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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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The 'dispute' is that Pakistan is illegally occupying a large swath of Kashmir, which, according to the same UN resolutions that they swear by, has to be completely vacated.

Krishna's comments, if he has made any, are completely in line with those UN resolutions.
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this statements has been repeated many times.many times he has gone to oic,u.n etc.but every time wat he gained??a big 0.the soln at the max level can be accepting loc as a border.
“The resistance calendars are our means of expression to seek India’s clear acknowledgment of what we want, and simultaneously challenge the silence of the international community,” said Syed Ali Shah Geelani, one of the leaders spearheading the ongoing protests.
Geelani sahab, as long as you shout Islamic slogans and hoist Pakistani flags, the international community will remain silent. They wouldn't touch you even with a 100 feet barge pole.
Qureshi urges India against use of force in Kashmir

Updated at: 1415 PST, Saturday, September 25, 2010


NEW YORK: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, condemning the brutal use of force on unarmed demonstrators in the India-occupied Kashmir, demanded the amicable resolution of Kashmir issue, Geo News reported Saturday.

Addressing a session of foreign ministers of Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), Qureshi demanded the Indian rulers to respect the human rights of Kashmiri people and halt the atrocious mishandling of them.

Demanding an immediate and peaceful solution of Kashmir issue, he thanked the OIC for extending support to Kashmir people in their struggle.

Qureshi also voiced concerns over the currency of hate-registered incidents against Muslims.

Pakistan will continue to completely back up Palestine for a peace in Middle East, he stressed.

Qureshi urges India against use of force in Kashmir - GEO.tv
Well as per the UN resolutions and Lord Mounbatten's memoirs and notes, the ascession was perfectly legal. So its not as ridiculous and some people might wish to be. They may not like it, but from the legal point of view Gilgit Baltistan and Pakistani Kashmir are suppose to have been handed over to Indian authorities.

this was then suppose to have mande the GoI enforce a plebescite once Pakistnai nationals and tribal forces had withdrawn from that area.
Geelani sahab, as long as you shout Islamic slogans and hoist Pakistani flags, the international community will remain silent. They wouldn't touch you even with a 100 feet barge pole.

I agree. Once the word Islam is used or green flags are seen, that section will be seen as rogue. Kashmiris need to learn from Palestinians. Dont use green flags or turn into a Islamic movement. Keep it a secular movement by the intelligentsia.
And Why would India possible ever do that.

When we say integral part of the nation we state it as fact , there is no changing that no matter how many people disagree.

Indian negotiating point has been absolute for 60 years now, so has Pakistan's why would that change now ?

India has realized long back that the only way to change the status quo is by force. And since thankfully the babus are not interested in a nuclear war , there is a willingness to draw the border along the LOC.

Unless Pakistan is prepared to use Military force it wont get Kashmir ever. That is reality.
No way kashmir will be detached from india.. India has already spent lot of time, money, sacrificed lot of life.. there wont be any turn back after this.. It is nearly impossible.. If pakistan has to get JK by paying a price then it will be enormous ... It will have to sell itself to get it...
indians are speaking and laughing while kashmiris are inhumanely butchered there, stop talking abt human rights and minority rights u stupid arses if u cant do it in the first place..

Brother don't use such type of lingo. Give respect to others opinion. That's one of the beauty of this forum.
Accession with Pakistan Geelani’s 1st choice

SRINAGAR; Sept 25: Syed Ali Shah Geelani today reiterated that his ‘preferred personal choice’ for the future of Jammu and Kashmir is its accession with Pakistan but he would ultimately go by ‘consensus final decision’, if and when that comes about.

In an interview with NEWSX TV channel’s Seema Mustafa, the hardline separatist leader defended his ‘first option’ on three main counts: That the option of ‘independent J&K’ was not viable as India, Pakistan and China were not in favour of the idea and without their collective support this proposition was neither feasible nor sustainable; that the UN resolution limiting the choice of accession between India and Pakistan continued to remain in force and that ‘our bitter experience of Indian occupation leaves us to the only other course of accession with Pakistan’.

Asked if his stand would not mean disunity within the separatist camp, Geelani argued that the ongoing movement was unidirectional because it aimed at ‘freedom from Indian occupation’ over which everyone was in agreement, including Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Yasin Malik. Only after achieving this objective, if there is consensus on independent Kashmir he would fall in line. But he felt that that would not be a viable proposition.

He ruled any dialogue with India until Indian government accepted ‘disputed’ nature of J&K and agreed to resolve the issue through trilateral ‘not bilateral’ talks.

Geelani claimed that the dialogue has nothing to do with mainstream parties as they had no problem with the existing state of affairs. ‘Minorities in the state also have no problem with India’, he argued. But ‘majority’ is not satisfied and has been agitating and making sacrifices to free itself from occupation. Meaningful dialogue would thus be limited to that amongst India, Pakistan and those representing ‘genuine sentiments’ of the majority.

[Kashmir Times]

Kashmir Watch :: In-depth coverage on Kashmir conflict
Nice response from Pakistani foreign office. A nice way to brush aside the rants of integrity in a suitable manner.
Nice response from Pakistani foreign office. A nice way to brush aside the rants of integrity in a suitable manner.

india have made an habit to listen this n ignoring this.y dont u read the same news in which krishna saying firstly to vacate your kashmir first and this is indian matter.
Nice article to answer the dumb demands like this one by this Krishna guy and others like him to shut their mouths and get lost.
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