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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Most likely fake encounter
I am sorry you might not like it but this is a sturggle that has been going on since partition.
India needs to get the message now. for the sake of the Ttitle of Biggest Democracy in the world..
give Kashmiris their right of freedom

.............And the "gun-men" torching the NATO fuel tankers may have been Pakistani Army men itself.

C'mon do you atleast believe that there is a terrorist organisation called Hizbul Mujahedin involved in a violent struggle with Indian Army.?

p.s.: No democracy in this world gives its citizens the right to secession and India is no exception.
Indian mediators for what? which talks? how many more fake talks or tactics you are going to try ?

Killings, rapes, fake encounters, curfews, bribing deobandi mullas to get a pro-India statement and what not. All fall flat on its face.

Kashmiri leaders already termed these new move a JOKE

Rapes count from 2009:- Zero
Some people just have emotional speech without any facts. The fact is if you are not a proptestor or militant, the chances of you facing any hardship is zero. There is absolute no direction to harass people and no state wants to do it. However if there is miltancy in a region than there would be some collatral.
As always a senseless post from you. :tdown:

BTW, JnK so-called leaders are themselves divided over Kashmir demands. Some favour for merging into Pakistan. Some demands independent state and

The Hindu : News / National : Separatists reject appointment of interlocutors

Anyways, it is good that govt is taking right step.

The Kashmiri leaders are Kashmiris and there is NO question of divide.

Whatever Kashmiris want must be done simple and straightforward.

Hold a free referendum under international bodies and if Kashmiris decided to join India then we would have NO issue with that.

I will send you greetings and flowers for that

almost all of them want to remain with India but with less military, more autonomy and other local demands. This political and ideological divisions are shown in their response to these mediators.

:rofl: thats why India have to keep million of army there to curb freedom movement.

If you are so confident of that majority want to remain with India then why you are shying away from holding a referendum ???
Kashmiri seperatist leaders are nothing more than "Power players"......They speak for a section of Kashmiri society.....Please dont exaggerate their sphere of influence....They are equally thuggish as some of those MQM leaders that shut down Karachi for their own vested interests....many times through violence

If they really cared about the people, they wouldnt deny the people of Kashmir economic, developmental and educational oppprtunities for the sake of a failed concept....

The mediators are there for the people and to hear their grievances wrt to developmental issues.....something that GOI owes the Kashmiris......so the leaders can call it whatever they want....this is a genuinely constructive step by GOI...

The Kashmiri leaders are native Kashmiris whereas MQM people are not natives. hell of a difference between the two.

Kashmiris do have reasons for playing power game in their own country whereas MQM people are outsiders who have occupied karachi.

As far as Kashmiri leaders' sphere of influence if that is in your view is very limited or a small section of Kashmiris then it should be a win win situation for India by holding a referendum under UN.

You will solve it once for all
The same reason why Pakistan had to impose curfew in Karachi. To protect infrastructure and civilians not participating in protests

wow such an innoncent & simpleton statement
I wish the Indian authorities had the same line of thinking in mind
but their actions state the opposite

****, fake encounters, draconian laws, destruction of private proerties constant atmosphere of fear & intimidation in the name of security

get the hint please. they people dont want Indian occupation!!!
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Dude, I am busy trying to invent a Time Machine over here, so please do not disturb me! :D

oh sure,India ll do it quick n easy for you.It ll liberate Punjab and Sindh and put you in your mountain homeland,which is where you belong.
oh sure,India ll do it quick n easy for you.It ll liberate Punjab and Sindh and put you in your mountain homeland,which is where you belong.

You mean Montana? Dude, I am in North America!
Most likely fake encounter
I am sorry you might not like it but this is a sturggle that has been going on since partition.
India needs to get the message now. for the sake of the Ttitle of Biggest Democracy in the world..
give Kashmiris their right of freedom

I thought u r a sensible person.
This militant activities started, scripted,directed by ISI and pak army since late 80's after u have tasted the success in Afghanistan.

Its funny..what the biggest democracy should do?Where do Pakistan stand there?

What do u mean by "right of freedom".Kashmiris have or can have all the rights which me and all the indians enjoy.And kishimiris(or any indian state) didnt have any right to be an independent country in anyway.
Rapes count from 2009:- Zero
Some people just have emotional speech without any facts. The fact is if you are not a proptestor or militant, the chances of you facing any hardship is zero.

Zero Hardship in Kashmir? LOL
Isn't the forum rule that members should not be posting when they are smoking pot?
The Kashmiri leaders are Kashmiris and there is NO question of divide.

Whatever Kashmiris want must be done simple and straightforward.

Hold a free referendum under international bodies and if Kashmiris decided to join India then we would have NO issue with that.

I will send you greetings and flowers for that

:rofl: thats why India have to keep million of army there to curb freedom movement.

If you are so confident of that majority want to remain with India then why you are shying away from holding a referendum ???

And who are Kashmiris according to you...Muslims???

What about those Kashmiri pandits who were thrown out of their own houses and are living in refugee camps in Jammu?

What about those Kashmiri Sikhs who are always proud to serve their country India????

For the sake of one community ie Kashmiri Muslims you want Kashmiri hindus...Kashmiri sikhs...Leh And Ladakhi buddishts and muslims....Dogra hindus sikhs and muslims...gujjar and bakarwal...everyone to become a part of your country????????

If you look at the whole state...trust me...the people wanting freedom and Pakistani citizenship becomes a minority.

But since you are Jana and you wont belive a evil Yindu Bhartiya...i suggest you to please visit my state and visit every region and meet people of every religion.
Read my post carefully.....

However, Seperation from India (A view held by SOME) is a distant dream for now......
What makes people think that the GOI will forego a strategically imp piece of land over a few stone throwing incidents?

True; Seperation from India is a distant dream for now..But this is not because of peacefulness in Kashmir. It is because Pakistan screwed it up and Indians played smart. Unfortunate Kashmirs will have to suffer.
.............And the "gun-men" torching the NATO fuel tankers may have been Pakistani Army men itself.

C'mon do you atleast believe that there is a terrorist organisation called Hizbul Mujahedin involved in a violent struggle with Indian Army.?

p.s.: No democracy in this world gives its citizens the right to secession and India is no exception.

What's funny is that you can say whatever you want (without thinking) but a logical comment from this side makes you twitch.

BTW, how would they know those who were killed were hizbul mujaheedin? Was that engraved on their foreheads? They can be from the numerous freedom fighter groups operating inside IOK.

As for your NATO crap i may say the likes of Kasab were blackcats itself?
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