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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Reason why a few Kashmiris raise Anti-India slogans

NEW DELHI: Ever since May, when the bodies of two women washed up near Shopian, journalists have chronicled the multiple failures of administration and policing that allowed the tragic deaths to spark off some of the worst street violence ever seen in Jammu and Kashmir.

Following the release of the findings of the Justice Muzaffar Jan Commission of Enquiry on Friday, the Jammu and Kashmir government has announced that it intends to prosecute four police officials for some of those failures.

But both journalists and the Jammu and Kashmir government have maintained a stoic silence on one institution blamed by Justice Jan for spreading falsehood and inciting violence: the media itself.

Stories fabricated?

Justice Jan’s report highlights disturbing evidence that some journalists may have fabricated elements of their stories.

Early in June, several Srinagar-based journalists reported that one victim’s husband had received a call from her at 7 p.m. on May 29. During the call, the accounts said, the victim reported that she was being chased by CRPF personnel.

In their testimony to the Jan Commission, though, the victim’s husband and her brother made it clear that she had never owned a mobile phone, a fact first reported in this newspaper. Jammu and Kashmir police investigators attached to the Commission studied 32,686 cellphone calls made in Shopian on May 29, and were able to establish that none was made to or from any phone that may have been in the victim’s possession.

Efforts were also made by sections of the media to suggest that the local police may have sought to hush up the case on the orders of their superior. Journalists in particular turned on Constable Mohammad Yaseen, who was reported to have made several phone calls to superiors even as a search for the victims’ bodies was underway — evidence, it was argued, of the unusual interest of his bosses in the case.

In fact, the Commission found, Mr. Yaseen had made only four calls during the whole day and none between 10 p.m. on June 29, when the search for the victims began, until 6 a.m. on June 30, when the bodies were found.

Local resident Jamal-ud-Din Wani, claimed by the media to be an eyewitness to the killings, was alleged to have been abducted after the bodies were found. The Jan Commission found him living in a tent at the hamlet of Dehgam, close to Shopian, where he works as a watchman at a local seminary.

For the most part, Justice Jan found, the media misrepresented forensic evidence. Media accounts insisted that both women appeared to have been badly beaten and gang raped. However, the Jan Commission states, pathologists found no evidence to support the proposition of gang rape. Moreover, only one victim’s body was found to bear visible external injuries. Claims that one victim was pregnant at the time of her death, Justice Jan states, were also wrong.

Perhaps in order to buttress claims that the two women had been raped before they were killed, some journalists asserted that their clothes were torn. However, witnesses interviewed by the Jan Commission said that the women’s Feran and shalwar were intact.

Most disturbing, though, is Justice Jan’s finding that the media incited hatred by broadcasting communal propaganda.

Based on the accounts of individuals claiming to be eyewitnesses, newspapers said that one victim’s forehead had been smeared with sindoor — an allegation that suggested that the rapists were Hindus, and the rape itself macabre religion-driven hate crime. However, the Commission noted, the red marks on her forehead were in fact blood from a head wound. “The flow of blood,” the report states, “was shamefully distorted and projected as a mark of sindoor.”

Noting that this kind of reporting has fuelled violence in Jammu and Kashmir, Justice Jan has suggested that “firm guidelines are made to ensure that, before publication of any news, the authenticity of the news be verified.”

Pakistani media is amusing. I always thought it were Pakistani tribals who invaded Kashmir first.

It was the indian army that invaded first.......the tribals invading first is a made up indian story that is more funny then the usual indian media brinwashing stories that we hear.
Miyan ...aur kitne Pakistan banaoge...........Sari duniya...ek se hi pareshan hai....LOL

Nahin wohi Pakistan hai... abadi ziada ho gae hai to thora enlarge karna hai.
Kashmiris Observing Black Day Today

SRINAGAR: Kashmiris Observing Black Day Today, Kashmiri people on both sides of the LoC and the whole world is observing Black Day today to convey to the international community to reject the illegal occupation of India in its territory.

The day will be marked with the total strike in the occupied territory. Call for this has been given by the Conference of All Parties Hurriyat and senior Kashmiri Hurriyet leader Syed Ali Geelani, Kashmir Media Service reported Monday

It was on 27 October 1947, when Indian troops invaded Kashmir in clear violation of the subcontinent’s partition plan and the aspirations of Kashmiris. ”

Senior APHC leader Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi addressing a party meeting in Badgam urged India to flee their intransigence and take steps to resolve the Kashmir dispute once and for all.

The Indian troops in their fresh act of state terrorism martyred three innocent Kashmiri youth in Shopian Kellar. The officials said one of the martyrs was a division commander of Hizbul Mujahideen.

People took to the streets in Habba Kadal, Maisuma and Gaw Kadal in Srinagar, at present, contrary to submit to peaceful protesters in the city by force by the troops yesterday.

Several protesters were injured and the condition of one of them was stated to be critical. Handwara, protests continued against the assassination of a 12th student by Indian troops.

Huge anti-Pak protests in P-O-K, violence erupts

Islamabad, Oct 24:

Kashmiris from all walks of life observed a “Black Day” in Pakistan Kashmir, including capital Muzaffarabad, on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of the invasion of the area by Pakistani army men disguised as tribesmen from the North West Frontier of Province (NWFP), known as the Lashkars.

A large number of people, carrying black flags and protest placards, participated in demonstrations held in various parts of Pakistan Kashmir.

Among the participants were Arif Shahid, the general secretary of the All Party National Alliance (APNA), Baltistan National Front leader Nawaz Khan Naji and Abdul Hamid Khan, the Chairman of Balawaristan National Front, besides others.

So vociferous were the protests by the almost 800-odd participants, that security forces deployed to ensure maintenance of law and order, had to use teargas shells and firing in the air to disperse them.

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It was the indian army that invaded first.......the tribals invading first is a made up indian story that is more funny then the usual indian media brinwashing stories that we hear.

:lol: Yeah okay. You guys just make up things as you think of them, dont you?

India invaded Kashmir at the behest of the ruler of Kashmir after his kingdom was attacked by Pakistani tribals. Fact.
It was the indian army that invaded first.......the tribals invading first is a made up indian story that is more funny then the usual indian media brinwashing stories that we hear

There is no point in arguing to you still Here is the link from a neutral source

Click here
:lol: Yeah okay. You guys just make up things as you think of them, dont you?

Just like you guys

India invaded Kashmir at the behest of the ruler of Kashmir after his kingdom was attacked by Pakistani tribals. Fact.

Why not let the people of kashmir have a vote and let them choose what they want......scared of who they might vote for?
From Tehran Times:

Why Kashmiris observe October 27 as Black Day

Kashmiri people on both sides of the Line of Control and across the globe observe October 27 as Black Day and consider it the blackest day in their history. This is the Day when India landed its army in Jammu and Kashmir, in total disregard of the Indian Independence Act and Partition Plan of 1947. The Indian Independence Act and Partition Plan of 1947 had stated that the Indian British Colony would be divided into two sovereign states, India, with Hindu-majority areas, and Pakistan, with Muslim-majority areas of western provinces and east Bengal.

From day one, the people of Kashmir did not accept India’s illegal occupation and started an armed struggle in 1948, which forced India to approach the UN Security Council to seek its help to settle the dispute. The UN Security Council called for a ceasefire, a demarcation of the ceasefire line, demilitarization of the state, and a free and impartial plebiscite to be conducted under the supervision of the world body. Although the ceasefire and demarcation of the ceasefire line were implemented, the calls for the demilitarization of the occupied territory and a free and impartial plebiscite under UN supervision were never realized.

India’s rulers promised before the UN to resolve the dispute and to provide the people of Kashmir their basic right of self-determination, but later backed away from their commitments. India has been putting the peace, security, and stability of all South Asia at risk through its continued rigidity and stubbornness and refusal to respond positively to the efforts made by the international community to settle the Kashmir dispute for the past six decades.

Disappointed at the failure of all the efforts to resolve the Kashmir dispute through peaceful means, the people of occupied Kashmir launched a massive uprising in 1989 to secure their right to self-determination. This movement gathered momentum with the passage of time and pushed the Indian authorities to the wall, forcing them to sit down at the negotiation table with Pakistan in January 2004. The negotiation process continued until it was stalled after the Mumbai attacks of November 26, 2008, when India, without any substantive evidence, accused Pakistan and its intelligence agencies of being responsible for the attacks.

It should be noted that Pakistan demonstrated considerable flexibility in the dialogue process by floating various proposals, such as demilitarization, self-governance, and joint management, to settle the conflict over Kashmir, but India’s inflexible approach remained the biggest hurdle in solving the Kashmir issue. The situation in the occupied territory remains unchanged as the confidence-building measures and the dialogue process could not provide the Kashmiri people any respite from the Indian atrocities.

India has exhausted all its resources and means but has not been able to deter Kashmiris from continuing their liberation struggle. It has given a free hand to its troops and police to subject peaceful protesters to brute force. The troops have been setting new records of human rights violations by killing innocent people, arresting the youth, disgracing and harassing women, and setting residential houses on fire with impunity.

The Indian troops have killed over 92,000 Kashmiris, widowed more than 25,000 women, orphaned more than 100,000 children, and molested about 100,00 Kashmiri women over the past 20 years. The whereabouts of thousands of innocent Kashmiris, who disappeared in the custody of troops, are yet to be made known while hundreds of unmarked graves have been discovered in the occupied territory that are believed to be those of the disappeared Kashmiris. All this mayhem is being carried out with the protection of draconian laws, by virtue of which any person can be killed or put behind bars without any accountability.

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Asia Watch, and other international humanitarian organizations have been raising concerns over human rights violations in Indian-occupied Kashmir in their regular reports. Even the European Union Parliament, during a session in Strasbourg on July 10, 2008, unanimously passed a resolution calling upon the Indian government to urgently conduct an independent and impartial probe into the issue of the discovery of mass graves in the territory. It also strongly condemned unlawful killings, enforced disappearances, torture, rape, and other human rights abuses, which have been taking place at the hands of the occupation troops in Jammu and Kashmir since 1989.

It was yet another exposition of India’s callousness that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, on Indian Independence Day this year, tried to hoodwink the international community by stating that the elections in Kashmir had rendered the freedom movement irrelevant. The mammoth anti-India protest demonstrations, which millions of people of Indian-occupied Kashmir participated in last year, should be taken as the Kashmiris’ referendum against the illegal Indian occupation of their homeland.

These are the reasons which compel Kashmiris to observe October 27 as Black Day. The observance is meant to send a loud and clear message to the international community to pay attention to the misery of the Kashmiri people, to help stop human rights violations in the occupied territory, and to play its role in bringing about a solution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Kashmiri people’s aspirations. It is also a call to India to read the writing on the wall, to accept the realities on the ground, and to adopt a realistic approach to settle the dispute for the greater interests of the people of the region.
Why Kashmiris observe October 27 as Black Day

The writer is a senior editor at the Kashmir Media Service, Islamabad. He can be reached at razamalik849@******.

Isnt this a very well known anti-Indian agency?
India's Prime Minister is scheduled to visit Indian Occupied Kashmir tomorrow and already there is a strike in Indian Occupied Kashmir, while Pakistan's Prime Minister frequently visits Azad Kashmir and is welcomed by everyone. He even took Turkey's Prime minister with him to Azad Kashmir.

Check this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/kashmi...hmir-continue-says-prime-minister-turkey.html

Has the Indian Prime Minister interacted with the Kashmiri people like Pakistan's Prime Minister has.

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India's Prime Minister is scheduled to visit Indian Occupied Kashmir tomorrow and already there is a strike in Indian Occupied Kashmir, while Pakistan's Prime Minister frequently visits Azad Kashmir and is welcomed by everyone. He even took Turkey's Prime minister with him to Azad Kashmir.

So there's no Indian sponsored terrorism in Pakistan
And i can say the same about Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura,punjab ect.

Only this much states, There are a few more states in India
Why not let the people of kashmir have a vote and let them choose what they want......scared of who they might vote for?

So since you can't prove that Kashmir was first invaded by the Indian army, you start the canard of plebiscite? That's just pathetic debating skills.

Here, from a neutral source -

The first Indo-Pakistani war started after armed tribesmen from Pakistan's north-west frontier province invaded Kashmir in October 1947. Besieged both by a revolt in his state and by the invasion, the Maharaja requested armed assistance from the government of India. In return he acceded to India, handing over powers of defence, communication and foreign affairs.

BBC NEWS | India Pakistan | Timeline

So, what were you saying? Something about Indian media brainwashing stories? :lol:

It is obvious who has been brainwashed.

And i can say the same about Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura,punjab ect.

This is no separatist sentiment in either Meghalaya or Arunachal. If there is, it is no negligible that it has no impact in the mainstream. In assam, the Ulfa is all but finished. In fact the biggest headache for the people of Assam is the S-Ulfa or the surrendered Ulfa. The same can be said of Punjab and Mizoram. As far as nagaland goes, there is a cease fire between the main separatist group and the central government. The only state that can be described as a separatist hot bed is Manipur. And Tripura? Seriously?

Really, as i said before, when confronted with facts, you guys just make things up, don't you? EPIC FAIL.
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So since you can't prove that Kashmir was first invaded by the Indian army, you start the canard of plebiscite? That's just pathetic debating skills.

Here, from a neutral source -

BBC NEWS | India Pakistan | Timeline

So, what were you saying? Something about Indian media brainwashing stories? :lol:

It is obvious who has been brainwashed.

This is no separatist sentiment in either Meghalaya or Arunachal. If there is, it is no negligible that it has no impact in the mainstream. In assam, the Ulfa is all but finished. In fact the biggest headache for the people of Assam is the S-Ulfa or the surrendered Ulfa. The same can be said of Punjab and Mizoram. As far as nagaland goes, there is a cease fire between the main separatist group and the central government. The only state that can be described as a separatist hot bed is Manipur. And Tripura? Seriously?

Really, as i said before, when confronted with facts, you guys just make things up, don't you? EPIC FAIL.

These are not worth it.

90% of Pakistanis it seems (Including Asim, Dabong etc - champions of Kashmir cause on this forum) believe that UN resolution has provisions for an Independent Kashmir.

How much more delusional and brainwashed can one be. I found out in a discussion and since then refused to get into a debate over Kashmir with individuals given to misinformation. Best part is they will continue to live in their delusional world despite confrontation.
These are not worth it.

90% of Pakistanis it seems (Including Asim, Dabong etc - champions of Kashmir cause on this forum) believe that UN resolution has provisions for an Independent Kashmir.

How much more delusional and brainwashed can one be. I found out in a discussion and since then refused to get into a debate over Kashmir with individuals given to misinformation. Best part is they will continue to live in their delusional world despite confrontation.

You sadly are mistaken brother. 90% of the Pakistanis on this forum mistakenly believe that Kashmir belongs to Pakistan and that India should just hand over the whole of Kashmir to Pakistan. That is their delusion. Offcourse in reality 90% of Pakistanis do not care about the issue of Kashmir. They are happy with the status quo and are more concerned with issues which affects Pakistan itself. Then again this forum is usually visited by certain Pakistanis whose blind nationalism outweighs any sense of logic. Some of the comments relating to other countries and denials about Pakistan is laughable and established fact becomes fiction and vice versa. Their version of history has been re-written endlessly and in 10 years time we should not be surprised to hear from some Pakistanis that the civil war in Pakistan was a non-event and that Pakistan was actually fighting a war against the Taliban in Afghanistan. Dr Goebels once said that "if you repeat something often enough it may cause a few to blindly believe the statement. Those few in turn are better weapons in propaganda than the mightiest of weapons in war." How true his perception proved when a few Nazis were required to slaughter millions of Jews. Pakistan's propaganda machine clearly has adequete conversions to its cause. Sometimes however those that are used to demean your enemy with blind hatred, lies and propaganda turn around to bite you with their blind hatred and brainwashed misguidance. Surely Pakistan should know that by now and should stop trying to poke its finger up India's nose by stirring wanton hatred and unfounded negative perceptions about their issues with India. :coffee:
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