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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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By the way did you do some kind of search / research before you started your yellow / orange rhetoric again.

Please be open otherwise whats point in having these discussions if we build a iron wall around our brains. Whats is so devastating in the news. If you have someone at you home trying to take you hostage will you not try and do something to save yourself.

Well I had heard and that is also which my education afforded me all these years is that the Orange color is copyrighted for the Dutch !!!!:devil:
dont stoop to such low level - for no reason and no person. i will never accept killing of even a single - paksitani in the name of relgion or jihad - by talebani or blochi or indian raw or any islamic religious organization.

i will never support talebani or bloch. its their own internal matter and if there is any problem going on in pakistan - the answer can not be lifting a gun.

the soultion can only be through peace.

i hope to see same - view from paksitanis . these so called jihadi on all the sides of paksitan .

kashmri , taleban , bloch are not fightign for relgion they are just following violence for their political gain. You can never get heard - with the guns - a peace ful march will give you respect . and a bulelt will only make a worth less piece of shyt terrorist.

I am sorry but you are way off the mark ..your accepting or not accepting certain facts do not change the truth.

Balochistan and Sindh are Pakistan's soft underbellies and there is no denying fact, and that has been because of their own misguided developmental programs over the six decades.

May I suggest your going through plenty of material freely avialable over the world wide web on Baloch and Balochis?

It is nt a recent phenomenon ..it has been in vogue since the creating of Pakistan...over the last six decades.

Please dont let me mistrust your sanity...please do not forget that the Kashmiri freedom struggle began only in 1988-1989 ...and that too as a direct result of Islamization of Pakistan and the military ...thanks to Gen Zia...

But ..Baloch unrest is in vogue since much longer....

And lastly I hope I am not dealing with someone from the UPA government of today with no "Clear" foreign policy and unable to take firms stands on vital strategic issues...

Jai Hind

And a solution which is peaceful ..you are talking unifying Ice and Fire....
so you admit that kashmirs want freedom

Where did I say that?

I just said that the lady and public at large knows now that these are no freedom fighter , they are terrorists which abrupt there lives and cause violence in there region.

And you know one thing the fight for freedom is never outsourced , if some one comes from across the border and says he is freedom fighter for them, they will get this.
if you know kashmirs vote those leaders who will talk about kashmirs right in indian parliament to stop killing kashmirs Muslims...

I will try to rephrase it for you.

Kashmiri Brothers sisters, Like any there state of India, vote in millions to choose a federal and state government for them so that they get a representative who looks after there needs under Indian constitution.
Back to topic bickering brothers:

Rukhsana inspires, girls demand arms training
Sat, Oct 3 10:40 AM

Rajouri, Oct. 2 -- Eighteen-year-old Rukhsana has become an icon of bravery for teenaged girls in this laid-back town that was once under the perennial fear of the terrorist's gun.

Some girls said they want to be trained to use guns to deal with terrorists the way Rukhsana did when three of them barged into her house on Sunday night. Their heroine, who had never used a gun before, hit a top Lashkar-e-Tayyeba terrorist with an axe and then shot him dead with his own AK-47 assault rifle after he and two others beat her parents up.

The two other terrorists fled from Rukhsana. "If she can do it, so can we.

Rukhsana has shown us the way. Now I feel girls should be given arms training so that we can take on terrorists ourselves," said 18-year-old Sonia Tabassum, a class 12 student at a government school in Rajouri district, 160 km northeast of Jammu.

Sonia, who hails from Rukhsana's village, travels 20 km to go to school. Said Shehnaz Bhatt, another class 12 student from the same school, "Rukhsana has proved that girls are second to none and can face any difficulty.

She has instilled a new courage in me. If she can handle a gun and shoot a terrorist dead without any training, imagine what we girls can do if we get formal arms training.

She is my hero and I will follow her." The girls' faces redden with anger when they're asked how they feel when terrorists, professing to be waging jihad or a holy war, kill people and rape young women.

"It's no jihad. Is killing human beings and raping women a jihad? They should be dealt with in the way Rukhsana treated them or they should be hanged publicly," said class 11 student Payal Khajuria.
International Islamic body appoints Kashmir envoy
Sat, Oct 3 11:25 AM

New York, Oct. 2 -- Pakistan has been able to get the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) involved in the Kashmir dispute once again.

The OIC, a group of 57 predominantly Muslim countries, which promotes Muslim solidarity in political, social and economic matters, has appointed a Special Envoy on Kashmir, Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman, a Saudi Arabian official, who is expected to endorse Pakistan's viewpoint on Kashmir in international forums. The envoy may not even be allowed to visit Jammu and Kashmir if any such request is made, Indian diplomatic sources told Hindustan Times.

India may have refused to discuss Kashmir during External Affairs Minister SM Krishna's meeting with his Pakistani counterpart SM Qureshi last Sunday, when they met on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meet. But there was no way it could prevent the issue from being brought into focus, what with Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, chairperson of Kashmir's separatist All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) addressing a 'contact group' of the OIC on Monday.

"We believe the OIC appointing a special envoy on Kashmir is a significant development," said the Mirwaiz. "We want Muslim countries to use their good offices to persuade India to work on Kashmir.

" The OIC contact group the Mirwaiz addressed included the foreign ministers of Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria, as well as the Prime Minister of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan. Earlier he had also met Pakistan Prime Minister Asif Zardari and Foreign Minister Qureshi separately.

Hindustan Times
hmmm... the new super power has taken things seriously :rofl:.. maybe they want to settle the Kashmir dispute.....

we should return their gesture offering to resolve the question of Tibet's sovereignty :china:

India already tried by giving shelter and helping Dali Lama and his gang in india. But that move failed miserably.

Lets see what india can do about it other than words.
Must be many motive behind that. And after 60 year China showed its reservation in open forum. Its not just visa but a message for India, that Kashmir dispute third partner is China. So it sound Kashmir dispute has four partners, Kashmiri,Pak,India and silent partner China.

frist positive, signs after indian posting of its VERY...dangerous ! AIR ASSETS near to china! or what?;):lol::pakistan::china::whistle:
hmmm... the new super power has taken things seriously :rofl:.. maybe they want to settle the Kashmir dispute.....

we should return their gesture offering to resolve the question of Tibet's sovereignty :china:

The entire international community recognizes Kashmir as a disputed territory. Search Kashmir and you will read that is a DISPUTED territory between Pakistan and India.

Line of Control is not International borders.

Then search for Tibet, its recognized by the entire international community as part of China. On neutral maps, Tibet is not surrounded by dotted lines like Kashmir is usually. China's International borders covers Tibet unlike Kashmir where its only surrounded by Line of Control.
india has been working hard to earn this and they deserve such strike back. we need to give a lesson to our lovely neighbor india and make it no mistake to this neo-nazi in Asia that we will not tolerant such a neo-nazi.

just have a look what is going on recently.

1. india first lodged an application to the world development bank for funding to the development project in south tibet. we took the south tibet back after the 1962 war, the then PM of india wrote to China and asked a nurture zone to be implemented in the current south tibet region. as a friendly response, we agreed, withdraw all our troops.

what is going on now? india is claiming that area and sending more and more troops.

2. india has been publishing those "we are going to be invaded by China in xx years" craps for months. what is the motivation behind?

I am happy to see the move by my government and I hope they can make it clear to india that the whole Kashmir must be part of Pakistan. india can choose to obey the rule, or we can make it to obey the rule.

here is a photo took around 8 weeks ago in the Xining train station, the type-96 tanks are being transported the border to look after our indian friends. the type-96 is very similar to Pakistan's Al-Khalid.

Must be many motive behind that. And after 60 year China showed its reservation in open forum. Its not just visa but a message for India, that Kashmir dispute third partner is China. So it sound Kashmir dispute has four partners, Kashmiri,Pak,India and silent partner China.

this matter should be resolved by Kashmiri and Pak.

China is there to make sure india gets nothing more than dream.
Where did I say that?

I just said that the lady and public at large knows now that these are no freedom fighter , they are terrorists which abrupt there lives and cause violence in there region.

And you know one thing the fight for freedom is never outsourced , if some one comes from across the border and says he is freedom fighter for them, they will get this.

try to understand that kashmirs do n t want to be with India. If the guy killed in kashmir is freedom fighter so called "terrorist" according to Indian then it dose make any sence.
this matter should be resolved by Kashmiri and Pak.

China is there to make sure india gets nothing more than dream.


Why you kep on calling Indians neo nazis...it doesnt make a difference but just to understand your perspective.

I can understand your love for Pakistan but why are you so much anti India. You are worse than the Pakistani friends here as India and pakistanis have enough reason to go at each other.

You have a problem with every thing we do ....I understand China has come a long way and we are no where close to that and Indian government has not made any public statement that we want to become a super power.Like any self respecting nationals Indians also express their views and some times go over board like all other nationals. In your comments their is hatered for everything Indian,so want to know why so from a Chinese perspective.

As a emerging world power you have the right full place in the list of nations and with this attitude I don't think you are ready for that. The attitude that you show now would have been OK 30 years back. Today you should be involved in a more mature role so that all asian nations look up to you with respect.

Be it India or China no one should think they can rule the world alone.We are one billion strong and together we may be a good 40+ percent of the world . I can see only opportunity here but we were to live in a atmosphere of hate and mistrust it oportunity for others. You are a greying nation in 20 years 60% of your population will be above 60 and below 15. This is the advantage of staying together as a block so that we have our pluses and minuses balanced out.

A small Taiwan can creat so much of angst for you inspite of all your size and influence. In the new world order we can all create problems for our neibghours but in the process we are creating a bigger problems for ourselves as we have the western world looking over our shoulder to exploit any misunderstandings.

I feel there can be great cooperation between us not as a senior or junior partner but as two self respecting countries with long cultural and historical background.Please respond if you are a chinese ....ignore if you are one of those imposters.

Why you kep on calling Indians neo nazis...it doesnt make a difference but just to understand your perspective.

I didn't read your long post. but I am more than happy to ask your above question.

1. india media is publishing "China is going to invade us in xx years" craps. as a Chinese, I have to ask what is the motivation. There is no such crap from our media, never.

2. Kashmir belongs to Pakistan. One day if Pakistan choose to let Kashmiri to gain independence, that is up to all people of Pakistan. No matter what happens, Kashmir doesn't belong to india.

3. Sure, india won the wars in the past and thus gained some control of Kashmir. that is called illegal occupation and thus invalid. because by applying the logic of "I can win the war and thus take your land", then our PLA can occupy Mumbai and make it our land.

back to the topic of this thread, for some basic fact which you can not deny - Kashmir is currently a disputed area thus people living in some part of Kashmir currently under india's administration are not indian citizens, their indian passport is thus NOT recognized by the government of China. under such policy, we had this visa issue. the same policy also applies to the people of south tibet, their indian passport will never be recognized.
China Never Accepted Kashmir as a Part of India

But India Accepted Tibet as a Part of China as Exchange for recognition of Sikkim By China ....

So Tibet cannot be brought in any Kashmir Issue

Kashmir is a Disputed Territory to a World ..so stop calling it a integral part of INDIA
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