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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Truth is, every intelligent person on Earth familiar with India-Pak relations KNOWS that during the division the land with majority of Muslims was to become Pakistan, and the land with the majority of Hindus was to become India! And since Kashmir is almost 100% Muslim, it is naturally NOT part of India -- hence the illegal occupation.

If Bharat complies with their obligation to hold a pleiscibite than it is obvious an astonishing vast majority of Kashmiris would vote to be part of Pakistan, and an even greater number would vote to be FREE from Bharat's strangulation.

"SinoIndusFriendship" - Please understand its a conflict and we both will have different opinions but Let's try not to change history for the sake of winning some brownie points...In case you don't know then there are ample number of posts in various threads which you can read and increase your knowledge...

a) Kashmir is/was not 100% Muslim. It has muslims(majority), Hindu's(Kashmiri Pandits) and other religion people
b) Kashmir was a princely state during partition and princely states had no obligations to accept Majority hindu/muslim rule. The decision was in hands of Rulers of the respective states
c) One condition of pleblicite was that Pak would remove its army from Kashmir but as far as i know that never happened...

I am sure you would also have similar points that will suggest its India who is wrong in Kashmir but lets atleast not tweak history but learn from it...

We know it. But asking some other country not to cooperate with other independent countries is like crying over split milk.

Jana comon...what split milk are you referring to?? They objected our PM visit in AP which both parties(India and China) claims there and the same way we objected to their involvement in Kashmir which is a conflicted state... I dont see any irony in it...Help me understand plz....

In case of this funny statement well Chinese must be laughing at India, as if this statement will affect the Chinese health.

As if there statement affect our health...They gave us reason to laugh and we reciprocated the favor...

On the other hand i feel India is trying to get attention and drag China into Kashmir issue and if China has become part of this Kashmir issue activly well i think things will be changed to Indian unease further
Wrong assumption...India always consider Kashmir as a bilateral issue. we would not like any intervention from any one...However we do have bilateral issues with China on Aksai Chin...
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Kashmir was not never been part of India. India is an occupying brutal outside that is killing hundreds of innocent Kashmiri women, childern and men and raping innocent Kashmiri women.

Your guilty Indian army soldiers are committing suicide out of guilt or either killing own fellows.

On the other hand oppression of Muslims in India is not new

It would have been a nicer post if you add some cruelities of Brahmins in India against lower caste and some other things in your imaginations too..tell me how many innocent Kashmiri women and children dies because of the cowardly act of the terrorists?there lives does not count??How many Kashimiri pundits have to loose their belongings and all their wealth and fled to other states because of the cruelties of terrorists which you call the so called freedom fighters..Their lives also don't count because they are Hindus??By the way check the nationalities of the terrorists killed in Kashmir ok..you can see many are from out side..does it mean some thing to you?you are saying Indian Army doing all the killings...killing innocent peoples by the terrorists is not cruelty right??they are freedom fighters right?Jana please read to some independent media reports and links than using your far fetched imaginations ..and by the way the brahmins you are talking..they don't have much voice in our politics now.. and most of them are living in poverty too ..the stories you heard were 25 -30 years old better have some facts than using the imaginations
Kashmir was not never been part of India. India is an occupying brutal outside that is killing hundreds of innocent Kashmiri women, childern and men and raping innocent Kashmiri women.

Your guilty Indian army soldiers are committing suicide out of guilt or either killing own fellows.

On the other hand oppression of Muslims in India is not new

It would have been a nicer post if you add some cruelities of Brahmins in India against lower caste and some other things in your imaginations too..tell me how many innocent Kashmiri women and children dies because of the cowardly act of the terrorists?there lives does not count??How many Kashimiri pundits have to loose their belongings and all their wealth and fled to other states because of the cruelties of terrorists which you call the so called freedom fighters..Their lives also don't count because they are Hindus??By the way check the nationalities of the terrorists killed in Kashmir ok..you can see many are from out side..does it mean some thing to you?you are saying Indian Army doing all the killings...killing innocent peoples by the terrorists is not cruelty right??they are freedom fighters right?Jana please read to some independent media reports and links than using your far fetched imaginations ..and by the way the brahmins you are talking..they don't have much voice in our politics now.. and most of them are living in poverty too ..the stories you heard were 25 -30 years old better have some facts than using the imaginations

A little humour does go a long way - yeah, how many "pundits" and how much did they "loose"?

All kiddings on pandit tragedies aside - at some point, you may realize that an independent Kashmir is not really such a bad thing.
A little humour does go a long way - yeah, how many "pundits" and how much did they "loose"?

All kiddings on pandit tragedies aside - at some point, you may realize that an independent Kashmir is not really such a bad thing.

Just like Tibet belongs to monks!

You cannot make history to suit your thinking. No time in the past, China was large as the country it is now. If you cannot get true history of your country in Chinese textbooks, you can look up Wikipedia.

History of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Song, Ming and Yang dynasties held different parts of China and so there is no logic to claim that during one era China owned Outer Mongolia and in another era China had Tibet.

So, if you settle on that thinking, then we can talk of today's notion of nation.

#1 India was formed a secular democratic state whereas, Pakistan was the one that wanted an Islamic Republic. So, just because Kashmir had Muslim majority cannot in its own make Kashmiris aligning with Pakistan.

#2 Pakistani army attacked Kashmir , not India. The Kashmiri people informed the King to protect them from invaders (not liberators)

#3 Kashmiri King signed agreement with India to join India. Only, then India joined the war.

#4 In 1965, Pakistani army thought of liberating (?) Kashmir. And Kashmiri people informed Indian government of actions and India fought back. This is ridiculous as the so-called liberators are caught by the same people who Pakistani army wanted to liberate.

#5 In 1971, LOAC was defined and the agreement was signed by Pakistan and India and all future talks will be bilateral.

So a country which does not gets its way either by people's backing (in Kashmir), by armed aggression (1965 war) and by politically (in 1971), they turned to the last attempt - by sending terrorists into the country.

I think China should be proud of this country because very soon the same people are planning to send terrorists to China to liberate (?) Uljmers. Probably, then China will see it.

There is a saying in India - wise sees things before it happens, the learned sees things when it happens and less intelligent people cannot see even after it happens.
Just like Tibet belongs to monks!


The Song, Ming and Yang dynasties held different parts of China ...

:smitten: teaching me Chinese history, uh? Well bless your good heart, laddy :cheers:. And what is this "Yang" dynasty, btw?

You are not a "pundit", are you? :azn:

Anyways, Tibet will get what Tibet is due. How do you know behind-the-scene negotiations are not ongoing for DL to claim an auspicious strip to do his high-grade autonomy thing in a "Vatican-in-Lhasa"?

You don't, and neither do I.

Everything is a compromise. DL can ask for his "Greater Tibet" all day long ...

BTW, don't compare Kashmir to Tibet - the proper comparison with Kashmir is Taiwan, although I will not elaborate on this further here.

The analogy to Tibet is Khalistan, Raj - and you know that already even as an "Indo-American".

Compare domestic unrests with domestic unrests. And compare international disputes with international disputes.

You can handle that, can't you?
A little humour does go a long way - yeah, how many "pundits" and how much did they "loose"?
Dont belittle tragic historical incidents...People who are forced to move out of their homes and are forced to start life afresh deserve that much respect atleast..
All kiddings on pandit tragedies aside - at some point, you may realize that an independent Kashmir is not really such a bad thing.

And your basis for such sound suggestion???

BTW, don't compare Kashmir to Tibet - the proper comparison with Kashmir is Taiwan, although I will not elaborate on this further here.
So if i go by above logic of yours an independent Taiwan is not really such a bad thing...right????
When was the last time the Prime Minister of India visited Indian Occupied Kashmir and personally talked with Kashmiri students so openly like the Prime Minister of Pakistan has in Azad Kashmir.

Kashmiris have way more in common with Pakistanis than they ever can have with Indians.
Kashmiris and Pakistanis are one family.
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A little humour does go a long way - yeah, how many "pundits" and how much did they "loose"?

All kiddings on pandit tragedies aside - at some point, you may realize that an independent Kashmir is not really such a bad thing.

Well we can tell this things about Tibet,Taiwan and Uighur too right??see the link below.you will know what they lost and how much..

Ethnic Cleansing in Kashmir, Three Pundits Killed
Terrorism: Kashmiri Pundits, Forgotten Community | NowPublic News Coverage
India is very aggressive those days,specially recently adopted confrontational policy with China. First moving army along chinese border, open new air field. Then planning to take Dalai Lama to Arunchal Paradesh, that's where India cross the limit and China has no other way to offer visa to Kashmiries. China tried his best to be impartial " politically" at Kashmir issue, but Indian policy has drag inn China and became a part of this issue. Now China is openly came up to fight for its national interest, where India has no regional advantage, because major partner of regional economic policy are China and Pakistan. Indian getting their support from far lands of Europe,which is already abstaining itself,because of their own economic issues and sudden economic meltdown. As far as China, Pakistan is his key ally. China will never sacrifice its route to middle east , Afirca or short cut to Europe for billion dollar trade with India.
But giving China trade surplus will never help India anyway. May be it was test policy of India by letting Chinese approach to their markets and once they start taking away profit, then India will start it demands. But unfortunately it looks like everything back fire.
Where recent advice from Bill Clinton, where he said India need to stop its heavy defence spending and try to compete with China.
A lot of this is instigated by USA, they have no leverage against China and they are trying to groom India in that direction, their other allies are no matches or peace loving chickens, Australia and Japan and S.korea are the only other choices USA has.
dear indians,
if you say that Kashmir is yours,then why are you killing them,and if you realy think that kashmir's people want to join india then what is your amry,which is more than 7 lakh,is doing there.lastly,I think when ever times come for referendum over kashmir by Kashmirs INDIA CRYS
:smitten: teaching me Chinese history, uh? Well bless your good heart, laddy :cheers:. And what is this "Yang" dynasty, btw?

You are not a "pundit", are you? :azn:

Anyways, Tibet will get what Tibet is due. How do you know behind-the-scene negotiations are not ongoing for DL to claim an auspicious strip to do his high-grade autonomy thing in a "Vatican-in-Lhasa"?

You don't, and neither do I.

Everything is a compromise. DL can ask for his "Greater Tibet" all day long ...

BTW, don't compare Kashmir to Tibet - the proper comparison with Kashmir is Taiwan, although I will not elaborate on this further here.

The analogy to Tibet is Khalistan, Raj - and you know that already even as an "Indo-American".

Compare domestic unrests with domestic unrests. And compare international disputes with international disputes.

You can handle that, can't you?

Respectfully sir, I disagree.

Taiwan-to-Kashmir - isnt that comical? You compare a nation that desperately not want to join so-called Chinese union to Kashmir. Let me break the logic for you so that you can see your fallacy!

# J&K is governed by India via democratic elections. Taiwan has democratic elections but they are not in Chinese-senate. :)
# Taiwan desperately arming itself to fend off China by having state-of-art weapons and having US warships on its soil.
# Taiwan used to have permanent seat until China was reseated during the Coldwar for fulfilling US interests. (compare that India and Kashmir :) )
# Kashmir people can live anywhere in India, Chinese will need a visa to go to Taiwan.

I think it would beneficial to read more news and understand what is going in the world other than reading Asia times.

Now, regarding your argument for Tibet people living in India. India allows refugees - that is the state policy. These monks are living in India with no consequence to China. There are no terrorists with them that explode(!)

So as a Indian refugee, they have rights to move anywhere in the country. India is governed by constitution and every individual is empowered with those rights. India does not need China to tell us how run our country. I am sure more than a billion people concur.

Free thought is exercised in India. If China has difficulty working with free media, it should not consider other states will follow as it works with its media. How pathetic you guys are banned watching even youtube - God forbid you know what is really happening in your own country.
China's Response= :rofl::rofl: .The projects are already inked with China.Besides, WHAT can India do if China does not stop?

1)So simple. Keeping a nation of 1.15 billion at stake is far better than kicking a freaken 50 billion dollar trade with China.

2)Attesting the Free Tibet claim and supporting Dalai Lama.Let them burn the chinese ambasador and the embassy ,we dont give a crap.

3)Train AP people and tibetans in guerrilla warfare as like China is doing to the NE militants against Indian interests..

4)Provide nukes to Taiwan as like China did to Pakistan.

5)Provide nukes and missiles to vietnam as like China did to B`desh

6)Suspend all the chinese business in India and keep the diplomatic agreement in the furnace.

7)Support Xinjian minorities with weapons and monetary.

8)Make chinese feel that the shipping through IOR will be a nightmare .
9)Start deploying subs in the partially leased base on the far east of russia.

10)So far India is not in the China`s road to the future.but India will be poking in each and every sense it finds a spot.

So far India experienced everything right from wars,corruption,poverty,riches,......... but China apart from the authoritarian rule after its new birth only experienced the high end.The day India starts doing these,Chinese will find no land to hide themself.

Mind one thing.

Dont poke a sleeping lion.The politicians of India might be assholes, but not its citizens.
India is very aggressive those days,specially recently adopted confrontational policy with China. First moving army along chinese border, open new air field. Then planning to take Dalai Lama to Arunchal Paradesh, that's where India cross the limit and China has no other way to offer visa to Kashmiries. China tried his best to be impartial " politically" at Kashmir issue, but Indian policy has drag inn China and became a part of this issue. Now China is openly came up to fight for its national interest, where India has no regional advantage, because major partner of regional economic policy are China and Pakistan. Indian getting their support from far lands of Europe,which is already abstaining itself,because of their own economic issues and sudden economic meltdown. As far as China, Pakistan is his key ally. China will never sacrifice its route to middle east , Afirca or short cut to Europe for billion dollar trade with India.
But giving China trade surplus will never help India anyway. May be it was test policy of India by letting Chinese approach to their markets and once they start taking away profit, then India will start it demands. But unfortunately it looks like everything back fire.
Where recent advice from Bill Clinton, where he said India need to stop its heavy defence spending and try to compete with China.

I concur India is becoming aggressive in the following manner:
# By violating international borders and painting on the rocks
# Issuing Indian visas to Chinese on a toilet paper rather than on a passport.
# Spending as much as 2.6% GDP compare to meager 4.4% and 5% GDP compared to its neighbors.
# Trying to settle talks on water-sharing with other smaller country by talking rather than invading.
# Aggressively moves to oppose loan to develop infrastructure in its country.
# Providing weapons to all its neighbours.
# Developing deep water ports for China's neighbours by paying almost all the costs from its own pocket.

With so much provaction, how can China not invade Arunchal Pradesh? They would have invaded but wanted to give India a last chance you see!
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