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Musharraf was at brink of Kashmir solution: India​

Updated at: 0850 PST, Wednesday, July 07, 2010


HOUSTON – Raja Zahid Akhter Khanzada: The president Indian Supreme Court Bar Association (ISCBA), the chairman Kashmir Committee and a member of Rajeya Sabha Ram Jethmalani disclosed Tuesday Kashmir issue could have been long resolved peacefully if General Musharrf, the then Pakistani President, would remain in power for a little longer, Geo news reported.

Judiciary has no power to meddle with constitution legislated by a parliament, he observed.

He was talking to Jang/Geo news here in Houston city of Texas after attending a convention hosted by Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) on Tuesday.

Pervez Musharraf was at brink of resolving Kashmir issue practically before being destabilized by political turmoil in Pakistan, sending automatically the matter in limbo again, he revealed.

He said, “It is no longer a secret now that president Musharraf sent us a document carrying acceptable recommendations and proposals for solution of Kashmir Issue for two sides.”

“Subsequently, I myself, worked on those proposals being chairman of Kashmir Committee, made slight changes and produced them before mass representatives”, he said adding, “but time did not permit Musharraf.”

He hoped Kashmir Row would be resolved soon.

Musharraf was at brink of Kashmir solution: India

thats the story of india- pakistan. so close yet so far.
just roll in the tanks and mow them down, they are all foreigners, no indian.
The audio of the "intercepts" are between office bearers of Hurriyat (G) and not of militants. They are speaking in Kashmiri and can be heard here
Is some of the Kashmir violence planned and instigated?
1. How do we know they are office bearers of the Hurriyet, and

2. How do we know that the people the intercept is being pinned on are indeed the ones speaking, and not Indian Army moles in a propaganda tape?
1. How do we know they are office bearers of the Hurriyet, and

2. How do we know that the people the intercept is being pinned on are indeed the ones speaking, and not Indian Army moles in a propaganda tape?

If they are not .....they will need to come out and say its not them and prove it....or else....Guilty as charged.
IA may have exaggerated some of the instances of mutilation of bodies, but in a "war like situation" (credit to A.B. Vajpayee) it becomes imperative to sway public's mood to support the task at hand - which was to KICK intruders OUT of Indian land. Mission almost accomplished, dont you think so?

It was a war. Your folly, you paid. Period.
Don't change the subject - the argument is not over the fact that the IA and GoI pushed propaganda about torture to 'sway public mood' (that is after all the purpose of propaganda), but the fact that the claims of torture were never clearly substantiated, and that is the point the SATP article makes. One of the sources quoted is in fact Hindustan Times, but the article itself has been taken down, though the excerpt exists on the SATP site, as posted.

The point therefore being that the IA/GoI has clearly resorted to lies and propaganda about the side it opposes to advance its agenda, and these tapes could very well be a similar exercise in discrediting the protests, by attempting to 'sway public opinion'.
If they are not .....they will need to come out and say its not them and prove it....or else....Guilty as charged.

Err no .. it is innocent until proven guilty. If indeed these men are Hurriyet members as claimed by Ejaz, then they should be arrested and tried in court, with the court verifying the evidence against them.

The burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused.
If they are not .....they will need to come out and say its not them and prove it....or else....Guilty as charged.

This shows how much democratic and civilized you are. Giving verdict even before the trial commenced.

Every one is innocent till proven guilty and it is the duty of court to sentence some one not the accuser.
Err no .. it is innocent until proven guilty. If indeed these men are Hurriyet members as claimed by Ejaz, then they should be arrested and tried in court, with the court verifying the evidence against them.

The burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused.

Thats what I am saying ...the proof is on the table..... now its upto the so called separatist leaders to come out and say its not us...or else the proof is valid......
India warns youth over violent IHK protests

SRINAGAR: The Indian government on Thursday appealed for parents in Indian-held Kashmir (IHK) to keep their teenage sons indoors after the deaths of several young men in violent protests over the last month. At least 15 people have died in separate incidents as Indian security forces opened fire to disperse angry protesters.

“It is important that people do not come on to the streets and start pelting stones,” Home Minister P Chidambaram told reporters in New Delhi, saying the restrictions on all public movement would remain in force for some days.

“Children, especially young boys, should remain indoors. I think there is a responsibility of parents to ensure that,” Chidambaram said.

Authorities have also extended the curfew to new parts of IHK after the army moved to take control of Srinagar for the first time in almost two decades. Shops, offices and schools remained closed and streets were empty during the day. Indian troops quickly downed shutters of those shops, which opened early in the day to enable people to buy provisions in the city.

“We are in a prison for the last several days. We don’t have enough food at home to feed our families,” Nadish Mir, a government employee, told reporters by telephone. staff report/afp

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Thats what I am saying ...the proof is on the table..... now its upto the so called separatist leaders to come out and say its not us...or else the proof is valid......

Proof is not 'on the table', its on a television show. We don't even know if these alleged people exist. If they exist and are members of a political party then the GoI should arrest them/issue arrest warrants for them, and then the process starts.

Till the GoI formally takes a complaint to the court against someone there is nothing anyone has to answer for.
But still justifying the killing of people in protests based on this by firing is unacceptable. There will always be elements that will try to take advantage of the situation. This is a historical fact. But by resorting to firing on crowds instead of using non-lethal riot control techniques, the govt. is only alienating the people.

Its not quite as black and white as you think it is. Police is not a trigger happy force. There is strict protocol to be followed. IIRC, even unholstering a weapon or loading and cocking a rifle in public by a Police Officer warrents an investigation and explanations. So you can imagine what it takes to give an order to open fire on a riotous mob!

Police open fire only as a last resort. Wonder why you see many members here posting gleeful emoticons whenever they post a picture of an Indian cop being beaten by protesters in Kashmir or anyother place. If cops were as trigger happy as you suspect, there would not be such pictures available.

The lack of proper riot control training to J&K police or the paramilitary led to the situation getting out of hand. Those forces need better training.
Proof is not 'on the table', its on a television show. We don't even know if these alleged people exist. If they exist and are members of a political party then the GoI should arrest them/issue arrest warrants for them, and then the process starts.

Till the GoI formally takes a complaint to the court against someone there is nothing anyone has to answer for.

If thats the case ....why the hell are we wasting our time discussing this here ......

Let there law take its course and see if the separatists can prove their innocence and GOI can prove otherwise...

But now the next thing I see coming from your side is ...Oh India Law ...Indian courts will never be honest .....and all that.... but whatever...lets see how things play up.
Protest over civilian killings, curfew in IHK

* Protesters express concern over antipathy, lack of political initiative displayed by UPA-led govt

By Iftikhar Gilani

NEW DELHI: Indian human rights activists, academics and students on Thursday staged a protest over the killing of innocent civilians as well as the continuing curfew in Indian-held Kashmir (IHK).

Holding placards inscribed with slogans like “Stop Killing Innocents” and “Repeal AFSPA”, protesters staged a sit-in at Jantar Mantar near the Indian parliament. The protest was organised by Act Now for Harmony And Democracy (ANHAD), a non-government organisation.

The protesters expressed serious concern over the antipathy and lack of political initiative displayed by the United Progressive Alliance-led central government. A resolution adopted at the end of the protest asked the government to learn lessons from history. “People cannot be won over or suppressed at gun point. Certainly, the people of Jammu and Kashmir deserve a more rational, humane, visionary and sensitive response from the Indian State,” it said.

The resolution demanded immediate action to prevent further loss of life and property, an end to the violence perpetrated by the security forces, immediate appointment of an independent and impartial time-bound commission of enquiry to look into the killings of peaceful civilians and human rights violations, initiation of an inquiry into instances of attacks on ambulance services, ensuring security of both local and national journalists, ensuring the freedom of expression and immediately starting political dialogue with various stake holders.

ANHAD and many other concerned civil society groups also asked governments in the state and Centre to come out clean – urgently and immediately – and explain if this is indeed a democratic and constitutional method of handling a worsening crisis in a highly sensitive region.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Well Ghulam Ahmad Dar is definitely one of the senior Hurriyat (G) office bearers as he has been part of the "protest program" announcements. The audio can clarify if the speakers sound like them but of course there is also the "possibility" that the speech is doctored. But Mobile phone interception technology is not that hi-tech and I would assume that whenever needed phone calls can be intercepted.

But still being a member of Hurriyat(G), even though its pro-Pakistan, is not a crime as such. So of course they both can't be charged just for being Hurriyat (G) members. There should be a VERY transparent proceedings with a publicly accessible trial and all the evidence in the public domain. I should also mention that Hurriyat (G) has been usually the least powerful Hurriyat group among the sepratists with most falling behind Hurriyat (M).

Ofcourse there are a number of intercepts that have been picked up apparently but the ndtv link gives the actual audio instead of transcripts. More transcripts are here.
J&K protests made in Pak-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times

But like I mentioned, the situation was CREATED by the insensitive handling of crowds by the security forces. The J&K police and CRPF needs to start cleaning up their act on crowd control.

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