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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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OIC not giving India membership despite India having such a large Muslim population should be reason enough for India to ignore its sermons.
OIC can only provide membership if Indian muslims have independent state. India is not secular state, its just political slogan, we have living example of Indian media.
New Central formula for Jammu & Kashmir​


A child looks at a securityman after the car in which he was travelling along with his family was stopped at a checkpoint during curfew in Srinagar on Friday. The Centre has announced an eight-point initiative to address the Kashmir issue on Saturday

The Centre will appoint a Group of Interlocutors, under the Chairmanship of an eminent person, to begin the process of sustained dialogue in Jammu and Kashmir with political parties, groups, students, civil society and other stakeholders.

The decision to begin the process of sustained dialogue was part of the eight-point initiative taken at the meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) here on Saturday which was chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Briefing journalists about the slew of measures taken at the CCS meeting, Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram said the decisions were based on the report submitted by him to the Prime Minister and inputs of the all-party delegation that had visited Srinagar and Jammu on September 20 and 21. Mr. Chidambaram had led the 39-member all-party delegation to the State.

In a bid to reach out to the people of the State, the Centre would advise Jammu and Kashmir government to release all students detained for stone pelting and similar violation of law and to withdraw all charges.

Mr. Chidambaram said the Centre would request the State government to immediately convene a meeting of the Unified Command to review deployment of security forces in Kashmir Valley, especially at Srinagar, with particular reference to descaling those at bunkers and check points in the city and other towns. He said the Unified Command would review notifications issued for disturbed areas. Replying to a question, he said that withdrawal or dilution of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) was not discussed at the CCS meeting.

He said the government would grant an ex-gratia of Rs five lakh to the family of each of those killed in civil disturbances in Kashmir since June 11. He said the Centre would also advise the State government to review cases of all Public Safety Act (PSA) detenues and withdraw detention orders in appropriate cases.

Replying to a question, the Home Minister said there were 84 persons under judicial custody, 110 under police custody and 51 had been detained under Public Safety Act since civil disturbances began in Kashmir Valley in June. He said that about 108 persons had lost their lives in civil disturbances.

In another step aimed at restoring normal academic activities for the students in Kashmir Valley, the Centre would request the State government to take steps to immediately reopen all schools, colleges, universities, hold special classes and to ensure examinations are conducted on schedule for the current academic year.

The Centre would also provide Rs 100 crore additional assistance to the State government to sanction grants for improving infrastructure in schools and colleges like construction of classrooms, auditoriums, laboratories and playgrounds. He said the Centre would appoint two special task forces for Jammu and Ladakh regions to examine developmental needs in infrastructure there and make suitable recommendations.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said that to the extent the Government’s approach was anti-separatist and pro-citizen, it would welcome it. ``Any dilution of this position will not find support from the BJP,’’ the party said in a statement.

Reiterating that it has always stood for giving strong signals to the separatists that India shall not compromise on its sovereignty under any circumstances, the BJP said it would not accept any dilution of the provisions of the AFSPA.

"However, the BJP is of the opinion that instead of reaching out to the separatists, the Government of India must reach out to the average citizens of the Valley and prevent their harassment. "Thus, if any such steps are taken which are citizen-friendly, the same would be supported by the party,’’ it said.

Welcoming the government's eight-point initiative on Jammu and Kashmir, the CPI (M) said that a review of the AFSPA should be positively considered by the Unified Command in the State.

"It is good that the government has taken these decisions, particularly on the release of the youths, review of cases of detainees under the Public Safety Act and compensation,’’ party Polit Bureau member and Rajya Sabha leader Sitaram Yechury said. Mr. Yechury, who was also a member of the all-party delegation to Jammu and Kashmir, said all the decisions, taken by the CCS, "must be operationalised immediately.’’

Mr. Yechury, who some of the members of the delegation to meet separatist leaders as well as the displaced Kashmiri Pandits, said the special packages announced for Jammu and Ladakh regions were a welcome move.

The Hindu : News / National : New Central formula for Jammu & Kashmir
CPI(M) welcomes Kashmir package, seeks AFSPA review​

Welcoming the government’s eight-point initiative on Jammu and Kashmir, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) on Saturday said a review of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) should be positively considered by the Unified Command in the State.

“It is good that the government has taken these decisions, particularly on the release of the youths, review of cases of detainees under the Public Safety Act (PSA) and compensation,” party Polit Bureau member Sitaram Yechury told PTI here.

He said all the decisions, taken by the Cabinet Committee on Security after the recent visit of an all-party delegation to the State, “must be operationalised immediately”.

“However, the issues of AFSPA and the action to be initiated on proven cases of excesses (by security forces) still remain to be attended,” Mr. Yechury said, expressing hope that when the Unified Command meets in Srinagar, these issues would be reviewed and “positively considered”.

Mr. Yechury, who led MPs to meet separatist leaders as well as the displaced Kashmiri Pandits among others, said the special packages announced for the Jammu and Ladakh regions were a welcome move.

“The long-pending assurances and promises made for the rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits and others must be immediately implemented,” Mr. Yechury said.

He said the political goodwill generated by the visit of the parliamentary delegation “must be carried forward and the confidence-building measures consolidated by the group of interlocutors that the government has said it will constitute”.
Omar welcomes Centre''s 8-point Kashmir initiative


PTI | 10:09 PM,Sep 25,2010

New Delhi, Sep 25 (PTI) Welcoming the Centre's eight-point initiative for Jammu and Kashmir, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today said it was a positive development which should lead to resolving the political issues of the state.

"The Centre's Kashmir formula is a positive development and must lead to a resolution to all political issues of Jammu and Kashmir," Omar told reporters here.

The Chief Minister said work on some of the issues announced after the CCS had already begun and expressed the hope that the schools and colleges will reopen from Monday and students booked for stone-pelting will be released soon.

On convening of the Unified Headquarters meeting, he said it will be done sometime next week during which a thorough discussion on decreasing the footprint of security forces in main towns, including Srinagar, will be discussed besides withdrawal of "disturbed areas" act in few places would be discussed.

"While saying so, I would not build hope that results will be expected in the first meeting itself. It may take time and there may be many rounds before arriving at a consensus," he said.While acknowledging the role of the army, Omar made it clear that "the view point of the army cannot be ignored but at the same time, their view point cannot be accepted unilaterally".

Omar said the Centre's eight-point initiative was a positive development and the appointment of interlocutors to start dialogue with civil society was a welcome step.He said he understood his responsibilities as the chief minister of the state and he would try his best to take forward the Centre's formula and do the needful on the behalf of the state government.

Omar welcomes Centre''s 8-point Kashmir initiative, IBN Live News
Hmmm they are doing some serious work........lets hope Peace prevails in the valley and it goes beautiful and green......again..
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indians are speaking and laughing while kashmiris are inhumanely butchered there, stop talking abt human rights and minority rights u stupid arses if u cant do it in the first place..
India seeks Pak parleys

Published: Sep 25, 2010 22:15 Updated: Sep 25, 2010 22:15

NEW YORK/NEW DELHI: Amid possibility of a meeting with Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi next week, External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna has underlined there was no alternative to talks with Pakistan and said he was ready to discuss all issues, including Kashmir.
I wonder how many kashmiri civilians have been killed and injured in the same period compared to the "security men".

IN the backdrop of indigenous freedom struggle by the Kashmiris which has unnerved the Government in New Delhi, Indian External Affairs Minister has come out with a statement asking Pakistan to end its occupation of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The Indian Minister made the statement at the UN Headquarters ignoring that the world body through its Resolutions recognises Kashmir as a disputed territory and had committed for a plebiscite to enable the people to decide about their future.

The ridiculous statement by the Indian Minister was no doubt aimed at diverting the attention of the international community from flagrant violations of human rights and it also proves that New Delhi has no regard for the Resolutions of the Security Council while it is hell-bent to become its permanent member. He appears to be living a in fool’s paradise that in this age nobody would go along with his contention that AJK is part of India. People are protesting in Indian Held Kashmir demanding India to quit and not in Azad Kashmir. We would like to remind Krishna that it was India which went to the United Nations when Kashmiris had taken up arms against the occupation forces in 1948 and it accepted the Resolutions for a plebiscite. The AJK was got freed by the people of Kashmir themselves at that time while those still being persecuted by the occupation forces are giving supreme sacrifices to get their fundamental rights. IHK cities and towns are under continuous curfew but the brave Kashmiris are defying the prohibitory orders and taking bullets on their chests. In order to arouse the world conscience Kashmiris are placing the shocking images of brutalities and killings on the websites to expose the real face of India. New Delhi must now realise that it cannot delay the issue for a longer period under one pretext or the other as the Kashmiris won’t let it be kept under the carpet, they are up in arm and an Intefada-like popular revolt is being witnessed against the Indian occupation of Kashmir.

IN the backdrop of indigenous freedom struggle by the Kashmiris which has unnerved the Government in New Delhi, Indian External Affairs Minister has come out with a statement asking Pakistan to end its occupation of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The Indian Minister made the statement at the UN Headquarters ignoring that the world body through its Resolutions recognises Kashmir as a disputed territory and had committed for a plebiscite to enable the people to decide about their future.

...occupation of Kashmir.

Whats so ridiculous, Pakistan is occupying Kashmir isn't it?

Pakistan's official stand is that Kashmir is disputed territory and not its own territory, so obviously presence of Pakistani forces in foreign land falls under occupation.

Dumb propaganda article.:disagree:
if kashmir is disputed and want independence then pak is also occupying it and also china.but why indian part is disputed??.it means pakistan made this it's own integral part but according to u.n,it is disputed one.so it's right watever krishna said.
Kashmiris use novel strategy against Indians

Sunday, 26 Sep, 2010

SRINAGAR, Sept 25: It’s a perplexing strategy. Every week leaders in Indian-held Kashmir release a detailed calendar of their upcoming protests that essentially dares the security forces to stop them. And they almost always do.

Last week, when they called for supporters to strike and hold protests throughout the day — and open for business at night — Indian authorities hit back by imposing a round-the-clock curfew and called out the military for crowd control.

Protest leaders say even though telegraphing their intentions gives authorities a chance to quash their plans, it is worth it because it instigates the authorities to hit back with a heavy hand, further de-legitimising Indian rule in the eyes of Kashmiris.

The demonstration schedules are part of a “Quit Kashmir” campaign that started in June aimed at winning independence from India or a merger with Pakistan.

“The resistance calendars are our means of expression to seek India’s clear acknowledgment of what we want, and simultaneously challenge the silence of the international community,” said Syed Ali Shah Geelani, one of the leaders spearheading the ongoing protests.

Indian officials have repeatedly said the protests are orchestrated by Kashmiri leaders to disrupt normal life in Kashmir.

“Their sole objective is to make the government defunct and run a parallel system as part of a nefarious design. But our legal system has many provisions to deal with it, and we’ll not let them have their way,” said Taj Mohiuddin, a cabinet minister in the state government.

The Kashmiri leaders, who say they are only channelling the public mistrust of Indian rule, amended their programme on Thursday, ending their call for daytime strikes for four days to allow normal life to briefly return to the region.

However, the government has continued with its massive security lockdown, which has greatly curtailed the protests.

Analysts say releasing the protest schedule shows the government the Kashmiris are not cowed and intend to push ahead with their fight.

“The continued ratcheting up of the methods and intensity of the protests means that in supporting the calendars people are trying to force a meaningful dialogue, not a dialogue defined by New Delhi,” said Prof Siddiq Wahid, head of the Islamic University of Science and Technology in Kashmir.

However, security officials, buoyed by the recent curfew-enforced calm, have begun to reach out to Kashmiris locked in their homes and desperately looking for ways to meet their emergency needs.—AP
Pakistan tells India: End brutality in occupied Kashmir

25. Sep, 2010

UNITED NATIONS, SEPT. 24 (APP): Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi Friday strongly condemned the use of excessive force by the Indian security Forces against unarmed protestors, including women and children, in Indian Occupied Kashmir.The human rights of the Kashmiri people must be respected and their voices heard to create an enabling environment for a peaceful solution of the longstanding Jammu and Kashmir dispute,” he said in an address to the annual coordination meeting of OIC foreign minister, demanding an immediate end to the “brutality.”
The Foreign Minister thanked the OIC Foreign Ministers for their consistent support to the people of Jammu and Kashmir in their just struggle for their right to self-determination.

Foreign Minister Qureshi also expressed deep concern on increasing instances of Islamophobia and negative stereotyping of Islam and discrimination against Muslims. He underlined the need to address divisive ideologies and hate speech that posed a serious threat to societal peace and harmony in open societies, underscorinhg the need to promote interfaith and intercultural dialogue to marginalize extremists on all sides.

Foreign Minister Qureshi emphasized that terrorism has no faith, no creed and no nationality. Therefore, equating any of these with terrorism would be counterproductive. He underlined the need to address its root causes like prolonged unresolved conflicts, continued suppression and marginalization of people and denial of the right of self determination to people suffering under foreign occupation to eradicate the menace of terrorism.

The Foreign Minister expressed Pakistan’s unequivocal support to the Palestinian cause and the two-state solution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. He also condemned the Israeli attack on Freedom Flotilla and expressed support for a prompt, impartial and transparent inquiry by the UN Secretary General’s panel of the incident. Pakistan calls for end to Indian ‘brutality’ in occupied Kashmir

Pakistan tells India: End brutality in occupied Kashmir|Islamabad Globe
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