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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Investigations take time. you cant end a trial just in one attempt.

Yeah such terrorist activities which involve indian people do take years to conclude.
Be it massacre in gujrat or orissa....But in case of other india media itself starts media trials.

It is not banned by India. they are banned in UN if you remember.

Nope any links?
Even then truth doesnt change.

are you sure she is girl friend or boy friend. with your interest in such shops you it sounds more like boy friend.

Yes sir 101% i m not from ur community.
But we care about our indian members here on pdf.
Enjoy ur shoppin and for ur hubby.:rofl:

any one who intends to hurt India or anything should return back in body bags. doesnt matter who or what he is. Its simple and clear policy.

Do read wat u ranted in last post.
U should watch ur mouth before commenting like a moron.

it continues to be a But part of India.

Same was said by british occupiers and other occupying forces around the world till they were and are being jerked off.
Since 63 years from 1047 till now more then 160 countries have gained indipendence and Inshallah blood of Kahmiris wont go wasted.
come on you tried mess in our country and see you were fighting your own people in couple of days. you guys wanted a war you got one :lol: Live with it.

Come on buddy. Things are changing at a fast pace. Stop watching India TV. :)

As I said you might get something back in the same currency in the near future.

I dont think so it was worthless because we were able to add extra $$ to your dwindling economy. Not every war is fought with bullets. Didnt we knew that you will follow the nuclear blast

Lollzzz. So just to create problems for our economy you spend billions of rupees and killed 40 soldiers. You are a genius. Who was your PM in those days. Albert Einstein?:rofl:

Budy the truth is that you don't have the balls to drop a single bomb in our territory. Mark it dear.

Sorry not just Americans your best friend Chinese have also started to realize that in terms of market India has more potential and it is more to gain from India then Pakistan. the world runs on $$

Forget china dear. If you are under the illusion of chin hind bhai bhai then you are doing a big mistake. China is waiting for the right time to settle it's issues with you. Don't need to tell you that they still consider Arunachal as occupied territory. They are waiting for the right time. And as far as $$ is concerned. They have a lot's of them and because of them they won't forget to tear the a** of their adversary.

Oh so pakistan won wars without even existing. now it is getting interesting. and which one did you won care to elaborate.

It is the ideology dear. The ideology to remove tyranny and evil from subcontinent existed before 1947. All these wars are the result of that ideology.

Hope you know that India's 64% population is youth. so that still would be more than what you have as your entire nation.

Come on buddy you are getting too emotional. A huge number of Indian youth is not willing to join IA let alone coming to fight in the war. Don't let emotions overcome your senses.:disagree:

Lol and Indian muslims will support Pakistanis. :rofl:thats the biggest joke of the day.

Well it is the condition and position that will help to decide that where they wanna go. Who wants to live as a "suspected" anyways. Who wants to live under the threat of things like gujrat riots.
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First learn to respect and deserve respect.
We dont give a syt abt USA.
Ask people of Pakistan a recent report say only 4% people like usa.

thats obivious from a nation because more your politicians licked them more they whooped you guys. If you dont give a **** then why did you request help from US. why are you asking them for aid on one or the other forum.why are you providing them path to kill your kind

U attacked on Lahore at night without announcing war..Wat do people call it?

war was already started.

Yeah and ended with conquering rajhistan fort:rofl:
wanna know how much we had in control.

Lol now dont u repent from ur statement.
I again thank you and ur friends who said for saying its an indian occupied territory in previous posts,:yahoo:

i am not repenting. it was for you that your god given land is with us. if you have guts come and have it.

:rofl:: Our guys had captured ladakh when nehru ran to UN and promised a refrendum........Check the neutral history and dont feed on B.S indian media.
:rofl: I have yet to see india celebrating 48:azn:
Lol thats called diplomacy. we got what we wanted went to UN and it is still with us :lol: and you are not be able to do anything. Indian minds at work
Ended with captured rajhistan fort and running to Tashkent for a cease fire?
Highlighted part is :rofl::
Ask ur government to do tht too:rofl:

how much did your land was with us? should i tell you with sources or you already know.

Lol u should celebrate tht with 48 and 65.

we already do.

Thts Bullshit.Living in fools
A myth an illusion....
For dellusional people they say:
If dreams were horses everybody would have been ridding them and not walkin.

yes correct. Its 63 years and you are still dreaming Kashmir. form first generation to third generation pakistani every one has the same dream but ended in creating mess out of nation which was once one of the most promising nation in the sub continent.
Yeah such terrorist activities which involve indian people do take years to conclude.
Be it massacre in gujrat or orissa....But in case of other india media itself starts media trials.

Gujrat and orissa are internal matters, nothing to do with pakistan. it is not a new case in India. judiciary is slow and the proper amendments are being made. it is not you who is suffering becaue of it it is more of us who is suffering.

Nope any links?
Even then truth doesnt change.

should i start with JUD and LeT

Yes sir 101% i m not from ur community.
But we care about our indian members here on pdf.
Enjoy ur shoppin and for ur hubby.:rofl:

sorry mate i dont have a hubby. but yeah we do take care for all communities and people from all walks of life..

Do read wat u ranted in last post.
U should watch ur mouth before commenting like a moron.

your freedom fighters are our terrorist. what would you have said i was to say my chacha is fighting along with Taliban.

Same was said by british occupiers and other occupying forces around the world till they were and are being jerked off.
Since 63 years from 1047 till now more then 160 countries have gained indipendence and Inshallah blood of Kahmiris wont go wasted.

one day.................:rofl: keep dreaming. dont seem to be happening for at least not in 10 20 years. that would only be the case if stop growing. our economy collapse and blah blah.
Come on buddy. Things are changing at a fast pace. Stop watching India TV. :)

As I said you might get something back in the same currency in the near future.

so you want to invest again then expect the returns
Lollzzz. So just to create problems for our economy you spend billions of rupees and killed 40 soldiers. You are a genius. Who was your PM in those days. Albert Einstein?:rofl:

well we had enough to spare that but did you had. we knew that you will follow up with a crumbled economy. and as you can see your growth curve since then.

Budy the truth is that you don't have the balls to drop a single bomb in our territory. Mark it dear.

we dont need to........... why would we do that on a nation where others have 100 reasons to do that.

Forget china dear. If you are under the illusion of chin hind bhai bhai then you are doing a big mistake. China is waiting for the right time to settle it's issues with you. Don't need to tell you that they still consider Arunachal as occupied territory. They are waiting for the right time. And as far as $$ is concerned. They have a lot's of them and because of them they won't forget to tear the a** of their adversary.

Arunachal pradesh is not of that importance for them that they attack a nuclear powered country. world runs on $$.

India china trade is 60 billion dollar. where as pakistan china trade is 16 billion. no way they are going to watch your back or keep 60 billion on stake..

It is the ideology dear. The ideology to remove tyranny and evil from subcontinent existed before 1947. All these wars are the result of that ideology.

and who you are some maseeha sent from god. stop acting like that or else you will have more of afghanistans in your neighbour.

Come on buddy you are getting too emotional. A huge number of Indian youth is not willing to join IA let alone coming to fight in the war. Don't let emotions overcome your senses.:disagree:

it was the past. it was because of the perks given, with the implementation of 6th pay commission things are changing rapidly. if it was so we would have not had the second largest army.

Well it is the condition and position that will help to decide that where they wanna go. Who wants to live as a "suspected" anyways. Who wants to live under the threat of things like gujrat riots.

Of course they dont wanna go with Pakistan. what happened was the past. it is just pakistan which is living in that pipe dream that muslims of India is gonna support them in case of war. May be like as you thought during operation gibraltor.
thats obivious from a nation because more your politicians licked them more they whooped you guys. If you dont give a **** then why did you request help from US. why are you asking them for aid on one or the other forum.why are you providing them path to kill your kind

About help dude dont u recieve help from U.K,U.S and others?
More then half r population is living nder poverty and ur talking like a snob?
delhi and Islamabad have a difference of 90 degrees.

war was already started.

No it wasnt...

wanna know how much we had in control.

Oh yeah right.go see previous posts by wind jammer.
Wars arent won by such pitty thing its the fullfillment of objectives tht count....thts why indian government nor people celebrate 48 or 65.

i am not repenting. it was for you that your god given land is with us. if you have guts come and have it.

Yeah right read wat u said...its ur(PAKISTANS) land?remember?
U will have to give it out buddy.You cant swallow it nor we will let u.
Sub continent was under brits for 200 plus years till we got independence and surely will Kashmir be free.

Lol thats called diplomacy. we got what we wanted went to UN and it is still with us :lol: and you are not be able to do anything. Indian minds at work

U call begging for a cease fire diplomacy?
Awesome.....i dont have anything more to say.

how much did your land was with us? should i tell you with sources or you already know.

I consider answering to ur rant below my dignity......
Next time when september comes go out and celebrate on streets of india........
If u cant.......certainly u got ur answer.
we already do.

And gandhi wasnt a racist nor he slept with little girls.
Celebrate 48-65 -62:rofl:

yes correct. Its 63 years and you are still dreaming Kashmir. form first generation to third generation pakistani every one has the same dream but ended in creating mess out of nation which was once one of the most promising nation in the sub continent.

How many generation did bosnia,sub continent,algeria,macau(part of china)Hong lkong and others dream for independence?
Didnt bhagat singh dream for independence tht came 100 years after him?
Yes we our started with 1 jute,1 textile mill and only 1 university and is still promising ..economy issues are temporary just started in 2007-8 and Inshallah we will overcome it.
We alreasy are waiting for 7% increase in GDP in near future.
4.3 % increase starting from this year.
No we remember Pathankot
And 5 bogeys in under 1 minute:rofl:
Awesome kills dont u appreciate?
Ohhhh right ur feeding on indian propoganda?
100 plus IAF kills againts PAF>>lol hahahahahhaha

Yes I do.. That Alam guy was the top gun.. No doubt..

Personal heroics aside, can some one lookup the area exchange figures during the cease fire negotitations.. Who returned how much area again??
so you want to invest again then expect the returns

well we had enough to spare that but did you had. we knew that you will follow up with a crumbled economy. and as you can see your growth curve since then.

we dont need to........... why would we do that on a nation where others have 100 reasons to do that.

Arunachal pradesh is not of that importance for them that they attack a nuclear powered country. world runs on $$.

India china trade is 60 billion dollar. where as pakistan china trade is 16 billion. no way they are going to watch your back or keep 60 billion on stake..

and who you are some maseeha sent from god. stop acting like that or else you will have more of afghanistans in your neighbour.

it was the past. it was because of the perks given, with the implementation of 6th pay commission things are changing rapidly. if it was so we would have not had the second largest army.

Of course they dont wanna go with Pakistan. what happened was the past. it is just pakistan which is living in that pipe dream that muslims of India is gonna support them in case of war. May be like as you thought during operation gibraltor.

so you want to invest again then expect the returns

To do that you would need an Afghanistan and that you won't be getting. In fact you would be kicked out of one which you have right now. :bunny: Indians in Afghanistan are already in deep pressure to save their lives.

well we had enough to spare that but did you had. we knew that you will follow up with a crumbled economy. and as you can see your growth curve since then.

As I said you are a genius. :rofl: Things don't change with such posts. Doesn't change the fact you don't have the balls to commit any aggression.

we dont need to........... why would we do that on a nation where others have 100 reasons to do that.

Keep waiting for the others as we strangle hold your neck.:azn:

Arunachal pradesh is not of that importance for them that they attack a nuclear powered country. world runs on $$.

Who says they are going to attack you. They have many plans which they are waiting to execute to make occupied Arunachal unoccupied. And it is important for them. You have to learn about Chinese mentality dear.

India china trade is 60 billion dollar. where as pakistan china trade is 16 billion. no way they are going to watch your back or keep 60 billion on stake..

As I said for them tearing enemy's a** is more important then $$. They have too much of them. They know they can't live with a country like India in this region with peace.

and who you are some maseeha sent from god. stop acting like that or else you will have more of afghanistans in your neighbour.

To destroy something is much easier then building something. I hope you know that. The rule applies to you too. We will apply this rule. As far as Afghanistan is concern you need American 9/11 to get more Afghanistan which at least right now you won't be getting. Americans can't afford anything like 9/11 right now.

it was the past. it was because of the perks given, with the implementation of 6th pay commission things are changing rapidly. if it was so we would have not had the second largest army.

So much for the patriotism.:rofl:

Of course they dont wanna go with Pakistan. what happened was the past. it is just pakistan which is living in that pipe dream that muslims of India is gonna support them in case of war. May be like as you thought during operation gibraltor.

Who wants them to go with Pakistan. Let them go against India. And the result would be mutual benefit. But at right time not now.

Gujrat and orissa are internal matters, nothing to do with pakistan. it is not a new case in India. judiciary is slow and the proper amendments are being made. it is not you who is suffering becaue of it it is more of us who is suffering

Yes correct thts why ur modi and other mass murders are roaming around ?
While u demand of helping our sikh citizens isnt our internal issue?
When u talk of Fata and others is our issue.
So next time dont forget tht.

should i start with JUD and LeT

I think they are banned?
And Hafiz Saeed sahab doesnt have any evidence against him unlike indian military officiers who burnt Pakistanis alive in a train launched for godwill.
Nice justice.

your freedom fighters are our terrorist. what would you have said i was to say my chacha is fighting along with Taliban.

Our freedom fighters are as freedom fighters as was bhagat singh or Ilm deen shaheed.
And where did my uncle attack india?
Ur B.s rubbish and just bull crap.
And yes we know lots of indian chachas are supporting BLA and other fukers.

one day.................:rofl: keep dreaming. dont seem to be happening for at least not in 10 20 years. that would only be the case if stop growing. our economy collapse and blah blah.

Its always the dreams of freedom tht come alive from william wallice to present day algieria and other nations.
Basatrd occupiers of sub continent were always mocking freedom fighters of the sub continent till they were kicked on the lower back so it doesnt suite people like u to do the same.
Respect is wat takes u to heights and disrespect and arrogance is wat causes decline in states from rome to USSR
Lol and the pipe dream of 1 Pakistani = 10 Indian continues.... good for us. Better research about the rescue operation before commenting.
The obsession of 1.3 Billion to 180 Million goes along way to prove that.
Hope so that you will give some gallantry award to Kasab once he is dead. if you want we can throw in your side of border wrapped in your national flag for being your martyr

Oops, the plan didn't work, or did it, well at least you people managed to take Hemant Kakre out of the scene. Damn, he could have exposed a lot.
As you say thousands, a figure of 90,000 comes to mind.. Cant place form where though...Was that the number of Pakistani Army folks who surrendered and were captured from Bangladesh in 1971??
Actually no, more closer to our life time the figure of graves in IOK rings a bell, add a few thousands Sikhs involved in Indra Gandhi's murder to that, couple of thousand Muslims in Gujarat and now the Naxals are keeping the counter ticking. ;)
its just for Food, Education and Shelter. I think its enough but increase the amount is fair..
The education is 100% free and they will also get food at school. For employment they can get it under MNREGA, 100 days of guaranteed employment per year if govt. can't provide them employment then govt. will give them full wages sitting at home.
Oops, the plan didn't work, or did it, well at least you people managed to take Hemant Kakre out of the scene. Damn, he could have exposed a lot.

Calling Mumbai incident an Indian plan is same as calling US drone attack on your 'sovereign' country ISI plan. Get rid of the conspiracy theories, sooner the better.
Calling Mumbai incident an Indian plan is same as calling US drone attack on your 'sovereign' country ISI plan. Get rid of the conspiracy theories, sooner the better.

The day until Indian authorities can give an exact figure of who and how many were involved, there is no end to the conspiracy theories.

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