Tuesday.

The SHRC chairperson, Justice Bashir-ud-Din said the unabated killing spree in the Valley since June 11 was a dangerous pattern. He also asked the Government to restore sense of security among the people.

“I feel sad over the killing of four civilians in Srinagar yesterday. The killing of civilians in any circumstances is unacceptable. Time and again this Commission has directed the troops and cops to exercise restrain even in extreme situations. Unfortunately, the directions are not adhered to resulting in loss of precious lives,” Justice
Bashir-ud-Din told Greater Kashmir.

The chairperson said the Commission has observed that most of the teenagers and youth killed since June 11 were either hit by teargas canister or bullets in their chest, head and neck. “This has led to killings of at least 14 persons in less than a month. The police and troopers should adhere to the Standard Operating Procedure and ensure saving the lives of civilians while maintaining law and order. They should no excuses as the troopers and cops are vigorously trained to deal with tough situations and respecting human rights,’ he said.

The Chairperson maintained that the Commission will seek report in all the 14 killings from police. “We will analyze the police reports and take appropriate action against the accused. This commission is committed to bring the perpetrators irrespective of rank or statues to book. We also directed the Government to take steps to restore sense of security among the masses,” he said.

Meanwhile, Justice Bashir-ud-Din who also heads the one man Judicial Commission to probe the killings of two youth, Shakeel Ahmad Ganaie and Firdous Ahmad Khan allegedly in firing of CRPF in Sopur on June 26, today issued public notice to enlist witnesses and record their statements.

The duo was killed when the troopers allegedly opened indiscriminate fire on protesters at Krankshivan, demanding bodies of two militants killed in an encounter there. The Judicial Commission which was formed on June 25, had to delay issuance of the public notices due to continuous curfew in Sopur. In the public notices, the Commission has asked the groups of persons, individuals, institutions and associations having knowledge directly or indirectly of facts and circumstances related to the incident to furnish statements in the form of affidavits sworn before any court or magistrate.
The Commission has assured full protection to the persons who wish to make their statements regarding the incidents. The Commission will hear the cases on notified dates at Dak Bunglow Sopur.
Pertinently the Commission’s terms of reference include ascertaining the causes of death of the two civilians, determining the persons responsible for these deaths and fixing responsibility for use of excessive force, if any. It has been set up by virtue of the Jammu and Kashmir Commission of Inquiries Act 1962.

Though the Commission had been directed to file the report within a month, official sources said due to prevailing situation in the Valley, its tenure was likely to be extended.
Don't change the subject - the argument is not over the fact that the IA and GoI pushed propaganda about torture to 'sway public mood' (that is after all the purpose of propaganda), but the fact that the claims of torture were never clearly substantiated, and that is the point the SATP article makes. One of the sources quoted is in fact Hindustan Times, but the article itself has been taken down, though the excerpt exists on the SATP site, as posted.
No. The article is about introspection by Indian media and why the media got carried away by nationalist fervor instead of critically examining IA claims. There never was any doubt about the torture perpetuated on captured Indian soldiers (numbers are debatable and that is clearly mentioned in the blogs you quoted).
The point therefore being that the IA/GoI has clearly resorted to lies and propaganda about the side it opposes to advance its agenda, and these tapes could very well be a similar exercise in discrediting the protests, by attempting to 'sway public opinion'.
Every piece of news is embellished to put across ones pov, just as one does with ones CV. That does not mean that the news is entirely incorrect. So your point of IA/GoI resorting to lies and propaganda is misguided, fallacious and outright offensive.

As to the tapes, it has been reported earlier too that miscreants were paid to pelt stones and make trouble. So why is this to be considered any different then? Or do you think that Indian security forces are naive and do not have the equipment to monitor conversations between separatist leaders?
Well i think if Musharaff was in power for a bit long, history could have been made. Though he was responsible for Kargil, i admire his vision of bringing lasting peace between these estranged cousins.
Everybody in India believed shrewed Advanijee blocked the deal @ Agra,even if India said yes..will the politicians of PPP & mr NawazSharif agree to it..afterall Mushrafjee is a dic tator !!
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1. How do we know they are office bearers of the Hurriyet, and

2. How do we know that the people the intercept is being pinned on are indeed the ones speaking, and not Indian Army moles in a propaganda tape?

Boss the Dar chap is hiding now. Only thieves have to run. Wani is now in sasuraal. LOL
Restrictions on media lifted in Kashmir - Hindustan Times

Restrictions on movement of media persons in the wake of curfew in Srinagar and certain other parts of the valley were today lifted by the Jammu and Kashmir government which issued fresh curfew passes to them. Media persons can perform their official duties, an official spokesman said. He said there was no gag order on the media but "we were only enforcing the curfew strictly".

Newspapers failed to hit the stands for the second day today in the Kashmir Valley in the wake of the restrictions.

The state government had yesterday cancelled curfew passes for media personnel affecting their movement.

The Editor's Guild of India had yesterday asked the Jammu and Kashmir Government not to impose restrictions on the media which prevents them from carrying out their duties.

"The guild is concerned over incidents of police high-handedness towards the media during the recent unrest in the valley," it had said in a statement.

A representative body of major print and electronic journalists in the valley, Kashmir Journalists Corps (KJC), had condemned the restrictions on media persons and said that it was a "direct attack on the fourth estate".

The India chapter of the South Asia media commission had yesterday asked authorities to restore normal functioning of journalists in the violence-hit state with immediate effect.

The last time the newspapers did not come out was in 2008 during the height of the Amarnath land agitation. Publication of dailies at that time was suspended for four days.Newspaper publication had also remained suspended for days during elections in 1996.
A Big Question: Do they really want withdrawal of troops from Kashmir?

Ajmer Alam Wani

JAMMU: They (separatists and the main stream political parties) were raising high pitched slogans that Indian Government should withdraw its security forces from the soil of Kashmir so the people of Kashmir can feel a sense of security (which is not possible in the absence of security forces).

But at the mature time, when the process was started these leaders who claim to be the owners of entire Kashmir valley, used their brains in such a way to accomplish their selfish motives, the situation took reverse and the process has started otherwise now. Instead of troops withdrawal Indian Government has decided to move more troops in to control the situation and ensure peace in Kashmir.

People of Kashmir should now understand the reality that troops can not be withdrawn until there is peace on the streets. If the people of Kashmir, who have been treated and slaves not India but their own leaders, will not understand the fact that peace is imperative for troop withdrawal, their generations will never see the streets free of troops.

These people are being played with, their sentiments and ego is challenged every time and being a hot blood race they lost their brain and throng to streets raising slogans for Azadi and against India…But in the process many lost their near and dear ones, even teenagers some become the victim of stray bullets while some succumb to the stone injuries.

One fails to understand that what purpose is solved through protests and facing the bullets or throwing the stones on troops? The process provokes every human heart to react and so do the security forces or the other agencies dealing with the situation. Being in the great trouble for the last three days, the people of Kashmir, who are being exploited by the separatists and other trouble mongers, must understand now that they are no more dearer to any of these leaders. These people must understand that these leaders are using them for their personnel interests and the time has come now that people of Kashmir should identify their foes and friends.

Since last few years these people were openly instigated and provoked through speeches and public addresses, not only by the separatist organizations but also by mainstream political parties, that the presence of Army and other Indian forces in Kashmir Valley is making them slaves and these people were asked to resort to the agitations, strikes and stone pelting against the security forces.

These innocent people were taught that every killing in Kashmir takes place due to the presence of security forces so these people who even don’t know the role of security forces in protecting their lives do what these leaders and the agencies operating from across the border want them to do. But when it come to face the bullets, it is only common citizen of Kashmir Valley who becomes the victim but the leaders (separatists) who want to keep the pot of violence boiling enjoy wazwan inside their luxury homes so some times are put under house arerest., while those in the mainstream political parties are invited by the National Media for discussions making audience fool.

Here one must ask, and the innocent people of Kashmir must understand that when the situation was arrived to an extent that Indian Government had started withdrawing the security forces from the civilian areas of Kashmir step by step then what goes wrong. That now Indian government has decided to deploy more troops in Srinagar and other districts of Kashmir to maintain peace.

One doubts, does these leaders who raise the slogans demanding withdrawal of Army from Kashmir really want it or it is just a gimmick to hijack the minds of common people of Kashmir and keep them engaged in scuffles and brawl with the security agencies which ultimately results sometimes in deaths and injuries. People of Kashmir have to understand now that who provoked them to make the situation so worst that the government which was in the process of withdrawing its forces from the civilian areas has again decided to deploy more and more troops there in Kashmir valley.

This is high time for the Kashmir people to understand that on what direction they are taking coming generations and what legacy they are going to left for them. Will their coming generations to continue with protests and stone pelting and breasting their last either on roads, streets or in the hospitals? The people of Kashmir have to wakeup and think about their future generations, their security and their stability.

Partial troop withdrawal in Kashmir is immaterial what kashmiris want is proclamation by India that it wants to withdraw from Kashmir in time bound manner and plebiscite .
people of Kashmir are awake and know what legacy they are going to leave for their future generations and that legacy is how to fight a hegemonic and imperial power .

The other part of article is trash esp about how separatist leaders ccoccon themselves in comfort of their homes and enjoy wazwan .
Most of separatist leadership in Kashmir rose out of struggle and faced tremendous hardships let me give few select examples

Yasin Malik ..... Was student leader during 1987 elections and was polling agent for syed salahudin .....he was brutally beaten by police many times during elections and he was among four founder member of JKLF other three were killed by Indian security forces .

Shabir shah ... He has been in various jails for around 20 years

Shiekh abdul rashid ...Was killed while leading procession

Mir waiz Umar farooq ... His father was killed

These are not low level leaders but are among top leaders . so to say that leaders use kashmiris as cannon fodder is puerile and it represents bias of author .
Kinetic, this is not new and GoI knows it very well from many years. You only have to stab one kashmiri youth to gather anti Indian Professionals out on the streets. Unfortunately It has became world wide phenomenon for Muslims to create bad PR against so called kafirs.

I would like to request Indian members not to pronounce them as protesters but trained professionals.

Someone is playing dirty here and putting timely fuel to keep valley burnt. There are manufacturing units running and producing well trained/deceptive terrorists for anti India activities (the Infiltration is only one way towards India till today). (Links at request).

The same can be done in Pakistan controlled territory by Indians, Pakistan controlled Kashmir is in peace because of India and Indian Kashmir in trouble because of Pakistan's so called polico-moral support.

India's role here is reactionary as far as offencive operations are concerned. It is only at the call of these ever changing strategists cum terrorists the GoI is sending troops in.

Kashmir is an Integral part of India by Indian constitution and if someone is still underestimating the power of union of Indian then it is sheer nonsense by part of them.

We have concerns for kashmiris from either side of LOC. we understand that only Kashmiris and Indians are going to suffer ultimately not Pakistan for sure.

It is only because of covert continuity of support by outside elements; the valley superficially appears unrest otherwise, India has brought about peace way before 2003 by eradicating all grievous elements/supplies/network with high potential of causing sophisticated attacks in Kashmir. Now they are desperate and gone to the level of stone pelting. Also Hurriyat has shown its intentions of dialogue with centre (not the first time though, before Mr. Abdul Gani lone was killed by anti Indian elements when peace process was Initiated).

Today Pakistan is retrospecting its self from head to toe like a wet hen for what went wrong. Thier policy makers are ranting day and night to discuss what is happening in all states. Only Punjab state has offered a list of 17 out law outfits those whom were an asset to raise Jihad in Kashmir. They are blind like bat when they talk about Indian misery in Kashmir but are hysterically confused about what is happening against them by their own people.

The history is greatest mathematician and at the very first morning of peace in Kashmir the so called numbers of dead in Kashmir will be divided in between India and Pakistan and i am sure that number of dead counts will go higher towards Pakistan's share; overwhelmingly.
And trust me they will not accept the responsibility like they did after creating Taliban ( by politico moral support), now blaming USA for that, only after WOT.


This sumps up everything.
TIMES NOW has acquired transcripts of a conversation between hardline separatists and mobs, exposing how they are trying to instigate violence in Kashmir.

The conversation between Hurriyat Geelani faction leader and his paid activist exposes how the hardline separatists are trying their best to instigate violence during the protests.

Hurriyat (G) leader Ghulam Mohd Dar: I heard there is a protest march in Budgam.

Local Hurriyat activist, Shabir Ahmed: Where?

Hurriyat (G) leader Ghulam Mohd Dar: Budgam

Local Hurriyat activist, Shabir Ahmed: I believe one small one had. Where will they go right now?

Hurriyat (G) leader Ghulam Mohd Dar: No, I have heard that it's a massive one - nearly 30,000

Local Hurriyat activist, Shabir Ahmed: 30,000?

Hurriyat (G) leader Ghulam Mohd Dar: I swear, 30,000 of them. Protest near the Magam Forest check post. You enjoy your salaries without doing anything for it.

Local Hurriyat activist, Shabir Ahmed: You have to understand the reason for it

Hurriyat (G) leader Ghulam Mohd Dar: Tell me

Local Hurriyat activist, Shabir Ahmed: The crowds get too big to handle at times. Lots of people join in and it's difficult to manage them

Hurriyat (G) leader Ghulam Mohd Dar: We want 10-15 more martyred. Did you hear that? (loud noise apparently of rally)

Hurriyat (G) leader Ghulam Mohd Dar: Did you hear that? That's the rally in Budgam

Local Hurriyat activist, Shabir Ahmed: Ok

Excellent work by Hurriyat, they are true kashmiris don't u think.
And to say that they are all angels from heaven shows ur bias. Intelligence agencies have already gathered reports and intercepted calls by some hurriyat leaders talking about the number of people martyred and expressing sorrow that only a few died and atleast 10 to 15 more deaths are required!!!!!
compare iok and *** i must say pakistan did a very good job in *** , seems like they dont want india in iok cos so many protects so many killing , weldone pakistan and shame on india for kiling innocent unarmed civillians.

This is the greatest tragedy of this country that our people always have been reactionary. If the Intelligence agencies could find out this conversation after all the hell broke loose why couldn't they do it before all the fuss.
I say that the strategy for Kashmir has to be redrawn.

Firstly when the dust settles: A intelligence cover 24/7 should be spread over all the Hurriyat leaders.

Secondly the Intelligence agencies should be given a free hand no bureaucratic process here. Whenever they find such people no enquiry, no submission of proof. Kill these f..ing bastards.

If we want to be a responsible power atleast leave aside super, this is the only strategy. Covert ops within our Kashmir, no need to even go outside LOC.
compare iok and *** i must say pakistan did a very good job in *** , seems like they dont want india in iok cos so many protects so many killing , weldone pakistan and shame on india for kiling innocent unarmed civillians.


What a childish comment do u even have any knowledge of this area, please shut ur mouth since nobody asked ur advice or ur judgement on things here.
China is providing tacit support to Pakistan in its jihadi strategy with an aim to pin down half a million Indian troops in Kashmir, a leading European security expert has said.
Beijing has provided direct protection to these terrorist groups at the UN Security Council's 1267 committee, blocking efforts against Jamaat-ud-Dawa (the Lashkar-e-Tayiba front)," Andrew Small, an European expert has said.

Writing in the latest issues of the Washington Quarterly journal, Small of German Marshall Fund of the US said that the Chinese managed to bar action against JuD, until political pressure on Pakistan escalated after the LeT involvement in the November 2008 Mumbai attacks.


Labelling the Chinese policy as that of "managing tensions" in the South Asian region, the security expert said this was at odds with the US which was working hard to convince Pakistan to move away from India-centric military strategy.

Small also said that China had propped up Pakistan's conventional military capabilities by providing full spectrum of support to Islamabad's air and land missiles and 'tacit support for the jihadi strategy that has helped to bind half-a-million troops in Kashmir.'

Based in Brussels, Small noted that the Chinese approach in the case of its ****** policy is 'proving increasingly' unsuccessful.



"As is true of its foreign policy elsewhere, China pursues a relatively narrow conception of its interests in Afghanistan and Pakistan, rather than supporting a more widely shared set of goals," he said.

"Security for its workers and major investment projects has deteriorated the Chinese while the US role in the region has expanded, much to Beijng's discomfort," Small said.
"There is a debate starting in China about whether a strategic reassessment is needed, which has already resulted in a few tactical shifts on Beijing's part. But until China is forced to go through a more fundamental reappraisal of its strategy for dealing with extremism in the region, prospects for the US and China to pursue complementary policies will remain limited," he said.

"The strength of the Tehrik-i-Taliban (TTP) has also been a concern to China. While initially sanguine about the Pakistani government's deals in Swat and Buner, they became increasingly worried that the writ of the Pakistani state was running out in a territory that runs dangerously close to the principal Sino-Pakistani trade route, the KKH," he said.

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