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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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it seems necessary habbit among Indians to support each other in trolling by thanking.
Oh really? If you people trols it termed as voice of Kashmir and our biting counter answers put as trolls..infact THE BIGGEST TROLLER OF PDF STARTED THE THREAD :rofl:
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Does any one know the reaction from our South Block to this statement.
simplifies our foreign policy....viz-a-viz Iran.
It is countries like the USA,China,Russia and the EU whose take on Kashmir matters not of Iran,Zambia,Zaire...

Make you wonder what they are thinking, doesn't it? Obama comes to India, lectures us anout how India should be taking a harder stand against Iran, Government officials/ministers demur and promptly Khamenei issues this statement. Makes Obama's job that much easier.

Some people are their own worst enemies!
Highlights of the Noon Briefing

KASHMIR REMAINS ON SECURITY COUNCIL AGENDA: Asked about media reports suggesting that Kashmir had been removed from a list of Security Council agenda items, the Spokesperson said that the authors of the media articles may have only looked at the most recent addendum to the Summary statement of matters on which the Security Council is seized, which publishes only the list of matters which have been considered in a formal meeting since 1 Jan. 2007. They missed in that addendum a paragraph explaining that the full list appears in Add.9 of Mar. 2010. That list continues to include the agenda items which the Council has taken up, including Kashmir, which, by a decision of the Council, remains on the list for this year.
It was Pakistani Ambassador Mr Sial who raised the issue, needlessly, claiming it to be an 'inadvertent' mistake on the part of the UN, and the Indian media merely reported it.

The question remains unanswered though, what was Mr Sial thinking?
It was Pakistani Ambassador Mr Sial who raised the issue, needlessly, claiming it to be an 'inadvertent' mistake on the part of the UN, and the Indian media merely reported it.

The question remains unanswered though, what was Mr Sial thinking?

Hey.... if its in the UN site.. its got to be true.. stop complaining and move on with it..
Any person worth his salt would understand who's acting all dumb here.

Stop behaving like adolescents on high adrenaline and move on. No one gives a damn to Iran clergies.

If only adultery could cause earthquake.

seems like you do or you wouldn't be in this thread commenting

You Hindus are acting like Iran owes you something!!!
simplifies our foreign policy....viz-a-viz Iran.
It is countries like the USA,China,Russia and the EU whose take on Kashmir matters not of Iran,Zambia,Zaire...

No, it doesn't simplify our foreign policy. Remember, India is on a please all mission to get UN reforms. The vote of each country counts, be it Iran or Zaire.
Damn, I can now imagine the quagmire of being a Pakistani. It's a huge identity crisis. I mean, you guys can't decide on your history!! One moment, you are arabs (not Indian darkies), the other moment, you are not.

Thanks for spoiling the thread...... Pakistan is a unique country!
Balouchistan was a part of Iran.... Pushtunkhwa was Afghanistan,N\A turkic,Punjab is a region where several ethicities live.... u will find syeds(Decendants of PBUH eg: Gillanis,bukharis,makhdooms,etc etc.... u will fing balouchs legharis,buzdars etc, u will find pushtuns naizis,kakezais,etc, u will find hazars(mongols) u will find hindowans(pushtuns),gakhars(iranian),mughals etc.... then u will find ethnic Jatts,Rajputs,Maliks who are proud of their indian ancestory...... but are not very much in number...Then we have sindhis same goes with them ... they have balouchs,syeds etc but at the same time Rajputs etc.. then u will find mohajirs frm india, UP,CP who have their own culture but in them u will find syeds(arabs,pushtuns etc)..... etc so Pakistani Society is formed.

One moment, your history is same as arab history, another moment, your history starts at the partition, and another moment, you are a part of India for millennia.

Lol... we dont share arab history kid.
Indus civilisation is where present day Pakistan is was Indus civilisations(which never spreead to the plains of ganges)? gandhara of pushtuns?harappa(which never spread to india) and mehargarh(balouchistan)..... Also Present day Pakistan was always isolated frm india or todays india and her people... either it had its own states or was part of others.

I feel for you guys.

I feel for brain washed indians like urself who are confused.
Indian authorities must release 14-year-old held in Kashmir without charge

18 November 2010

Amnesty International has urged authorities in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir to release a 14-year-old child who has been detained without charge or trial for seven months, for allegedly taking part in anti-government protests.

The authorities claim that Mushtag Ahmad Sheikh was part of a large crowd which threw stones at police and security forces in the state capital Srinagar in April, as part of the ongoing unrest in Kashmir.

Police say that Mushtag Ahmad Sheikh is 19-years-old but his family claim that he was born in 1996 and is 14-years-old. Prison records reportedly confirm that he is a child.

"Mushtaq Ahmad Sheikh must either be charged with a recognizable criminal offence or released immediately," said Sam Zarifi, Amnesty International's Asia-Pacific Director.

"If he is charged, he should be treated in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, held and tried in special facilities for children."

Mushtaq Ahmad Sheikh was first arrested in Srinagar on 9 April. He was released on bail after eight days in custody and rearrested on 21 April.

His family was not officially told that he had been detained but found out about it through a local resident.

Initially held at Udhampur Jail, Mushtaq Ahmad Sheikh is now held at Kot Bhalwal Jail in Jammu.

Both prisons do not have special facilities for detaining children. Prison Conditions in Jammu are harsh with limited health care.

In May, Amnesty International raised Mushtaq Ahmad Sheikh's detention at a meeting with the Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir and the State Human Rights Commission. To date, despite their assurances, nothing appears to have been done.

Mushtaq Ahmad Sheikh is detained under the Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act - a law that allows the authorities to hold people for up to two years without any judicial review.

This year, at least 322 people are reported to have been detained without trial under the act. A number of them, including children, have been detained on similar grounds of stone throwing and rioting during protests against the Indian government.

Over the summer demonstrators in Jammu and Kashmir voiced their concerns about the lack of accountability of the security forces; the withdrawal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) and the removal of Army camps - along with the underlying demand of independence for Kashmir.

Indian authorities must release 14-year-old held in Kashmir without charge
Abii said:
Look at you Indians though. You're all speaking English because of the British rule. In Iran nobody speaks arabic, not even the mullahs.

Your language (Persian?) itself uses the Arabic script. Talk about irony :rolleyes:
seems like you do or you wouldn't be in this thread commenting

You Hindus are acting like Iran owes you something!!!
The point is that your religious leader is simply issuing statements similar to what we might have issued earlier at IAEA. Remember, our stance is not against Iran acquiring nuclear energy; it is against them acquiring nuclear weapons.

The agreeing with USA came at this very condition and therefore we have done nothing wrong. Why are you pretending as if we cheated you or something? We never said we encouraged another nuclear weapons state in the region, while our foreign minister clearly told US to mind its business in not telling us what to do when it comes to your right for nuclear energy for consumption.

Let me ask you this:

If indeed Iran is asking for nuclear energy for its civilian consumption, then why is it so against showing NSG and IAEA? What is the harm in showing it to them which are a body for everybody? Every non-nuclear country has shown it to them: Japan, South Korea whole of Europe both east and west, South Africa, India and every other country for trading in nuclear fuel. Even Israel. Yes even them because this is about nuclear fuel for electricity and consumption, not weapons.

Then what itch does your leadership have in showing the nuclear plants to an international body if they are sincere about using it for civilian consumption? Why hesitate to show these plants?

To date, no Iranian (supportive of their government) has answered me this.

Regarding Hindus "owning everything", don't be religiously biased when commenting. It was a Hindus that took Zoroastrians unconditionally in from Iran when they were fleeing for the sake of their faith from Iran which was suffering from Arab and Islamic invasions. And it is my mainstream Hindu brothers because of which all religions live peacefully in India included foreign communities who escaped the madness in their own homelands. Your ancient faith made it to this era because of the same Hindus that you are mocking at.

Next time if you don't want a religion-aimed remark, don't try to be religious with about our Hindu brothers too. Have some respect for all faiths.
'Friend' Iran calls India a Zionist regime

Indrani Bagchi, TNN, Nov 19, 2010, 12.36am IST

NEW DELHI: Iran is a close friend of India, but that has not prevented its supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, from asking the world's Muslims to support the "struggle" in Kashmir against "Zionist regimes".

In his Haj message to pilgrims earlier this week, Khamenei said, "Today the major duties of the elite of the Islamic Ummah is to provide help to the Palestinian nation and the besieged people of Gaza, to sympathize and provide assistance to the nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Kashmir, to engage in struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime, to safeguard the solidarity of Muslims and stop tainted hands and mercenary voices that try to damage this unity, to spread awakening and the sense of responsibility and commitment among Muslim youth throughout Islamic communities."

In the 1990s, India had registered its gratitude to Iran for helping it out diplomatically on Kashmir on human rights. But despite it all, Iran continues to play the Kashmir card in the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), as do other Islamic countries even as they privately tell the Indian foreign office that they did not mean it.

'Friend' Iran calls India a Zionist regime - The Times of India

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