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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Why is this thread not closed. The news is anyway of not of interest to many.

@ 2 mods who are in stealth mode..

please ban the Ips of these spammers without further delays.

LOL, you really think IP banning works? If someone really wants to troll, no one can prevent it. No one. The internet is like that.
Asim, I dont like your comment on indian army as an army of (*(&)*&*

It is not expected from a moderator... it is nothing but flame bait....

The way this thread moderation been done is terrible...
Asim, I dont like your comment on indian army as an army of (*(&)*&*

It is not expected from a moderator... it is nothing but flame bait....

The way this thread moderation been done is terrible...
Well nobody likes being called terrorists either. Perhaps you shouldn't have opened up this can of worms to begin with?
bloggers gone bonkers.. maybe there is a lesson needs to be learned here by PDF admins. when you take a biased stand & ban those who try to genuinly argue their point, you end up bringing the thread to disrepute. maybe if the mods take a slight bipartisan attitude towards all posters without looking at their country flags, we might not come to this point where a forum is brought down to such a low & do not give the frustrated lot a opertunity to go bizerk!!
bloggers gone bonkers.. maybe there is a lesson needs to be learned here by PDF admins. when you take a biased stand & ban those who try to genuinly argue their point, you end up bringing the thread to disrepute. maybe if the mods take a slight bipartisan attitude towards all posters without looking at their country flags, we might not come to this point where a forum is brought down to such a low & do not give the frustrated lot a opertunity to go bizerk!!

Actually I think the 'flag' ought to be removed altogether. It will go a long way.
bloggers gone bonkers.. maybe there is a lesson needs to be learned here by PDF admins. when you take a biased stand & ban those who try to genuinly argue their point, you end up bringing the thread to disrepute. maybe if the mods take a slight bipartisan attitude towards all posters without looking at their country flags, we might not come to this point where a forum is brought down to such a low & do not give the frustrated lot a opertunity to go bizerk!!

Instead of bullying, advice the indians, they should start following defence.pk rules.
Good Riddance..
Congrats to indian army for giving him the slow death in a mosque and not blasting the gates of mosque and killing him..

---------- Post added at 04:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:48 PM ----------

Good Riddance..
Congrats to indian army for giving him the slow death in a mosque and not blasting the gates of mosque and killing him..
Freedom demands blood.


The enemies of Freedom do not argue; they shout and they shoot.

Provide links to support your claim.

Why do you need Links when I have referred to the PAKISTAN CENSUS 1951!

Or do you not have faith in Pakistan Government Publications?

Also check the Bangladesh Census fro 1951 to 2001!

First things first (the main theme) - Regarding genocide of the Hindus in Kashmir:

K P S Gill: The Kashmiri Pandits: An Ethnic Cleansing the World Forgot

WHITE PAPER ON KASHMIR -------Chapter 4 Genocide of Hindus-----ETHNIC CLEANSING

Aronite thinking- Ethnic Cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits

Take your time,read through these and get back to me whether this can or cannot be called "Ethinic cleansing/Genocide".

For further reading google "Ethinic cleansing in Kashmir" and you ll get dozens and dozens of poignant accounts.

After all these do you expect any Indian to support these fundamentalists,who now cry of excesses, after all they have done?

The Kashmiri Muslims themselves chose the path of the gun way back in the 90s and did all kinds of intimidation on the minorities..Now what moral right do they have to protest when they are paid back in the same coin


Regarding Indian "invasion" of Junagadh,how many times it has been clarified that it was the father of ZAB who himself called in the Indian forces because Pakistan was "unable" to quell the unrest,before he fleed to Pakistan himself.

In today's world Might is right.

Thirdly regarding Extra judicial killings - of course when there is a counter insurgency going on against a "cross-border" patronised insurgency there will be collateral damage.

Tell me one insurgency in the world which did not suffer any collateral damage and all the casualties were strictly either the Sec. forces or the insurgents.

But the good thing is with insurgency at an alltime low accountability of the Sec forces is more and more implemented and soon it will be free of all this accusations.

And again for your argument that many doctors in India itself said it was **** - there are enough ppl in both our country who will do anything it takes to hog the lime-light,even if it goers against the ethics of their profession.

Lastly on the right to self-determination,the Kashmiris are not some god's chosen ppl who will get all they demand.Believe me if all the people of this world were to get a chance at this "Right to self-determination",you and me have to study Geography once more to re-learn the maps of the world.

Your claim of ethnic cleansing is just an extremely exaggerated and invalid claim the sole purpose of which is to simply malign the Muslim Population of Kashmir and justify whatever brutality they are subjected to.

However we may look at it, the fact remains that the Kashmir Valley was overwhelmingly Muslim more than a century ago and remains so today, this rules out any barbaric ethnic cleansing which has made Muslims into majority via carnage and bloody murder.
The population percentages have been fairly consistent with 1901.

Now regarding your following statement
The Kashmiri Muslims themselves chose the path of the gun way back in the 90s and did all kinds of intimidation on the minorities..Now what moral right do they have to protest when they are paid back in the same coin

There is no better way than to authorize state brutality than by sending troops and police in with the indoctrination that the local population needs to paid in their own coin since they have always been doing wrong unto others and are traitors towards the state.
The Kashmiris are no traitors, they simply had no say in the accession of Kashmir to India and have become more and more isolated due to mishandling of the issue.

Regarding Junagadh, i do not care whoever it was that wrote a letter.
The matter of accession was to be decided by the ruler, yet here the ruler was Muslim and the Non Muslim population was cited as a reason for India to demand a plebiscite.
When the Ruler of Junagadh decided in favor of Pakistan the Indian State seized the land anyways.
So effectively the population mattered in the end and this has been proven by history since Kashmir is the one place where the Indian state has failed to appease the local population.
The reason is that there is an overwhelming Muslim majority here which has not reconciled with India but rather has become more and more alienated due to a troubled history with a lot of empty promises.

You talk of collateral but the concept of collateral has long been lost when Kashmir as a whole is seen as a nest of extremists.

The mindset here is that most Kashmiris are extremist, violent and terrorists or sympathetic to such , so it is lovely to pay them back in their own coin.
You have defined a whole people as the enemy because majority of them are not at all in love with India but rather have a strong dislike for the Indian state apparatus which has been wronging them on many accounts.
Here most of the population feels wronged by the Indian state, so it is not a case of rescuing the population from some insurgents but rather a standoff between the locals and the State apparatus.

Regarding the all time low insurgency resulting in more and more accountability of Troops...you could not be more wrong.
When you avidly deny occurrences of r ape and torture despite judicial inquiries stating otherwise, you absolutely negate the purpose of accountability and reconciliation with the locals.

The Kashmiris who protest are thrashed around since they are anti Indian Muslim extremists with an agenda.
Those whose daughter, wives etc are raped are called separatists with an agenda who are trying to entice population against the Indian state.
Those who raise arms are all called terrorists who are terrorizing the locals at behest of Pakistan, yet no light is shed on the Indian policy breeding hatred which is evident in the streets of Kashmir.
Who is the state protecting in Kashmir and from whom?

Only a fool would think that no Kashmiri youth would take up arms in wake of all the injustices and cover ups happening in the valley.
Overall this is called a Pakistani sponsored movement so that all punitive actions are justified without accepting the Kashmiri Population's Standoff with the State as the major problem in Kashmir.

When there is zero percent recognition of the genuine Kashmiri Muslim sentiments and instead tales are fabricated about their past brutality against non Muslims, there is no hope but for the rapes, killings and torture to continue unchecked and be swept under the carpet.
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