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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Agnostic, why was the name of the thread changed to Azad Kashmir? I thought the policy on this forum was to post articles the way it is represented on news sites? I call censorship!
Agnostic, why was the name of the thread changed to Azad Kashmir? I thought the policy on this forum was to post articles the way it is represented on news sites? I call censorship!

The policy of the forum is to also censor the word P-o-K, and typically any variations on it.

You may disagree with that policy being an Indian, but that is the policy of the forum.
Agnostic, why was the name of the thread changed to Azad Kashmir? I thought the policy on this forum was to post articles the way it is represented on news sites? I call censorship!

Ask the majority of people if they think that it should be called azad kashmir or *** and i will guarantee the majority will choose azad kashmir.......now try the same thing in IOK and the majority would say that they are under occupation.
Do the people in Arunachal Pradesh accept the term "indian occupied china" or do they you think the would call themself indian and say that Arunachal Pradesh is indian?.......its what the people of kashmir think that counts and not what the indians choose on calling them that is important.
Seriously this crying by India viz viz bringing Kashmir into Indo-China current parnoid attaitude by Indian orange media and some equally paranoid Indians, is wiered specially when India has no guts to deal China over border disputes.

It is more amusing that how Indians are busy in demonising Pakistan and your media is creating more fuss about nothing by accusing China of intrusions every now and then, But China quitely is developing good road network arround AP and Tawang.

So better you focus on your own issue instead of throwing you anger on Pakistan just because you cant deal with China
When was the last time Kashmir was part of India??????????????

get over your Orange media and your orange minded politicians who always do poom poom poo

Truth is, every intelligent person on Earth familiar with India-Pak relations KNOWS that during the division the land with majority of Muslims was to become Pakistan, and the land with the majority of Hindus was to become India! And since Kashmir is almost 100% Muslim, it is naturally NOT part of India -- hence the illegal occupation.

If Bharat complies with their obligation to hold a pleiscibite than it is obvious an astonishing vast majority of Kashmiris would vote to be part of Pakistan, and an even greater number would vote to be FREE from Bharat's strangulation. :sniper:
Truth is, every intelligent person on Earth familiar with India-Pak relations KNOWS that during the division the land with majority of Muslims was to become Pakistan, and the land with the majority of Hindus was to become India! And since Kashmir is almost 100% Muslim, it is naturally NOT part of India -- hence the illegal occupation.

If Bharat complies with their obligation to hold a pleiscibite than it is obvious an astonishing vast majority of Kashmiris would vote to be part of Pakistan, and an even greater number would vote to be FREE from Bharat's strangulation. :sniper:

:) We know it. But asking some other country not to cooperate with other independent countries is like crying over split milk.

In case of this funny statement well Chinese must be laughing at India, as if this statement will affect the Chinese health.

On the other hand i feel India is trying to get attention and drag China into Kashmir issue and if China has become part of this Kashmir issue activly well i think things will be changed to Indian unease further :china:
2007/04——2008/03 India-China trade nears $37.8 billion

China’s exports to India

1、electrical machinery and equipment($7.6 billion )
2、Non-electric machinery and equipment($3.2billion )
3、Steel and iron ($1.9billion )
4、Organic chemical industry ($1.7billion )
5、Coal, coke class ($1.2billion )

India’s exports to China

1、Iron ore ($5.3billion )
2、Cotton ($1billion )
3、Other minerals ($1billion )
4、Non-ferrous metal (0.4billion)
5、Plastic and linoleum product (0.33billion)

Fact of the matter is Bharat needs the World much more than the world needs Bharat. Bharat is the greater beneficiary in Sino-Indo relations, and as such have the most to lose from deterioration. There are nearly two hundred nations on Earth, and guess which one nation has about the SAME NUMBER OF SEVERELY poor as the rest combined?

Sino assistance and trade is instrumental for Bharat's subsistence, without which it will continue to rot away. It is like you are starving, someone comes with good intentions to your assistance and gives you food, you spit the food out complaining it doesn't suit your 'tastes'. How reasonable is that? :hitwall:
Fact of the matter is Bharat needs the World much more than the world needs Bharat. Bharat is the greater beneficiary in Sino-Indo relations, and as such have the most to lose from deterioration. There are nearly two hundred nations on Earth, and guess which one nation has about the SAME NUMBER OF SEVERELY poor as the rest combined?

Sino assistance and trade is instrumental for Bharat's subsistence, without which it will continue to rot away. It is like you are starving, someone comes with good intentions to your assistance and gives you food, you spit the food out complaining it doesn't suit your 'tastes'. How reasonable is that? :hitwall:

It is a stupid example, but for a reply :

If the giver of the food has ' ulterior' motives to the food he ' gives', it is better to starve to death than allow your self respect to be trod over or sell your land .
Truth is, every intelligent person on Earth familiar with India-Pak relations KNOWS that during the division the land with majority of Muslims was to become Pakistan, and the land with the majority of Hindus was to become India! And since Kashmir is almost 100% Muslim, it is naturally NOT part of India -- hence the illegal occupation.

If Bharat complies with their obligation to hold a plebiscite than it is obvious an astonishing vast majority of Kashmiris would vote to be part of Pakistan, and an even greater number would vote to be FREE from Bharat's strangulation. :sniper:

How about plebiscite in Urmaqui? Kashmir is not 100% muslim, get your facts straight.

Right so india is oppressing muslims how? By denying them RIGHT to hold Quran or by denying them RIGHT to Namaz or by denying them RIGHT to visit Macca?

Kashmir is Integral part of india. India has adopted a very good policy of wait and watch and delaying the solution. Each day, difference between pakistan and india's economy and military is growing. We are waiting for India to become UNSC member and kill that kashmir resolution. About time india makes UN its bi**h like ICC
How about plebiscite in Urmaqui? Kashmir is not 100% muslim, get your facts straight.

Right so india is oppressing muslims how? By denying them RIGHT to hold Quran or by denying them RIGHT to Namaz or by denying them RIGHT to visit Macca?

Kashmir is Integral part of india. India has adopted a very good policy of wait and watch and delaying the solution. Each day, difference between pakistan and india's economy and military is growing. We are waiting for India to become UNSC member and kill that kashmir resolution.

Kashmir was not never been part of India. India is an occupying brutal outside that is killing hundreds of innocent Kashmiri women, childern and men and raping innocent Kashmiri women.

Your guilty Indian army soldiers are committing suicide out of guilt or either killing own fellows.

On the other hand oppression of Muslims in India is not new.

---------- Post added at 10:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 PM ----------

It is a stupid example, but for a reply :

If the giver of the food has ' ulterior' motives to the food he ' gives', it is better to starve to death than allow your self respect to be trod over or sell your land .

So when is India going to serve its trade ties with China?
Just ask the people of Azad Kashmir if they would rather be part of India than be part of Pakistan.

Indians know they wont be able to handle Azad Kashmir. There's no one in Pakistan who hates India more than Kashmiris do. Indians just dont want to see any kind of benefit for Pakistan.
Truth is, every intelligent person on Earth familiar with India-Pak relations KNOWS that during the division the land with majority of Muslims was to become Pakistan, and the land with the majority of Hindus was to become India! And since Kashmir is almost 100% Muslim, it is naturally NOT part of India -- hence the illegal occupation.

If Bharat complies with their obligation to hold a pleiscibite than it is obvious an astonishing vast majority of Kashmiris would vote to be part of Pakistan, and an even greater number would vote to be FREE from Bharat's strangulation. :sniper:

Kashmir was ruled by a Hindu King named Hari Singh, when Pakistani forces tried to accede Kashmir to Pakistan in 1947. Upon Lord Mountbatten's advice Hari Singh joined the Indian Republic and Indian Forces made sure that is the case.

Also, after Pakistan started sponsoring terrorism in Kashmir, millions of Kashmiri Pandits were displaced. They are still displaced.

You either have no knowledge of history, or a mental case, just rubbishing your tongue for the sake of it!!!
Just ask the people of Azad Kashmir if they would rather be part of India than be part of Pakistan.

Indians know they wont be able to handle Azad Kashmir. There's no one in Pakistan who hates India more than Kashmiris do. Indians just dont want to see any kind of benefit for Pakistan.

Dude, we don't need to ask anything to anyone. We don't ask people living in Mumbai, if they want to be a part of India or otherwise. We didn't ask Baloch Rebels the same. Same goes for Kashmir. Period.
Dude, we don't need to ask anything to anyone. We don't ask people living in Mumbai, if they want to be a part of India or otherwise. We didn't ask Baloch Rebels the same. Same goes for Kashmir. Period.

No the same doesn't go for Kashmir because unlike Balochistan, Kashmir is a DISPUTED TERRITORY, its recognized by the UN and the entire international community as a DISPUTED TERRITORY. Line of Control is not International Borders.

Best way to correct the disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir is to ask the people belonging to the disputed territory which one do they prefer India or Pakistan and just give the entire disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir to the country the people of the disputed region want to belong to.

Until then, our friend China is welcomed everywhere in Pakistan, including Azad Kashmir.

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. We are waiting for India to become UNSC member and kill that kashmir resolution. About time india makes UN its bi**h like ICC

And you indians wonder why the rest of South Asia is paranoid about India's deceitful habits :disagree:
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