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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Any one going against the writ of Indian govt. is a traitor and they need to be shot dead, if any one is not interested in staying in india, they are welcome to go out and settle in anyplace they like.

Kashmir is indian terrority and it cannot be changed by writing BS about the so called atrocities.
NEW DELHI: India has lodged a formal protest with Beijing over a new practice of issuing special Chinese visas for residents of Indian-administered Kashmir, which is viewed by China as disputed territory.

'We have conveyed our well-justified concern to the Chinese government,' India's foreign ministry spokesman Vishnu Prakash said Friday.

'It is our considered view and position that there should be no discrimination against visa applicants of Indian nationality on the grounds of domicile or ethnicity,' Prakash said.

For the past several months, Kashmiris applying to the Chinese embassy in New Delhi have received visas issued on loose sheets of paper and stapled - rather than stamped - into their passports.

The practice has resulted in some being prevented from boarding their flights by Indian immigration officials on the grounds that the visas are not valid.

'They said the stapled visa was not acceptable to India,' said Shuja Altaf, a Kashmiri businessman who tried to travel to the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou last month with a colleague.

'Both of us missed the flight,' Altaf told reporters in the Kashmiri summer capital Srinagar.

China has offered no explanation for the special visas, which some Indian officials view as an example of gratuitous trouble-making.

'From time to time, China indulges in mischief,' said Saifuddin Soz, a senior Kashmiri leader from India's ruling Congress party.

Kashmir has been the subject of a bitter territorial dispute between India and Pakistan for decades. The region is currently divided between the South Asian rivals by a Line of Control and has been the trigger for two full-scale wars.

China is also a party to the dispute in that it lays claim to a slice of Indian-administered Kashmir, while India says China is illegally holding part of its territory.

One Kashmiri student, who declined to be named, complained that the visa spat had prevented him taking up an admission place at Shanghai University.

'If China is issuing special visa to Kashmiris, it is not our fault. We are being made scapegoats in a diplomatic row between India and China,' he said.
Finally China is recognizing importance of political move in the geo political stage, which had largely been absent from Chinese doctrine.

This is good for Kashmiris and good for justice.
Is the implication behind not stamping the visa for Kashmiris on the Indian passport that Kashmir is disputed and not Indian territory?
Must be many motive behind that. And after 60 year China showed its reservation in open forum. Its not just visa but a message for India, that Kashmir dispute third partner is China. So it sound Kashmir dispute has four partners, Kashmiri,Pak,India and silent partner China.
Is the implication behind not stamping the visa for Kashmiris on the Indian passport that Kashmir is disputed and not Indian territory?

Apparently so. That raises a lot of questions.

Does one country's view make a whole lot of difference to change accepted international norms?

Does that not mean China is meddling in India's internal matter?

What are the immediate and long term geopolitical implications for such an act? Is it a short term diplomatic victory?

How would Pak Govt react given numerous previous instances where GoP almost always supported GoI in S. Asian matters?

Though internationalization of kashmir issue is GoP's agenda, would the Kashmiri Hurriyat and kashmiris - the real people in question here- welcome this move by China?

Does this set a precedent of issuing 'special' visas for people claiming domicile in disputed/restive/freedom demanding areas like say Golan Heights, or Basque or Tibet or Cyprus or Gibraltor or Balochinstan etc etc.? What if India and subsequently other countries start issuing 'special' visas for Tibetans - (think about Hollywood's pull on Obama's White House)?

How would the world member countries react?
What were the chinese doing from indian independence until now.
Why the sudden change in visas being issued to kashmir domiciled citizens ?

India should pay them in the same coin and start issuing similar visas to tibetians
hmmm... the new super power has taken things seriously :rofl:.. maybe they want to settle the Kashmir dispute.....

we should return their gesture offering to resolve the question of Tibet's sovereignty :china:
'If China is issuing special visa to Kashmiris, it is not our fault. We are being made scapegoats in a diplomatic row between India and China,' he said.

Good point. Why take it out on the Kashmiris?
Tell you very interesting theory.

Fear is used to deter genuine voters from coming to polling booth and its been used for long back.

But its impossible, and unheard, to create fear and bring millions of people to polling booth , never happens that way.

if you know kashmirs vote those leaders who will talk about kashmirs right in indian parliament to stop killing kashmirs Muslims...
Those people were not "freedom fighters". They were kidnappers and terrorists (clearly evident by the fact that they tried to kidnap and kill civilians). Get your labelling right next time.




These are the freedom fighters. I guess to you they look like LeT agents?

So who are freedom fighters. I cant miss the All Parties Hurriyat Conference banner in the middle, they were definitely violent and anti-human. we all know Yasin Malik of JKLF who was also a party to such atrocities, now that he has renounced terror.

Look if you are telling me people like Sajjad Lone, Yasin Malik and Mirwaiz Umar Farroq are the freedom fighters who are currently fighting the GoI for independence, you cant be further from the truth.

The simple fact is these are all HuJI, Harket ul Mujahideen and Al Badr cadres and the Pakistani Government is trying to tell the world that these are freedom fighters ??

So you accept that LeT is a terrorist outfit? Since you wanbted to differentiate between these protestors and the LeT guys?

Do all Pakistanis on this forum voice his opinion? Or is the GoP thinking on different terms?
:rofl: As usual the Orange Indian media at work.

Just look at the details of this news story.

A woman succeeded in killing a 'militant" with an axe .

The woman and her husband snatched the weapons from "Militants"

:rofl: well the highly trained, highly equipped Indian army hardly kills these "highly trained militants" without suffering any casualties or injury. And look at this news an armless woman killed a militant lolzz

It clearly shows the men were ordinary criminals NOT freedom fighters.

When will Indians learn to behave like real men stop such cheap propaganda.:tdown:

Ordinary criminals ? with AK - 47s and Hand Grenades,

May I suggest madam (I gather it from this forum) that together let us start our educational journeys once more from............


Does not speak highly of your IQ:hitwall:
Excellent news........soon we will se a whole population standing against these terrorists....

God bless this brave women.....

wait ...did i hear ... indian propoganda......hmmmm

This girl is RAW agent with ther covert support of Mossad and arms and logistical support from CIA and KGB:usflag:
If u belive this i'll lease you Taj Mahal for a very good price:rofl:

You may run like a Cheetah but sorry the Taj does not belong to the Ummah ...

needless to say you are not in (even in your wildest dreams) a position to lease the Taj to us

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