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J&K integral part of India: Deoband - Hindustan Times

Pointedly snubbing the separatists in the Kashmir Valley, who have often used Islam as a rallying point, the Darul Uloom Deoband, the spiritual headquarters of Sunni Islam, and its influential social front, Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind, affirmed on Sunday that Jammu and Kashmir was an integral part of India.
lol deobands dont even believe in spirituality n they r calling them spiritual headquartes..:no::no:
besides they were the ones who opposed formation of pakistan, laid a kufr fatwa on Quaid-e-Azam n arent they the ones who called hindustan Daar ul Harb? too many faces..
Now read my previous post again ,,,but S L O W L Y.

Yes the ruler of Junagadh acceded to Pakistan and the local populace were against it.

Now if Pakistan was willing to accept that (Junagadh's accesion to Pakistan against the wishes of the ppl),why cant they accept the exact same when it happened in Kashmir where the ruler acceded to India and a part of the local populace wanted to be independent.?

Isnt that hypocrisy on the Pakistani part.?
but ultimately junagarh became part of india..so now let kashmir be part of pakistan..isnt that indian hypocricy to use double edged sword?
First of all people have misconceptions that if an area is muslim majority then that will be Pakistan and if Hindu major then it would be India during partition.

Here is an interview of a Kahsmiri with an Indian Muslim newspaper:

Interview: Mirwaiz Umar Farooq
‘Kashmir is not an Islamic issue’

Mirwaiz Maulvi Umar Farooq is a popular figure in Kashmir. He joined politics at a tender age of 17 in 1990 shortly after his father, Mirwaiz Maulana Farooq, was assassinated. Since then Maulvi Umar Farooq has matured enough to comprehend the intricacies of politics. He is a former chairman of the All Party Hurriyat Conference (APHC) and holds a master’s degree in Islamic Studies. Nasir Husain Peerzadah of The Milli Gazette met the Mirwaiz at his residence in Nageen.


You joined politics at a very critical juncture when your father was martyred. Was it a choice or compulsion?
When my father was martyred in May 1990 I was advised by some relatives not to join politics. But looking to the past when our family is seen involved in preaching the message of Islam to Kashmiri Muslims, I had to take the responsibilities albeit reluctantly in the beginning. Later things were left to Allah and I willingly accepted to shoulder the responsibilities thrust upon me and willingly accepted the challenges.

How has the Kashmir issue emerged in your view?
Kashmir problem emerged at the moment when India and Pakistan came into being. Logically it had to be part of Pakistan. But the conspiracies of Indian leaders coupled with some Kashmiris stopped Kashmir to be a part of Pakistan. So the problem emerged and later the refusal of the right of self determination aggravated the problem further which was promised by Nehru-a promise which could never be fulfilled.

The Kashmir problem is lingering for a long time. We see other international conflicts heading towards some solutions. Why such a long stalemate for Kashmir?
India is not serious for the resolution of Kashmir issue. Post nuclear scenario demands that the issue be solved amicably in order to ensure peace in the Subcontinent. It would be in the interest of India if the issue is resolved.

How would you highlight the role of the APHC?
The APHC was formed in 1993 when all the religio-political parties came under a single banner to voice for the oppressed Kashmiris. Since then the Conference has been strongly advocating the cause of Kashmiris. It has internationalized the issue to a great extent. It has been granted the observer status by the OIC. I have been the former chairman of APHC. I travelled to many foreign countries pleading for the cause of Kashmiris. So APHC is a potent force.

Why are you not joining hands with the 200-million-strong Indian Muslims so as to be an honourable community in India?
Kashmir is not a Hindu-Muslim case. It is a political and human problem. We have been made to loose our identity. Indian Muslims were given the chance to determine their fate in 1947. Kashmiris have never felt that they are a part of India. So we cannot be kept as hostages.

What is your view about a long lasting solution of Kashmir?
We want the implementation of the UN resolutions which state that the people of Kashmir should be asked to opt for either India or Pakistan. We also support tripartite talks between India, Pakistan and Kashmiris. The princely state which existed before 1947, all the representatives from all regions of this state should be allowed to discuss in order to reach some amicable solution.

Jammuites and Ladakhis have not joined the movement. Which solution would be applicable to the Kashmir issue?
Well, you see it is not an Islamic issue. Let the people of Jammu and Ladakh be given the option: if they want to join India we cannot stop them.

Do you favour the division of state and the solution on communal lines?
If that is the only way what can we do? Still then there is support in some regions of Jammu with predominant Muslim population for the movement.

How do you look to the report issued by the Kashmir Study Group based in the US?
A lot of ‘solutions’ have been suggested by people. One professor from California suggests some 35 solutions. The Kashmir Study Group suggests a state within state seeking guarantees from both India and Pakistan and urging both the governments to enter into certain international agreements. The report/suggestions would be thoroughly debated and discussed. Yet no official stance has been taken by us.

You were offered talks by India. Any comment?
On one hand, India is suppressing us and on the other hand we are offered to come to table and to talk within the confines of Indian constitution. This is not possible.

Interview: Mirwaiz Umar Farooq
First of All its not Deoband but Jamiat-ulama-e-hind. Deoband had both factions before partition. Maulana Asharaf Ali Thanvi in favour of Pakistan and Maulana Hussain Ahmed Madani in favour of United India.
The person who rose the flag of Pakistan first time officially in West Pakistan Maulana Shabbeer Ahmad Usmani, East Pakistan Maulana Zafar Ahmad Usmani who was the person for whom QuadeAzam said that he must lead my namaz e Janaza Maulana Shabber Ahmad Usmani. Yes all of them were from Deoband.
Kashmir as a soverign state, in my opinion, will not be feasible in any ways. Reasons:-
1)First of all as discussed above by everyone, what they (whole J&K including AJK and GB) want will not get from neither India nor Pakistan. Leh and Jammu will be with India while GB is considered by Pakistan as their state.

2) If AJK and Valley makes a new country as Kashmir then AJK has to not follow Pak orders (Read their constitutional line.. nothing against Pakistan). Hence the soverignity will be a BIG qn mark.

3) Land locked Kashmir will be a playground of 3 mighty nations surrounded hence it has to be on favorable side of some one hence soverignity will be an issue.

4) Economical survival will be a difficult task as Tourism will be major way of earning following by Handicrafts, and few crops like Kesar etc. No major industrial developement can be done due to difficult terrains.

5) Unlike Indo-Pak partition, Kashmir will not recieve aide from either of the nation and hence start building a nation will be very difficult.
Here is an interview of a Kahsmiri with an Indian Muslim newspaper:

Interview: Mirwaiz Umar Farooq

How is this related to my post? Ok let me ask few qns and expect a sincere ans for them.

1) How Kashmiri Muslims in Jan 1948 asked Pakistan's help for joining them for which Tribal army attacked. Could you please show me a proof? any gazetier or letter from Kashmir's group of leader?

2) Why NWFP is with Pakistan where political elected leader Mr Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan wants to join India?

3) Why and How Kashmir is different from other Indian/Pakistan state for which it should be given independance? Any past History when it was not part of United India?

4) When Mr farooq or Mr Geelani says it is not religious matter how come Only Kashmiri Muslims have problem and not Jammu's Hindu & Sikh and Laddakh's Buddist have issue?
Kashmir is much more a Pakistani land than an indian land. Muslim majority Kashmir is far from the center of india, while its attached to Pakistan and is just a few miles away from the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad.

Whatta Logic? :facepalm:

According to your logic.. give KP to Afghanistan as that is more near to center of Afghanistan and pretty easily accessible from Kabul.
Interview: Mirwaiz Umar Farooq
‘Kashmir is not an Islamic issue’

Interview: Mirwaiz Umar Farooq

Why talking about Mirwaiz now...when your champion Geelani is of completely different view:

Geelani rejects any unity with those advocating secularism

Echoing his mentor Maududi, Geelani argues that Kashmir, whether as an independent country, or, ideally, for him, as part of Pakistan, must become an ‘Islamic state'. ‘Our goal is the establishment of Islamic government ( islami hukumat )', he contends. [1] The ‘freedom', he says the Kashmiris are struggling for, ‘is for the sake of Islam'.

Syed Ali Shah Geelani And The Movement For
Political Self-Determination For Jammu And Kashmir

The autumn of Kashmir's Islamist patriarch?

Kashmir's new Islamist movement


Kashmir has long ago changed from a movement for self-determination to a movement based on religious intolerance and the supposed supremacy of Islam.
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In truth the Kashmir issue is unparalleled. In the sense that it is simple to resolve it if only people did the right thing. It can't even be compared to Israel Palestine.

Kashmir is a political dispute and not a religious one.

Solution exists and was once agreed upon

A clear Majority vote exists

Of the three parties involved, Pakistan, Kashmir and India - only one party has so far shown resistance towards acceptable solutions.

If the solution are balanced and favors all parties involved than it would be acceptable. But having a decision that only favor Kashmir and Pakistan would not be accepted by the Indian government.
India is trying to Crush Kashmiri movement by force

Written by KMS
Monday, 11 October 2010 13:13


Srinagar, October 11, 2010: APHC chairman, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, has said that India is trying to crush the Kashmiris’ struggle through use of brute force ahead of the US President, Barrack Obama’s visit to India.

Syed Ali Shah Geelani, in a statement issued in Srinagar, termed the attempt by the occupation authorities to quell the ongoing "Quite Kashmir Movement" forcefully as an effort to hoodwink the international community about the situation in the occupied territory.

He asked the people of Kashmir to keep united among their ranks to foil nefarious designs of the authorities to harm the movement. “Peace and stability in South Asia cannot prevail till the resolution of Kashmir dispute,” he added.

Appealing the people to make protest programme, announced by him as a part of "Quit Kashmir Movement", a success, Syed Ali Shah Geelani said that Kashmiris would continue their struggle for right of Self-Determination till its logical end. He said that if the puppet Chief Minister, Umar Abdullah, was sincere to his words then he should resign and join the pro-freedom camp.

Felicitating the Hajj aspirants, Syed Ali Shah Geelani said that they should say special prayers for success of the liberation movement in Occupied State of Jammu and Kashmir (OSJK).

“Sacrifices of the Kashmiri people have centre-staged the Kashmir dispute. International community understands that Kashmiris’ movement is an indigenous freedom struggle against Indian occupation,” he maintained.

The APHC leader, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has expressed serious concern over the miserable plight of the illegally detained Kashmiris in various jails. In a statement issued in Srinagar he said, “The detainees are being treated inhumanely. They have been even denied medical care and their relatives are not allowed to meet them regularly.” He maintained that Kashmiris’ liberation struggle had been recognized at the international level and there was no justification in mistreating the pro-freedom leadership and Kashmiris in the jails. He appealed to the international human rights organizations to take cognizance of the matter.

Mirwaiz strongly denounced the restrictions imposed by the occupation authorities on Sunday to thwart an indoor session to mark the Prisoners’ Day. “I want to maintain that we had not to stage protests or take out procession but only organize a session to pay tributes to the prisoners. Putting curbs on our symbolic and peaceful programs clearly shows authorities’ frustration,” he added.

Umar Farooq pointed out that after the Lal Chowk march on Eid-ul-Fitr, the puppet administration had left no stone unturned to quell peaceful protests in the territory. He deplored that the present regime was helpless and had now confined to only curfews, restrictions, crackdowns and putting leaders under house arrest.

Senior Hurriyet leader and the Vice Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Muslim League, Masarrat Aalam Butt, has said that the people of Kashmir will continue their just liberation struggle till its logical conclusion. Masarrat Aalam Butt in a statement issued in Srinagar appealed the people to take part in Hyderpora March in large numbers on Tuesday to free Syed Ali Shah Geelani, who is under illegal house arrest since Eid.

He warned the occupation authorities of massive agitation if they did not stop their oppressive tactics in the territory. Masarrat Aalam Butt said that the use of force could not deter Kashmiris’ resolve to get freedom from Indian bondage.

Calling India an uncivilized nation that had been enslaving Kashmiris for the past 63 years, he said that the occupation authorities were trying to suppress the liberation struggle through use of brute force.

The authorities have booked four persons under the black law, Public Safety Act (PSA) in Shopian district for participating in recent anti-India demonstrations. Four persons had been booked under Indian laws in the district. Those who have been booked under the Indian black laws include Mufti Wajib, Farooq Ahmed, Ayaz Ahmed and Shiraz. They have been lodged in Kathua jail.

A nine-month-old baby was critically injured after Indian troops beat him up in south Kashmir’s Islamabad town. Eyewitnesses told mediamen that Indian forces without any provocation barged into the house of Manzoor Ahmad Bhat, proprietor Manzoor Fabrics, in Khanabal and beat up all the inmates including women and children. They said that a nine-month-old baby, Asrar Manzoor, was critically injured as he was also hit with batons in his head while he was in his mother’s lap. Asrar was shifted to the district hospital, Islamabad.

The witnesses stated that Asrar’s seven-year-old brother, Arsalan Manzoor, also sustained grievous injuries after he was beaten ruthlessly by the troops.

People took to the streets in many areas of the town in protest against the incident. Indian police and troops used brute force to disperse the protesters injuring several persons.

Anti-India demonstrations were staged in Bemina, Chattabal, Batamaloo, Saida Kadal, Rainawari, Rajouri Kadal, Gojwara, Nund Reshi Colony, Nowpora, Khanyar, Pampore, Shopian, Pulwama, Kulgam, Sopore, Handwara and Baramulla areas. The occupation forces resorted to heavy baton charge and excessive teargas shelling to break up the demonstrations at many places. A civilian, Waseem Akbar Lone, resident of Chankhan in Sopore, was critically injured in the police action. He was shifted to sub-district hospital Sopore where from doctors referred him to Soura hospital in Srinagar. A youth was hit on his head by a teargas shell fired by the police in Baramulla. He was rushed to SHMS hospital where his condition was stated to be critical.

In Srinagar, Indian forces entered into many residential areas, damaged several vehicles, smashed windowpanes of residential houses and ransacked household goods.

India is trying to Crush Kashmiri movement by force
Angrez sarkar was behind creation of Deoband for obvious reasons.

2. Deoband fitna is Indian it has NO right to speak about another country Occupied Kashmir

3. Being Indian entity deoband is nobody to poke its nose into Ksahmiri affairs

4. Bharti Hindus are crying at top of their throat calling "Political" Islam as not acceptable anywhere SO in this case they are exposing their hypocrisy by gleeing over this ;)

the Bottom line is any Indian view on Country of Kashmiris is not at all carrying any weight
2. Deoband fitna is Indian it has NO right to speak about another country Occupied Kashmir

3. Being Indian entity deoband is nobody to poke its nose into Ksahmiri affairs

But arent all Muslims supposed to be part of one big country/brotherhood called Ummah and how every Muslim can speak up for his brother somewhere else.

So Deoband has the right to speak for them.

And going by your logic what are Pakistanis doing,poking their noses in Kashmir.?
But arent all Muslims supposed to be part of one big country/brotherhood called Ummah and how every Muslim can speak up for his brother somewhere else.

So Deoband has the right to speak for them.

And going by your logic what are Pakistanis doing,poking their noses in Kashmir.?

So is he speaking for Muslims elsewhere or he is speaking for Hindu India ??

If this ONE Deobandi was speaking for Ummah and Muslims then he would have spoke against Indian terrorism in Kashmir NOT acting like Krishna :tdown:
How is this related to my post? Ok let me ask few qns and expect a sincere ans for them.

Indian Muslims dont have a say in the Kashmir issue.

Indian Muslims decided to stay with india during partion in 1947, they are indians everyone accepts that.

The 4 provinces of Pakistan, NWFP, Punjab, Balochistan, and Sindh decided in a referendum to join Pakistan. This is documented, so you cant argue about "leaders". The voice of the people is what matters.

Kashmir was never given a referendum, thats why Kashmir is a disputed territory, recognized by the UN as a disputed territory.

Thats why Kashmiris like Mirawiz Umar Farooq say (like in the interview I posted above) that unlike indian Muslims, Kashmiris were never given a chance to determine their fate.
no wonder dear,

kashmiri movement itself is forced and violent movement. these people with gun-- be it let or hijbul or what ever .......... india is just giving them suitable answer. and whole country support the cause.
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